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1、将流行文化研究加入跨文化视野:流行文化对 8将流行文化研究加入跨文化视野:流行将流行文化研究加入跨文化视野:流行文化对文化对 8080 后的影响力之案例分析后的影响力之案例分析AddingAdding thethe StudyStudy ofof PopularPopularCultureCulture toto thethe ScopeScope ofofInterculturalIntercultural Communication:Communication: AnAnExploratoryExploratory CaseCase StudyStudy ofof PopularPopul

2、arCultureCultures s ImpactabilityImpactability ononChineseChinese Post-Post-8080 YouthYouth【作者】 鹿焰;【导师】 顾力行;【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学, 英语语言文学, 2009, 硕士【摘要】 最近十年来流行文化风行于中国社会的方方面面。本文所探讨的问题是流行文化给中国新一代的年轻人带来的变化到底有多大?很多学者认为产生了某种方向的变化,但很少有人能找到有效的研究方法来具体衡量这种变化。本文认为“流行文化”和“青年文化”都可以采用跨文化交际的理论和方法来进行有效研究和测量。在这个外来文化涌入的时

3、期(自 1980 年以后)出生的中国年轻人受到西方流行文化的影响,实际上是个“跨文化”现象,因此非常值得我们跨文化学科进行研究。流行文化大致可被定义为媒体中描述的最新发展,这些媒体包括印刷品、网络和荧屏,并且被大众尤其是年轻人积极效仿,由此形成潮流。专业的学术研究领域正在形成并发展。学者们正在流行文化这一学科下从事学术事业,在权威刊物出版论文,并组织学术研讨会。同样,跨文化交际也已确立为一个学科。从上个世纪的中叶形成并发展,到 70 年代,跨文化交际的学者编写了跨文化读本、课本、课程,发展了跨文化理论和研究模型。在初期,这些主要应用于国家层面的文化比较(如对比美国人和日本人),但在近些年,则倾

4、向于研究各种亚文化与亚文化群体比较,如种族群体文化(例如美国黑人或拉美人)、男性与女性(性别文化)、或者代际文化差异。本文提出为了更有效地观察青年文化的变动方向,需要将流行文化看成是一种处在全球跨文化影响下的文化类别。“中国的 80 年后”(或简称 80 后)这一术语指的是在上世纪 80 年代出生的中国年轻人。这一人群有其共同特质,如年龄与语言的相似,受到改革开放政策的影响,常为独生子女,常常自以为是却又眼光开阔,像小土豆一样看土豆网,充满拼搏精神,勇于创新和与众不同,等等。所以,他们常常被作为特定人群来看待并讨论。这一人群见证了迅速、剧烈变化的中国社会,并被其烙下深深烙印,很多是来自媒体的影

5、响,包括微妙又同时激烈的性解放潮流。因此,让我们来看看流行文化,特别是外国媒体的引入与中国 80 后这两种元素混合在一起会产生什么有趣变化?流行文化对 80 后会产生怎样的跨文化影响?本文将着重讨论不同流行文化对这些 80 后的影响力大小。为此,我向 50 名 80 后年轻人发放了 4 份书面或电子调查问卷,他们来自中国的各个地方并具有不同的背景。从不同载体的流行文化与不同国家的流行文化这两个维度来探索分析流行文化对 80 后的影响力问题。本文的研究、分析和结论都是基于上述问卷收集到的数据。根据跨文化的观点,我们可以注意到,文化的改变通常通过三个机制发生:创新、扩散和文化磨合(Samovar,

6、 Porter & Stefani, 1998)。本文在讨论流行文化对 80 后的影响力时,也将进一步讨论人与文化在这一文化变化过程中的互动。本文在结论处对本次研究进行了总结,并为年轻人更好的进行文化适应提供了一些参考建议,同时指出了本次研究的不足,为将来进一步研究提出了建议。 更多还原【Abstract】 In the recent decade, popular, or pop, culture has beenpervasive in every aspect of Chinese society. The question is to whatdegree it has brought

