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1、英语人称代词和物主代词一、人称代词表示“我”、“你”、“他”、“她”、“它”、“我们”、“你们”、“他们”的词,叫做人称代词。人称代词有人称、数和格的变化,见下表:人称单数复数主格宾格主格宾格第一人称Imeweus第二人称youyouyouyou第三人称hehimtheythemsheheritit人称代词主格:作主语,表示谁怎么样了、干什么了。I am a teacher. You are student. He is a student, too. We/You/They are students.人称代词宾格作宾语,表示动作行为的对象。Give it to me. Lets go (le

2、ts =let us)二、物主代词表示所有关系的代词叫做物主代词,也可叫做代词所有格。物主代词分形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词二种,其人称和数的变化见下表。数人称类别单数复数第一人称第二人称第三人称第一人称第二人称第三人称形容词性物主代词myyourhisheritsouryourtheir名词性物主代词mineyourshishersitsoursyourstheirs汉语我的你的他的她的它的我们的你们的他(她、它)们的形容词性物主代词(my/your/his/her/its/our/their)+名词而名词性物主代词则相单于形容词性物主代词+名词,故其后不必加名词。如:Is this y

3、our book? No,,it isnt, its hers(her book)This pen is mine.代词练习 姓名 一、选出括号中正确的词,在正确的词上打勾。1. This is(my / I)mother. 2. Nice to meet (your / you).3. (He / His)name is Mark. 4. Whats(she / her)name?5. Excuse(me / my / I). 6. Are(your / you)Miss Li?7. (I/ My)am Ben. 8. (She / Her)is my sister.9. Fine , th

4、ank (your / you). 10. How old is (he / his)二、用所给代词的正确形式填空。1. These are _ ( he ) brothers.2. That is _( she ) sister.3. Lily is _ ( Lucy ) sister.4. Tom, this is _ ( me ) cousin, Mary.5. Now _(her parent) are in America.6. Those _ ( child ) are _ ( I ) fathers students.7. Do you know _ ( it ) name?8.

5、 Mike and Tom _ ( be ) friends.9. Thanks for helping _( I ).10. _(Ann安)mother is _(we) teacher.三、单项选择。 ( )1. My family _ a big family. My family _all here. A. is, is B. are, are C. is, are D. are, is( )2. This is _. A. a picture of family B. a picture of my family C. a familys picture D. a family of

6、 my picture( )3. Lets _ good friends. A. be B. are C. is D. am( )4. Is she your aunt? Yes, _. A. shes B. her is C. she is D. he is( )5. Are _ coats yours? Yes, they are . A. they B. these C. this D. there( )6. Is that _ uncle? No, it isnt A. he B. she C. her D. hers( )7. Mrs. Green is _ grandmother.

7、 A. Jim and Kate B. Jim and Kates C. Jims and Kates D. Jim and Kates( )8. Do you know the name _Mr. Greens son? A. in B. of C. on D. or( )9. _ the great photo of your family. A. thank for B. Thanks for C. Thank for D. thanks for( )10. Are those your friends? _. A. Yes, theyre B. No, they areC. Yes,

8、they are D. Yes, those are用适当的代词填空1We like _ (he, his , him) very much.2Is this guitar _ (you, your, yours)?3_(She, Her, Hers) name is Li Li.4Father bought a desk for _ (I, my, me, mine).5_ (It, It's, Its) is very cold today.6Is this your book, Mike?Yes ,_(we, you, they )are.7Are you and Tom cla

9、ssmates?Yes, _(we, you ,they )are.8Each of the students _( have, has) a pen pal.9He has a dog. I want to have _(it, one ),too.10Her parents are _ (both, all ,either )teachers.11The text is easy for you .There are _( few, a few ,little, a little) new words in it .12I want _( some, any) bananas. Give

10、me these big _(one, ones).二、选择正确的答案1Is this _ book?Ayou BI Cshe Dyour2It's a bird. _ name is Polly.AIts BIt's CHis DIt3What's that ?_ a jeep.Ait'sBIts CIt'sDits4What's that in English? _.AIt's eggBThat's egg CIt's a eggDIt's an egg5Whose cat is this ? Is it yo

