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1、14,4'-二氨基二苯基甲烷4,4'-Diaminodiphenylmethane(MDA202-974-4101-77-9致癌物质第2类PCB中环氧树脂的固化剂、PU配制品、服装中的偶氮染料2二甲苯麝香5-tert-butyl-2,4,6-trinitro-m-xylene(musk xylene201-329-481-15-2高持久性,生物累积性物质,化妆品和皂用香料,3短链氯化石蜡Alkanes, C10-13,chloro (Short Chain ChlorinatedParaffins287-476-585535-84-8难分解性、生物累积性及生殖毒性物质和高持久性

2、、生物累积性物质皮革中的涂层、PVC和氯化橡胶中的增塑剂,纺织品和塑料的阻燃剂4蒽Anthracene204-371-1120-12-7难分解性、生物累积性及生殖毒性物质染料来源5五氧化二砷Diarsenic pentaoxide215-116-91303-28-2致癌物质第1类杀虫剂、除草剂、木材防腐剂、涂彩杯子、染料和颜料6三氧化二砷Diarsenic trioxide215-481-41327-53-3致癌物质第1类除草剂、木材防腐剂、特殊玻璃的加工7邻苯二甲酸二辛酯Bis (2-ethylhexylphthalate (DEHP204-211-0117-81-7生殖毒性第2类PVC,树

3、脂等塑料制品的增塑剂8双三丁基氧化锡Bis(tributyltinoxide(TBTO200-268-056-35-9难分解性、生物累积性及生殖毒性物质杀虫剂,涂料中的杀真菌剂9邻苯二甲酸丁苄酯Benzyl butylphthalate(BBP201-622-785-68-7生殖毒性第2类用作树脂、PVC、丙烯酸树脂的增塑剂10邻苯二甲酸二丁酯Dibutyl phthalate(DBP201-557-484-74-2生殖毒性第2类粘合剂和纸张涂层的增塑剂,纺织品中的杀虫剂11六溴环十二烷以及所有主要的非对映异构体(-HBCDD,-HBCDD, -HBCDD247-148-4221-695-92

4、5637-99-4;3194-55-6(134237-51-7134237-50-6,134237-52-8难分解性、生物累积性及生殖毒性物质纺织品和HIPS中的阻燃剂12酸式砷酸铅Lead hydrogenarsenate232-064-27784-40-9致癌物质第1类生殖毒性第1类驱虫剂13重铬酸钠Sodium dichromate234-190-37789-12-010588-01-9致癌物质第2类诱发基因突变物质第2类生殖毒性第2类皮革中的铬镀,颜料阻蚀剂,纺织染料工业中的媒染剂14三乙基砷酸酯Triethyl arsenate427-700-215606-95-8致癌物质第1类半导

5、体的中间产物15蒽油Anthracene oil292-602-790640-80-5Carcinogenic,mutagenic, PBT andvPvB16蒽油,蒽糊,轻油Anthracene oil, anthracenepaste,distn. Lights295-278-591995-17-4Carcinogenic,mutagenic, PBT andvPvB17蒽油,蒽糊,蒽馏分Anthracene oil, anthracene paste,anthracene fraction295-275-991995-15-2Carcinogenic,mutagenic, PBT and

6、vPvB18蒽油,含蒽量少Anthracene oil, anthracene-low292-604-890640-82-7Carcinogenic,mutagenic, PBT andvPvB19蒽油,蒽糊Anthracene oil, anthracene paste292-603-290640-81-6Carcinogenic,mutagenic, PBT andvPvB20煤沥青,高温Pitch, coal tar, high temp.266-028-265996-93-2Carcinogenic,mutagenic, PBT andvPvB生产电极,生产粘土,飞碟靶,用于腐蚀防护于

7、铺路21三 (2-氯乙基磷酸酯Tris(2-chloroethylphosphateTCEP204-118-5115-96-8致癌、致基因突变、致生殖毒素物质作为增塑剂和粘度调节用于粘合剂,涂料,阻燃涂料,油漆用于家具,纺织品和建筑业222,4-二硝基甲苯2,4-Dinitrotoluene(2,4-DNT204-450-0121-14-2致癌、致基因突变、致生殖毒素物质用于软质聚氨酯泡沫材料涂胶增塑剂用于生产爆炸性混合物(汽车安全气囊制造染料中间体23邻苯二甲酸二异丁酯Diisobutylphthalate(DIBP201-553-284-69-5致癌、致基因突变、致生殖毒素物质塑料增塑剂,

