



1、妈妈的小甜饼妈妈的小甜饼as i sat perched in the sec on d-floor window of our brick schoolhouse that after noon, my heart bega n to sink further with each pass ing car. this was a day i ' d looked forward to for weeks: miss pace' s fourth -grade,en d-of-the-year party. miss pace had kept a running coun t

2、dow n on the blackboard all that week, and our class of nin e-year-olds had bordered on insurrection by the time the much-anticipated“ party friday ” hadarrived.i had happily volunteered my mother when miss pace requested cookie volunteers. mom ' s chocolate chips reigned supreme on our block, a

3、nd i knew they ' d be a hit with my classmates. but two o' clock passed, andthere was no sign of her. most of the other mothers had already e and gone, dropp ing off their offeri ngs of punch and crackers, chips, cupcakes and brow ni es. my mother was miss ing in actio n.” don' t worry,

4、robbie, she ' ll be along soon, ” miss pace said asi gazed forlornly dow n at the street. i looked at the wall clock just in time to see its black mi nute hand shift to half-past.around me, the noisy party raged on, but i wouldn' t budge from mywindow watch post. miss pace did her best to co

5、ax me away, but i stayed out, holding out hope that the familiar family car would round the corner, carrying myrightfully embarrassed mother with a tin of her famous cookies tucked un der her arm.the three o' clock bell soon jolted me from my thoughts and i dejectedly grabbed my book bag from my

6、desk and shuffled out the door for home.on the four-block walk to our house, i plotted my reve nge. i would slam the front door upon entering,refuse to return her hug whenshe rushedover to me, and vow n ever to speak to her aga in.the house was empty whe n i arrived and i looked for a note on the re

7、frigerator that might expla in my mother' s absenee, but found none. my ch in quivered with a mixture of heartbreak and rage. for the first time in my life, my mother had let me dow n.“where are you? ”from roomto room, wonderinga moment, she mounted thei was lying face-dow n on my bed upstairs w

8、he n i heard her e through the front door.” robbie, ” she called out a bit urgently.i could then hear her darting franticallywhere i could be. i remained silent.insteps the sounds of her footstepsquickening as she ascended thestaircase.when she entered my room and sat beside me on my bed, i didn'

9、; t movebut in stead stared bla nkly into my pillow refus ing to ack no wledge her prese nee.” i ' m so sorry, honey, ” she said. “i just forgot. i got busy and forgot plai n and simple. ”i s till didn' t move.“don' t forgive her, ” i told myself. “shehumiliated you. she forgot you. make

10、 her pay.”then my mother did something pletely unexpected. she began to laugh.i could feel her shudder as the laughter shook her. it bega n quietly at first and the n in creased in its velocity and volume.i was in credulous. how could she laugh at a time like this? i rolled over and faced her, ready

11、 to let her see the rage and disappo in tme nt in my eyes.but my mother wasn ' t laughing at all. she was crying.“i ' m sosorry, ” she sobbed softly. “i let you down. i let my little boy down.”she sank dow n on the bed and bega n to weep like a little girl. i was dumbstruck. i had never seen

12、 my mother cry. to myunderstanding, mothers were n' t supposed to. i won dered if this was how i looked to her whe n i cried.i desperately tried to recall her own soothing words from times past wheni ' d skinned knees or stubbed toes, times when she knew just the right thi ng to say. but in

13、that mome nt of tearful plight, words of profu ndity aba ndoned me like a worn-out shoe.” it ' s okay, mom” i stammered as i reached out and gently stroked her hair. “we didn ' t even need those cookies. there was plenty of stuff to eat. don ' t cry. it ' s all right. really.'my

14、words, as in adequate as they soun ded to me, prompted my motherto sit up. she wiped her eyes, and a slight smile bega n to crease her tear-sta ined cheeks. i smiled back awkwardly, and she pulled me to her.silen tIon ger.we didn ' t say another word. we just held each other in a long, embrace. whe n we came to the point where i would usually pull away, i decided that, this time, i could hold on, perhaps, just a little bit-强备课挥关虫龄三生的三三机的备合起案,做教以理的教三三::宰关:器:?个作


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