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1、UNIT11. He has let me use his house to put on fund-raising events to raise money for youth at risk programs.他把住宅借给我举办募捐活动,为问题青少年项目筹备基金。2. Then he drew a detailed floor pian for a 4,000-square-foot house that would sit on a 200-acre dream ranch.在这个200英亩的梦想农场中他要建一个4000平方英尺的房子,并且画了一个详细的平面图。3. He put a

2、great deal of his heart into the project and the next day he handed it in to his teacher.他花了好大心血把文章写完,第二天交给了老师。4. The boy with the dream went to see the teacher after class and asked,“Why did I receive an F?”这个满怀梦想的男孩下课后去见了老师,问道:“您为什么不给我及格?”5. Finally,after sitting with it for a week ,the boy turned

3、 in the same paper,making no changes at all.男孩整整想了一个礼拜,最后又把原稿一字未改地交给了老师。1. I rewrote the last two paragraphs(我重写了最后两段to make my paper better.2. If you have unrealistic expectations(如果你怀有不切实际的期望,they will rarely be met.3. The club decided to take a hand in youth at risk programs(为问题青少年项目出一份力。4. The c

4、ommittee will use every means to raise money(想法设法筹备资金,but stops short of an increase in taxes.5. Would you please explain the theme in detail(详细地说明一下主题?UNIT21.“He seems to have a hard time of it,”said another,“I wonder where he ll put up for the ninght,”“他似乎一路很辛苦”另一个人说道,“不知道他会在哪里住宿”2. About an hour

5、later,a well-dressed gentleman came into the hotel and said,“I wish to see Mr.Jefferson.”大约一小时后,一位衣着考究的绅士走进这家旅馆,说:“我想求见杰佛逊先生。”3. What a dunce I was to turn Mr.Jefferson away!我真是个大傻瓜,竟然想把杰佛逊先生拒之门外!4. You were so bespattered with mud that I thought you were some old farmer.您刚才一身泥巴,我还以为您是个老农民。5. A farm

6、er is as good as any other man;and where theres no room for a farmer,there can be no room for me.农民和其他人一样,没有农民住的地方,也就不会可能有我住的地方1. Instead of following the captains order(没有人听从船长的命令 the passengers jumped into the icy sea.2. His wife died last week and he has had a hard time of it(他日子过得很艰难。3. He said

7、that the only job he could offer me would be that of a delivery man(他能给我的唯一工作就是送货员的工作.4. She prides her upon haring a billionaire uncle(她自诩有个亿万富翁的伯父 who lives somewhere in South America.5. What a dunce you are to put a newly-met man up in your house.(让一个刚认识的男人住在你家UNIT31. You would think that people

8、would be scampering away from something like this.你可能会想到人们将惊慌逃窜听到整容这件事。2. more and more people seniors are turning to cosmetic enhancements to gain a competitive edge.越来越多的老人求助于美容手术的提升获得竞争优势。3. Many people in their 50s and 60s who are looking for work find their age can be a real barrier to landing

9、a new job.许多50年代和60年代的人在寻找工作时发现他们的年龄是个找工作的障碍,4. Professionals or high ranking executives seek out Peters with similar concerns专业人士或高层行政人员也出于同样的担心来找皮特斯。5. Whether plastic surgery and scores of other cosmetic treatments actually give a leg up to older Americans either entering or currently in the work

10、force is unclear。整容手术以及其他几十种美容疗法是否真能为正在找工作或已身处职场的中老年美国人助上一臂之力这还很难说1. You have been smarting from your lay off(为失业而痛苦for two months.Now you need to take actions and find a new job.2. He venturing back into the job maket(冒险涉足商界 at the age 18,but found that his lack of knowledge and experience wasa gre

11、at barrier to success.3. The age discrimation at work place(职场上的年龄歧视 forces many applicants to conceal their real age when looking for a job.4. The relevant departments are taking steps to enhance the security(采取措施加强安全管理 during the peak season of tourism.5. I suggest that we eliminate some unprofita

