1、in-case-用法in case用法收藏in case万一。是连词,引导条件状语从句。也就是说in case后面是一个完整的句子倘若太阳很利害,你就把帽子戴上。Take ahat with you in case the sun is very hot.in case of的of是介词,介词后面只能带名词性质的词,比如名词、代词等。意思和差不多,万一的意思In case of rain they cant go.万一下雨,他们就不能去了。in casein the case of,就 来说,关于。意思跟上面两个不一样了。一般表示转而提及另一件事情。比女nIn the case of woma
2、n,they have more difficulty in their job。就女性来说,她们在工作中会遇到更多的困难in this case :在这个场合in that case:(短语)若是那样的话 例:YOU dont like this place? In that case, whydont you leave?(一)in case作短语连词,能引导状语从句。就其词义和语法职能来分,可引导两种从句。其一:in case/just in case引导目的状语从句作以免,以备,以防等解。如:He takes a torch in case it gets dark before he
3、 retur ns他带了手电筒,以备天黑以后回家之用。Ive bought a chicke n in case your mother stays to lunch我买来一只童子鸡,以备你妈妈留下吃午饭。I decided to stay at home just in case my frie nds came round我决定留在家里,以防朋友们不期而至。Ill make some san dwiches in case you feel hungry on the jour ney我会做些三明治,免得你在旅途中饿着。Buy one of his pain ti ngs now,in c
4、ase they get more expensive现在就买下他的一幅画,以防他的画涨价。You must be quiet in case the fish are frighte nedIn case we fail,we wont lose heart.万一我们失败,我们决不会失去信心。Add more coal in case the weather is coldIn case you get home before I docould you start preparing dinner如果你在我之前到家,你能不能动手做饭?,we can always sit in the ba
5、r要是他们来晚了,我们总可以在酒吧里坐一坐。Little Melanie,in case youve forgot- ten如果你忘记了,小梅兰妮是不会原谅你的。(二)in case作副词性短语,常置于句末,表示事先准备或预防的措施,作“以防万一”解 如:She ought to be there in case.他应在那儿等着,以防万一。I will kee p some of these un used in case“1 dont think theres any dan ger,”said the electricia n,“but youd better switchthe elec
6、tricity off in case.电工说,我看没啥危险,不过你最好关上电闸,以防万一。”Im sure they have nt forgotte n but lets send them a remin der just in case我相信他们不会忘记,不过为防止万一,还是给他们发一封催促函吧。那班汽车通常是准点的,但你还是早点动身,以防万一。其二:in case接条件从句,意为如果、万一”。如:.如果天气冷,就添些煤吧。In case theyre lateIn case you were thi nking rd lend any money,Ill tell you nowI
7、wont如果你以往认为我总是借钱给你,这回对你说明白:我不借。,has nt forgive n you.我要保留一些不用,以备急需。The bus is usually on time,but start early,just in case(三)in case of是短语介词,后接名词、动名词等。它带的短语置于句末常看作目的状语,作“以免,以防”解(In case of my not being there,ask my brother to help you万一我不在那里,让我弟弟来帮助你。In case of和for fear of的用法区别置于句首常视为条件状语,作“如果,万一”解(
8、B)。但位置不是绝对的(A)The wall was built along the river in case of floods.沿河筑起防护墙,以防洪水。You should kee p a first-aid kit in the car in case of accide nt你应该在车里放一套急救用品,以备意外事故需用。Many shops along the route have boarded up in case of trouble这条干道上沿途有许多商店都用木板钉上,(遮拦住玻璃门窗),以防止受到骚扰。(B)l n case of rain I have an umbre
9、lla.我带了把雨伞以防下雨。In case of n eed,I can make a tri p to Bost on.如有急事,我可以去趟波士顿。In case of difficulty,you can reach me at this number如果有困难,你可以拨这个电话号码找我。In case of my absenee,some one will take my place如果我不到,将有别人代替。1.作“提防”,“惟恐”这个意思讲,通用:in case of只能用来引导名词,for fear ofin case of是同义词,但不一定能 多半引导动名词短语。禾口for fe
10、ar ofA);(三)in case of是短语介词,后接名词、动名词等。例如:In case of fire, break the bottle.I always put some money in my po cket in case of n eed.放一点钱以备需用。2.短语in case是个连接语,作“假如”、“万一”讲。例如:And now Hercules bega n to con sider what he should do, in case Atlas should be drow ned in the sea.You d better take an umbrella
