



1、1.把计算机名称COMPANY-977C02C3.运行ABAQUS651WCD1下setup.exe后,在Istallation type 选择just installation the licensing utilities项。只要在license server1输入27000COMPANY-977C02C.安装完licensing部分后,暂停安装安装product部分。把LEGEND文件夹的abaqus.dat文件复制到安装目录下的License文件夹中,并在该License文件夹中创建abaqus.log文件。在点击该License文件夹下lmtools文件,在config servic

2、es项下进行设置,设置完毕后在start/stop/reread项下启动start server,对话框最下面会显示Server Start Successful。然后在安装product部分。4.最后设置环境变量。右键“我的电脑”,“高级”下“环境变量”,新建用户变量,变量名为:LM_LICENSE_FILE,变量值为27000COMPANY-977C02C。ABAQUS 6.5-1安装过程 u)JD)M!Y7YVT大体上我先安装的Compaq Visual Fortran6.5(或6.6)(VC我没装),再装ABAQUS Documentation光盘,最后安装ABAQUS 6.5。 Z,

3、RTon1、安装好Compaq VisualFortran6.5,再设置环境变量: k0O;c jOL;w-Lp 打开“我的电脑控制面板系统高级环境变量” A#B qgfMw (1) 新建Administrator用户变量: _NK Cm3N变量名:lib XH:S'qD*wD变量值:C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual StudioDF98LIB .ZP'r+Y/H/L3x5mC:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual StudioVC98LIB NLgBy&Gm变量名:include x#Y,ob6Nz 变量值:C:Pr

4、ogram FilesMicrosoft Visual StudioVC98INCLUDE :mqW/J U:X1 (2) 新建系统变量: 3x!e'r&,f 变量名:LM_LICENSE_FILE (b dfeoW f2V 变量值:27000<your hostname> wt+Zp EC其中“<your hostname>”要用你的主机名来替换 g +F+o3x"y (3) 检查系统变量“path”的值,若没有以下三个路径: %P%D oelTpd“C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visua

5、l StudioDF98BIN”, gH(V8L(dGZn “C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual StudioVC98BIN”, U/vF'UbxPn “C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual StudioCOMMONMSDEV98BIN” p93Y;X则将它们添加到“path”的变量值中去。 c YkM(另外说一句,安装完ABAQUS后会有一个验证,验证结果指出没找到VC编辑器,这个自然。对Fortran也有个警告,如下: xi-a z"c J GARequirement: Compaq Fortran 6.0, Inte

6、l Fortran 7.0, or Intel Fortran 8.0 h6T$mw4f*qProduct: ABAQUS/Make with Fortran and ABAQUS/User Subroutines m4ds L7o Status: Warning - Found Compaq Visual Fortran 6.5. This compiler |F ?,IY|should work with ABAQUS/Usersubroutines and ABAQUS/Make; ,T A*n(Z j4hv however, it has not been tested with AB

7、AQUS/Usersubroutines Nhs v?8Nw and ABAQUS/Make by the time of this ABAQUS release. 5,r+dPEx 出现这个问题的朋友好好研究一下吧。) %Z N j&SO 2、先安装ABAQUS 6.5 Documents这张光盘。 cz nN 3、开始安装ABAQUS 6.5 CD1这张光盘。 3VWS&op|弹出Abaqus软件的安装界面后,先把安装光盘上的LEGEND目录复制到硬盘上待用。 5j-?7D G|2 D在安装界面上选“I accept the terms of the License Agr

8、eement” >next,->next,->next FhOJ2FC!Gv 安装程序询问安装license还是product,选安装license ->next tr "X)i-B.hE$I 弹出Abaqus Licensing安装界面 nV B?r GYE 填入自己的hostname ->next A& Jm:LT.?$h4C 安装程序询问license的安装方式,选择下面的那种,即“just install the licenseing utilities” ,F9s?z g 选下一步 .B mq-n

9、 RC;A S填入你要安装license软件的目录,比如是C:abaqus,选下一步,安装程序自动在这个目录下生成一个License目录。 #& Za'V4D&W)w#Mj 过一会儿,安装程序提醒你“FLEXlm License Server has been successfully installed”,点击done结束license软件的安装。接下来去配置license server。 3Ofm*S.TN W$L 先编辑硬盘上LEGEND目录中的abaqus.dat, 将文件中第一行的“this_host”替换成你的主机名,不要改动文件中的其它东西。 L,K sd

10、Ie U&w/E u s把编辑好的abaqus.dat复制到C:abaqusLicense目录下 6HV!K!QK;vt 运行“C:abaqusLicenselmtools.exe”,点击“Configuration using Services”,然后点击“Congfig Services”, !v1q6U9LL- m*V 在“Service Name”中填入“ABAQUS FLEXlm License Server”, Q2Y)+rEe'_2Z在“Path to the lmgrd.exe file”一栏中,选择指向“C:abaqusLicenseLMGRD.EXE” _#

