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1、Revision A翻译句子 宾语从句 动词不定式 状语从句 他多久拾掇房间一次?_ _ do you _ _ your room?2. 什么使他对音乐产生了兴趣?What made you _ _ music?3. 本学期末他有什么计划?What are you going to do_ _ _ _ _?4. 空余时间他喜欢做什么?What do you like to do _ _ _ _?5.喜好可以使他长大成人。 Hobbies can _ you _ _ a person.6. 一些喜好是放松的,另一些是有发明力的Some hobbies are _ and _ _ _.7. 201

2、9 年的秋天他写了一本关于青少年的书并于第二年出版。He wrote a book _teenage life _ _ _ 2019 and it _ _ as a book the nextyear.8.她的喜好给她带来了胜利与高兴。Her hobby has brought her _ and _.9. 我同窗的喜好除了听音乐以外,还在一个乐队演奏音乐。My classmates hobby is _ _in a band, _ _ _ listening to music.10. 在人的终身中有许多不同的事情可做。 _ _ many different things to do _ _.

3、11. 哈里波特的故事非常受欢迎,因此更多的青少年比以前更喜欢读了。The Harry Potter stories are very popular and _ _ _ more teenagers _ _than before. 12.琼能歌善舞。Jane _ _ _ singing and dancing.13.爸爸经常在电视上看篮球赛。Dad often _ _ _ _.14. 我们的朋友遍天下。We have friends _ _ _ _.15. 他们按照过去人们所生活的方式去生活。They_ _ _ _ that people did in the past.16.他们不仅周末过

4、得开心,而且还学习很多有关过去的生活知识。They _ _ enjoy the weekend, _ _ learn a lot about life _ _ _.17. 哪项运动有助于开展新技艺。Which hobby helps _ _ _.1 .我可以捎个口信吗?Can I _ _ _?2. 我可以问他些私人问题吗?Can I ask you _ _ _?3. 请别挂,我看看她能否在。_ _ _ , please. Ill see if shes in.4. 记者正在采访凯丽。The reporters are_ _ _ _ Kylie.5. 请通知我他来自何方。Just tell me

5、 _ _ _.6. 他最后一次觉得孤单是什么时候?When was the last time _ _ ?7.她认识到对人们浅笑很重要。She realised that _ important _ _ _ people.8. 汤姆的家离学校很远。Toms home is _ _ _ his school.9. 今天他们和往常一样走路上学。They go to school _ _ today.10.我不确定Tony 能否要来.Im not sure _ Tony will come _ _. 11. 恐怕他拨错号码了._ _ you have the wrong number.12.如何事情

6、都不是不断不变的.Nothing can stays the same _ _ _.13. 世界各地的人经过写信来交友.People from all over the world _ _ _ writing letters.14. 一天天的她变得越来越美丽._ _ _,she becomes more and more beautiful.1.今天最新的新闻是什么?Whats _ _ _ today?2. 中国与英国竞赛的分数是多少?Whats _ _ _ China-England match?3. 课堂上不要讲话._ _ in class.4. 昨天校长带着乡村教师观赏我们学校.Our

7、headmaster _ the teachers from the countryside _ our school.5. 他们为什么不赞同对方的意见.Why dont they _ _ each other?6. 特殊的报道给出关于新闻的更多信息.The special reporters_ _ _about the news.7. 是他的父母决议听什么和什么时候听收音机的吗?Do your parents decide _ _ _ _ andwhen to listen to the radio?8. 16岁时,我初次在电视上亮相.I first _ on TV _ _ _ _ sixt

8、een.9. Jim的一切文章都是他本人写的吗?Did Jim write all the articles _ _ ?10. 他厌恶看到他的队输.He hates _ his team _.11. 我记得看过这部电影.I _ _ the film.12.他知道他们那时在干什么吗?Do you know _ _ _ _ at that time?13. 明天天气如何? 会出太阳,不会下雨.What _ the weather _ _ tomorrow?Its going to _ _. It isnt going to _.14.他除了足球还喜欢其他体育运动吗?Do you like othe

9、r sports _ _ _ football? 15. 他是怎样为考试做预备的?How do you _ _ the exam?16. 这个节目继续了两个半小时.The programme lasted _ _ _ _ _.17. 过马路是要留意车辆.Please _ _ _ the cars when you cross the road.18. 我将把他引见给他最喜欢的主持人认识.Ill _ you _ your favourite _.1.在录像前他通常会做什么?What do you do before you _ _?2. 假设他想回放,按绿色键.If you want to _

10、_ , press the green button.3. 他关上冰箱门是为了可以平安避开蛇.He closed the fridge door _ _ he was safe from the snake.4.他第二天就分开了医院.He left hospital _ _ _.5. 他为什么朝陌生人笑?Why do you _ _ strangers?6. 用他的照相机为我照张像行吗?_ _ _ _ me _ your camera, will you?7. 假设他想知道它的任务原理,阅读阐明书.If you want to know _ _ _, _ _ _.8. 假设他想用手机 发送文本

