1、GMAT全真题四-2 7. The passage mentions each of the following as an apropriate kind of governmental action EXCEPT (A getting firms to offer temporary employment primartly to a certain group of people (B encouraging equitable pay for temporary and permanent employces. (C establishing guidelines on the pro
2、portion of temporary workers by labor unions (D establishing guidelines on the proportion of temporary workers that firms should employ (E ensuring that temporary workers obtain benefits from their employers Although numbers of animals in a given region may fluctuate from year to year, the fluctuati
3、ons are often temporary and, over long periods, trivial. Scientists Line have advanced three theories of population control to (5 account for this relative constancy. The first theory attributes a relatively constant population to periodic climatic catastrophes that decimate populations with such fr
4、equency as to prevent them from exceeding some particular limit. In the case of (10 small organisms with short life cycles, climatic changes need not be catastrophic: normal seasonal changes in photoperiod (daily amount of sunlight, for example, can govern population growth. This theory-the density-
5、independent view-asserts that climatic factors (15 exert the same regulatory effect on population regardless of the numbeer of individuals in a region. A second theory argues that population growth is primarily density-dependent-that is, the rate of growth of a population in a region decreases as th
6、e (20 number of animals increase. The meclianisms that manage regulation may vary. For example, as numbers increase, the food supply would probably diminish, which would increase mortality. In addition, as Lotka and Volterra have shown, predators can find prey more (25 easily in high-density populat
7、ions. Other regulators include physiological control mechanisms: for example, Christian and Davis have demonstrated how the crowding tha tresults from a rise in numbers may bring about hormonal changes in the pituitary and adrenal (30 glands that in turn may regulate popultion by lowering sextral ac
8、tivity and inhibiting sexual maturation. There is evidence that these effects may persist for three generations in the absence of the original provocation. One challenge for density-dependent theorists is to (35 develop models that would allow the precise prediction of the effects of crowding. A thi
9、rd theory, proposed by Wynne-Edwards and termed "epideictic" argues that organisms have evolved a "code" in the form of social or cpideictic behavior (40 displays, such as winter-roosting aggregations or group vocalizing; such codes provide organisms with information on populatio
10、n size in a region so that they can, if necessary, exercise reproductive restraint. However Wynne-Edwards' theory, linking animal social behavior (45 and population control, has been challenged, with some justification, by several studies. 8. The primary purpose of the passage is to (A argue aga
11、inst those scientists who maintain that animal populations tend to fluctuate (B compare and contrast the density-dependent and epideictie theories of population control (C provide examples of some of the ways in which animals exercise reporoductive restraint to control their own numbers. (D suggest
12、that theories of population control that concentrate on the social behavior of animals are more open to debate than are theories that do not (E summarize a number of scientific theories that attempt to explain why animal populations do not exceed certain limits 9. It can be inferred from the passage
13、 that proponents of the density-dependent theory of populafion control have not yet been able to (A use their theory to explain the population growth of organisms with short life cycles (B reproduce the results of the study of Christian and Davis (C explain adequately why the numbers of a population
14、 can increase as the population's rate of growth decreases (D make sufficiently accurate predictions about the effects of crowding (E demonstrate how predator populations are themselves regulated 10.Which of the following, if true, would best support the density-dependent theory of population co
15、ntrol as it is described in the passage? (A As the number of foxes in Minnesota decreases, the growth rate of this population of foxes begins to increase. (B As the number of woodpeckers in Vermont decreases, the growth rate of this population of woodpeckers also begins to decrease. (C As the number
16、 of prairie dogs in Oklahoma increases, the growth rate of this population of prairie dogs also begins to increase. (D Afteer the number of beavers in Tennessee decreases, the number of predators of these beavers begins to increase. (E After the number of eagles in Montana decreases, the food supply
17、 of this population of eagles also begins to decrease. 11. According to the Wynne-Edwards theory as it is described in the passage, epideictic behavior displays serve the function of (A determining roosting aggregations (B locating food (C attracting predators (D regulating sexual activity (E trigge
18、ring hormonal changes 12. The challenge posed to the Wynne-Edwards theory by several studies is regarded by the author with (A complete indifference (B qualified acceptance (C skeptical amusement (D perplexed astonishment (E agitated dismay 13. Which of the following statements would provide the mos
19、t logical continuation of the final paragraph of the passage? (A Thus Wynee-Edwards' theory raises serious questions about the constancy of animal population in a region (B Because Wynee-Edwards' theory is able to explain more kinds of animal behavior than is the density-dependent theory, ep
20、ideictic explanations of population regulation are now widely accepted. (C The results of one study, for instance, have suggested that group vocalizing is more often used to defend ter ritory than to provide information about population density. (D Some of these studies have, in fact, worked out a s
