



1、in front of us. (build)4. Every year, lots of(visit)5. The sun and beach can make a holiday. (won der)4. Mrs. Gree n has lived in this small village for about twenty years.( 部分提问)3. Weturned to the left and there were two对划线from all over the world visit the Great Wall.has Mrs. Green lived in this sm

2、all village?5. They decided to go by plane because it is much faster.(同义句改写)They decided toa()1. My uncle is SPCAofficer.A. aB. anC. the()4. SPCA officers ofte n save ani malsSP CA.because it is much faster.He always helps animals find new homes. D. / dan ger and take them to theA. ofB. overC. onD.

3、from)7. Compu ters are useful many differe nt ways these years.A. on B. inC. at D. for)9. Jenny was happy to have ano ther girl to p lay.A. ofB. withC. onD. at)16. Do you still rememberhe came here?Yes, I do. He came by bus.A. whe nB. what C. howD. why()19. Jack p refers the book with a lot of pi ct

4、ures. The un derli ned part mea nsD. readsA. likes bestB. hates C. likes betterD. You()20. Tha nk you very much for telli ng me the way.A. Don' t thank me. B. You ' re welcome. C. No thanks.n eed n t.2. The p olice caught the two in the country last week. (thief)3. Some childre n helped the

5、old man cross the road. (safe)5. Don ' t be to animals. We should protect them. (kind)2. The girl behind the tree is my best friend.(对划线部分提问)is your best frie nd?3. Could you please give me that bag?(同义句改写)Could you pleasethat bagme?4. We go to see our grandparents four times every month. (对戈 U线

6、部分提问)do you go to see your grandparents every mon th?5. Jim has to take care of his little sister after school.(同义句改写)Jim has tohis little sister after school.1. The Brow ns go to p laybadm inton in the n earest gym every Sun day.A. aB. anC. theD. /2. Pl ease tell me somethi ng aboutin the letter.A.

7、 myB. yourC. yourselfD. yours3. I ' ve readthe famous writer in the newspaper.A. about B. toC. withD. for5. About twentypeople visit the Great Wall every year.A. millio nsB.millio nC. millio ns ofD.millionof7. If you go to Africa, you will pr obably meet lions orbig ani mals on your way.A. ano t

8、herB. otherC. othersD. the others12. A lot of people are happy to talktheir jobs.A. with B. toC. atD. about13. weather it is! Let ' s go out for a picnic.A. What badB. What good C. How goodD. How bad14. Simon makesfriends in his class because he is very selfish (自私的).A. few B. a fewC. littleD. a

9、 little16. Mr. Brow nin the city for twenty years.C. livesD. has lived_. (foreign)A. livedB. is livi ng1. Most of the stude nts in this class are2. We will go to _ and have a won derful holiday there. (British)3. The library is usually _ with stude nts at the weeke nd. (crowd)4. The _ flag has a red

10、 maple leaf in the centre. (Canada)5. Mary is a new stude nt and her _ is America n. (n ati on al)1. His mother teaches En glish in No. 1 Middle School.(改为一般疑问句) his mother _ En glish in No. 1 Middle School?3. Do you want to go shopping with us tomorrow?(同义句改写 )you _ to go shopping with us tomorrow?

11、4. My penfriend will send me some beautiful stamps.(同义句改写 )My pen frie nd will _ some beautiful sta mps _ me.5. Pl ease give him some money to buy the ice cream.(改为否定句 )Pl ease _ him any money to buy the ice cream.()3. There is stillfish on the p late. Pl ease fin ish it off.A. littleB. a littleC. f

12、ew D. a few3. His _ to the little dog made us an gry. (cruel)4. I usually have some sushi whe n I go to a _ restaura nt. (Ja pan)5. Do you know any p laces of _in Shan ghai? (in teresti ng)8. The p olice rushed into the buildi ng andthe little boy. (safe)9. Somewill visit our school n ext Mon day. (

13、Ca nada)people, (miss)10. Dogs are so helpful that they can help us find the9. There are some bananas and oranges in the basket.(改为否定句 )There _= any bananas _ oran ges in the basket.10. Most children like hamburgers better than hot dogs.(同义句改写 )Most childre n hamburgers _ hot dogs.()3. The number 20

14、,210 can be read asB. twenty thousa nd two hun dredA. twenty thousa nd and two hun dred and tenand tenC. twenty thousa nd two hun dred ten D. twenty milli on two hun dred and ten1. Garden City is a crowded city.(对划线部分提问)city is Garde n City?2. We call peopie from Canada Canadians.(对划线部分提问)we call pe

15、ople from Can ada?3. He has lived in the USA for about two mon ths.( 对划线部分提问)he lived in the USA?4.What' s your nationality?(保持句意相同)do you come?1. Many people from around the world live in thisSha nghai.2. I have met some3. How many4. We call people from Britai n5. Whichfood do you(Australia)foo

16、d?4. There are a lot of new(company) n ear our school.()1. Danny is very busy. He movesfurn iture to peopleevery day.A. a few B. many C. much D. a little3.What' s your father ' s job?(保持句意相同) What?()2. Does she wearuniform in her job?A. aB. theC. an D. /5. Her father will come back in a few

17、weeks.(will her father come back?()1. I live on the tenth floor. Every day, I go up and downA. in the liftB. on the lift C. at the liftD. by the lift()5. There isink in the bottle, is there?A. a little B. little C. a few D. few(nation) city(Amenca)frie nds since I came to New York.(In dia) live and

