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1、Pronouns(代词代词)I am a middle school teacher and I love to be a teacher who can teach my students a useful language. Some of them think I am a patient and interesting teacher but the others think I am too strict. I usually teach myself something new. I work in Dagang Middle School which is small but b

2、eautiful. There are lots of trees and flowers in it. These are my favourite. I love my school very much. Do you love yours?Questions:1. What kind of teachers do I love to be?2. What do I like best in your School? I them my yours myself something the others these who which Personal pronouns(人称代词人称代词)

3、 数数 格格人称人称单数单数复数复数主格主格宾格宾格主格主格宾格宾格第一人称第一人称第二人称第二人称第三人称第三人称 Imeweus you you you youhe she ithim her ittheythemMary, please show_ your picture.A. my B. mine C. I D. me解析:解析:show sb. sth. 空白处需要间接宾语,所以选人称代空白处需要间接宾语,所以选人称代词的宾格形式。词的宾格形式。2008年北京市中考题Possessive pronouns(物主代词物主代词) 类别类别 人称人称数数形容词性形容词性物主代词物主代词名

4、词性名词性物主代词物主代词单单数数第一人称第一人称 my 第二人称第二人称 your 第三人称第三人称 his her its复复 数数第一人称第一人称 our 第二人称第二人称 your 第三人称第三人称 their yours hersoursyourstheirsminehis its2009年宿迁市中考题- Where is my pen?- Oh, sorry. I have taken _ by mistake.A. yours B. his C. mine D. hers解析:由题意可知,空白处要表达的是解析:由题意可知,空白处要表达的是“你的笔你的笔”,所以,所以选用名词性物主

5、代词选用名词性物主代词 yours来表达,来表达,=your pen。Self pronouns(反身代词反身代词) 人称人称 数数第一人称第一人称第二人称第二人称第三人称第三人称单数单数 myselfyourself himselfherself itself复数复数 ourselvesyourselves themselves2008年徐州市中考题- Help _ to some cakes, Jim.- Thank you, Miss Green.A. your B. yours C. yourself D. yourselves.解析:解析:help oneself to 随便吃点随便

6、吃点 由对由对Jim一个一个人说的可知用反身代词人说的可知用反身代词yourself。归纳:由反身代词构成的词组还有归纳:由反身代词构成的词组还有enjoy oneself =have a good time by oneself = alone = on ones ownteach oneself sth. = learn sth. by oneslefsay to oneself kill oneself and Millie.Indefinite pronouns(不定代词不定代词) some any(a) few (a) littlenone one many much either

7、neitherotheranotherthe otherothersthe others each every both all2010年扬州市中考题- Can I have some more ice cream, Mum?- Sorry. There is _ left in the fridge. A. none B. nothing C. no one D. anything 解析:由语境可知,妈妈要说的是冰箱里一点(冰激凌)都解析:由语境可知,妈妈要说的是冰箱里一点(冰激凌)都不剩了,数量上一个也不,所以选不剩了,数量上一个也不,所以选none。B选项的意思是选项的意思是什么都不剩。

8、什么都不剩。C选项指人。选项指人。(变式题)- I am really hungry, Mum.- Oh,dear!There is _left in the fridge. Lets go shopping.B解析:这个语境下,妈妈要说的是什么都不剩解析:这个语境下,妈妈要说的是什么都不剩了,没有东西用了,没有东西用nothing来表达。来表达。2009年宿迁市中考题-How many posters are there in the bag?-_. We have put up all of them.A. No B. One C. Nothing D. None解析:由回答解析:由回答“

9、我们已经张贴了所有海报我们已经张贴了所有海报”可知,包里一张可知,包里一张海报都不剩了,所以选择海报都不剩了,所以选择none,表示一个也不。,表示一个也不。Fill in blanks with none and nothing1. - How much money do we have now? - _. You have spent all on the computer.2. - What is in the blue van? - _. Its empty.None Nothing 2008年仪征市中考-How can I get to the underground station

10、, please?-Dont worry. _ of the three roads can bring you there.A. None B. Any C. One D. Both解析:由回答中Dont worry.可知,三条路中的任何一条都可可知,三条路中的任何一条都可以带你去那儿。任何一个用以带你去那儿。任何一个用any表示。表示。2009年连云港市中考题-How do you want your coffee, with sugar or cream?-_. I prefer black coffee, and I wont have anything sweet. A. Neith