7、 about changes in this new generation. Manyscholars suggest there are shifts, but few have found ways toeffectively study them. This thesis suggests that bothpopcultureandyouth culturecan effectively be studied using theconcepts and tools of intercultural communication. And that theimportation of we

8、stern pop trends on Chinese youth born in thisimpressionable period (since 1980) is actuallyaninterculturalphenomenon, and therefore a worthy case forstudy.Popular culture can be generally defined as the latestdevelopment portrayed in media, including print, online, and onscreen that is rigorously f

9、ollowed by the masses, especially theyoung people, so as to form a trend. Professional academic fields ofpop culture studies are being developed. Scholars are now pursuingacademic careers, publishing in prestigious journals, and conductingseminars - all in the name of pop culture.Likewise, intercult

10、uralcommunication has emerged as a solid field of study. Fromdevelopments in the second half of the last century, by the 1970s,intercultural communication scholars started developing readers,textbooks, courses, theories and solid research paradigms. In theearly years, these were mostly applied to th

11、e comparisons of cultureat the national level (e.g. contrasting Americans and Japanese), butin recent years, the trend has been to apply these to sub-culturalvariations, and compare such things as the cultures of ethnic groups(e.g. African-Americans or Hispanic-Americans), men and women (gendercultu

12、re), or generational culture differences. This thesis proposesthat to look effectively at youth culture shifts, pop culture needsto be considered as a type of global intercultural influence. Thetermpost-80 born Chinese(often shortened as post-80s) refersto the Chinese youngsters who were born during

13、 1980s. This group ofpeople has certain common traits such as similarity of age andlanguage, being influenced by the Reform and Opening-up Policy, oftenonly-children, having developed a kind of self-righteousness and atthe same time open-mindedness, patterns of beingmouse-potatoeswatching Potatoes (

14、), being aspiring and eager to innovateand be different, and so forth. So, they are often viewed anddiscussed as a certain group. This group of people has witnessed andis strongly imprinted by the fast- and dramatic-changing Chinesesociety, much of it promoted by the media, including the subtle ands

15、ometimes radical nuances of sexual liberation.Therefore it is veryinteresting to see what has happened when the two elements mix witheach other: pop culture, especially foreign media importation withthe new Chinese youth context. How has the intercultural influence ofpop cultures affected post-80 bo

16、rn Chinese youngsters? This thesisfocuses on the impactability of different pop cultures on these post-80 youth.For the above purpose, I have asked 50 post-80s ofdifferent backgrounds and from different regions of China to answer 4sets of research questionnaires on paper or via email. The research,a

17、nalysis and results of this thesis are all based upon the datacollected from those questionnaires.Using intercultural concepts, wenote that cultural changes often occur through the three most commonmechanisms: innovation, diffusion, and acculturation (Samovar, Porter,& Stefani, 1998). The thesis thu

18、s further discusses this dynamicinteraction between cultures and the persons during the changingprocess.The paper concludes by pointing out tentative suggestions foreasing the cultural adaptation of the youngsters and some suggestionsfor future research. 更多还原【关键词】 流行文化; 80 后; 中国青年; 青年文化; 媒体;【Key wor

19、ds】 Pop culture; post-80; Chinese youth; youth culture;media;参考文献:“跨文化视野下中国古代小说学术研讨会”召开2011 年 3 月 26 日至 28 日,“跨文化视野下中国古代小说学术研讨会”在暨南大学隆重召开。此次会议由文学遗产编辑部、国家“211 工程”重点项目比较文艺学与海外华文文学、暨南大学中国古代小说.收录数据库:中文科技期刊数据库 来源:文学遗产 2011 年 第 4 期作者:蔡亚平 机构:不详“跨文化视野下中国古代小说学术研讨会”在暨南大学召开3 月 26 日28 日,由文学遗产编辑部、国家211 工程重点项目暨南大