11、urs? Is it a white _?Acat's Bone ConesDcats6Please give the book to _.AI Bme Cmy Dmine7_skirt is yours?AWhose BWhere CHow DWhich8_ is this pen ? It's Wang Fang's.AWho's BWhose CWhere DWhich9Kate and Mike do _ homework in the evening.Aone's Bhis Cher Dtheir10There isn't _ wate

12、r in the bottle.Aany Bsome CnoDa 代词练习 姓名 一、选出括号中正确的词,在正确的词上打勾。1. This is(my / I)mother. 2. Nice to meet (your / you).3. (He / His)name is Mark. 4. Whats(she / her)name?5. Excuse(me / my / I). 6. Are(your / you)Miss Li?7. (I/ My)am Ben. 8. (She / Her)is my sister.9. Fine , thank (your / you). 10. How

13、 old is (he / his)二、用所给代词的正确形式填空。1. These are _ ( he ) brothers.2. That is _( she ) sister.3. Lily is _ ( Lucy ) sister.4. Tom, this is _ ( me ) cousin, Mary.5. Now _(her parent) are in America.6. Those _ ( child ) are _ ( I ) fathers students.7. Do you know _ ( it ) name?8. Mike and Tom _ ( be ) fr

14、iends.9. Thanks for helping _( I ).10. _(Ann安)mother is _(we) teacher.三、单项选择。( )1. My family _ a big family. My family _all here. A. is, is B. are, areC. is, areD. are, is( )2. This is _. A. a picture of familyB. a picture of my family C. a familys pictureD. a family of my picture( )3. Lets _ good f

15、riends. A. beB. areC. isD. am( )4. Is she your aunt? Yes, _. A. shesB. her isC. she isD. he is( )5. Are _ coats yours? Yes, they are . A. theyB. theseC. thisD. there( )6. Is that _ uncle? No, it isnt A. heB. sheC. herD. hers( )7. Mrs. Green is _ grandmother. A. Jim and KateB. Jim and Kates C. Jims a

16、nd KatesD. Jim and Kates( )8. Do you know the name _Mr. Greens son? A. inB. ofC. onD. or( )9. _ the great photo of your family. A. thank forB. Thanks for C. Thank forD. thanks for( )10. Are those your friends? _. A. Yes, theyreB. No, they areC. Yes, they areD. Yes, those are一、用适当的代词填空1We like _ (he,

17、 his , him) very much.2Is this guitar _ (you, your, yours)?3_(She, Her, Hers) name is Li Li.4Father bought a desk for _ (I, my, me, mine).5_ (It, It's, Its) is very cold today.6Is this your book, Mike?Yes ,_(we, you, they )are.7Are you and Tom classmates?Yes, _(we, you ,they )are.8Each of the st

18、udents _( have, has) a pen pal.9He has a dog. I want to have _(it, one ),too.10Her parents are _ (both, all ,either )teachers.11The text is easy for you .There are _( few, a few ,little, a little) new words in it .12I want _( some, any) bananas. Give me these big _(one, ones).二、选择正确的答案1Is this _ boo

19、k?Ayou BI Cshe Dyour2It's a bird. _ name is Polly.AIts BIt's CHis DIt3What's that ?_ a jeep.Ait'sBIts CIt'sDits4What's that in English? _.AIt's eggBThat's egg CIt's a eggDIt's an egg5Whose cat is this ? Is it yours? Is it a white _?Acat's Bone ConesDcats6P

20、lease give the book to _.AI Bme Cmy Dmine7_skirt is yours?AWhose BWhere CHow DWhich8_ is this pen ? It's Wang Fang's.AWho's BWhose CWhere DWhich9Kate and Mike do _ homework in the evening.Aone's Bhis Cher Dtheir10There isn't _ water in the bottle.Aany Bsome CnoDa人称代词表格  称代词表

21、格数人称代词  物主代词反身代词人称主格宾格所有格,形容性物主代词名词性物主代词单数第一人称我Imemyminemyself第二人称你youyouyouryoursyourself第三人称他hehimhishishimself她sheherherhersherself它itititsitsitself复数第一人称我们weusouroursOurselves,au?'selvz第二人称你们youyouyouryoursyourselves第三人称他们  她们它们theythemtheirtheirsthemselves 附一:物主代词“形”变“名”

