1、西安邮电大学 毕 业 设 计论 文外文文献翻译系 别: 计算机科学与技术 专 业: 计算机科学与技术 班 级: 计科0803班 学生姓名: 张晓洁 导师姓名: 杨锐 职称: 讲师 起止时间:2021年 9月23日 至 2021年 6月2 日英文原文Office Automation System SummaryOffice Automation System is the application of computer technology communication technology multimedia technology and behavioral science and oth
2、er advanced technologies that make people part of the business office through a variety of office equipment office equipment by these personnel and office services to a target of human-computer business information systems the activities of a scientific achievement of office automation. The purpose
3、of office automation system is the fullest possible use of information resources increase productivity efficiency and quality of decision-making management and decision-making to improve the scientific level. Basic features: 1) Interaction: a general data-processing is a single control flow a pre-de
4、termined input and output without human intervention; office automation system often requires the mobilization of different input in accordance with different control so man-machine dialogue human intervention is essential. 2) Coordination of: office activities are usually organized group activities
5、 at different levels. Therefore the office automation system hardware to support the organization of all staff can work together to complete a common task. 3) Multi-disciplinary cross: Office Automation System is the establishment and development of modern science and technology related to the resul
6、ts of cross-cutting is based on computer science information science geospatial science behavioral science management science systems engineering and modern communications technology as Supporting Platform. 4) Network: a modern office automation system is based on computer networks including local a
7、rea network (LAN) Internet (Internet) intranet (Intranet) and external network (Extranet). OA system covers mainly the areas of data processing document management information communication audio-visual processing decision support and scheduling aspects of the management of six. 1) Data processing:
8、scheduling office of information management business statistics part of the data processing and quantitative analysis and so on. 2) Document processing: all kinds of data reports documents files data storage query and management various types of document preparation drafting reporting order approval
9、 approved and so on. 3) Information and Communication: computer technology network technology satellite microwave and other communications technologies will be the Office of the types of information (including voice video text data etc.) sent to the Office of the design business in all locations. 4)
10、 Scheduling: Automatic layout of office business work plan equipment working papers records and so on. 5) Audio-visual management: voice input telephone / video conferencing audio / video data storage and communications. 6) To support decision-making: to provide decision-makers need data query data
11、or documents to provide the high quality of modern communication systems decision-makers to expand access to various types of audio and video data and document data to a variety of reporting order approval approved the work and decision-makers from the physical location of the restricted environment
12、.Dream weaverMacromedia Dream weaver is a professional HTML editor for visually designing and managing web sites and pages. Whether you enjoy the control of hand-coding HTML or prefer to work in a visual editing environment, Dream weaver makes it easy to get started and provides you with helpful too
13、ls to enhance your Web design experience.Dream weaver includes many coding tools and features: an HTML, CSS, and JavaScript reference, a JavaScript debugger, and code editors (the Code view and Code inspector) that allow you to edit JavaScript, XML technology imports HTML documents without reformatt
14、ing Macromedias Roundtrip HTML technology imports HTML documents without reformatting the code and you can set Dream weaver to clean up and reformat HTML when you want it to .Dream weavers visual editing features also let you quickly add design and functionality to your pages without writing a line