21、ystematic and complex code of social behavior that can regulate population size. (E One study, for example, has demonstrated that birds are more likely to use winter-roosting aggregations than group vocalizing in order to provide information on population size. In recent years, teachers of introduct
22、ory courses in Asian American studies have been facing a dilemma nonexistent a few decades ago, when hardly any texts Line in that field were available. Today, excellent antho (5 logies and other introductory texts exist, and books on individual Asian American nationality groups and on general issue
23、s important for Asian Americans are published almost weekly. Even professors who are experts in the field find it difficult to decide which of (10 these to assign to students; nonexperts who teach in related areas and are looking for writings for any by Asian Americans to include in survey courses a
24、re in an even worse position. A complicating factor has been the continuing lack (15 of specialized one-volume reference works on Asian Americans, such as biographical dictionaries or desktop encyclopedias. Such works would enable students taking Asian American studies courses (and professors in rel
25、ated fields to look up basic information on Asian (20 American individuals, institutions history, and culture without having to wade through mountains of primary source material. In addition, given such works, Asian American studies professors might feel more free to include more challenging Asian A
26、merican material in (25 their introductory reading lists, since good reference works allow students to acquire on their own the background information necessary to interpret difficult or unfamiliar material. 14. The author of the passage is primarily concerned with doing which of the following? (A R
27、ecommending a methodology (B Describing a course of study (C Discussing a problem (D Evaluating a past course of action (E Responding to a criticism 15. The "dilemma" mentioned in line 2 can best be characterized as being caused by the mercessity to make a choice when faced with a (A lack
28、of acceptable alternatives. (B lack of strict standards for evaluating alternatives (C preponderance of bad altermatives as compared to good (D multitude of different alternatives (E large number of alternatives that are nearly identical in content 16. The passage suggests that the factor mentioned
29、in lines 14-17 complicates professors' attempts to construct introductory reading lists for courses in Asian American studies in which of the following ways? (A By making it difficult for professors to identify primary source material and to obtain standard information on Asian American history
30、and culture (B By preventing professors from identifying excellent anthologies and introductory texts in the field that are bot h recent and understandable to students (C By preventing professors from adequately evaluating the quality of the numerous texts currently being published in the field (D B
31、y making it more necessary for professors to select readings for their courses that are not too challenging for students unfamiliar with Asian American history and culture (E By making it more likely that the readings professors assign to students in their courses will be drawn solely from primary s
32、ources 17. The passage implies that whihc of the following was true of introductory courses in Asian American studies a few decades age? (A The range of different texbooks that could be assigned for such courses was extremely limited. (B The texts assigned as readings in such courses were often not
33、very challenging for students. (C Students often complained about the texts assigned to them in such courses. (D Such courses were offered only at schools whose libraries were rich in primary sources. (E Such courses were the only means then available by which people in the United States could acqui
34、re knowledge of the field. 18. According to the passage, the existence of good one-volume reference works about Asian Americans could result in (A increased agreement among professors of Asian Americna studies regarding the quality of the sources available in their field (B an increase in the number
35、 of students signing up for introductory courses in Asian Americna studies (C increased accuracy in writings that concern Asian American history and culture (D the use of introductory texts about Asian American history and culture in courses outside the field of Asian American studies (E the inclusi
36、on of a wider range of Asian Americna material in introductory reading lists in Asian Americna studies SECTION 5 Time-25 minutes 20 Questions 1. How much is 20 percent of a certain number? (1 10 percent of the number is 5. (2 40 percent of twice the number is 40. 2. Is r greater than 0.27? (1 r is g
37、reater than (2 r is equal to 3. What percent of a group of people are women with red hair? (1 Of the women is the group. 5 percent have red hair. (2 Of the men is the group, 10 percent have red hair 4. If i and j are integers, is i+j an even integer? (1 i<10 (2 i=j TOTAL EXPENSES FOR THE FIVE DIV
38、ISIONS OF COMPANY H 5. The figure above represents a circle graph of Company H's total expenses broken down by the expenses for each of its five divisions. If O is the center of the circle and if Company H's total expenses are $5.400.000. what are the expenses for dividion R? (1 x=94 (2 The
39、total expenses for dividions S and T are twice as much as the expenses for division 6. What is the value of ? (1 k+r=20 (2 kr=64 7. A number of people each wrote down one of the first 30 positive integers. Were any of the integers written down by more than one of the people? (1 The number of people
40、who wrote down an integer was greater than 40. (2 The number of people who wrote down an integer was less than 70. 8. If d decimal, is d0.5? (1 When d is rounded to the nearest tenth, the result is 0.5. (2 When d is rounded to the nearest integer, the result is 1. 9. How many of the 60 cars sold las
