1、新概念英语青少版 1BUn itTopicKey words and senten ces16On theLondon EyeThere are two cars in/on/un der .Are there any wome n in front of / n ear / beside ?There arent any childre n in the park.There are some childre n in the classroom.How many boats are there in ? cant see any children in but I can see some
2、 in .There are two men in the street. They are policeme n.17Smile, please!Can you do Maths?Yes, I can. / No, I cant.Can you drive a car?Yes, I can. Its easy. / No, I cant. Its difficult.Can you play violi n?Y es, I can. Im good at it. / No, I cant. Im useless at it.18Men can cooktoo!Whats in the pac
3、ket? Is it tea?No, it isnt (tea). Its coffee. cant see any tea.I can. Theres some in the packet. Pass / Give me somemilk, please. cant see a cup in the cupboard.No, there isnt one. cant see any tea in the cupboard.19You must eat!Theres a lot of / lots of fish .There are a lot of / lots of peaches .s
4、 there any fish .?Yes, there is, but there isnt any meat.Are there any peaches .?Yes, there are, but there arent any grapes.Buy some bread / peaches, please.Why? There are a lot .Dont buy any bread / peaches.Why not? There arent any .You must eat.20What a surprise!What time is it?Its a quarter past
5、two / half past two / a quarter tothree.What times / Whe ns your En glish lesso n?At one oclock. / At a quarter past two. / At halfpast two. / At a quarter to six. / We must hurry.Come on! Hurry up!21Breakfast bluesHave you got any tea?Yes, I have. / No, I have nt.Have we got any coffee?Yes, we have
6、. / No, we have nt.Theyve got some bread, but they have nt got any cake.How much coffee have you / we got?I / We have nt got much.Do you want any .?No, I dont want any I dont want any ., but I want some .22Watchi ngthe n eighboursPaul has got a lot of frie nds.They haven t got a lot ofspare time.He
7、can introduce her to them.How many CDs has Paul got?23An expe nsivecameraHas he / she got a British camera?Yes, he / she has. / No, he / she has nt.What kind of camera has he / she got?Hes / Shes got a Japa nese one.Claire wants a camera. She does nt want a CDplayer.He / She likes Japa nese cameras.
8、What kind of bag do you want?I want a leather on e. I like leather bags.24A light dinnerDo you like vegetables?Yes, I do. / No, I dont.Do you like tea?Yes, I do, but I dont want any now.I / We / They dont like vegetables very much.I love vegetables!I hate them!25The weekendshopp ingI want a bag of s
9、ugar / a bottle of wine / a packet of tea .She / He n eeds some sugar.How much (sugar) does she / he n eed?She / He n eeds one / a box of chocolates.Irregular noun plural: a / one loaf - two loaves26A self-servicerestaura ntHas Karen got a coat / any gloves?No, she has nt. Show her that one / those.
10、 Show it / them/ that one / those to Kare n. Give me / her / him that one /those. Pass me / her / him that one / those. Take her / himthat one / those. dont want a coat / any gloves. Ive already got one / some.27ToothacheWhat day is it?Its Sun day.Whe n is / Whe ns your appoi ntme nt?Its on Sun day.
11、Whe n can the den tist see you?He can see me at four oclock on Sun day.How does Robert feel / look?He feels awful. He looks miserable. Whats the matterwith Robert?28Every day isdiffere nt!Whats the weather like in spring / summer / autu mn / winter?Is it ever fine and warm in spri ng (in En gla nd)?