8、油漆,粘合剂,爆炸材料和指甲油24钼铬红( C.I.颜料红 104Leadchromate molybdate sulphate red(C.I. Pigment Red 104235-759-912656-85-8致癌、致基因突变、致生殖毒素物质用于制造其他物质,例如蒽和炭黑作还原剂用于高爐船用燃料组件:作浸渍,密封和腐蚀保护作为木材保护,木材涂料,瓷漆,用于橡胶和塑料橡胶,塑料,油漆,涂料和油漆行业用的填色,绘画和涂饰剂No.序号Substance name物质名称EC number CAS numberProposed SVHCpropertyPotential uses潜在用途25铅铬

9、黄( C.I.颜料黄 34LeadYellow 34215-693-71344-37-2致癌、致基因突变、致生殖毒素物质26铬酸铅Lead chromate231-846-07758-97-6致癌、致基因突变、致生殖毒素物质油漆和艺术产品的颜料或染料作为洗涤剂,漂白剂,感光材料和制造烟火粉末27丙烯酰胺Acrylamide201-173-779-06-1致癌、致基因突变、致生殖毒素物质合成聚丙烯酰胺:用于废水处理及纸张加工,作灌浆剂,用于纺织品加工28Trichloroethylene三氯乙烯201-167-479-01-6carcinogen,category 2Trichlororethy

10、lene is mainly used as intermediate in the manufacture ofchlorinated and fluorinated organic compounds. Other uses are for cleaning anddegreasing of metal parts or as solvent in adhesives.金属部件的清洁及脱脂;粘和剂中的溶剂;生产氯化和氟化有机化合物的介质29Boric acid硼酸233-139-2234-343-410043-35-311113-50-1toxic forreproduction,cate

11、gory 2Boric acid is widely used on account of its consistency-influencing, flame-retarding, antiseptic and preservative properties. It is a component of detergentsand cleaners, adhesives, toys, industrial fluids, brake fluids, glass, ceramics,flame retardants, paints, disinfectants, cosmetics, food

12、additives, fertilisers,insecticides and other products.用于:杀虫剂,防腐剂,个人护理产品,食品添加剂,玻璃,陶瓷,橡胶,化肥,阻燃剂,油漆,工业流体,制动液,焊接产品,冲印剂30Disodium tetraborate, anhydrous无水四硼酸钠215-540-41303-96-41330-43-412179-04-3toxic forreproduction,category 231Tetraboron disodium heptaoxide,hydrate七水合四硼酸钠235-541-312267-73-1toxic forre

13、production,category 232Sodium chromate铬酸钠231-889-57775-11-3carcinogen,category 2;mutagen, category2; toxic forreproduction,category 2Sodium chromate is mainly used as an intermediate in the manufacture of otherchromium compounds as well as a laboratory analytical agent, but this use islimited. Other

14、 potential uses are mentioned in the literature but whether they occurin the EU is not clear.实验室(分析试剂,生产其它铬化合物Disodium tetraborate and tetraboron disodium heptaoxide form the samecompounds in aqueous solutions.Uses include a multitude of applications, e.g. in detergents and cleaners, in glassand gla

15、ss fibres, ceramics, industrial fluids, metallurgy, adhesives, flameretardants, personal care products, biocides, fertilisers.用于:玻璃,玻璃纤维,陶瓷,清洁剂,个人护理产品,工业流体,冶金术,粘接材料,阻燃剂,杀虫剂,化肥,塑料,油漆,涂料和油漆行业用的填色,绘画和涂饰剂33Potassium chromate铬酸钾232-140-57789-00-6carcinogen,category 2;mutagen, category2Potassium chromate

