



1、18A U4 Do it yourself【单词拓展】1. exactly adv.确切地,精确地Tterribly adv .可怕地,恐怖地4.fill vt . 使充满建议,忠告Tcorrectly adv . 正确地7. finished adj . 完成的ft 业KfiWfeRTexact adj.准确的2. decorate vt.装饰Tdecorati on n.装饰3. terrible adj.可怕的Tfull adj .满的5. advise vt.& vi. 建议,忠告,劝告6. correct adj.正确的2Tfinish vt .& vi. 结束,完成

2、8active adj 积极的,活跃的;主动的tactively adv 积极地,活跃地tinactive adj 不积极的,不活跃的9 certai n adj 确定的tcertainly adv 确定地,当然地10 possible adj 可能的tpossibly adv可能地timpossible adj 不可能的11 wrong adv 错误地,不对twrong adj 错误的12 cover n 封面;盖子,罩tcover vt 覆盖13 complete vt 完成tcomplete adj 完成的,完全的tcompletely adv 完全地,彻底地14 paint n 颜料t

3、paint vt 油漆,绘画tpaintingn 绘画,油画【短语归纳】1stand for 代表2 i nstead of 而不是,代替3a pair of scissors 一把剪刀34.be crazy about DIY 对 DIY 着迷5.put in 安装6.make a mistake 犯错误7.have a power cut 停电& fill the room with water 使房间充满水9.put up the shelf 搭起架子10. advise him to take a course in DIY 建议他上 DIY 课11. attend lesso

4、ns 上课12. cut out 裁剪13. on the other side of the card 在卡片的另一面14. give up 放弃15. cutinto pieces 把切成碎片16. make sure 确保,务必17. tidy up 收拾妥,整理好18. keep it secret 保密1 9. have fun doing something愉快做某事20. go wrong 出差错教学重IB点【句型分析】1. No problem!(P42)no problem 意为 没问题”这是日常用语,用法如下:(1)用来回答道歉(主要用于美式英语中),意为 没关系;没什么”

5、如:4一 Excuse me for smoking here 请原谅我在这儿抽烟了。一 No problem 没关系。(2) 用来表示同意或愉快地回答请求,意为 “没问题;小事一桩 ”。如:一 Could you post the letter for me?请你帮我寄这封信好吗 ?一 No problem 没问题。(3) 用来表示有能力做某事,意为 “没问题;不在话下 ”。如:Can you make a kite? 你会做风筝吗 ?一 No problem 没问题。(4)用来回答感谢 (主要用于美式英语中 ),意为 “不用谢;别客气;没什么 ”。如:一 Thank you very mu

6、ch 非常感谢你。一 No problem 没什么。2 Its possible to sleep with all that noise (P51)句意为:伴随着所有那样的噪音入睡是可能的。这里用了句型: It is+ 形容词 +to do something 。句首的 it 在句中充当形式主语, 真正的主语是句中的动词不定式 to sleep with all that no ise。如:It IS possible to get there by bus 可以乘公共汽车到那里。It is possible to grow this flower even in winter 即使在冬天也

7、有可能种植这种花。It is impossible to draw a horse within five minutes 在五分钟之内画好一匹马是不可能的。possible 后面可以接 for somebody to do something 。固定结构 asas possible 意为 尽可能地.”。如:Will it be possible for someone to meet me at the gate about 9 : 30 a m上午九点半左右有人在大门口要见我,可以吗5Third , you must make the houses as strong as possibl

8、e第三,你必须把房子盖得尽可能结实些。句中的形容词 possible 意为 “可能的 ”,其反义词 impossible ,意为 “不可能的 ”。形容词前 加前缀 im- , in- ,也可以表示相反的意思。如:polite 礼貌的 -impolite 不礼貌的correct 正确的 -incorrect 不正确的patient 耐心的 -impatient 不耐心的active 积极的一 imactive 不积极的complete 完成的 -incomplete 完成的direct 直接的一 indirect 间接的3 Im certain that I can fix it myself

