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1、华北理工大学轻工学院Qing Gong College North China Uni versity of Science and Tech no logy英文翻译学生:周涛学号:201224050105专业班级:2012级轧钢一班学部:材料化工部指导教师:硕2016年6月3日年产量80万吨高速线材车间设计高速线材是钢铁工业中最重要的产品之一,广泛应用于基础设施、建筑工程、 汽车及金属制品等领域。线材一般用普通碳素钢和优质碳素钢制成。按照钢材分 配目录和用途不同,线材包括普通低碳钢热轧圆盘条、 优质碳素钢盘条、碳素焊 条盘条、调质螺纹盘条、制钢丝绳用盘条、琴钢丝用盘条以及不锈钢盘条等。在 我

2、国一般直径在(5-9)毫米共八种规格的成卷供应的热轧圆钢称为线材。线材 因以盘卷交又叫盘条。线材一般用普通碳素钢和优质碳素钢制成。按照钢材分配目录和用途不同, 线材包括普通低碳钢热轧圆盘条、优质碳素钢盘条、碳素焊条盘条、调质螺纹盘 条、制钢丝绳用盘条、琴钢丝用盘条以及不锈钢盘条等。(1)普通低碳钢热轧圆盘条(GB701-65,普通低碳钢热轧圆盘条由低碳普通 碳素结构钢或屈服点较低的碳素结构钢轧制而成,是线材品种中用量最大、使用 最广泛的盘条,故又称普通线材,简称普线。主要用途:普线主要用于建筑钢筋混凝土结构作配筋用,也可冷拔拉制成钢丝, 作捆扎等用。(2)普通低碳钢无扭控冷、热轧盘条(ZBH4

3、403-88),无扭控冷、热轧盘条由无扭高速线材轧机轧制后采取控制冷却制成,材质与普线相同,但无扭控冷、热轧盘条具有尺寸精度高、表面质量好、较高的力学性能等优点。主要用途:无扭控冷、热轧盘条尺寸精度分 A B C三级。A、B、C级精度适 用于拉丝、建筑、包装和焊条等用途,B C级精度适用于加工成螺栓、螺丝和螺母等。(3)优质碳素钢盘条(GB4354-84,优质碳素钢盘条是用优质碳素结构钢轧制 而成。是线材品种中用量较大的品种之一。主要用途:优质碳素钢盘条主要用于加工制造碳素弹簧钢丝、油淬火回火碳素弹 簧钢丝、预应力钢丝、高强度优质碳素结构钢丝、镀锌钢丝、镀锌绞线钢丝绳 等。(4)优质碳素钢无扭

4、控冷、热轧盘条(ZBH44002-88,优质碳素钢无扭控冷、热轧盘条由无扭高速线材轧机轧制而成,轧制后采取控制冷却处理。与优质碳素钢盘条相比,具有尺寸精度高、表面质量好,有较高的力学性能。主要用途:主要用途与优质碳素钢盘条相同。 常用于制造碳素弹簧钢丝、油淬火 回火碳弹簧钢丝、预应力钢丝、优质碳素结构钢丝,镀锌钢丝等。(5)制绳钢丝用无扭控冷、热轧盘条(ZBH44004-88,制绳钢丝用无扭控冷热轧盘和用优质碳素结构钢,在无扭线材轧机上轧制,轧制后控制冷却而制成。这样轧成的盘条,尺寸精度高,表面质量好,力学性能优越。主要用途:主要用于拉制制绳钢丝和钢绞线钢丝。(6)碳素焊条钢盘条(GB3429

5、-82,碳素焊条钢盘条由低碳优质碳素结构钢热 轧制成。主要用途:主要用于制造手工电弧焊焊芯。(7)合金结构钢热轧盘条(GB3077-82,合金结构钢热轧盘条由合金结构钢作 材质轧制而成。合金结构钢共有26个钢组、78个钢牌号。各生产厂依据需方要 求及不同用途选用各牌号进行生产。主要用途:合金结构热轧盘条主要用于拉制钢丝、金属制品和结构件。(8)碳素工具钢热轧盘条(GB1298-86,碳素工具钢由优质或高级优质高碳钢 轧制而成。加工性能与耐磨性能好,价格便宜。主要用途:主要用于拉制钢比与制造工具等。(9)弹簧钢热轧盘条(GB1222-84,弹簧钢是用于制造弹簧或其他弹性元件的钢种。弹簧和弹性元件

6、主要利用其弹性变性吸收与储存能量,达到缓和震动、冲击或使机件完成某些动作为目的。由于它是在冲击、震动或长期均匀的周期交变 应力条件下工作,因此要求弹簧钢具有高的屈服强度,尤其要有较高的屈强比(屈 服强度与抗拉强度之比)和弹性高的疲劳强度、较高的耐高温和耐腐蚀等性能。 弹簧钢还应有良好的表面质量。弹簧钢有碳素弹簧钢和合金弹簧钢两类共17个牌号。主要用途:弹簧钢热轧盘条主要用于生产各种用途的螺旋弹簧。(10)焊接用不锈钢盘条(GB4241-84,焊接用不锈钢盘条与一般不锈钢盘条 在化学成分上有所不同。为了保证其优良的焊接性能,提高焊缝质量,焊接用不 锈钢盘条在成分上的显著特点是含碳量低、磷、硫等有