16、is used as a corrosion inhibitor for treatment and coating ofmetals, for manufacture of reagents, chemicals and textiles, as a colouring agentin ceramics, in the manufacture of pigments/inks and in the laboratory asanalytical agent.金属净化和涂层,生产试剂和化学品,生产纺织品,陶瓷染色剂,羽毛染色,制革及敷料,生产颜料及墨水,实验室(分析试剂,烟火制造34Ammon

17、ium dichromate重铬酸铵232-143-12151163carcinogen,category 2;mutagen, category2; toxic forreproduction,category 2Ammonium dichromate is mainly used as an oxidising agent. Other known usesare in the manufacture of photosensitive screens and as mordant in themanufacture of textiles. Minor uses seem to comp

18、rise metal treatment andlaboratory analytical agent.氧化剂,实验室(分析试剂,鞣皮,生产纺织品,感光胶片的生产(阴极射线管,金属处理35Potassium dichromate重铬酸钾231-906-67778-50-9carcinogen,category 2;mutagen, category2; toxic forreproduction,category 2Potassium dichromate is used for chrome metal manufacturing and as corrosioninhibitor for

19、treatment and coating of metals. It is further used as textile mordant,as laboratory analytical agent, for cleaning of laboratory glassware, in themanufacture of other reagents and as oxidising agent in photolithography.铬金属制造,腐蚀抑制剂,纺织品媒染剂,实验室分析剂,实验室玻璃器皿清洗,其他试剂生产和照片曝光氧化剂36Cobalt(II sulphate硫酸钴233-334

20、-210124-43-3Carcinogenic andtoxic to reproductionin accordance withREACH Art. 57(aand 57(cCobalt(II sulphate is mainly used in the manufacture of other chemicals includingpigments and possibly catalysts, driers. Further applications comprise surfacetreatments (such as electroplating, corrosion preve

21、ntion, decolourisation (in glass,pottery, in batteries, animal food supplements and soil fertilisers.用于陶瓷釉料和油漆催干剂,也用于电镀、碱性电池、生产含铬颜料和其它铬产品,还用于催化剂、分析试剂、饲料添加剂、轮胎胶黏剂37Cobalt(II dinitrate硝酸钴233-402-110141-05-6Carcinogenic andtoxic to reproductionin accordance withREACH Art. 57(aand 57(cCobalt(II dinitrat

22、e is mainly used in the manufacture of other chemicals includingcatalysts. Further applications may include surface treatment and in batteries.用于催化剂等其他化合物的生产,电池,表面处理,陶瓷工业38Cobalt (II carbonate碳酸钴208-169-4513-79-1Carcinogenic andtoxic to reproductionin accordance withREACH Art. 57(aand 57(cCobalt(II

23、carbonate is mainly used in the manufacture of catalysts.Minor uses may include as a feed additive, in the manufacture of other chemicalsincluding pigments, and as an adhesive in ground coat frit.用于生产催化剂,颜料、陶瓷、玻璃颜料、饲料,肥料。39Cobalt(II diacetate乙酸钴200-755-871-48-7Carcinogenic andtoxic to reproductionin

24、 accordance withREACH Art. 57(aand 57(cCobalt(II diacetate is mainly used in the manufacture of catalysts or as a catalyst.Minor uses may include the manufacture of other chemicals including pigments,surface treatments, in alloys, dyes, rubber adhesion, and as a feed additive.主要用于磁性材料、电子元件材料、硬质合金材料、

25、搪瓷、瓷釉、陶瓷、釉彩、玻璃、钴催化剂等。402-Methoxyethanol乙二醇单甲醚203-713-7109-86-4Toxic toreproduction inaccordance withREACH Art. 57(c2-methoxyethanol is mainly used as a chemical intermediate. Further minor uses areas a solvent or a laboratory chemical.溶剂,清漆的稀释剂,印染工业用作渗透剂和匀染剂,燃料工业用作添加剂,纺织工业用于染色助剂。412-Ethoxyethanol乙二醇