11、with you in case it rains.3.同if不一样,用作连词引导条件句时, 而且意思也不一样。in case这个短语通常用于陈述句,不用虚拟语气,例如:In case I ask for leave, will she agree?如果我请假,她会答应吗?If I were to ask for leave, would he agree?如果我请假,他会答应吗?4.即使主句是将来时态,由in case引导的从句,仍然使用现在时态。例如:In case the weather is fine tomorrow, we shall hold a meet ing.我们将召开一次
12、会议。如果明天天气好的话,如果发生火灾,请把瓶打破。我总是要在口袋里in that / this case如果那样/这样(的话);在那种/这种情况下、case作名词的用法:1. case有情况、事实“之意。如:The p olice have a clear case aga inst the prisoner.case作此义时,常用于以下一些固定短语Henry will resig n in case you drive him too hard.不干。如果你欺人太甚的话,亨利就会辞职5.作以防”来讲,in case相当于for fear that,并可以通用。例如:I wrote it d
13、ow n in case/ for fear that I should forget it.免得忘记。我已把它抄下了,I must stay at home this morning in case/for fear that he comes to seeme.我今天上午必须呆在家里,恐怕他会来看我。6. In case这个短语,英美英语中的意思有时候并不相同。例如:I will come in case I am wan ted.我会来的,因为也许有人要找我。(英式英语)I will come in case I am wan ted.我会来的,只要有人找我。(美式英语)Is it th
14、e case that you have lost all your mon ey?你的钱全都损失了是真的吗?ed警察有充足的事实对付那个囚犯。In that case, wed better hold a discussi on about the pr oblem.这一问题展开讨论。He may not be back at six. In this case we wont wait for him.要是这样,我们就不等他了。Tur n off the TV set in case of thu nderstorm.in case of如果,万一,后接名词、代词或动名词。如Take a
15、spare tyre along in case of n eed.带只备用轮胎去,以备不时之需。那样的话,我们最好对他可能六点钟回不来。在雷雨时,关上电视机。In case of fire, dial 119 at once.如果发生火灾,立即拨打119。而in the case of则是就. 来说。女D :In the case of his health, it is fortunatefor him to have recovered from his illness就他的健康状况来说,能恢复到这样算是幸运的了。like this.Failure is no shame in the
16、case of a scie ntist.就科学家来说,失败并非羞耻事。in case万一,以防,如果,引导条件状语从句。如In case he arrives before I get back, p lease ask him to wait.请叫他等我。万一我回来前他先到了Pl ease remi nd me of it aga in tomorrow in case I forget.我忘记。请你明天再提醒我一下,免得注意:in case引岀的条件从句所表示的意义是“预防某种情况的岀现;如果从句说的是一般的假设或条件,则要用if。请比较:Ill tell him about the m
17、atter if I meet him.(不用in case)vwTake an umbrella in case it rai ns.(不用if )在上下文意义很明确时,有时可省去in case后从句的内容。如:I dont think it will rain, but Ill take an umbrella in case (it rains)in any case无论如何,相当于whatever happens.女D :AYou should finish your compo siti on before school is over in any case.必须在放学前完成作文。
18、A无论如何,你The copper was cased over with silver.The brick wall is cased over with ceme nt.1.We have an auxiliary gen erator in case of po wer cuts.我们有一台万一断电时使用的备用发电机。2.In case you n eed somethi ng, p lease dont hesitate to let me know.如果你需要什么东西,请不客气地对我说。3.It may rain youd better take an umbrella (just)
19、 in case (it does).In any case, Ill come over to the office tomorrow.!无论如何,我明天会来办公室的。in no case决不,置于句首时,须用倒装语序。如:In no case shall we allow smok ing in the classroom.教室里决对不允许吸烟。yAIn no case shall you break the rule.你决不能违反纪律。such being the case既然如此,情况既然是这样ZSuch being the case, I have no more to say.既然如此,我再无话可说。;IlwSuch being the case, we were very lucky to have a house of our own.们能有一幢自己的房子就算很幸运了.既然如此,我2. case作名词还有以下一些常见的意义There is a bea
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