1、BEC高级写作范文大汇总DearYour coun ter propo sal on the above refere need p roject has bee n reviewed and is acce ptable in its en tirety.We are en clos ing an executed copy of the agreeme nt along with two copies for your files.We are en thusiastically look ing forward to this p roject and are pl eased abou
2、t hav ing the opportunity to work together.ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ANDACCE PTANCE OF ORDERDate:_To:_ CustomerWe are in rece ipt of your order as contained in the attached pu rchase order form. We con firm acce ptance on said order subject only to the following exceptions : DescribeOn exce pti ons no ted , w
3、e shall assume you agree to same uni ess objecti on is received within ten days of rece ipt of this no tice. Thank you for your p atro nage.Very trulyACCE PTANCE OF ORDER WITHDELIVER Y IN LOTSDate:To:_ CustomerWe ack no wledge acce ptance of your order as per your order of _ ,19_. The goods will bes
4、hipped to you in the following lots : Specify lots and delivery scheduleWe request that p ayme nt be made as each lot is received.Very truly ,DearAttached is an acce pted copy of your Pu rchase Security Agreeme nt for the sp ecify equipmen t.There are nu mber remai ning quarterly p ayme nts. Your fi
5、rst quarterly p ayme nt will be due on date , and we will mail you an in voice for it app roximately one month p rior to that date. PI ease retur n the remitta nee p orti on of the in voice with your check.Un der the Agreeme nt , this con tract isnon-ca ncellable duri ng the term of thecon tract. Th
6、e bala nee, however, can be p aid off at any time p rior to the exp irati on of the con tract.We would like to take this opportunity to exp ress our app reciati on for your bus in ess.Ifyou have any questi ons concerning your con tract, or if we can be of service to you in any way, pl ease let us kn
7、ow.DearIt is with deep regret , that we accept your resig nati on aspo siti on oftheorga ni zati onWe can app reciate the dema nds that this position has placed on you , and appreciate all of the fine con tributi ons you have made as po siti onDearTha nk you for your comme nts.A copy ofyour letter h
8、as bee n forwarded to the author for his res pon se. I am sure you will be heari ng from him in the n ear future.I am pl eased that you found our article in formative and hope that you will continue to read our p ublicati on. Should you have any comme nts or questi ons in the future , pl ease do not
9、 hesitate to write to this office.We value our readershi p and are proud to have you as a member of our family of subscribers.ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OFAPP LICATIONDate:To:_ App lica ntWe app reciate your in terest in being empio yed by our firm.We regret to inform you , however, that the available position
10、s has been filled , and we cannot give your app licati on further con siderati on at the p rese nt time.Your app licati on will be kept on file for future refere nee should an opening arise.Very truly ,DearWe have received your letterack no wiedgi ng rece ipt of the items we mailed to you and no tic
11、 ing us to can cel shi pment of your order for those items which are back ordered.We will be issu ing you a refund as soon as we have com pl eted the n ecessary pap erwork for your acco unt.We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for shopping through n ame Our newsp ecifycatalog should b
12、e arriv ing at your home shortly , and I believe you will be pl eased by some of the beautiful choices our buyers have made this seas on.Tha nk you for your p atie nee and un dersta nding and for p rovidi ng us with the opportun ity to be of service to you.DearTha nk you for your order. At this time
13、 we cannot fill your order due to an unexp ected shi pment delay from our overseas supp liers.We will hold your order for arrival of the merchandise , and ship shortly thereafter. Unfortunately , we cannot provide you with a sp ecific shi pping date at this time.Thank you for your an tic ip ated p a
14、tie nee in this matter.DearTha nk you for your kind letter regardi ng your exce pti onal treatme nt by one of our empio yees. A copy of your letter has bee n forwarded to the personnel dep artme nt and will be in cluded in the empio yee's file.So seldom is it that a customer takes thetime to wri
15、te a letter of appreciation , that I feel moved to reward your in itiative.PI ease acce pt the en closed certificate, which , when presented , will entitle the bearer to a ten p erce nt disco unt on the mercha ndise being pu rchased at that time.This is but a small toke n of ourappreciation of custo
16、mers such as you , upon whose satisfacti on we have bee n allowed to grow and prosper in this highly com petitive market pl ace.Again , on behalf of our entire organization , a heart-felt thank you.DearBecause Mr. Jones is out of the office forthe n ext two weeks I am ack no wledgi ng rece ipt of yo