9、(P51)句意为:我确信我自己能修理。形容词 certain 表示 “一定;确信 ”,通常用作表语,后接 不定式时,be certain to do something 表示说话人的看法,意为 “一定会;肯定会;有把握做 某事 ”。如:John is certain to win 约翰肯定会赢。She is certain to come 她一定会来的。注意,以 He s certain to succeed (他一定会成功。 ) 为例,句中的 be certain to do something 可作以下转换:(1)It is certain that+ 从句。如:It certain th

10、at he will succeed 他一定会成功。(2)后接“ of 名词(或动名词)或 that/whether 从句等,表示句子主语的信念,意为确信;自信”。如:He is certa in of success .他确信会成功。He 1S certai n that he can succeed .他确信会成功。4.We had fun working together . (P52)6句意为:我们一起工作很高兴。句中的have fun 意为玩得很愉快”相当于 have a good/ great time,后接动名词形式,即have fun (i n)do ing someth in

11、 g=have agood time(in)doing something,意为 做某事很开心 ”女口:I had fun play ing basketball with my friends today .今天我与朋友打篮球,玩得很愉快。Have fun getting to know each other .在相互了解对方的过程中玩得开心。另外,have fun with somebody 意为 和某人玩得开心 ”女口:Did you have fun with your part ner today?今天与你的同伴玩得开心吗?5.This is the first card I mad

12、e for Mum . (P52)句意为:这是我给妈妈做的第一张卡片。句中的 I made for Mum 是一个定语从句,修饰 先行词 the firstcard 关系代词 that 在定语从句中充当宾语,所以已经省略。如:You can choose any food(that)you like .你可以选择你喜欢的任何食物。This is the most interesting book(that)I have ever read .这是我曾经看过的最有趣的书。在定语从句中,当先行词前有 first, last, next, only , all 等修饰语时,关系代词常用 that。如

13、:The only thing(that)he did was to call the police .他做的唯一的一件事就是给警察打电话。The first man(that)he mentioned yesterday was a driver .昨天他提至 U 的第一个人是位司机。Mind语法点拨】祈使句祈使句是用来表示请求、命令、劝告、建议或叮嘱的句子。如:7Be quiet, please!请保持安静!Don t be late again 不要再迟到了!1 祈使句的主语一般是第二人称you,但往往省略。2祈使句的肯定形式以动词原形开头,祈使句的末尾用句号或感叹号。如:Be care

14、ful, or you 11 make mistake 仔细些,否则你会出错的。Put on your coat, my dear son!亲爱的儿子,穿上你的大衣!3.祈使句的否定形式一般是在动词原形前加 don ,t 构成“ Do n动词原形+其他”结构。如:Don t be late for the meeting 不要开会迟到!Don t open the window It S too cold outside .不要打开窗户,外面太冷。4.为了显得更为客气和礼貌,常在祈使句中加please。当 please 放在句末时,须用逗号与其余部分隔开。如:Please pass me th

15、e ball.请把球传给我。Open the window , please.请把窗户打开。用 should 和 had better 提建议should 和 had better 都是情态动词,都可以用于给他人提建议,表示 “应该 ”或“最好 ”做某事。1should 表“建议 ”(1)should 意为“应该”,后跟动词原形, 没有人称和数的变化, 由时间状语或上下文来决定现 在、过去或将来。如:You should do your homework more carefully 你应该更认真地做作业。He should be back in three days 他应该 3 天后回来。s

16、hould 的否定形式是 should not 或 shouldn ;疑问式是将 should 提到句子开头; 反意疑问 部分应为“ shoul shouldn 主语”女口:8一 You shouldn t come here alonagain.你不应该再次一个人来这儿。一 Should we discuss it at once?我们应该马上讨论它吗?一 Yes, you should .是的,你们应该。You shouldn t make noise in c,sshould you?你们不应该在课堂上大声喧哗,是吗?2. had better 表 建议”(1) had better 可

17、缩写为d better 后跟动词原形,表示现在或将来,没有人称和数的变化。女口:You d better clean your roomevery day .你最好每天都打扫房间。(2) had better 的否定形式是 had better not;疑问式是将 had 放在主语之前;在反意疑问句中,反意疑问部分用“hahadn t 主语”女口:we d better riot stay at home 我们最好不要待在家里。You d better comeotsee me, hadn t you?你最好来看我,好吗?练习 1用词的适当形式填空1._ He often makes some