22、歌形物代变名物代掌握规律变得快多数词尾加- smy,its,his要除外my把y来变成i接着再把 ne 带his,its 不用变词形一样莫奇怪附二:反身代词变化歌反身代词代自己懂得规律很好记单数人称加self复数人称selves一二人称都一样所有格后加“自己”第三人称不一样要用宾格加“自己” 附三:人称代词用法口诀动前主格动后宾名前形容介后宾如果名词含在内选用名物代就行 附四:“I”的自我画像My name is “I”, 在英语字母的大家族中排行“老九”。我的亲兄妹五个(a,e,i,o,u),堂兄妹二十一个。除长兄“a”和我能独立成词外,他们都只能以字母身份出现。我以单词

23、身份“出访”时,无论走到那里,人们都冠以我大写。有人说这是我的个人主义思想在作怪,其实不然。我有个叫am的朋友,她常常跟在我的身后,如I am fine.I am Number 2.朋友,你对我有所了解了吧,我还有一些怪脾气,以后会告诉你的。Good-bye.形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词的区别一.形容词性物主代词起形容词的作用,用在名词前。 例:1. This is my book. 这是我的书。 2. We love our motherland'm?l?nd (祖国). 我们热爱我们的祖国。 二.名词性物主代词起名词的作用。 例:1. Look at the two penci

24、ls. The red one is yours and the blue one is mine. 看那两支铅笔,红的是你的,蓝的是我的。 2. He likes my pen. He doesn't like hers. 他喜欢我的钢笔。不喜欢她的。 3. 注意:在使用名词性物主代词时,必须有特定的语言环境,也就是要省略的名词大家已经知道,已经提起过。 例:It's hers. 是她的。 (单独使用大家不知是怎么回事,不可以这样用) There is a book. It's hers. 那有本书。是她的。 (先提及,大家才明白) 4. 名词性物主代词=形容词性物主

25、代词+名词 为避免重复使用名词,有时可用“名词性物主代词”来代替“形容词性物主代词+名词”的形式。 例:My bag is yellow, her bag is red, his bag is blue and your bag is pink. 为避免重复使用bag,可写成My bag is yellow, hers is red, his is blue and yours is pink. 用法: 1)物主代词既有表示所属的作用又有指代作用,例如: John had cut his finger; apparently?'p?r?ntli (显然地)there was a bro

26、ken'br?uk?n( break的过去分词破碎的;损坏的)glass on his desk. 约翰割破了手指,显而易见,他桌子上有个破玻璃杯。 物主代词有形容词性(my, your等)和名词性(mine, yours等)两种,形容词性的物主代词属于限定词。 名词性的物主代词在用法上相当于省略了中心名词的 -'s属格结构,例如: Jack's cap(帽子) 意为   The cap is Jack's. His cap   意为   The cap is his. 2) 名词性物主代词的句法功能

27、a. 作主语,例如:    May I use your pen? Yours works better.    我可以用一用你的钢笔吗? 你的比我的好用。  b. 作宾语,例如: I love my motherland as much as you love yours.    我爱我的祖国就像你爱你的祖国一样深。   c. 作介词宾语,例如: Your should interpretin't?:prit(解释,说明)what I said (say的过去式和过去分词说)in my sens

28、esens(意义;意思)of the word, not in yours.    你应当按我所用的词义去解释我说的话,而不能按你自己的意义去解释。 d. 作主语补语,例如: The lifelaif(生命;生存)I have is yours. It's yours. It's yours.   我的生命属于你,属于你,属于你。 一、 人称代词的概念及形式 表示"我/我们,你/你们,他/她/它(们)"的词叫做人称代词。人称代词用来指代人、动植物及无生命的物体。根据它们在句中的作用,可分为主格和宾格两种形式。人称代词主

29、格有:I, you,he, she, it, we, you, they;宾格有:me, you,him, her, it, us, you, them。由此可见,you和it的主格和宾格形式相同。 二、 人称代词的用法 1. 人称代词作主语时用主格,在陈述句中放在谓语动词之前。例如: You are a good student. 你是一个好学生。 2. 人称代词宾格用作宾语,置于动词或介词之后,构成动宾或介宾结构。有时在口语中还用作表语。例如: Let me help you. 让我帮助你。(动宾) -Who is it? 谁呀? -Its me. 是我。(表语) 三、 使用人称代词时应注