18、work in Sha nghai?(Britai n). p refer,Japan)foodor's new flatyour father对划线部分提问)2. We call peopie from Canada Canadians.(对划线部分提问)we call p eople from Canada?5. Henry is a p ostma n(保持句意相同)Henry ' s job isletters and parcels.()4. The P alace Museum is an in terest ing placeI ' d like to v

19、isit it.A. withB. hasD. of()7. We spentA. a hour and a halfmany an cie nt buildi ngs. C. forin the p ark.B. one hour and a halfD. one and a half hour 's invite some frieC. climbs you inC. an hour and a half hours ()16. It ' s a fine day. LetA. to climbB. climb()17. If youlost (迷路),Ihouse at

20、the zoo. A. get, meetD. get, will meetthe moun ta in.D. climbedtwe nty minu tes at the mon keyndsB. will get, will meet C. will get, meetholiday in Chi na.1. The Qi ngmi ng Festival has already become a(n ati on)2. Tony would like to be a travelwhen he grows up. (age ncy)3. Do you know the(direct) o

21、f Shan ghai Museum?1. They often chat with each other(no isy).2. The doctor saved hundreds of people ' s3. To have a walk in the forest is quite(life).(excite).)1. We can use the tele phonehelp.A. toB. forC. withD. in)4. This sign tells usright.A. turn B.to turnC. turnsD.turni ng()5. important i

22、nformation it is!A. What B. What a C. What an 3.PIease don ' t eat in the classroom. And don 句意相同) Weeatdrink in the classroom.5.She p icked up the rubbish to keep the ground clea n.(she _()1. Now it ' s myA. turnB. turnsordersD. How't drink in the classroom.(_ up the rubbish? . I can &#

23、39; t miss it. C. order D.对划线部分提问)保持1. What ' s the (mear) of the word?2. We can get(use) in formatio n here.3. Tom' s dream is to be a great basketball(p lay) like Yao Mi ng.4. That sign tells us to stop here. It' s an(instruct) sign.5. (lucky), he missed the bus and was late for the me

24、eti ng.()4. I really can ' t decideto choose for my son because they areall nice.A.where B.how C.whatD.which()5. The policeman warned the boysfootball in the street.A. not to playB. not playC.didn ' t play D.don t play 2.It ' s a direction sign.(对划线部分提问)对划线部分提问)sig n is it?3. At school w

25、e have rules to keep us safe.( we have rules at school?4. Don ' t run on the roa d.(保持句意相同) run on the road.5.I missed the early bus this morning.(保持句意相同)Ithe early bus this morning.2. What ' s wrong? Why are you so ( silenee )(safe)3. There was a strong typhoon, but the p ilot Ian ded the p

26、lane4. My un cle used to(smok ing ) whe n he was young.()2. During the holidays, some people went to the zoo;the p ark.A. other B. others C. the other D. the others)3. You should follow the rules to keep yourselfA.safety)4.went toD.n eed n' ( )t5.B.safe C.save D.safelyYoutake an umbrella with yo

27、u because itA.can' tB.may not's fine.C.must n' tDon tthe radio. G randpa is sleeping.turn on B. turn off C.turn over-Must I fin ish my homework before I p lay video games,Mum ' m afraid you.A.must B.must n' tC.caq D. can2.You can only wash these clothes by hand.( 对划线部分提问) I wash

28、these clothes?、5.Can you tell me when I will visit my old teacher?(保持句意相同)Can you tell mevisit my old teacher?()3. After he heard the n ews, he looked.A.a ngrilyB.a ngryC.an gerD.an grier()4.BenKitty are in terested in scie nee.ANeither - nor B.Not oniy but also C.Both and D.Either -or1. Put the sof

29、a opp osite the TV set.(改为否定句)the sofa oppo site the TV set.2. I ' d like a flat with a big baleony and three bedrooms.D.3.turn down?(对划线部分提问)flat would you like ?()2.Shanghai has two big zoos. Oneis Shanghai Zoo.Ani mals P ark.A.OtherB.A nohter C.The other D.Others3. It took him over six hours

30、to fin ish readi ng the story.Heover six hoursthe story.1. Don t make a(noisy)in the reading room.2. The boys are(excite) when they are watchi ng the basketball match.3. Let me in troduce my new(n eighbourhood) Tom to you.4.1 thi nk livi ng in the coun tryside is very(p lease).2. Have you moved to a

31、 new(n eighbor)?3. Most of the people like the(p eace)life.2. The new watch cost him 160 yuan.为否定句)The new watchhim 160 yua n.3. The life in the city center is pleasant. ( 对划线部分提问)the life in the city cen ter?、亠、4. Laura has the guitar less on once a mon th.(对戈 U线部分提问)the guitar less on?is Shanghai

32、Wild(保持句意相同)Laura5. He ' s read all the义疑问句)He s read all the books ,()1. I ' d like a flat _room.A.has B.with C. of D.in)2.televisi on is not good for your eyes.A.Too many B.So many C.Too much D. So much)3.a wi ndy morni ng, we moved into our new home.A.InBOn .Of D.At)4.Show usyour bought yesterday.A.where B.why C.whe n D.what)5.Nanji ng isof Beiji ng.A. in the southouthQt。the south2. There are few books on the shelf.(反义疑问句)There are


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