18、(mistake)when he writes the longsentence .2.want to make a birthday card because my cousin s birthday is_ _ (come)3.Wolves are_ (active)during the winter .4.There are many fresh_ (grape)on the plate . Help yourselves!练习 2基础练习:1. 一 Are you able to_ (paint)the whole building , Ann?2.It is far from her

19、e You had better_ (take)a taxi.93.It took more or less a whole day_ (clean)the ceiling 4.Don t _ (sleep) with the windows open in cold winter.5.Put up some_ (color)pictures on Lucy s bedroom wall巩固提高:()1 Don t_ the pictures on the blackboard!Aput on Bput away Cput up Dput in()2 They need two more _f

20、or their comic books A shelves B shelf CshelfsD shelfes()3 Would you like to paint the white wall_ blue A with B in C of D ()4 I kept on_ him the whole day A call B called C. calls D calling()5 Mr Smith was ill so I went to have the lesson_ A instead of B instead C in place of D in the place()6 Mill

21、ie is crazy about_ kites A make B making Cdo D doing()7 Not only Tom but also Millie _donate some money to the children in need A want B wants C. want to D. wants to( )8. 一 The box is too heavy to carry What s in it?一 Jack_ it with many books A filled B covered C used D. asked()9 _ this rock music ,

22、 please Im afraid some people can t stand the noise!A Stopping B Stop C Stops D. Stopped()10一 Oh, I had a terrible toothache 一 You d better _see a dentist and have your ba d teeth pulled out.10A. to go to B . going to C. goes to D . go to()1.He always_ the instructions on the bottle.A.reads B.looks

23、at C.watches D.sees()2. Can you help me with the bike?-Sorry , it_ ,Dot your self ”A.speaks B.talks C.tells D.says()3.-Shall we talk about it in English?-_ ? Let do it right away.1.I like eating_(tomato) because they are healthy for health.2.It _s_ (可能的)for him to finish the work in an hour. He does

24、nt do well in it.3.The_ (可怕的) )typhoon happened on a cold winter night. 4.4.They ve learned four English songs_已经).5.Could you give me some_ (建议)on how to keep healthy?6.John was_ (曾经)in Hangzhou.7.He failed_ (pass)the driving test last week.8.Though he was very tired,he kept on_ (work).9.I really f

25、orget his name_(complete).10.I look thin, but he looks even_ (thin)11A.Why not B.Will we C.Are you D.Do we()4.The sound made the film _ . I am afraid of watching it.A.terrible B.terribly C.happy D.happily()5.You had better_ talk in class without permission.A.not B.dontC.no D./()6.- Can I talk to you

26、 for a minute, Brian?- Sure, I have _ time.A a few B littleC fewD a little( )7. What bad weather it was! We decided _.A to go outB not to go outC to not go out D not going out()8.-Is your brother crazy _ computer games?- No, he isnt.A of B in C aboutD at( )9. I need a tool _ my bike.A to repair B re

27、pairing C repaired D repair()10. 16. Dontwalk_ the rain forest. Itdsangerous.Aacross Bthrough Cfrom Dcross() 11.Would you like to come to our English party?Oh, great._A.Idlove toB. Thatsall rightC. IdlikeD. I want very much() 12. My teddy bear is red, so this blue one must be _.A. else someonesB. so

28、meone elsesC. other onesD. some others() 13.Liu Ying is good at singing.She sings_the famous singer,Coco.A. as well as B. as good as12C. as better asD. as the best as() 14. Helglo swimming _ having a picnic.A. instead B. instead of C. but D. of instead( )15.Mike _ football. He often plays football, watches football and always thinks offootballA. is worried aboutB. is crazy aboutC. is interested inD. is glad to()16. I usually _ Mr. Smith to give up smoking.A. make B. let C. have D. advise( )17. When you do DIY,it means you neednt_ someone to do it.A


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