11、e#p!y/pH(Y)x x 在“Path to the license file”一栏中,选择指向“C:abaqusLicenseabaqus.dat” hdLZ/qcs Vqg 在“Path to the debug log file”一栏中,选择指向“abaqus.log” f.B,K+"(abaqus.log文件没有就新建一个文本文件,再改成这个名字。我安装时没指定Path to the debug log file这一项也没出问题。) SF22Jeo 选择“Use Services”或同时选择“Start Server at Power Up” W*bfHuQ 点击“Sav

12、e Service”按钮,再点击“Start/Stop/Reread”标签,并点击“Start Server”按钮。 *A._N9s a4k/l 在lmtools窗口的状态栏中,应提示“Server Start Successful.” T$fd0V6a3r7M此时,点击“Server Status”标签,并点击“Perform Status Enquiry”按钮,可以看到: -K jW o.n&?l#E u- E1N,UF)"M,q| Status PHHo g$g- +U| J3;a+eqFlexible License Manager status on Sun 3/2

13、0/2005 20:46 ?6qum b!T)YDetecting lmgrd processes. 4p7a jY&G& g(mLicense server status: 27000tiger l ll;Hj%clj$S License file on tiger: C:ABAQUSLicenseabaqus.dat: M(C-M%oF6qdctiger: license server UP (MASTER) v9.2 o4|9I"xT)AVendor daemon status (on tiger): |8rI9BY1i ABAQUSLM: UP v9.2 +w

14、(wV:Wuq2F Feature usage info: (TS:Fo MUsers of adams: (Total of 50 licenses issued; Total of 0 licenses in use) Qw%_c!e/e0oUsers of aqua: (Total of 50 licenses issued; Total of 0 licenses in use) 7T(lk2aIzJ0HV Users of beamSectGen: (Total of 50 licenses issued; Total of 0 licenses in use) P2_&ja

15、"wS0Users of cadporter_catia: (Total of 50 licenses issued; Total of 0 licenses in use) O3tfnn"Tu+pL Users of cadporter_catiav5: (Total of 50 licenses issued; Total of 0 licenses in use) v+h3i3nNZ Users of cadporter_ideas: (Total of 50 licenses issued; Total of 0 licenses in use) #c1jdo/A/

16、c1Um Users of cadporter_parasolid: (Total of 50 licenses issued; Total of 0 licenses in use) )Fm4?(t"+M Users of cadporter_proe: (Total of 50 licenses issued; Total of 0 licenses in use) ,_t)UPBUsers of cae: (Total of 50 licenses issued; Total of 0 licenses in use) zR1CR"zn,B;H9X:s Users o

17、f cmold: (Total of 50 licenses issued; Total of 0 licenses in use) Lju xUsers of cosimulation: (Total of 50 licenses issued; Total of 0 licenses in use) 0Jbpwr Users of design: (Total of 50 licenses issued; Total of 0 licenses in use) 7xUsers of explicit: (Total of 50 licenses issued; Total of 0 lic

18、enses in use) ?5NxxK&Rg-j CGUsers of foundation: (Total of 50 licenses issued; Total of 0 licenses in use) pw;K:Q SC(hUsers of moldflow: (Total of 50 licenses issued; Total of 0 licenses in use) "Kv!R7Hy:Z;t5kUsers of noGUI: (Total of 50 licenses issued; Total of 0 licenses in use) c%|)O2b(

19、x FPn?Users of standard: (Total of 50 licenses issued; Total of 0 licenses in use) #cI1c$v9U;f Users of viewer: (Total of 50 licenses issued; Total of 0 licenses in use) !j8r9q%r N#Fa Users of parallel: (Total of 50 licenses issued; Total of 0 licenses in use) 'LoQ!u6B1Z至此,Abaqus的license server就

20、设置完了。 |cUq(ss M3n'G;d7X v+g w 4、回到Abaqus的程序安装界面,“would you like to install ABAQUS products?” 选Yes,下一步, $uE3j2h&Zizs 填入“27000你的主机名”下一步, 0F"ML y(I"m5IZKABAQUS安装程序会提示你输入ABAQUS documentation server的URL,如果你已经先安装了ABAQUS documentation这张光盘,这个URL就会直接显示出来,比如说“http:/tiger:2080/v6.5” ,下一步 0hWv&qY输入ABAQUS程序的安装目录,比如说是C:abaqus 3M JyNjd 输入默认的ABAQUS工作目录,比如说C:abaqusmywork,下一步 V:k6#qc7M3P安装程序列出安装清单,点击insta


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