41、t month by a certain dealer had neither power windows nor a stereo? (1 Of the 60 cars sold 20 had a stereo but not power windows. (2 Of the 60 cars sold, 30 had both power windows and a stereo. 10. In the xy-plane, does the point (4, 12 lie on line k? (1 The point (1, 7 lies on line k. (2 The point
42、(-2, 2 lies on line k. 11. What was the total amount of revenue that a theater received from the sale of 400 tickets, some of which were sold at x percent of full price and the rest of which were sold at full price? (1 x=50 (2 Full-price tickets sold for $20 each. 12. If x, y, and z are nonzero numb
43、ers, is xz=12? (1 x2yz=12xy (2 13. When a player in a certain game tossed a coin a aumber of times, 4 more heads than tails resulted. Heads or tails resulted each time the player tossed the coin. How many times did heads result? (1 The player tossed the coin 24 times. (2 The player received 3 points
44、 each time heads resulted and 1 point each time tails resulted. for a total of 52 points 14. What is the area of triangular region ABC above? (1 The product of BD and AC is 20. (2 x=45. 15. What is the value of 36,500(1.05n? (1 n2-5n+6=0 (2 n-20 16. The inflation index for the year 1989 relative to
45、the year 1970 was 3.56. indicating that, on the average, for each dollar spent in 1970 for goods, $3.56 had to be spent for the same goods in 1989. If the price of a Model K mixer increased precisely according to the inflation index, what was the price of the mixer in 1970? (1 The price of the Model
46、 K mixer was $102.40 more in 1989 than in 1970. (2 The price of the Model K mixer was $142.40 more in 1989. 17. Every member of a certain club volunteers to contribute equally to the purchase of a $60 gift certificate. How many member does the club have? (1 Each member's contribution is to be $4
47、. (2 If 5 club members fail to contribute, the share of each contributing member will increase by $2. 18. While driving on the expressway, did Robin ever exceed the 55-miles-per-hour speed limit? (1 Robin drove 100 miles on the expressway. (2 Robin drove for 2 hours on the expressway. 19. Is n an in
48、teger? (1 n2 is an integer. (2 is an integer. 20. Is x negative? (1 x3(1-x2<0 (2 x2-1<0 SECTION 6 Time-25 minutes 22 Questions 1. Carnivorous mammals can endure what would otherwise be lethal levels of body heat because they have a heat-exchange network which kept the brain from getting too ho
49、t. (A which kept (B that keeps (C which has kept (D that has been keeping (E having kept 2. Rising inventories, when unaccomapnied correspondingly by increases in sales, can lead to production cutbacks that would hamper economic growth. (A when unaccompanied correspondingly by increases in sal es, c
50、an lead (B when not accompanied by corresponding increases in sales, possibly leads (C when they were unaccompanied by corresponding sales increases, can lead (D if not accompanied by correspondingly increased sales, possibly leads (E if not accompanied by corresponding increases in sales, can lead
51、3. That educators have not anticipated the impact of microcomputer technology can hardly be said that it is their fault: Alvin Toffler, one of the most prominent students of the future, did not even mention microcomputers in Future Shock, published in 1970. (A That educators have not amticipated the
52、 impact of microcomputer technology can hardly be said that it is their fault (B That educators have not anticipated the impact of microcomputer technology can hardly be said to be at fault (C It can hardly be said that it is the fault of educators who have not anticipated the impact of microcompute
53、r technology (D It can hardly be said that educators are at fault for not anticipating the impact of microcomputer technology (E The fact that educators are at fault for not anticipating the impact of microcomputer technology can hardly be said 4. Sunspots, vortices of gas associated with strong ele
54、ctromagnetic activity, are visible as dark spots on the surface of the Sun but have never been sighted on the Sun's poles or equator. (A are visible as dark spots on the surface of the Sun but have never been sighted on (B are visible as dark spots that never have been sighted on the surface of
55、the Sun (C appear on the surface of the Sun as dark spots although never sighted at (D appear as dark spots on the surface of the Sun, although never having been sighted at (E appear as dark spots on the Sun's surface, which have never been sighted on 5. Legend has it that when the Mohawk Joseph
56、 Brant was presented to George in 1776, he proudly refused to kiss the King's hand, inasmuch as he regarded himself an ally, not a subject. (A as he regarded himself an ally, not (B that he regarded himself to be an ally rather than (C as he considered himself an ally, not (D that he considered
57、himself to be ally instead of (E as he considered himself as an ally rather than 6. An artistic pressence of the first order, one frequently ranked with Picasso, Stravinsky, and James Joyce, Martha Graham was acclaimed as a great dancer long before her innovative masterworks made her the most hnored
58、 of American choreographers. (A Martha Graham was acclaimed as (B Martha Graham was acclaimed to be (C Martha Graham's acclaim is as (D Martha Graham's acclaim to be (E Martha Graham's acclaim was in being 7. Research during the past several decades on the nature of language and the proc
59、esses that produce and make it understandable has revealed great complexitv instead of underlying simplicity. (A that produce and make it understandable has revealed great complexity instead of underlying simplicity (B of producing and understanding it have reve aled not underlying simplicity but gr
60、eat complexity (C by which it is produced and understood has revealed not underlying simplicity but great complexity (D by which it is produced and understood have revealed great complexity rather than underlying simplicity (E by which one produces and understands it have revealed great complexity instead of underlying simplicity 8. The metabolic rate of sharks is low
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