7、毒杂质少、镍、铬含量较 高。主要用途:主要用于制造电焊条钢芯和焊丝。纵观我国线材发展的历史,可以说有了突飞猛进的发展.特别是近几十年来, 我国线材行业持续高速发展,以每年净增产200多万吨高速度增长,其产量从1987年的693万吨,增加到1999年的2608万吨。增长2.8倍;同期高速线材 产量从32万吨增加到1218万吨,增长37倍;线材自给率达到99%以上;在品 种质量方面也有很大提高,目前完全可以按国际先进技术指标进行生产。多数线品种与质量能够满足线材制品企业使用要求。所有这些都说明:我国已经成为世界最大的线材生产国,为世界同行所瞩目。但是也应看到,我国虽然是世界线材 生产大国,但还不能

8、说是线材生产强国;目前我国还有部分线材品种仍然依靠进 口维持生产。如钢帘线、高应力弹簧钢、不锈钢、冷墩钢等线材。在重要用途线 材实物质量方面,仍与世界先进工业国家仍有较大差距。此次设计从分析我国国线材生产的现状与当前我国线材应用的走势出发,先是根据建厂的可行性研究确立了建厂依据与产品大纲,然后确立了生产工艺制度 与流程,工艺制度包括主要设备与辅助设备的选取、孔型的设计、年产量的计算 以及力能参数计算与强度的校核。工艺流程为连铸冷胚料、运输辊道(检查、踢 废上料运送称重)、加热炉加热、高压水除磷、运输辊道、粗轧机、飞剪、中轧机、预精轧、中间冷箱、飞剪、精轧、减定径、控冷在线测径、夹送辊吐丝 机、

9、斯太尔摩冷却线、集卷挂卷检查、 P/F线运输、打捆、称重、卸卷、入库。 整条生产线经过合理计算,所有的设备运用合理恰当。同时此次设计考虑到工艺的先进性, 工艺平面布置和产品结构的合理性, 经 济的可行性等因素,以达到高质量,高自动化,低耗,低成本,高灵活性的目的 和获得好的投资收益率和投入生产率。纵观工艺效果,此次设计在某些反面弥补 了我国线材生产的不足,但在一定程度上仍有许多不完善,需要改进的地方。Desig n of high speed wire rod pla nt of800 thousa nd tons annual outputHigh speed wire rod is one

10、 of the most important products in iron and steel industry. It is widely used in the fields of infrastructure, buildi ng engin eeri ng, automobile and metal products. Wire gen erally made of ordi nary carb on steel and high carb on steel. Accord ing to the differe nt steel distribution directory and

11、 use, wire including ordinary hot-rolled carb on steel, high carb on steel wire rod, carb on weld ing rod, que nching and temperi ng threaded rod, wire rope with wire, pia no wire wire and stainless steel wire rod and so on. In general in China (5-9) mmin diameter of eight specifications of hot-roll

12、ed bar is called wire supply volume.Due to the cross wire coil rod called.Wire gen erally made of ordinary carb on steel and high carb on steel.Accord ing to the differe nt steel distributio n directory and use, wire in cludi ng ordinary hot-rolled carb on steel, high carb on steel wire rod, carb on

13、 weld ing rod, que nchi ng and temperi ng threaded rod, wire rope with wire, pia no wire wire and sta ini ess steel wire rod and so on.(1) ordi nary low carb on steel hot-rolled plate (GB701-65) and ordi narylow carb on steel hot-rolled plate by low carb on ordinary carb on steel or low yield point

14、carb on structure steel rolli ng, wire varieties in the amount of the largest and the most widely used wire rod, so it is also called the ordinary wire, referred to as the S & P line. Main uses: P line is mai nly used for con struct ion of rei nforced con crete structure rein forceme nt, can als

15、o be cold draw n pull wire is made and used for bin di ng.(2) ordinary low carb on steel without tors ion and con trolled cooli ng, hot rod ZBH4403-88, tors ion free and con trolled cooli ng, hot rolled wire rods by torsi on free high speed wire rod rolli ng mill adopt ing con trol cooli ng made, ma

16、terial and lines in the same, but no twist control of cold rolled and hot rolled wire rod has the advantages of high precision, good surface quality, high mecha ni cal properties. Main purpose: no twist con trolled cooli ng, hot rod size precisi on of A, B, C three. A, B, C level accuracyis suitable

17、 for wire drawing, construction,packaging and welding rod andother purposes, B, C level accuracy is applicable to the process ing of bolts, screws and nu ts, etc. the high quality carbon steel wire rod (GB4354-84), high-qualitycarb on steel wire rod is madeof high-qualitycarb on structural steel and

18、rolli ng. Is one of the varieties with large amount of wire.Main purpose: high-quality carb on steel wire rod is mai nly used formanu facturi ng carb on spri ng steel wire, oil tempered carb on spri ng steel wire, wire prestressed con crete, high stre ngth quality carb on structural steel wire, galv