15、of code. You can view all your site elements or assets and drag them from an easy-to-use panel directly into a document. Streamline your development workflow by creating and editing images in Macromedia Fireworks, then importing them directly into Dream weaver, or by adding Flash objects you create
16、directly in Dream weaver.Dream weaver is fully customizable. Use Dream weaver to create your own objects and commands, modify keyboard shortcuts, and even write JavaScript code to extend Dream weavers capabilities with new behaviors, property inspectors and site reports.Dream weaver can display a do
17、cument in three ways: in Design view, in Code view, and in a split view that shows both the design and code.(To change the view in which youre working ,select a view in the Dream weaver toolbar.)By default, Dream weaver displays the document window in design view.In addition, you can work with Dream
18、 weavers design view in two different ways in layout view and standard view.( You select these views in the view category of the objects panel.) In layout view you can design a page layout. Insert graphics, text, and other media; in standard view, in addition to inserting graphics text and media, yo
19、u can also insert layers, create frame documents, create tables, and apply other changes to your page-options that arent available in layout view.Access2000 Relational DatabaseAccess2000 relational database management system is Microsoft Office Public automation software as an integral part. It can
20、effectively organize, manage and share the information in the database, and database information with the Web together. Through the Internet to share database information with the basic platform. With the development of information technology. Information technology platform is often the choice of e
21、stablishing or re-establishing applications of the key issues, the database is part of the need to make a choice as a key platform. Access2000 as a relational database management system small and medium- sized information management system ideal development environment, the current database in the f
22、ield, there are more and more people use. It is a powerful database management system MIS development tools. The database is stored together a collection of relevant data, the data is structured. The database is a data storage and data operation of the tool. The role of the database is to organize a
23、nd present information, in short, the database is a collection of information. Access2000 is the relational database development tools, database pooling information for the inquiry, Storage and retrieval. Access2000 the advantage lies in its ability to use data map or custom windows to collect infor
24、mation. Data provides a map similar to the Excel spreadsheet, database transparent. In addition, the Access2000 allows creation of custom statements to print or export the information in the database. Access2000 also provides a data repository. Can use desktop database file to extend the database fi
25、le at the network file server and other network users to share databases? Access2000 is a relational database tools, database development, is the most common databases. As noted above, as an Access2000 database development possesses many advantages, in a data packet available at the same time facili
26、tate the desktop database and a powerful relational database functions. In Access2000, with the user database access permissions are two types: Explicit and implicit powers authority. Explicit authority is granted a direct user account competence, which is the exclusive use of user accounts, has not
27、hing to do with other users. Implicit authority is delegated the authority group account, the user added to the group was given by the group's mandate. If a user with the same time these two powers, the right set of user security database for a visit, then He had such authority is the intersecti
28、on of the two powers. The Access20002000database, the group of users access to the database and the authority set up work, completed only through the administrator. Set up the authority include: "Open/Run", read design, design modifications, management, read data, update data insertion and
29、 deletion of data. Access2000 is a small and medium-sized database management system, easy to use, powerful, and other databases have a good interface. Access2000 through powerful tool, users can facilitate the use and management of databases, such as the creation and editing of data tables, design