30、意的几点 1. 单数人称代词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式;复数人称代词作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。例如: She is over there. 她在那边。 They are under the tree. 他们在树下。 2. 两个或两个以上的人称代词作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。例如: You, he and I are all Young Pioneers. 你、我、他都是少先队员。 3. 两个或两个以上的人称代词并列使用时,一般的排列顺序是: 单数按二、三、一的顺序。例如: You, she and I are right. 你、我和她是对的。 注:第三人称单数he, she或表示男女的

31、姓名并列时,一般遵循男先女后的习惯。例如: He and she are in the same class. 他和她在同一个班级。 复数按一、二、三的顺序。例如: We, you and they are good friends. 我们,你们和他们是好朋友。 但如果表示承认错误或承担责任时,英语习惯上把I放在最前面。例如: I and he are wrong. 我和他都错了。 4. 能者多劳,这一家"人"中的第三人称单数代词it, he和she还有特殊的使命呢!你瞧: it可指代时间、天气、气候、距离等,还可指代上文提到的人或事物。例如: Its half past

32、ten. 十点半。(时间) It is fine today. 今天是晴天。(天气) There is a book on the desk. It is Wang Taos.书桌上有本书。它是王涛的。(指上文提到的事物) 用she来代表国家、小动物、太阳、月亮等以表示亲切和爱抚。有时也可以用he。例如: We love China very much. She is very beautiful. 我们非常爱中国。她非常美丽!代词专项练习指示代词的定义:表示“这个”,“那个”,“这些”,“那些”等意思的代词叫做指示代词。单数 this 这个 that 那个 same 同样的 such 这样的

33、 it 它复数 these 这些 those 那些 same 同样的 such 这样的指示代词的用法:1、this, that, these, those, such和the same可指人或物。it 通常指物1)作主语例:This is a chair. 这是一把椅子。 That is Linda's book. 这是琳达的书。Whose pens are those? 那些是谁的钢笔。 Such is my wish. 这就是我的愿望。It's a butterfly. 它是一只蝴蝶。2)作宾语例:Have you read this? 你读过这个吗? I like the

34、se but she likes those. 我喜欢这些,而她喜欢那些。 All the newspaper say the same. 所有报纸都有同样的报道。3)作表语例:Her plan is this. 她的计划是这样的。 His worries are those. 他的烦恼就是那些。4)作定语例:You can't swim at this time of the year. 你不能在这个时候游泳。I don't like that man. 我不喜欢那个人。 She is fond of those books. 她喜欢那些书。2、指示代词的用法区别1)this

35、和these一般指在空间和时间上较近的事物,that和those一般指在空间和时间上较远的事物。例:This is a map of China and that is a map of the world. 这是一张中国地图,那是一张世界地图。 Please come this way. We'll go in by that door. 请这边走,我们从那扇门进去。 In those year they led a hard life. 在那些岁月里,他们生活得很艰难。2). this和these常指后面将要讲到的事物,有启下的作用,that和those常指前面已经讲到过的事物,起

36、承上的作用。例:I shall say this to you: he is an honest man. 我将对你说这一点:他是一个诚实的人。 He felt ill. That is why he didn't come. 他病了,那就是他没来的原因。 He broke the glass, and that cost him five dollars. 他打破了玻璃,那花费了他5美元。3)在电话中,this表示打电话者,that表示接电话的对方。例:A: Hello! This is Bob (speaking).喂,我是鲍勃。 B: Who's that please?

37、 请问是哪位?(美语用Who's it?或Who's this?)4). that和those可以代替名词,以避免重复例:The cars made in this city are more expensive than those made in that city. 这个城市造的汽车比那个城市造的汽车贵。The history of China is as interesting as that of Russia. 中国的历史同俄国的历史一样有趣。提示:a. 指示代词所指的事物第二次提到时,通常要用it或they.例:-What is this? 这是什么?-It is

38、 a bird. 是鸟。 -Is that your cap? 那是你的帽子吗?-No, it isn't. 不是。b. this, that, those和 these加名词构成一些常用短语,作时间状语,指现在或过去。例:this morning 今天早晨this spring 今年春天that morning 那天早晨that spring 那年春天these days 这些天to this day 至今in these days 这些日子里 this evening 今天晚上this winter 今年冬天that evening (/night) 那天晚上that winter

39、 那年冬天these years 这些年this time 这一次(这个时候)in those years 那些年月里初中英语代词专项练习单项选择( )1. There are quite a few books on the shelf, but _ of them is useful to him.A. both B. all C. neither D. none( )2. The Smiths have visited two famous cities. One is in Japan and _ is in China.A. another B. other C. others D.