26、单乙醚203-804-1110-80-5Toxic toreproduction inaccordance withREACH Art. 57(c2-ethoxyethanol is mainly used as a chemical intermediate. Further minor uses are asa solvent or a laboratory chemical.该物质为低挥发性溶剂,用作硝基赛璐珞、假漆、天然和合成树脂等的溶剂,还可用于皮革着色剂、乳化液稳定42Chromium trioxide三氯化铬215-607-81333-82-0Carcinogenic andmu

27、tagenic inaccordance withREACH Art. 57(aand 57(bChromium trioxide is mainly used in metal finishing, such as electroplating (e.g. hardchrome and decorative plating, conversion coatings and brightening. It is also usedas a fixing agent in waterborne wood preservatives. Minor uses are e.g. in themanuf

28、acture of pigments and paints, in catalyst and detergent manufacture, and asan oxidising agent.用于电镀、制高纯金属铬、染料、合成橡胶及油脂精炼等,水中木料防腐剂的固色剂43Acids generated from chromiumtrioxide and their oligomersGroup containing:Chromic acidDichromic acidOligomers of chromic acid anddichromic acid铬酸、重铬酸及低聚铬酸等231-801-523

29、6-881-57738-94-513530-68-2Carcinogenic inaccordance withREACH Art. 57(aAcids generated from chromium trioxide and their oligomers are mainly used in metalfinishing, such as electroplating (e.g. hard chrome and decorative plating, conversioncoatings and brightening. It is also used as a fixing agent

30、in waterborne woodpreservatives. Minor uses are e.g. in the manufacture of pigments and paints, incatalyst and detergent manufacture, and as an oxidising agent.铬酸溶于水时产生这些酸及其低聚物,用于:金属表面处理,如电镀,软化膜,增亮剂。也作为水中使用的木料防腐剂的固色剂。还可能用作油漆,色粉,催化剂,洗涤剂的生产,以及用作氧化剂442-ethoxyethyl acetate2-乙氧基乙基乙酸酯203-839-2111-15-9Art.

31、 57 (c, toxic forreproductionNo registration for 2-ethoxyethylacetate has been submitted to ECHA. Hence thesubstance seems not to be manufactured in or imported to the EU in quantities above1 t/y. Main uses in the past were as solvent in coatings and in the chemical industry,but also as intermediate

32、 in the manufacture of cyanoacrylate adhesives.涂料、油漆中的溶剂;化工中间体;塑料和橡胶涂料45Strontium chromate铬酸锶232-142-67789-6-2Art. 57 (a,carcinogenicStrontium chromate is mainly used as corrosion inhibitor in coating mixtures used inthe aeronautic/aerospace sector, in the coil coating sector of steel and aluminium

33、andin the vehicle coating sector.电镀铬;颜料和金属缓蚀剂;PVC着色剂,汽车涂层461,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, di-C7-11-branched and linear alkyl esters(DHNUP1,2-邻苯二酸二(C7- 11支链与直链烷基(醇酯271-084-668515-42-4Art. 57 (c, toxic forreproductionNo registration for DHNUP has been submitted to ECHA. Hence the substance seemsnot to

34、be manufactured in or imported to the EU in quantities above 1 t/y. Main uses inthe past were as plasticiser in PVC, foam, adhesives and coatings.塑料、密封剂和胶粘剂中的增塑剂47Hydrazine肼206-114-9302-01-27803-57-8Art. 57 (a,carcinogenicHydrazine is mainly used as intermediate in the manufacture of hydrazine deriv

35、atives,as a monomer in polymerisations, as a corrosion inhibitor in water treatment and formetal reduction and refining of chemicals. It is also used as a propellant foraerospace vehicles and as fuel in military (emergency power units.合成用于化学发泡剂、油漆、油墨、染料的肼类衍生物;聚合涂料和胶粘剂的单体;在玻璃和塑料上沉积金属过程中的还原剂481-methyl

36、-2-pyrrolidone1-甲基吡咯烷酮212-828-1872-50-4Art. 57 (c, toxic forreproduction1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone is mainly used as solvent in coatings, cleaning products, forelectronic equipment manufacture, as well as in semiconductor industry,petrochemical processing, pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals.PVC 纺纱剂;金属和木材