20、学比较文艺学与海外华文文学、暨南大学中国古代小说研究中心主办,广州大学等单位协办的跨文化视野下中国古代小说学术研.收录数据库:中文科技期刊数据库 来源:暨南学报:哲学社会科学版2011 年 第 2 期 作者:无 机构:不详跨文化视野下中国古代小说学术研讨会综述2011 年 3 月 26 日至 28 日,跨文化视野下中国古代小说学术研讨会在暨南大学举行。这次会议由文学遗产编辑部、国家211 工程重点项目比较文艺学与海外华文文学、暨南大学中国古代小说研.收录数据库:中文科技期刊数据库 来源:暨南学报:哲学社会科学版2011 年 第 2 期 作者:廖华 机构:暨南大学文学院 广东广州 510632跨

21、文化研究的一种理论维度和阅读范式读跨文化视野中希尔作品的研究在西方,中国题材作品中的中国形象和东方主义等都是值得深入思考的重要问题。尤其是在当今经济全球化的背景下,东西方的不平等和对峙状态凸显,东方要在正确客观认识自身的前提下,识别抵制西.收录数据库:中文科技期刊数据库 来源:黑龙江社会科学 2011 年第 2 期 作者:祝晶 机构:北京第二外国语学院应用英语学院 北京 100024将流行文化研究加入跨文化视野:流行将流行文化研究加入跨文化视野:流行文化对文化对 8080 后的影响力之案例分析后的影响力之案例分析AddingAdding thethe StudyStudy ofof Popul

22、arPopularCultureCulture toto thethe ScopeScope ofofInterculturalIntercultural Communication:Communication: AnAnExploratoryExploratory CaseCase StudyStudy ofof PopularPopularCultureCultures s ImpactabilityImpactability ononChineseChinese Post-Post-8080 YouthYouth【作者】 鹿焰;【导师】 顾力行;【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学, 英语语

23、言文学, 2009, 硕士【摘要】 最近十年来流行文化风行于中国社会的方方面面。本文所探讨的问题是流行文化给中国新一代的年轻人带来的变化到底有多大?很多学者认为产生了某种方向的变化,但很少有人能找到有效的研究方法来具体衡量这种变化。本文认为“流行文化”和“青年文化”都可以采用跨文化交际的理论和方法来进行有效研究和测量。在这个外来文化涌入的时期(自 1980 年以后)出生的中国年轻人受到西方流行文化的影响,实际上是个“跨文化”现象,因此非常值得我们跨文化学科进行研究。流行文化大致可被定义为媒体中描述的最新发展,这些媒体包括印刷品、网络和荧屏,并且被大众尤其是年轻人积极效仿,由此形成潮流。专业的学

24、术研究领域正在形成并发展。学者们正在流行文化这一学科下从事学术事业,在权威刊物出版论文,并组织学术研讨会。同样,跨文化交际也已确立为一个学科。从上个世纪的中叶形成并发展,到 70 年代,跨文化交际的学者编写了跨文化读本、课本、课程,发展了跨文化理论和研究模型。在初期,这些主要应用于国家层面的文化比较(如对比美国人和日本人),但在近些年,则倾向于研究各种亚文化与亚文化群体比较,如种族群体文化(例如美国黑人或拉美人)、男性与女性(性别文化)、或者代际文化差异。本文提出为了更有效地观察青年文化的变动方向,需要将流行文化看成是一种处在全球跨文化影响下的文化类别。“中国的 80 年后”(或简称 80 后

25、)这一术语指的是在上世纪 80 年代出生的中国年轻人。这一人群有其共同特质,如年龄与语言的相似,受到改革开放政策的影响,常为独生子女,常常自以为是却又眼光开阔,像小土豆一样看土豆网,充满拼搏精神,勇于创新和与众不同,等等。所以,他们常常被作为特定人群来看待并讨论。这一人群见证了迅速、剧烈变化的中国社会,并被其烙下深深烙印,很多是来自媒体的影响,包括微妙又同时激烈的性解放潮流。因此,让我们来看看流行文化,特别是外国媒体的引入与中国 80 后这两种元素混合在一起会产生什么有趣变化?流行文化对 80 后会产生怎样的跨文化影响?本文将着重讨论不同流行文化对这些 80 后的影响力大小。为此,我向 50