40、 the other( )3. -Whats in your car? -_.A. No one B. Nothing C. Nobody D. None( )4. -_ is your father? -He is a worker.A. Which B. Who C. What D. How( )5. Boys, dont touch the machine, or you may hurt _.A. myself B. yourself C. yourselves D. themselves( )6. _ of the two girls is from Beijing.A. All B

41、. Both C. Nor D. Neither( )7. Students are usually interested in sports. Some like running; some like swimming; _ like ball games.A. the others B. others C. the other D. other( )8. The twins corrected the mistakes in the test papers by _.A. them B. themselves C. him D. himself( )9. She always thinks

42、 of _ more than herself.A. other B. others B. the other D. the others( )10. The Greens' garden is larger than _.A. we B. us C. ours D. our( )11. -My watch keeps good time. What about _? -Mine? Oh, two minutes slow.A. you B. her C. hers D. yours( )12. -I don't think it is very expensive to bu

43、y a personal computer here.-Really? I'll buy _ next week. A. it B. this C. one D. mine( )13. The weather in summer here is like _ in Beijing.A. this B. that C. it D. its( )14. _ new radio it is!A. How a B. What a C. How D. What( )15. _ is my son. Do you like to play with _?A. You; you B. She; he

44、r C. I; me D. He; him( )16. We went to travel with some friends of _.A. us B. ours C. our D. ourselves( )17. With the money _ he saved, he could go on with his education.A. it B. what C. this D. that( )18. -What did you do at the weekend? -I did _ homework.A. me B. myself C. my D. mine( )19. Our roo

45、m is big, but _ room is bigger than _.A. theirs; our B. their; ours C. theirs; ours D. their; our( )20. -Many people like to read the book. -That's right. There's _ interesting in it.A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything( )21. -You want _ sandwich? -Yes. I usually eat a lot when

46、I'm hungry.A. other B. another C. others D. the other ( )22. -You look so happy! -Jack says I am pretty. _ has ever told me that before.A. Something B. Anybody C. Everybody D. Nobody ( )23. I agree with most of what you wanted, but I don't agree with _.A. everything B. anything C. something

47、D. nothing ( )24. -Who is your English teacher? -Miss Gao. She teaches_ English very well.A. us B. our C. ours D. we ( )25. -Do you want tea or coffee? -_. I really don't mind.A. Both B. None C. Either D. Neither( )26. The desks in our classroom are bigger than _ in yours.A. ones B. them C. that

48、 D. those ( )27. Miss Glory refused to accept _ of the three plans.A. either B. neither C. any D. every ( )28. If you want to change for a double room, you'll have to pay _$15.A. another B. other C. more D. each ( )29. -He nearly died from cancer once.-When was _? -_ was in 2000 when he was in m

49、iddle school.A. that; It B. this; This C. this; It D. that; This ( )30. If this magazine is not yours, _ can it be?A. what else B. who else C. which else's D. who else's ( )31. Both Class 1 and Class 3 are in hard training. _ is willing to lose the football match.A. Either B. Neither C. Anot

50、her D. The other ( )32. In fact, _ is a difficult experience for the police to keep order in the Olympics.A. this B. that C. there D. it ( )33. _ writer is better known in China, Charles Dickens or Mark Twain?A. Which B. What C. Either D. Whether ( )34. There were _ people and cars in the street, be

51、cause it was late at night.A. some B. any C. a few D. few ( )35. -What would you like to drink? -It doesn't matter. _ will be OK.A. Something B. Nothing C. Everything D. Anything参考答案:1-5 DDBCC 6-10 DBBBC 11-15 DCBBD 16-20 BDCBA 21-25 BDAAC 26-30 DCAAD 31-35 BDADD1. She is a student, _ name is Julia. A. its B. her C. hers D. his2. Could you help _ with _ English, please.A. I, my B. me, m


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