12、 Its ofte n/usually/sometimes/always/neverfineand warm in spri ng.The sun often shines. / It rains sometimes. / It sometimessno ws.Which season do you like?29Many happyreturns ofWhich is the first / last mon th of the year?January / December.the day! Which month comes after / comes beforeJanu ary? -
13、 February / December.Whats the date?Its the second of February. / Its February the second.When is Lin das birthday?Its in Janu ary.Its on the ninth of January / on January the ninth.How old is Li nda?Shes 42. / Shes 42 years old.30An intern atio naleventWhere does he / she come from?He / She comes f
14、rom Australia. Where do they / you comefrom?They / We / I come from Ch ina.Where does he / she live?He / She lives in Sydn ey.What Ian guage does he / she speak?Un it16:0n the Lon don Eye1: Teaching objectives复习一般现在时学习 Some 和 any 的用法2 : Language focus:Fun, believe, bridge, really, pass, bino culars,
15、 any ,ship3 : Teaching procedurePart 1:Greeti ng:介绍自己,同时要求学生做自我介绍,内容包括 Name, (My nameis or I am )Age, (I am years old or I am a girl or a boy of years old)Ge nder,Hobbies (I like doi ng)等几个方面。Warm up: I see a little bee, sitti ng on my kn ee, looki ng at the see.(用来学习音标/i:/)Saying: He knows a lot ab
16、out the secret thi ng. But he lets the cat out ofthe bag today.Part 2:讲解课文:先听录音回答问题 What can they see on Westminster Bridge?然后学习生词和短语,重点单词.最后做详细讲解。Part3:根据课文问问题,要求学生回答,P5,对话练习,做 P9 的选择填空。做 P6 句型 练习。然后两人对练对话,最后再做 P8 书面练习,按照句型来写句子。Part4:语音学习,辅音组/f/v/的学习。Un it17.Smile, please!1 : Teaching objectives情态动
17、词 can 的学习2 : Language focus:Smile, watch, do ,try, as well, easy, on one s knees, good at, gymnastics, useless,maths, take a photo, gym3 : Teaching procedurePart 1:Greeti ng:Ask a questi on: Do you like take photos? Do you usually take photos?Warm Up: chick, chick, chick, I m a little chick, sitting
18、 on the stick, withmy brother Nick.saying: She is an early bird , she oftengets up at 5:30 in themorning.(What s the meaning of early bird ? Part2:讲解课文:先听录音回答问题( Who can take a photo of Lucy and Flora? ), 然后学习生词和短语,最后做详细讲解。Part3:根据课文问 P13 问题,要求学生回答,做 P17 选择填空。然后做 P14 句型练习, 然后两人对练对话,最后再做 p16 书面练习,按照句
19、型来写句子。Part4:语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去。学习后面歌谣Lon don bridge.Un it18. Men can cook, too!1 : Teaching objectives学习情态动词 must 的用法。2 : Language focus:Cook, dinner, help, water, pan, chop, onion, spoon, get, fork, drawer, hand, wet, yousee, ope n, restaura nt, must, jug, dry, sugar, milk3 : Teaching procedurePar
20、t 1:Greet ing: What can you cook?Warm up: Ted was hav ing bread, happy in his bed. Mum came and said:no bread in the bed.Saying: He has a big n ame in the football world.Part2:讲解课文:先听录音回答问题 What can Robert and William open?然后学习生词和短语,最后做详细讲解。Part3:根据课文 P21 问问题,要求学生回答,做 p25 选择填空。做 P22 句型练习,然后 两人对练对话,最
21、后再做 P44 书面练习,按照句型来写句子。Part4:鼻音:/m/,/n/Un it19. You must eat!1 : Teaching objectives情态动词 must 的用法,以及名词复数的学习。2 : Language focus:Eat, fini sh, why, tired , problem, lots of , fish ,salad, dish , drink, peach3 : Teaching procedurePart 1:Greet ing: What is your favorite food?Warm up:学习/? /的发音:-What s tha
22、t, Sam?-It s a black bag.-What s under the bag?-Oh, it s a fat cat.Saying: It s a piece of cake for me. I can do it easily.Part 2:讲解课文:先听录音回答问题 Who can eat lots of peacher?后学习生词和短语,并做课文详细讲解。Part3:根据课文 P29 问题,要求学生回答,做 p33 填空。做 P30 练习,然后两人对练对 话,最后再做 P32 练习,按照句型来写句子。Part4:语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去。Un it 20:
23、What a surprise!1 : Teaching objectives继续学习情态动词 must 的用法,复习时间表达方法。2 : Language focus:Surprise, less on, half past, talk, a quarter, find, bye, whe n? Look for3 : Teaching procedurePart 1:Greeting: What s the time now? What do you usually do at this time?Warm up: 小游戏:hour hand and minute handPart 2:讲
24、解课文:先听录音回答问题 Where is Lucy s music book?后学习生词和短语,并做课文详细讲解。Part3:根据课文 P34 问题,要求学生回答,做 p41 填空。做 P37 练习,然后两人对练对 话,最后再做 P38 练习,按照句型来写句子。Part4:语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去。Un it21: Breakfast blues1: Teach ing objectives掌握 much 的意义,会用 how much 来造句。以及了解 have got 的用法。2 : Language focus:Breakfast blues, want, somethi
25、ng, train, stomach, have got, pot, start, morning,yoghurt, can tee n,3 : Teaching procedurePart 1:Greeti ng: Do you like eat ing breakfast every day? What do you usually eat?Part 2:讲解课文:先听录音回答问题 Is the food at the academy good?后学习生词和短语,并做课文详细讲解。Part3:根据课文 P45 问题,要求学生回答,做 p49 填空。做 P45 互相提问,然后两人对 练对话,最后再做 P46 练习,按照句型来写句子。Part4:语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去。Un it 22: Watch ing the n eighb
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