19、a ni zed steel wire, galva ni zed wire rope, etc.(4) quality carb on steel tors ion free con trolledcooli ng, hot rolled wirerod (ZBH44002-88), the high quality carbo n steel without torsio n con trolledcooli ng, hot rolled wire rod by a torsi on free high speed wirerod rollingmill, rolling after ta

20、ke control cooling treatment. Comparedwith the high quality carb on steel wire rod, with high precisi on, goodsurface quality, higher mecha ni cal properties.Purpose: the main purpose of the same high quality carb on steel wire rod. Commonl yused in the manu facture of carb on spri ng steel wire, oi

21、l que nched and tempered carb on spri ng steel wire, prestressed steelwire, highquality carb on steel wire, galva ni zed steel wire, etc.(5) of steel wire for rope with tors ion free and con trolled cooli ng, hotrod ZBH44004-88, steel wire for rope with torsi on free con trol hot or cold rolled plat

22、e and high quality carb on structuralsteel, no twist rod millrolli ng, rolli ng con trolled cooli ng and made. this Like rolli ng into wire rod, high precisi on, good surface quality, excelle nt mecha ni cal properties.Mai n uses: mai nly used for draw ing steel wire and steel wire stra nds.(6) carb

23、on electrode (GB3429-82) carb on steel wire rod, steel wire electrode made of low carb on hot rolled quality carb on structural steelmade.Main uses: mainly used in the manufacture of manual electric arc welding.(7) alloy structural steel hot-rolled wire rod GB3077-82, alloystructural steel hot-rolle

24、d wire rod composed of alloy structural steel as material rolling and. Alloy structural steel, a total of 26 steel, 78 steel grades. The producti on pla nt accordi ng to the requireme nt and select ion of various grades of producti on for differe nt purposes.Main uses: mainly used for drawing alloy

25、structure steel rod steel wire, metal products and structures.(8) hot rolled carbon tool steel, carbon tool steel (GB1298-86) by thequality or high quality high carb on steel and rolli ng. Process ing performa nee and wear resista nee is good, the price is cheap.Main uses: mainly used for drawing st

26、eel and manufacturing than tools etc.(9) hot rolled spring steel (GB1222-84), springsteel is used tomanufacture steel spring or other elastic element. Spring and elasticcomp onents mai nly use the elastic deformatio n absorb and store en ergy, to ease the shock, impact or make parts do some action f

27、or the purpose.Because it is in shock, vibrationor Iong-termuniformlyperiodicalternating should work under stress conditions, thus requiring spring steel has a high yield stre ngth, in particular, to have a higher yield stre ngth ratio (yield stre ngth and ten sile stre ngth ratio) and elastic high

28、fatigue stre ngth, high resista nee to high temperature and corrosi on resista nee and other properties. Spring steel should also have good surface quality. Spring steel has carb on spri ng steel and alloy spri ng steel two kinds of 17 grades.Main applications: spring steel hot-rolled wire is mainly

29、 used for the product ion of various uses of the spiral spri ng.(10) weldi ng with sta in less steel wire rods (GB4241-84) weld ing withsta ini ess steel wire and sta ini ess steel wire rod on the chemical compositi on vary .In order to en sure the excelle nt weld ing performa nee and to improve the

30、 quality of weld, welding stainless steel wire for its remarkable characteristics in compositi onis carb on containing lessvolume is low, the phosphorus, sulfur and other toxic impurities,nickel,chromium content is higher.Main uses: mai nly used in the manu facture of steel wire and wire core.Throug

31、hout China's wire development history, it can be said that thedevelopme nt by leaps and boun ds. Especially in rece nt decades, the wire in dustry in Chi na susta ined rapid developme nt, with an annual net in crease of more than 200 million tons of high speed growth, the yield from 1987 to 693

32、millio n ton s, i ncreased to 2608 millio nto ns in 1999. An in creaseof 2.8 times; high speed wire rod production over the same period from 32 millio n tons in creased to 1218 tons, up 37 times; wire self-sufficie ncy rate reached 99%above; in variety and quality also greatly improved, the curre nt

33、 can produce accord ing to the adva need tech ni cal in dicators. The variety and quality of most lines can meet the requireme nts of the use of wire products en terprises. All of which shows that Chi na has become the world's largest producer of wire rod for the world's attention. But it sh

34、ould also be no ted that although China is the world's lead ing wire rod product ion, but also can not be said to be a strong wire product ion;at present, there are still some types of wire rod still rely on imports to maintain producti on. Such as steel cord, high stress spri ng steel, sta ini

35、ess steel, cold head ing steel wire. In the physical quality of the importa ntuse of wire, still with the world'sadva need in dustrialcoun tries still have a large gap.Starting the trend of the design distracted from China's domestic wire rod product ion situati on and the curre nt our count

36、ry wire applicati ons, first according to the plant's feasibility study, established the plant basis and product outline,then established the system of produce processand process, process system in clud ing the main equipme nt and auxiliary equipme nt select ion, pass desig n, the annual yield of calculati on and mechani


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