37、涂层;电子原件清洗剂等491,2,3-trichloropropane1,2,3-三氯丙烷202-486-196-18-4Art. 57 (a & (c,carcinogenic & toxicfor reproduction1,2,3-trichloropropane is mainly used as intermediate in the manufacture ofchlorinated solvents and agricultural products. It is also used as monomer. In the past1,2,3-trichloropr

38、opane was used as solvent, paint and varnish remover and asdegreasing agent.生产有机氯溶剂的中间体;聚合物和橡胶生产中的交联剂; 用于清除油漆,清漆,以及去除油脂501,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, di-C6-8-branched alkyl esters, C7-rich(DIHP276-158-171888-89-6Art. 57 (c, toxic forreproductionNo registration for DIHP has been submitted to ECHA. H

39、ence the substance seemsnot to be manufactured in or imported to the EU in quantities above 1 t/y. Main uses inthe past were as plasticiser in PVC and in sealants, coatings and potentially printinginks.PVC, 涂层,印刷油墨中的增塑剂51Cobalt dichloride二氯化钴231-589-47646-79-9Art. 57 (c, toxic forreproductionCobalt

40、dichloride is mainly used as intermediate in the manufacture of other cobaltcompounds, in tyre adhesion additives, organic textile dyes, and drying agents forpaints. Furthermore it is used in surface treatment processes, as water treatment /corrosion inhibition chemical, as colourant or for discolou

41、ring in the production ofinorganic pigments & frits, glass, and ceramic ware, in varistors and magnets, as wellas in humidity indicators.生产其他钴化合物的中间体,轮胎附着力添加剂,有机纺织染料,涂料干燥剂。此外,它是用来在表面处理过程中,作为水处理/缓蚀化学色素或无机颜料与釉料,玻璃,陶瓷制品的生产,湿度指示剂52Dichromium tris(chromate铬酸铬246-356-224613-89-6Art. 57 (a,carcinogenic

42、 Mainly used in mixtures for metal surface treatment in the aeronautic/aerospace, steel and aluminium coating sectors. 主要用于航空/航空航天,钢铁和铝的涂料行业的金属表面处理的混合物。53Potassiumhydroxyoctaoxodizincatedi-chromate氢氧化铬酸锌钾234-329-811103-86-9Art. 57 (a,carcinogenicMainly used in coatings in the aeronautic/ aerospace,

43、steel and aluminium coil coatingand vehicle coating sectors.主要用于涂料,航空/航天,钢铁和铝卷材涂料和汽车涂料行业。54Pentazinc chromate octahydroxide 氢氧化铬酸锌256-418-049663-84-5Art. 57 (a,carcinogenicMainly used in coatings in the vehicle coating and aeronautic / aerospace sectors. 主要用于涂料,汽车涂料和航空/航天部门55Aluminosilicate Refracto

44、ry Ceramic Fibres (RCF 硅酸铝耐火陶瓷纤维-Art. 57 (a,carcinogenicRefractory ceramic fibres are used for high-temperature insulation, almost exclusivelyin industrial applications (insulation of industrial furnaces and equipment, equipmentfor the automotive and aircraft/aerospace industry and in fire protectio

45、n (buildingsand industrial process equipment. 耐火陶瓷纤维用于高温隔热,几乎完全是在工业应用(工业窑炉和设备,绝缘设备,汽车和飞机/航空航天产业,防火(建筑和工业加工设备。56Zirconia Aluminosilicate Refractory Ceramic Fibres (Zr-RCF 氧化锆硅酸铝耐火陶瓷纤维-Art. 57 (a,carcinogenicRefractory ceramic fibres are used for high-temperature insulation, almost exclusivelyin indus

46、trial applications (insulation of industrial furnaces and equipment, equipmentfor the automotive and aircraft/aerospace industry and in fire protection (buildingsand industrial process equipment.耐火陶瓷纤维用于高温隔热,几乎完全是在工业应用(工业窑炉和设备,绝缘设备,汽车和飞机/航空航天产业,防火(建筑和工业加工设备。57Formaldehyde, oligomeric reaction produc