11、er B. Both C. Either D. All解析:对话问的是你的咖啡是要加糖还是加奶解析:对话问的是你的咖啡是要加糖还是加奶,而回答是而回答是两个中一个都不要,所以选不定代词两个中一个都不要,所以选不定代词neither。Work out the rules 2011年中考指南Millie is the tallest girl in her class.(同义句转换同义句转换)A: Millie is taller than _ _girls in her class.B: Millie is taller than _ _girl in her class.解析:将最高级的句子转

12、换成比较级。解析:将最高级的句子转换成比较级。A句中要表达其他的女孩,句中要表达其他的女孩,所以用所以用the other girls来特指班上其他的女孩们。来特指班上其他的女孩们。B句中要表达句中要表达任何其他的女孩,所以用任何其他的女孩,所以用any other girl. any other the other用法用法 代名词代名词形容词形容词单数单数复数复数单数单数复数复数不定不定anotherothersanother boyother boys特定特定the otherthe others the other boy the other boys some any no every

13、body one thingCompound indefinite pronouns(复合不定代词复合不定代词)somebodyanybodynobodyeverybodysomeoneanyoneno oneeveryonesomething anythingnothingeverythingLets work out the rules!I have something important to tell you all.There is nothing serious with your heart.She is careful with her diet and never eats

14、anything sweet. 形容词修饰复合不定代词应放在后面;形容词修饰复合不定代词应放在后面;Everyone of the teachers gets a gift on Teachers Day. 复合不定代词后面不加复合不定代词后面不加ofDont worry. Nothing is wrong with your baby.When something worries me, I always go to him. 复合不定代词作主语,谓语动词用单数。复合不定代词作主语,谓语动词用单数。Each/ Every one2010年镇江市中考题You are in a bad mood

15、 all the afternoon. Maybe you need _ like me to make you relaxed.A. no one B. noneC. someone D. everyone解析:由句意可知,你需要某个像我这样的人来使你放松。解析:由句意可知,你需要某个像我这样的人来使你放松。所以选复合不定代词所以选复合不定代词someone,等同于,等同于somebody。Demonstrative pronouns(指示代词) this/ these 时间或空间上较近的人或物;时间或空间上较近的人或物; that/ those 时间或空间上较远的人或物。时间或空间上较远的

16、人或物。 打电话时用打电话时用this指自己,指自己,that指对方。指对方。 This is Mary speaking. Who is that? that 和和those在比较结构中代替前面提到的名词。在比较结构中代替前面提到的名词。 The weather in Beijing is much colder than that in Shanghai. The stories in this book are more interesting than those in that book.2009年宿迁市中考题These boxes are heavier than _ on the

17、 desk.A. that B. it C. those D. one解析:这些箱子比桌上的那些箱子重。所以横线处要表解析:这些箱子比桌上的那些箱子重。所以横线处要表达那些箱子,用指示代词达那些箱子,用指示代词those。that和和those用于比较结构中,代替前面的名词。用于比较结构中,代替前面的名词。 it 特指上下文中提到的同一事物,特指上下文中提到的同一事物,“同名同物同名同物”。one 泛指上下文中提到的同一类事物中的一个,泛指上下文中提到的同一类事物中的一个,“同名异同名异物物”。1.- May I help you with some T-shirts? - Yes. Id l

18、ike to try on the blue _. - OK. _ looks nice on you.Fill in the blanks with it or one.2. - May I get you a drink? - its nice of you. But I have already got _.oneItoneInterrogative pronouns(疑问代词疑问代词) what which who whom whose放在句首构成特殊疑问句。放在句首构成特殊疑问句。 2010年淮安市中考题- We dont know _he is?- He is a doctor.