26、名 80 后年轻人发放了 4 份书面或电子调查问卷,他们来自中国的各个地方并具有不同的背景。从不同载体的流行文化与不同国家的流行文化这两个维度来探索分析流行文化对 80 后的影响力问题。本文的研究、分析和结论都是基于上述问卷收集到的数据。根据跨文化的观点,我们可以注意到,文化的改变通常通过三个机制发生:创新、扩散和文化磨合(Samovar, Porter & Stefani, 1998)。本文在讨论流行文化对 80 后的影响力时,也将进一步讨论人与文化在这一文化变化过程中的互动。本文在结论处对本次研究进行了总结,并为年轻人更好的进行文化适应提供了一些参考建议,同时指出了本次研究的不足,为将来进

27、一步研究提出了建议。 更多还原【Abstract】 In the recent decade, popular, or pop, culture has beenpervasive in every aspect of Chinese society. The question is to whatdegree it has brought about changes in this new generation. Manyscholars suggest there are shifts, but few have found ways toeffectively study them. T

28、his thesis suggests that bothpopcultureandyouth culturecan effectively be studied using theconcepts and tools of intercultural communication. And that theimportation of western pop trends on Chinese youth born in thisimpressionable period (since 1980) is actuallyaninterculturalphenomenon, and theref

29、ore a worthy case forstudy.Popular culture can be generally defined as the latestdevelopment portrayed in media, including print, online, and onscreen that is rigorously followed by the masses, especially theyoung people, so as to form a trend. Professional academic fields ofpop culture studies are

30、being developed. Scholars are now pursuingacademic careers, publishing in prestigious journals, and conductingseminars - all in the name of pop culture.Likewise, interculturalcommunication has emerged as a solid field of study. Fromdevelopments in the second half of the last century, by the 1970s,in

31、tercultural communication scholars started developing readers,textbooks, courses, theories and solid research paradigms. In theearly years, these were mostly applied to the comparisons of cultureat the national level (e.g. contrasting Americans and Japanese), butin recent years, the trend has been t

32、o apply these to sub-culturalvariations, and compare such things as the cultures of ethnic groups(e.g. African-Americans or Hispanic-Americans), men and women (genderculture), or generational culture differences. This thesis proposesthat to look effectively at youth culture shifts, pop culture needs

33、to be considered as a type of global intercultural influence. Thetermpost-80 born Chinese(often shortened as post-80s) refersto the Chinese youngsters who were born during 1980s. This group ofpeople has certain common traits such as similarity of age andlanguage, being influenced by the Reform and O

34、pening-up Policy, oftenonly-children, having developed a kind of self-righteousness and atthe same time open-mindedness, patterns of beingmouse-potatoeswatching Potatoes (), being aspiring and eager to innovateand be different, and so forth. So, they are often viewed anddiscussed as a certain group.

35、 This group of people has witnessed andis strongly imprinted by the fast- and dramatic-changing Chinesesociety, much of it promoted by the media, including the subtle andsometimes radical nuances of sexual liberation.Therefore it is veryinteresting to see what has happened when the two elements mix

36、witheach other: pop culture, especially foreign media importation withthe new Chinese youth context. How has the intercultural influence ofpop cultures affected post-80 born Chinese youngsters? This thesisfocuses on the impactability of different pop cultures on these post-80 youth.For the above pur

37、pose, I have asked 50 post-80s ofdifferent backgrounds and from different regions of China to answer 4sets of research questionnaires on paper or via email. The research,analysis and results of this thesis are all based upon the datacollected from those questionnaires.Using intercultural concepts, wenote that cultural changes


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