12、ble offices and products so as to zero in on the EastChina market(集中精力搞好华东市场。UNIT41.Then she settled,placed her briefcase on her lap and rested her cane against her leg.然后她坐下来,把公文包放在腿上,把拐杖靠在腿旁边。2. Due to a medical misdiagnosis she had been rendered sightless,and she was suddenly thrown into a world

13、of darkness,anger,frustration and self-pity.由于一次误诊,她失去了视力,一下次跌进了黑暗的世界,愤怒无奈,自悲自怜。3. She used to take the bus,but was now too frightened to get aroundthe city by herself.她以前都是乘公交车去的,可现在她太害怕了,不敢一个人在城里走动。4. At first ,this comforted Susan,and fulfilled Marks need to protect his sightless wife who was so

14、insecure about performing the slightest task. 起初,这样做使苏珊很安心,马克也履行了保护失明妻子的职责,因为他对乘公交车这么微不足道的事都没有安全感。5. He taught her how to rely om other senses,specifically her hearing,to determine where she was and how to adapt to her new environment.他教她如何依靠她的其他感官,特别是听力来确定方位和适应新的环境1.After shadowing the manager for

15、three months,the sales person thought he could do this job on his own(觉得可以独自做这项工作了。2. The old man looked at the policeman,his eyes filling with tears of gratitude(眼睛里蓄满了感激的泪花 for his help and patience.3. The little boy struggled to stand up from the mud(挣扎着从泥泞中爬起来 and staggered away into the mist.4.

16、 Seeing the waterfall pouring down in frond of you(看着瀑布在你面前飞流直下,you will be amazed by the awesomeness of nature.5. He was rendered speechiess by the policeman question(他被警察问得哑口无言 and admitted that he had stolen the diamond ring.UNIT51.It came to pass that one beautiful day God wished to take astroll

17、 in the heavenly garden, and took all the apostles and saints with him, leaving no one in heaven but Saint Peter.有一天,天气晴朗,上帝想到花园里散散心,他总带着所有的使徒去了,只留下圣彼得一个人。2.The Lord had commanded him to allow no one to enterduring his absence , so Peter stood by the gate and kept watch.上帝吩咐说,在他外出期间不得让任何人进入天堂,于是圣彼得就

18、站在天堂门口守着。3.I will tend the children, wash their diapers, wipe off and clean thebenches on which they have been playing, and patch all their torn clothes.我可以看孩子,洗尿布,还能擦他们玩脏的板凳,补他们的破衣服。4.This was the seat on which the Lord sad when he was athome, and from which he could see everything that was happeni

19、ng on earth.这就是上帝在家时坐的那把椅子,坐在上面人间发生的一切就可以一览无余。5.Then the Lord had the tailor brought before him, and asked him if hadtaken the footstool, and where he had put it.于是上帝便下令把裁缝叫来,问他有没有脚凳,放到哪里去了。1.No one but he(除他以外没有人 showed much interest in theproposal.2.They knocked him down and robbed him of his brie

20、fcase(抢走了他的公文包3.Whatever is worth doing(任何值得做的事情 at all is worth doingwell.4.A working party has been set up to look into the problem(调查该问题。5.Emperor Qin Shi Huang had all the walls joined into the Great Wall(让人把长城连接起来。UNIT6 1. Some researchers say temperatures that high can actually lower the effec

21、tiveness of those beneficial chemicals. 一些研究人员表示,高温实际上会降低这些有益化学成分的有效性。 2. The problem is that overexposure to sugar over a long period of time will cause this repeated inflammatory response in the body, which now is linked to heart disease. 问题在于长期大量摄入糖分会引起身体频繁出现炎症反应, 这种炎症 反应现已证实会诱发心脏病。 3. Like many other people who know good chocolate when they taste it-choc


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