11、信息,他该怎样做?What do you do if you want to _ _ _ withyour mobile phone?9. 他能通知我如何运用刻录机吗?Can you tell me _ _ _ the recorder?1. Sally 总是回绝和妹妹玩.Sally always _ _ _ _ with her younger sister. 2. 她宁愿步行不乘公共汽车.She would _ walk _ _ the bus.3. 我没有把玩电脑游戏的事通知她.I didnt _ her _ the computer games.4. 我忽然认识到我犯错了.Sudden

12、ly I realised that I _ _ .5. 她自动提出帮我学习数学.She _ _ _me _ my maths.6. 如今我觉得很不好.Now I _ _.7. 爸爸曾经通知我不要用电脑玩游戏.Father _ _ me _ _ _ the computer for playing games.8. 至少他会证明他是多么老实._ _youll prove _ _ you are.9. 吃早餐,否那么他会饿的.Eat some breakfast, _ youll _ _ .10. 假设他得不到充足的睡眠,他会觉得疲惫.If you _ _ _ _ , youll feel ti

13、red .11. 我以为没有任何人可以做这件事.I _ think anyone will _ _ _ do that.12.假设我们不更加努力学习,我们将考不出好成果.If we dont _ _ , we wont _ _ _ the exam. 宾语从句专练 ( ) 1. Do you know _ during the coming summer holiday? A. what Tom will do B. what did Tom will do C. what will Tom do D. what Tom did ( ) 2. -Would you please tell me

14、 _? -In a small village near Ningbo. A. where was your mother born B. where your mother was born C. when was your mother born D. when your mother was born ( ) 3. Do you think _ an English film tomorrow night? A. is there B. there is going to have C. will there be D. there is going to be ( ) 4. I don

15、t know where _ A. lives Mr. Brown B. does Mr. Brown live C. does Mr. Brown lives D. Mr. Brown lives ( ) 5. Could you tell me _? A. who the old man is B. where do you live C. whose bike is this D. when the meeting start ( ) 6. I really dont know what _? A. does he buy B. he has bought C. did he buy D

16、. has he bought ( ) 7. Paula looked very tired and the teacher asked her what _ with her. A. was wrong B. wrong was C. the matter is D. is the matter ( ) 8. She didnt tell us _. A. how old the patient was B. how old was the patient C. how old the patient is D. how old is the patient ( ) 9. Do you kn

17、ow _ in 2019? A. where he lived B. where he lives C. where did he live D. where does he live ( ) 10. Can you tell us _? A. where have you gone B. where you have been C. where have you been D. where you have gone ( ) 11. Could you tell me_? A. where is the nearest post office B. where the nearest pos

18、t office is C. the nearest post office is where D. where the nearest post office was ( ) 12. -Where does he come from? -Pardon? -I asked where _ A. did he come from B. he came from C. he comes from D. does he come from ( ) 13. Could you let me know _ yesterday ? Because the traffic was heavy . A. wh

19、y did you come late B. why you came late C. why do you come late D. why you come late ( ) 14. Miss Green didnt tell us_in 2019. Awhere does she work Bwhere she works Cwhere did she work Dwhere she worked ( ) 15. -Excuse me, would you please tell me _? - Certainly. Go straight along here. Its next to

20、 a hospital. A. how we can get to the post office B. how can we get to the post office C. how get to the post office D. how could we get to the post office ( ) 16. Do you still remember _ at the meeting?A. what did Jim say B. what Jim saidC. did Jim said that D. what did Jim said ( ) 17. Can you tel

21、l me where _?A. is the post office B. the post office is C. does the post office D. the post office does ( ) 18. He asked his teacher_. A. if there was a monster in Loch Ness B. when was Albert Einstein born C. how would the scientists find out the result D. where could he find the library ( ) 19. -

22、Do you know _? -I am not sure. Maybe he is a businessman. A. who he is B. who is he C. what he does D. what does he do ( ) 20. Please tell me _. A. how many days are there in a week. B. what novel is that C. how old you are D. whats your name ( ) 21. -Could you tell us _ ? -About two weeks. A. how o

23、ften are we going to be away B. how often we are going to be away C. how long are we going to be away D. how long we are going to be away ( ) 22. The teacher wants to know _ A. how honest he is B. how honest is he C. he is how honest D. is he how ho9nest ( ) 23. Jim doesnt understand _ .A. which is

24、the way to the museum B. why his wife always goes shoppingC. what is the way to the museum D. why does she always go shopping ( ) 24. Could you tell me _? Its about ten minutes ride. A. where is your school B. how far your school is from here C. when do you go to school D. which the way to your scho

25、ol is ( ) 25. Jack didnt tell us _ A. when did they move here B. who took away the digital camera C. how old was his friend D. where has his brother gone ( ) 26. He said _ she would leave the message on the headmasters desk. A. that B. where C. which D. what ( ) 27.In the bookshop, a reader asked th

