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1、劳务派遣合同Contract of Labor Dispatching甲方:Party A:乙方:Party B:根据中华人民共和国劳动法、中华人民共和国劳动合同法以及有关法律、法 规和劳动政策的规定,经平等协商,甲、乙双方就有关人员派遣事宜达成如下协议:Accordi ng to the < Labour Law of the People's Republic of Chin a>, <LabourCon tract Law of the People's Republic of Chi na>, and releva nt law, rules a

2、nd labour policy, the following agreements are achieved on the basis of equality con sultati on:、乙方根据工作需要,向甲方租赁派遣工作人员(以下称派遣人员)。具体派遣人1_|员和派遣期限以加盖甲乙双方公章的人员派遣表附件为准Base on the operati onal n eed. Party A hires dispatch ing labour force( short for labour dispatch below). The specific labour dispatch and

3、valid period iscon firmedaccord ing to the attached < Labour Dispatch List> stamped with both two parties.二、甲方向乙方收取派遣人员人事管理服务费每人每月人民币 元整。甲方出具劳务费发票,乙方应于每月12号前支付上月全额劳务费款。Party A will collect labour dispatchmanagementservice charge as/Mon th from Party B. Party B must pay for the charge before 12

4、th every mon thwhile Party A providi ng the inv oice.三、甲方责任与派遣人员签定劳Party A duties1、与派遣人员建立劳动关系:负责为派遣人员办理录用手续,动合同。派遣人员在乙方工作期间,不视为与乙方产生劳动关系Set up labor relation with labour dispatch: take charge of employ procedure tran sacti on, sig n < Labour Con tractwith labour dispatch. During the work ing per

5、iod, labour dispatch is not regared as labor relations with Party B.2、甲方负责派遣人员档案管理、保险缴纳、工资发放、个人所得税代缴等工作。Party B is resp onse for the archives adm ini strati on of labour dispatch, andin sura nee payme nt, salary gran t, in dividual in come tax payme nt, etc.3、甲方派遣人员在乙方工作期间必须严格遵守乙方的规章制度,服从乙方的管理和对其工作岗

6、位及工作地点的安排。如有违反乙方规章制度,需按照乙方规章制度处理。Labour dispatch must follow the regulation of Party B strictly, obey the man ageme nt and positi on and work ing locati on arran geme nt of Party B.Anyperson who breaks the rules and regulations of Party B, will be punished in accorda nee with regulati ons of Party B

7、.4、甲方应接收乙方退回的派遣人员。Party A must receive labour dispatch retur ned by Party B.5、甲方派遣的派遣人员给乙方造成经济损失的,甲方应积极协助乙方进行索赔, 不足部分由甲方承担。If labour dispatch cause econo mic losses of Party B, Party A should actively assist Party B to claim, the shortfall is afforded by Party A.6、甲方派遣到乙方的派遣人员发生工伤事故或其他意外伤害时,甲方应迅速派人

8、前往处理并负责以甲方名义申报工伤,同时负责工伤鉴定、工伤理赔事宜,甲方承担全 部责任。Withthe occurre nee of in dustrialinjury or other accidentalinjuryof theLabourdispatch,Party A must sendreleva nt people to con trolanddeclarein ductrialinjury,and also responsiblefor injury identification,injuryclaimsissues, Party A shall bear full resp on

9、 sibility.7、甲方负责处理所派遣的派遣人员的劳动争议事宜。Party A is resp on sible for deali ng with the labour disputes of labour dispatch.8、甲方收到乙方根据合同约定所支付的管理费用后,未履行相关义务,导致乙方和派遣人员合法权益受损,由此造成的损失和责任由甲方承担。If Party A is failure to act the duty after receiving managementservicepayme nt accord ing to the con tract, cause loss

10、of legitimate rights and in terests of Party B or labour dispatch, all the lose and resp on sibility must be afforded by Party A.9、乙方如委托甲方招录人员时,甲方根据乙方用工要求组织人员招聘,甲方根据 乙方提供的“职位说明书”组织初试,并把初试合格人员报给乙方,由乙方复试最终确 定是否录用。If Party B authorizes Party B to recruit, Party A must recruit people comply with require

11、me nt of Party B. Party A orga nize prelimi nary test in accorda nee with“ Positi on In troductio n” from Party B and send compete nt pers on to Party B.Party B orga nize reexam ine and confirm hire or not.10、 甲方承诺对所提供的服务实行上门服务,并派专人驻厂或定期到乙方了解派遣 人员的思想动态、工作表现、遵纪情况以及乙方对甲方的合理要求,提供最佳服务。Party A promise to

12、 provide visit ing service and send specific pers on to stayat Party B or go to Party B at fixed period, to see the thinking trends, job performa nee. Party B promise to provide best service to Party A.四、乙方责任Party B duties1、乙方根据生产需要向甲方提前 15天书面提出派遣人员需求数量、用工条件、用工期限和薪资待遇等。Party B must give the written

13、applieation of labour dispatch number, job eondition, working time and salary 15 days in advanee.2、乙方安排甲方派遣人员从事合法工作,并有权根据工作需要,对甲方派遣的派 遣人员进行工作岗位和工作地点的调整、变更,甲方派遣人员应予以服从。Party B must arrange the labour dispatch with legal work, and has the rightto adjust or eha nge positi on, work ing place of the labo

14、ur dispatch, the labour dispatch must obey.3、乙方应对派遣人员进行劳动安全教育,告知安全生产操作规程、规章制度、奖旗开得胜 惩制度,提供安全保护措施,做好派遣人员的劳动保护。乙方不得强令派遣员工冒险作 业,依法用工。Party B must give safety training to the labour dispatch, tell themsafetyproduct ion operati on rules, regulati ons,reward and puni shme nt rules, andprovide safety preca

15、uti ons to the labours.Party B should not force the laboursto work in adve nture.4、乙方应为甲方派遣人员提供必要时的劳动保护用品,并负担由此产生的费用。Party B must provide n ecessarysafety precauti ons applia nee and pay forthe charge.5、乙方根据本企业的性质,结合工时制度合理安排派遣人员的加班和调休。Party B must arrange extra work and days off according to the wor

16、k schedules reas on ably.6、乙方应在甲方派遣人员发生工伤事故时进行及时抢救并立即通知甲方前往处理, 配合甲方做好派遣人员的工伤申报工作。Party B must rescue and save the labour dispatch on time when occurs in dustrial injury or other accide ntal injury and inform Party A to come. The n cooperate Party B to report the in dustrial injury or other accide ntal injury.7、甲方派遣人员有下列情况之一的乙方可以退回甲方或要求甲方给予调换:In the following circumstances, Party B has the right to r


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