17、ur letter dated May 20 ,1983. It will bebrought to his atte nti on immediately upon his return.If I may be of any assista nee duri ng Mr.Jon es' abse nee, pl ease do not hesitate to call.DearThep roduct n ame and modeln umberthat you mailed to us for rep air was received on date We will be retur
18、ni ng it to you as soon as the n ecessary adjustme nts are made.We are sorry that you exp erie need a p roblem with our p roduct and want to tha nk you for pu rchas ing a n ame of p roductDearThis is to inform you that we have carefully reviewed your estimate on the parking lot refurbish ing. We are
19、 planning to con tract with you for this work.We are un able to let this con tractimmediately , as final approval of expenditures of this n ature must come from the head office inNew York.We exp ect to receive app roval ordisa pp roval with in the n ext 30 days. At such time , we will con tact you w
20、ith in structi ons accordi ngly.If we may be of any assista nee in the mea ntime pl ease feel free to con tact this office.DearWe app reciate your in terest in submitt ing to us an idea or proposal relative to :_Our firm receives many ideas , suggestions and proposals , and has many of its own proje
21、cts under development. Therefore , it is possible the idea or propo sal you plan to submit to us has bee n con sidered an d/or may already be in the planning stages.Nevertheless, we would be pl eased to accept your idea or proposal for review , p rovided it is accom panied by this ack no wledgeme nt
22、 letter sig ned by you.It is understood that :1. Samples or other submissi ons will be returned to the submitter only if return po stage or freight is prep aid.2. The com pany acce pts no res pon sibility for casualty or loss to sam pies in our po ssessi on.3. The com pany can acce pt no respon sibi
23、lity for holdi ng any in formati on in con fide nee.4. The com pany shall pay com pen sati on only in the eve nt it , a) acce pts the idea, b) has received the idea only from the submitter , and c) reaches agreement with the submitter as to terms and con diti ons.If these terms are acce ptable to yo
24、u , pl ease sig n where in dicated below and return together with your idea or propo sal.Very truly ,The forego ing terms and con diti ons are un derstood and ack no wledged.SubmitterDearWe are sorry to hear that you have bee n exp erie ncing p roblems with your new n ame of p roduct.While we do ask
25、 that our customers con tacttheir dealer in the eve nt of a p roblem , we recognize that, in your case, it his would be impossible. Therefore , if you will carefully p ackage the unit in its origi nal cart on and send it to us , our "doctors" will put it through a thorough exam in ati on t
26、o determ ine the source of the p roblem.If the p roblem tur ns out to be a minor adjustme nt , we shall make the rep air and be sure to return the p roduct to you within thirty days. If our determ in ati on is that the unit is defective, we will send you an immediate repl aceme nt.Again , I am sorry
27、 that you experieneed this difficulty and wish to tha nk you for your p atie nee and for pu rchas ing our p roduct.GUARANTEEFOR VALUE RECEIVEDtheun dersig ned hereby guara ntee absolutely and uncon diti on ally prompt p ayme nt of the with in Note and agree to pay all cost of collection , legal expe
28、n ses and attor neys' fees, in curred or p aid by the holder of the with in Note in the collecti on an d/or en forceme nt of said Note and the en forceme nt of this Guara nty.No renewal or extension of said Note , no release or surre nder of any security for said Note or this Guaranty , no relea
29、se of any person p rimarily or sec on darily liable on said Note(including any maker , endorser or guarantor ) , no delay in the enforcement of p ayme nt of said Note or this Guara nty and no delay or omissi on in exercis ing any right or po wer un der said Note on this Guara nty shall affect the li
30、ability of any of the un dersig ned here un der. The un dersig ned exp ressly waives p rese ntme nt, p rotest, dema nd,no tice ofdishonor or default , notice of acceptance of this Guara nty and no tice of any kind with resp ect to said Note or this Guara nty or the p erforma nee of the obligati on u
31、n der said Note or Guara nty.(SEAL) (SEAL)DearI have writte n to you several times over the p ast three mon ths request ing an explan ati on on why you have failed to bring your acco unt with us curre nt.By ignoring these requests , you are damagi ng the excelle nt credit record you had p reviously
32、mai nta ined with our com pany. In addition , you are incurring additional expense to yourself and to us.Uni ess I hear from you with in ten days , I will have no other choice but to tur n your acco unt over for collecti on. I am sorry that wemust take such drastic acti on but I am afraid you leave us no alter native. You can p reserve your credit rat ing by remitti ng your check today for the amo unt st
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