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1、英文推荐信格式范文【范文二】Dear Sir/Madam:As a teacher at xxxx school, I am writi ng to provide you a recommendationfor Miss/Mr.xx so as to help you assessher/his applicationfor acceptaneeinto your program andcon siderati on for finan cial aid.Considered a promisingstudentwith originality andhis subsystem was de

2、sig ned to man age the in formati on of materials in NO.1 Foundry Pla nt of Dongfeng Auto Works.To do the job, she/hereadmany books about softwareengineering and took some courses in Database Principles and Management.Keenly aware that the design of a DBMSdecides the quality of the whole software sy

3、stem, she did her/his utmost from the begi nning of the project."参加过什么活动).From analyzinguser s requirementsto designingthewholesystem,fromthedetaileddesig ningto thefinalprogram ming,shewasvery level-headedand fullofinno vatio n every step of the way. Taking full adva ntage of herability and cr

4、eativity, she firmly focused herself on her objective and gnored all distracti ons. She successfully reached her goal. In the final software testing, only a few bugs were found in her subsystem. My appreciati on of her talele nt was thus con firmed.Miss is a very pers on able woma n, frie ndly and h

5、elpful, and she has always bee n a team player in her work.I would greatly appreciate it if you could give her application for candidacy to your Ph.D. program favorable consideration. Should you need any further information in your deliberati on, please do not hesitate to con tact me.Sin cerely xxxx

6、【范文三】Dear Sir:It is my pleasure to recomme nd Mr. Fup ing Wang for hisapplicati on to graduate studies in your school. Mr. Wang hasbeen my research assistant of the National Scienee Councils project- The United States and the United Nations FinancialCrisis: The Role of U.S. Con gress si nee Septembe

7、r 1997.His major respon sibilitiesin elude in formati on collect ing,an alyz ing and tran slati ng.He is an en thusiastie andprogressive young man with extremely high potentiality. Mr. Wang is not only quick at learningand good at solvingdifficult problems, but also with a logical mi nd that en able

8、s him to effectively an alyze difficulties. All the work han ded to him was completed satisfactorily. Actually, he is so reliable that I assig n him with heavy resp on sibilities.With his help, I have been able to spend more time in writing the research paper. I really consider myself very fortunate

9、 to have such a capable assistant. I am certain his dilige nee, coupled with a good compete neeand pleasa ntpersonality, will assure him of academic achievementsin hisfuture academic pursuits. I stron gly recomme nd his admissi on without any reservati on.Si ncerely yoursxxx【范文四】November *,*To Whom

10、It May Con cern:This is to eon firm that Mr. Li Dashui has worked as a full-time system an alyst in the NY Un iversity si nee Jun 1994(orThis letter is to verify that Mr. Li Dashui worked as an chemistfrom July 1993 to Sept. 1994). Mr. Lis main duties and resp on sibilities are as follows:Desig n, d

11、evelop and in stall various computer hardware, software and n etwork systems for ban ks.Determ ine and an alyze the requireme nts of each systemproject into related comp on ets solved through the applicatio nof computer tech no logy.Write specificati ons for computer programs, and test andimpleme nt

12、programs for n etwork systems andcon trolsystems.Supervise computer programmers and other system an alysts for paticular system projects.Mr. Li has mai nly take n part in the followi ng projects:The first engin eeri ngdesig n of city gen eral bus in esscomputer n etwork system.Upgradingbanks system

13、for IBM AS/400 E45 to IBMAS/400 320, IBM AS/400 530.The desig n developme nt and test of city gen eral bus in ess computer n etwork system.The design and developmentnetworkand database systems for the Golde n Credit Card Project.Mr. Li is well experie need with IBM AS/400 system an alysis, TCP/IP pr

14、otocol, SNA protocol and LAN; profieientin RPGIII,VB, C/C+ and DB2, and skilled in UNIX,In formix,Clie nt/Server etc.Mr. Li is a hard-work ing and tale nted an alyst, and is highly respected member in our company. If you need further in formati on, please feel free to con tact me. Sin cerely yours,

15、Si ngature, Zhang Jia nguoSenior Engin eer and Tech ni cal Man age Compa ny Name, Address, Tex Fax【范文五】To whom it may concern,I deem it a great pleasure to write this letter of refere neeon behalf of Mr Ma to support hisapplicati on to study in your uni versity.I am the dea n of Finance School in Ti

16、anjin Commerce ofUn iversity boustead college of Intern ati onal Finance and Economics, and Mr Ma is one of my students majoring in Intern ati onal Finance and Trade. I have known his very well interms ofpers on alityandacademicperforma nee.Theintelligentnature andsenseof logicalanalysis make hispow

17、erful in masteringcomplicated theories. In his activepartieipati on in the campus activities, he has dem on strated his intellectualindependenceas well as impressive ability.Additi on ally,he expresses his ideas clearly and has goodanalytical skills, which give me deep impression.To mysurprise, Mr M

18、a fin ihed any tasks very excelle ntly tha nks to his agile mind and quick an alysis ability.Based on my appreciation of such an ambitious student who receives the challengebravely, I strongly support he sdecisi on of highis academic pursuit without reservati on. And I sin cerely hope my recomme nda

19、ti on will receive your favorable con siderati on.Yours Hon estly,xxx【范文六】Dear Professor :Mr Ma requested a letter of reference from me to supporthis applicati on for graduatestudies at your uni versity. As his tutor whe n he prepared his project desig n for graduatio n, I am pleased to comply with his request.I became acqua in ted with Mr Ma whe n I met him on my class , his exce


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