26、e shopkeeper _ Who Moved My Cheese was an interesting book. A. that B. how C. what D. if ( ) 28. A: Could you tell me _ she is looking for? B: Her cousin, Susan. A. that B. whose C. who D. which ( ) 29. I want to know_. A. what is his name B. whats his name C. that his name is D. what his name is (

27、) 30.The teacher told us yesterday that December 25 _ Christmas Day. A. is B. was C. has been D. which ( ) 31.I wonder _ you would like to come to my birthday party. A. that B. whether C. that if D. that whether ( ) 32.Do you know if _ back next week? If he _ back, please let me know. A. he comes, w

28、ill come B. will he come, comes C. he will come, comes D. will he come, will come 宾语从句宾语从句同义句转换同义句转换 1. Jim said: “The fastest way to travel is by plane. Jim said _ the fastest way to travel _ by plane. 2. The teacher said to us: “Spring comes after winter. The teacher _ _ _ spring _ winter. How can

29、 we get to the plane? I dont know. I dont know _ _ _ get to the plane. 5. Where did you find the book? Could you tell me? Could you tell me _ _ _ the book? 6. Who has left for Haikou? Nobody knows. Nobody knows _ _ _ _ Haikou. 7. Will you go there by bus? Have you made a decision? Have you decided _

30、 _ _ there by bus?宾语从句宾语从句-完成句子完成句子 1. 我不知道他昨天为什么没去参与那次聚会。 I dont know _ the party yesterday. 2. 他记起我上次所通知过他的话了吗? Have you remembered _ last time? 3. 他知道这是谁的字典吗? Do you know _? 4. 请通知我他们在等谁。 Please tell me _. 5. 他想知道那是正确答案吗? He wanted to know _ the right answer. 状语从句专练1.If you _ to the party, youll

31、have a great time. will go B. went C. go D. going2. Go to the library if it _tomorrow.A. isnt rain B. rain C. wont rain D. doesnt rain3. If Tom _ the game, well give him a surprise.A. win B. wins C. won D. miming4. I _ her the answer if she _me. can tell, will ask B. will tell, will ask C. would tel

32、l, ask D. will tell, asks5. What will she do if she _ to the old folks home visit?A. goes B. went C. going D. will go6. Call me if he _ here next Sunday.will come B. comes C. is coming D. came 7. When he _ back, Ill tell you. A. comes B. will come C. come D. may come 8. Ill wake you up as soon as he

33、 _. A. will return B. returned C. returns D. return 9. You cant watch TV _ you finish your homework. A. before B. if C. while D. as 10. I dont know if she to my birthday party tomorrow. If she , Ill be very happy. A. comes; comes B. will come; comes C. comes; will come1. keep doing sth.2. finish doi

34、ng sth.3. enjoy doing sth.4. practise/practice doing sth.5.instead of doing sth.6. be interested in doing sth.7. be good at doing sth.8. do well in doing sth.9. Thank you for doing sth.10. What / how about doing sth11. look forward to doing sth.12. think of doing sth.13. be afraid of doing sth14. be

35、 proud of doing sth.15. feel like doing sth.16. spend some time (in)doing sth.17. have a problem (in) doing sth.18. have fun (in) doing sth.19.There is sb.doing sth.1. let sb. do sth.2. make sb. do sth.3. had better do sth.4. listen to sb. do sth.5. Why not do sth.6. Would you please do sth.7. shoul

36、d / will/ must/ may / can do sth.1. stop to do sth. stop doing sth.2. remember to do sth. remember doing sth.3. forget to do sth. forget doing sth.4. like to do sth. like doing sth.5. hate to do sth. hate doing sth.6. need to do sth. need doing sth.7. hear sb. do sth. hear sb. doing sth.8. see sb. d

37、o sth. see sb. doing sth.9. watch sb. do sth. watch sb. doing sth.10. try to do sth. try doing sth.1. ask sb. to do sth.2. tell sb. to do sth.3. learn to do sth.4. would like to do sth.5. refuse to do sth.6. agree to do sth.7. be able to do sth.8. have to do sth.9. hope to do sth.10. wish (sb.) to d

38、o sth.11.decide to do sth.12. offer to do sth.13. warn sb. to do sth.14. have a chance to do sth.15. want sb. To do sth.16. be glad to do sth.17. be pleased to do sth.18. be surprised to dosth.19. be expensive to do sth.enough to do sth.21. It is + adj. + to do sth.22. It takes sb. some time to do s

39、th.23. seem to do sth.。不定式的否认式1. ask sb. not to do sth.2. tell sb. not to do sth.3. warn sb. not to do sth. 4. try not to do sth.5. make sb. not do sth.6. had better not do sth.7. Would you please not do sth.动词不定式选择题 1. My mother often asks me _ early. A. get up B. got up C. getting up D. to get up

40、2. The teacher told her students _in public. A. not to shout B. didnt shout C. not shout D. to not shout 3. _is difficult to work on the Great Wall. A. This B. It C. That D. Its 4Its nice _you _me with my maths. A. for; to help B. for; helping C. of; to help D. of; helping 5. They decided _at the end of this month. A. to leave B. going C. travel D. not start out 6. All of us


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