



1、牛津英语 8B Unit4-6 综合测试 一 根据汉语和句意填空。 1. Many different _(疾病) can be cured nowadays.2. My uncle does _ (生意) in Guangzhou. 3. Football is an _ (国际的) game of feet. 4. Excuse me, I'd like to borrow a _ (医学) book. 5. My mother is badly ill. She needs an _ _ (手术) at once. 6. I like the umbrella _ (买) by

2、my uncle.7. They can make modern machines with the _(发展) of science.8. He is a careless boy and he pays little _ (注意) to his handwriting.9. Ricky has to speak very _(大声) because of the noise.10. We got a lot of support from local _(企业). 11. Have they got any _(同意) on the problem yet?12. Are you used

3、 to _(喝) coffee?13. Mr. Sun is a teacher with _ (经验). He often tells us some of his unusual _ (经历) in North Africa.14. TV is short of _(电视).15. At the beginning of the show, the curtain _(升起).16. I dont like watching _(广告) on TV. 17. Every one of us should bring _ (快乐)to the world. 18. Its important

4、 to learn team _(精神). 19. The railway station has been in _(服务) since 2005. 20. Because of _(粗心), his cousin made a lot of mistakes.二、选择填空。 ( ) 1. Although he was rich, _he gave little money to others. A. but B. still C. yet D. so( ) 2. Mum is the busiest in my family. She early every day. A. used t

5、o get up B. is used to get up C. is used for getting up D. is used to getting up( ) 3. Please don't stand up in class until you . A. were told to B. are told C. were told D. are told to( ) 4. Did you the meeting yesterday? A. join B. join in C. take part D. take part in( )5. The World Cup two ye

6、ars after the Olympics. A. is taken place B. takes place C. held D. is hold( )6. It's better to teach a man fishing than him fish. A. to give B. giving C. to find D. find( )7. They are beautiful flowers many people want to buy them. A. as, as B. so, as C. so, that D. such, that( )8. Mrs. White h

7、as _ that she is not able to get a job.A. so little education B. such little educationC. so a little education D. such a little education( )9. _ hard work it is!A. What a B. How a C. What D. How( )10. They hoped _ this place again. A. our visiting B. that we will visit C. us to D. that we could visi

8、t.( )11. My coat _ there behind the door. Cant you see it? A. is hanged B. has hung C. hangs D. is hanging ( )12. The old man lives in a _ village _. A. lonely; lonely B. alone; alone C. lonely; alone D. alone ;lonely( )13. -I you good luck in the coming new year. -Thanks. A. want B. wish C. hope D.

9、 like( )14. What he said about the life in that country is . A. surprising B. surprised C. surprise D. to be surprised( )15. _ he asks me again, I wont help him. A. Even though B. As if C. However D. Because( )16. This river is too narrow for two boats to go _. A. across B. through C. on D. over( )1

10、7. Try to buy one before all the tickets _. A. will be sold B. will be sold out C. are sold out D. are sold ( )18. The package tour _ everything, You dont worry about it. A. owns B. including C. have D. covers( )19. Where _ you _? I havent seen you for a long time. A. have, gone B. do, go C. will, g

11、o D. have, been( )20. Are you hungry now? _. I have just had two bowls of rice. A. Not a little B. I dont mind C. It doesnt matter D. Not a bit三. 句型转换。1. “Can I help you?” she asked. She asked _ she _ do for me.2. Who took her pen just now? _ _ was her pen taken just now?3. Must I write the article

12、now? Must the article _ _ by me now?4. Its necessary for him to start training a few months before the walk. Its necessary _ _ starts training a few months before the walk.5. Did he break the window? _ the window _ by him?6. We saw the monkey jumping off the tree. The monkey was _ _ off the tree. 7.

13、 She was a nurse in the past. She _ _ be a nurse. 8. Stamps are used to send letters. Stamps are used _ _ letters. 9. We must go on with our work.We must _ on _ our work. 10. He got used to country life two years ago. He _ _ used to country life for two years.11. Remember to bring your wife here. _

14、_ to bring your wife here. 12. He became interested in geography two years ago. He has _ an _ in history for two years. 13. We cant finish the hard work in two days. _ _ for us to finish the hard work in two days. 14. Amy doesnt go to school on foot any more. Amy _ _ _ to school. 15. I dont know how

15、 I can get to the airport. I dont know how _ _ the airport. 16. Who will host the show? Who will _ the _ of the show?17. My home is near the post office. My home is _ _ the post office. 18. The sick boy needs an operation. The sick boy needs to be _ _.19. On the plane, volunteer doctors perform oper

16、ations. One the plane, operations _ _ by volunteer doctors. 20. He married a rich woman two years ago. He _ married _ a rich woman two years ago. 四. 完型填空。Here is a story about a clever dog. It was a seeing eye dog which can help blind people walk along the streets and do many other things.One day a

17、seeing eye dog and a blind man 1 on a bus together. The bus was full of 2 and there were 3 seats left. But one man soon stood up and left his seat. The dog 4 the blind man to the seat, but there was little space for two people. The dog began to push the people on each side 5 his nose. He pushed and

18、pushed until the people moved and 6 there was 7 space for two people. The blind man then sat down and the dog got up on the seat at his side. The dog 8 down and put his head on the leg of the 9 man. He was very comfortable and soon fell asleep. Everyone on the bus 10 at the dog.( )1. A. went B. got

19、C. came D. took( )2. A. people B. seats C. children D. farmers( )3. A. not a few B. no C. not many D. some( )4. A. told B. carried C. took D. asked( )5. A. on B. to C. for D. with( )6. A. at first B. still C. last D. at last( )7. A. no B. enough C. few D. little( )8. A. went B. put C. lay D. lie( )9

20、. A. old B. young C. blind D. first( )10.A. watched B. smiled C. laughed D. looked五. 阅读理解。Do you like Fuwa, the mascots(吉祥物) of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games? Are they cute? What do they look like? Heres a letter from IOC(国际奥委会) President Rogge: Hello Beijing, Hello China. And a special hello to al

21、l the children and young people who may be watching this show because this day is for you! By now you've met your new little friendsthe Five Friendlies.I've been making friends with new Olympic mascots for about forty years. And so I can say that this is a tremendous(不平凡的) day on China's

22、 Olympic journey. The Five Friendlies are an incredible(出色的) little family, chosen carefully by Beijing 2008 to represent(代表) all of China, and to carry a message of friendship to the children of the world.Beijing is lucky to have so many beautiful animals to represent the Olympic spirit. When I loo

23、k at this little group, I see joy. I see kids playing. And I see fun. Lots of fun. I love them all. And I love the story that they're carrying traditional Chinese blessings all over the world.If I've got my Chinese mythology(神话)right, Beibei (the left one in the first row) will bring you pro

24、sperity(繁荣). Jingjing (the middle one in the first row) will bring you happiness. Huanhuan (the right one in the first row) will fill you with passion(热情). Yingying (the left one in the second row) will give you good health. And Nini (the right one in the second row) will bring you good luck. How

25、9;s that a great blessing.And I can't wait till they come to visit me in Lausanne(罗桑,瑞士西部城市). I can see in their smiles that they love fun and games. And I'm sure they'll get along really well with all my friends here.I believe that this little family of Friendliesthe fish (Beibei), the panda ( Jingjing), the flame (Huanhuan), the Tibet antelope (Yingying) and the swallow(Nini) will become the most popular mascots in Olympic history, especially when the children of China begin to play with them.And now as I end this message, let me offer my congra


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