



1、注册常驻代表机构须知Guide to Registration of resident representative offices in China一、诚通人力资源有限公司可以接受外国(地区)企业委托,代办其 常驻代表机构审批手续。Chengtong Human Resources Company Ltd.(CTRH) is authorized to go through thenecessary procedures for application and approval of the establishment and registrationof resident represen

2、tative offices in China on behalf of businesses based in foreigncountries(regions).二、申办常驻代表机构应提交如下文件和材料:Application for the establishment of a resident representative office shall be supportedby the following certificates and materials:1)、该企业董事长或总经理签署的申请书(原件及中文译文),内容 包括:公司简介、申请常驻代表机构的目的、名称、首席代表及代表 姓

3、名、机构业务范围、办公地点、驻在期限;(公司简介包括:公司 注册时间、注册地点、董事长和总经理姓名、注册资本、实受资本、 业务范围。常驻代表机构名称以“国别企业名称城市名代表处” 的方式确定。)Application without addressee(original and Chinese translation)signed by the chairmanof the board of directors or the general manager of the applicant which contains: a briefintroduction, the purpose and

4、 name of the office, the names of the chief representativeand other Representatives,theeabnudsinaedsdsrsecsos,ptheduration of residence; (The introduction should include: the date of establishment andplace of registration, registered capital, paid-up capital and businesscope, namesof the chairman an

5、d general manager. The residentially should generally be named n order of andcomposed of NATIONALITY, ENTERPRISES NAME, CITYS NAME AND REPRESENTATIVEOFFICE.)2)、客户所在国(地区)有关当局出具的 “开业合法证书” (复印件)及中文译文;Business License(photocopy)issued by the competent authorities of the country(region ) where theapplica

6、nt is located and Chinese translation;3)、客户所在国(地区)同客户有业务往来的银行出具的“资本信用 证明书”(原件及中文译文);Report on the credit standing and capital composition issued by a local depository bank in businessrelationship with the applican(t original and Chinese translation);4)、该企业董事长或总经理为常驻代表机构首席代表及代表签署的“授权书”。如董事长任首席代表或代表,

7、其授权书必须由该企业董事会两名以上 的董事签署。不设董事会的企业可由执行董事签署有关文件。 ( 原件);A Power of Attorney in favor of the chiefrepresentative and representatives issued and signed by the chairman or general manager of theapplicant. In case the chairman acts as chief representative, the Power of Attorney should be signedby no less th

8、an two directors. In the absence of a board, the Power ofAttorney should be signed by itsexecutive director.(original)5)首席代表及代表的“个人简历”(包括学习经历和工作经历两部分);The resumes of thechief representative and other representatives including two parts: educational background andbusiness career;6)、首席代表及代表的身份证明(外籍人员需

9、本国护照复印件;台港地区人员需提供个人身份证和回乡证的复印件; 中国人需将人事档案 转到国企公司);The credentials of the chief representative and other representatives(photocopy of passport in caseof foreign nationals; photocopies of ID card and certificate of family reunion in case of compatriotsfrom HongKong, Macao and Taiwan; the personal reco

10、rd transferred to CIECCO in case of Chinesenationals);7)、租房协议(必须有产权证);Business Office Lease Agreement, (Title Certificate must be provided);8)、首席代表及代表照片(1张2寸及2张1寸)The photos of the chief representative and other representatives ( one photo (2two photos (1 1);9)、填写工商局表格、签署委托书(由国企公司提供);Fill in the for

11、m provided by Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce, sign the certificate ofentrustment provided by CIECCO;三、代表机构的中方雇员由CTH办理聘用手续。其机构的“工商登记证”在雇员与公司签定聘用合同之后发给。CTHR will go through the necessary procedures for recruiting Chinese people for the representativeoffice and issue a Certificate of Registration after a labor contract is signed between the Chineseemployee and the fore


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