30、and the use of various tools inquiries query operation, design and the use of windows, production and printing statements, the design and use of Acer, the design and use of such Web pages. May also be used in Visual Basic6.0A(Visual Basic6.0 for Application)Advanced Application Development procedure
31、s. Access2000 is a complete database application development tool, the user can design, modify, View a record of the basic data table; in the table data for various screen and query operation; design and use of Window to achieve data and operations; Data tables can design various print statements; d
32、esign and use of Acer, a series of tables for specific operations. Access2000 with a strong operational guide, and to provide users with a rich database table basic template. Users only need a simple database operations can be established by using the basic form, Form and statements. In Access2000,
33、can be set, to alter the basic correlation between the tables, thus achieving a number of related tables in the relationship between the inquiries. Access2000-The operation can achieve automation, the operator is more simple and efficient. Access2000 to enhance the network function, users can comple
34、te the ease of web publication. Access2000 can not only deal with their own database files. Could also address some other database management software system established by the database files, the ability to distinguish Base. FoxBASE, FoxPro, Paradox, database formats, such as documents, and support
35、 the open database connectivity standard (ODBC) SQL. Access2000 with workstations, servers or databases on the mainframe database interconnected and can be used for building client/server applications of the workstation. And other relational database management systems, Access2000 have the following
36、 advantages: Storage single document. Access2000 of a database file contains the database of all data tables, query, windows, all statements, and other data manageable. Support for long file names and file name can be added to the blank, documents easily comprehensible search. Powerful network funct
37、ion can be transmitted through the network data. Easy to use, you do not need to understand the programming language can easily design and development of database applications. Can handle a variety of data and information, such as text files and other databases of documents. 中文译文办公自动化系统概述办公自动化系统是应用计
38、算机技术、通信技术、多媒体技术和行为科学等先进技术,使人们的局部办公业务借助于各种办公设备,并由这些办公设备与办公人员构成效劳于某种办公目标的人机信息系统,从而实现办公活动的科学化、自动化。办公自动化系统的目的是尽可能充分地利用信息资源,提高生产率、工作效率和质量,辅助决策,提高管理和决策的科学化水平。根本特征: 1交互性:一般的数据处理是单一的控制流,有事先确定的输入输出,无需人的干预;办公自动化系统那么往往需要根据不同的输入调动不同的控制,因而人机对话,人的干预是必不可少的。 2协同性:办公活动通常是有组织的分层次的群体活动。因此,办公自动化系统硬支持组织机构内的所有工作人员能够进行协同工
39、作,以完成一项共同的任务。 3多学科交叉:办公自动化系统的建立和开展是相关的现代科学技术交叉的结果,是以计算机科学、信息科学、地理空间科学、行为科学、管理科学、系统工程学和现代通信技术等作为支撑平台的。 4网络化:现代办公自动化系统是基于计算机网络的,包括局域网LAN、因特网Internet、内联网Intranet和外联网Extranet。 OA系统覆盖的领域主要有数据处理、文档管理、信息通信、音像处理、辅助决策和日程管理六个方面。 1数据处理:日程办公信息的管理、业务统计数据的处理和局部数据的定量化分析处理等等。 2文档处理:各种数据、报表、文件、档案数据的存储、查询和管理,各类公文的准备、
40、起草、汇报、下达、审批、批转等等。 3信息通信:通过计算机技术、网络技术、卫星、微波等通信技术,将办公室的各类信息包括语音、图像、文字、数据等传送到办公室业务所设计的各个地点。 4日程管理:自动编排办公业务、工作方案、装备工作文件、记录工作情况等。 5音像管理:语音输入、 /电视会议、音/像数据的存储和通信等。6辅助决策:提供决策者所需要的数据或文档数据查询,提供现代化的高质量的通信系统,以扩大决策者获取各类音像、数据和文档数据的能力,使其各种上报、下达、审批、批转工作不受物理位置和决策者所处的环境的限制。DreamweaverMacromedia Dreamweaver 是为视觉上设计,且可
41、以管理网络站点和网页的一个专业的HTML编辑器。不管你是比拟喜欢手写代码还是在可视化编辑的环境下工作,Dreamweaver 都向你提供有用的工具让你快速入手或提高你的网络设计经验。Dreamweaver 包括许多编码工具和特征:HTML CSS 和Javascript参考,一个Javascript调试器,和代码编辑器代码看法和代码查看器容许你在Dreamweaver中编辑Javascript,XML 以及其他文本文件。Macromedia 的双程的HTML 技术可以导入HTML而不会重新格式化。 而且你如果愿意也可以设置Dreamweaver清理代码或重新格式化HTML。Dreamweave
42、r 的可视化编辑也能让你快速把设计和功能加到你的页面,而不用写一行代码。你可以查看所有的你的站点的元素或资源。并且直接将他们从一个容易使用的面版拖拽进一个文件。通过在Macromedia Fireworks 中创立并编辑图象来优化你的开发工作流程,然后直接将他们导入Dreamweaver,或参加直接在Dreamweaver创造的Flash对象。Dreamweaver是可完全自定义的。使用Dreamweaver 来创立你自己的对象和命令,修改快捷键,甚至写入Javascript来扩展Dreamweaver在新的行为、属性面板以及站点报告上的能力。Dreamweaver能在3个方法显示一个文件:在
44、将数据库的信息与Web结合在一起,并通过Internet共享数据信息提供了根底的平台。伴随着信息技术的开展,信息技术平台的选择往往是建立或者是重新建立应用系统的重要问题,而数据库正是它们要做出选择的关键平台。Access2000是一种关系型数据库管理系统,是中小型企业管理系统的最理想的开发环境,在当前的数据库领域,已经有越来越多的人在使用。它是一个功能非常强大的数据库管理系统的MIS系统开发工具。数据库是存储在一起的相关数据的集合,这些数据是结构化的,数据库是一种用来存储数据并且对数据进行管理的工具。数据库的作用就在于组织和表达信息,简单来说,数据库就是不同信息的集合。Access2000 就是关系型的数据库开发工具,数据库能够聚集各种信息以供查询、存储和检索。
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