19、A. what B. which C. who D. whom解析:由回答可知,前面问的是他的职业,所以选疑问代词解析:由回答可知,前面问的是他的职业,所以选疑问代词what。Relative pronouns(关系代词关系代词) person thing who which that who which that 这些关系代词用来引导定语从句。这些关系代词用来引导定语从句。who / that/ thatwhichI like to make friends with people _ are kind and humorous.I like reading the books _ my b

20、est friend gave me as gifts.主语主语宾语宾语2010年镇江市中考题The girl _ won the gold medal comes from Beijing Sunshine Secondary School.A. who B. which C. what D. whom解析:本题考查定语从句的关系代词。被定语从句修饰的先行解析:本题考查定语从句的关系代词。被定语从句修饰的先行词是词是the girl,所以在指人的关系代词,所以在指人的关系代词who和和whom中选,又关中选,又关系代词在定语从句中作主语,所以只能选系代词在定语从句中作主语,所以只能选who。

21、定语从句personal pronouns (人称代词人称代词)relative pronouns(关系代词关系代词)possessive pronouns(物主代词物主代词)demonstrative pronouns(指示代词指示代词)interrogative pronouns(疑问代词疑问代词)indefinite pronouns (不定代词不定代词)self pronouns (反身代词反身代词)Pronouns(代词代词)ABCDEFRound 1!Exercises for each group!You can choose a letter and do the exerci

22、ses behind it.Round 2!Lilys parents are both doctors while _ (我我的的) are both teachers. 2010年镇江市中考题年镇江市中考题- Is this model plane yours, Susan?- Yes, its mine. Its made by _.A. myself B. yourselfC. himselfD. herself 2010年南京市中考题年南京市中考题mineAAs we all have grown up, we should learn to look after _(自己自己).

23、2010年徐州市中考题年徐州市中考题Maybe bamboo has more uses than _ in the world.A. any plantB. all the plantsC. other plantD. any other plant 2010年无锡市中考题年无锡市中考题ourselvesBThe foreigner enjoyed _(he) in Qinhu Lake last week. 2010年泰州市中考题年泰州市中考题- Wow! Youve got so many skirts.- But _ of them are in fashion now.A. allB

24、. bothC. neitherD. none 2010年苏州市中考年苏州市中考题题himselfCThe dresses _(本身本身) are made of common materials, but they sell well because of the famous designer. 2010年常州市中考题年常州市中考题- Why dont we take a little break?- Didnt we just have _?A.itB.thatC.oneD.this 2010年苏州市中考题年苏州市中考题themselvesDAs people grow more gre

25、en-minded, more of them take actions to reduce _ (他们的他们的) carbon footprints. 2010年南京市中考题年南京市中考题- I would like you to talk about the Great Wall.- Im sorry, but _ Jack _ I have been there.A.either; orB.neither; norC.both; andD.not only; but also 2010年常州市中考题年常州市中考题theirEJims MP4 is the same as Marys. H

26、e often takes _(her) by mistake. 2010年淮安市中考题年淮安市中考题They want to develop a kind of dog-friendly food _ will help dog owners cool down their pets.A.whoB.whatC.whichD.whether 2010年常州市中考题年常州市中考题hersFRound 2!Be the first to answer a question! You have 5 minutes in all. Try to answer as many questions as

27、you can.2010年淮安市中考题年淮安市中考题1. Yao Ming is my favourite basketball player. I really like _.A. he B. him C. his D. herRound 22009年常州市中考题年常州市中考题2. The maths problem _ is wrong.A. himself B. he C. itself D. herself反身代词反身代词itself在句中作主语的同位语。在句中作主语的同位语。Round 22009年盐城市中考题年盐城市中考题3. -Do you live by yourself, M

28、r Wang? -Yes. I have two sons. But _ of them lives with me. They are studying in America.A. neither B. both C. none D. eitherRound 22010年徐州市中考题年徐州市中考题4. The old pen is broken, Id like _ one to write with.A. the other B. anotherC. othersD. the othersRound 22010年徐州市中考题年徐州市中考题5. His Walkman is differen

29、t from _, and it is more expensive.A. him B. mineC. my D. herRound 22010年泰州市中考题年泰州市中考题6. - Their library is very beautiful. - I think so, but it is not as big as _.A. we B. us C. our D. oursRound 22010年泰州市中考题年泰州市中考题7. - Is red your favourite? - Yes. Yesterday I bought three T-shirts. _ of them are red.A. No


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