47、ts with aniline (technical MDA低聚反应产物甲醛,苯胺500-036-125214-70-4Art. 57 (a,carcinogenicMainly used for manufacture of other substances. Minor uses are as hardener forepoxy resins, e.g. for the production of rolls, pipes and moulds, and as well foradhesives.主要用于制造其他物质。次要用途是作为固化剂,环氧树脂,例如卷,管道和模具,以及用于胶粘剂的生产

48、。58Bis(2-methoxyethyl phthalate双(2 -甲氧基邻苯二甲酸盐DMEP 204-212-6117-82-8Art. 57 (c, toxic forreproductionNo registration for this phthalate compound has been submitted to ECHA. Hence, thesubstance seems not to be manufactured in or imported to the EU in quantities above1 t/y. Main uses in the past were a

49、s plasticiser in polymeric materials and paints,lacquers and varnishes, including printing inks. 没有登记为这个邻苯二甲酸化合物已经向ECHA提交。因此,这种物质似乎不得制造或进口到欧盟的数量超过1吨/年。在过去的主要用途是作为增塑剂在高分子材料和涂料,油漆和清漆,包括印刷油墨592-Methoxyaniline; o-Anisidine.2 - 甲氧基苯胺,邻氨基苯甲醚201-963-190-04-0Art. 57 (a,carcinogenicMainly used in the manufac

50、ture of dyes for tattooing and coloration of paper, polymersand aluminium foil. 主要用于制造纹身和纸,聚合物和铝箔着色的染料。604-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutylphenol, (4-tert-Octylphenol 4 - (1,1,3,3 - 甲基苯酚(4 - 叔辛基酚205-426-2140-66-9Art. 57 (f,equivalent level ofconcernMainly used in the manufacture of polymer preparations and

51、 of ethoxylates. Furtherused as a component in adhesives, coatings, inks and rubber articles.主要用于制造聚合物的准备和聚氧乙烯醚。进一步用作粘合剂,涂料,油墨和橡胶制品中的一个组成部分。611,2-Dichloroethane 1,2 - 二氯乙烷203-458-1107-06-2Art. 57 (a,carcinogenic Mainly used for manufacture of other substances. Minor uses as solvent in the chemical a

52、nd pharmaceutical industry. 主要用于制造其他物质。次要用途是在化学和制药工业用作溶剂,。62Bis(2-methoxyethyl ether双(2 - 甲氧基醚203-924-4111-96-6Art. 57 (c, toxic forreproductionUsed primarily as a reaction solvent or process chemical in a wide variety ofapplications. Used also as solvent for battery electrolytes, and possibly in ot

53、herproducts such as sealants, adhesives, fuels and automotive care products. 主要作为反应溶剂或在多种应用过程中的化学用。也用作溶剂电池电解液,并可能在其它产品,如密封剂,胶粘剂,燃料和汽车护理产品。63Arsenic acid胂酸231-901-97778-39-4Art. 57 (a,carcinogenic Mainly used to remove gas bubbles from ceramic glass melt and in the production of laminated printed cir

54、cuit boards主要用于从陶瓷玻璃熔化和层压印刷电路板的生产中去除气泡64Calcium arsenate钙砷酸231-904-57778-44-1Art. 57 (a,carcinogenic Calcium arsenate is present in complex raw materials imported for manufacture of copper, lead and a range of precious metals. It appears mainly to be used as precipitating agent in copper smelting an

55、d to manufacture diarsenic trioxide. However, most of the substance seems to be disposed of as waste.65Trilead diarsenate 砷酸铅222-979-53687-31-8Art. 57 (a & (c,carcinogenic &toxic forreproduction Trilead diarsenate is present in complex raw materials imported for manufacture of copper, lead a

56、nd a range of precious metals. The trilead diarsenate contained in the raw materials is in the metallurgical refinement process transformed to calcium arsenate and diarsenic trioxide. Whereas most of the calcium arsenate appears to be disposed of as waste the diarsenic trioxide is used further.66N,N-dimethylacetamide (DMAC N,N -二甲基乙酰胺204-826-4127-19-5Art. 57 (c, toxic forreproductionUsed as solvent, mainly in the manufacture of various substances and in theproduction of fibres for clothing and other applications. Also used as reagent, and inproducts such as industria


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