1、2019年 普通高等学校招生全国统一考试高考模拟调研卷英语(三)本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。考试结束后, 将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第I卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分 )做题时,请先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小 题;每小题1.5分 ,满分 7.5分 )听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒 钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例: How muchis the shirt
2、?A. 1 19.15.B. 9 9.15.C. 9 9.18.答案是 B。1 What doesthe manmean?A The woman is strictwith John B The womanshould refuseJohn C The woman is helpful 2 How old is the man sson?A 11B 13C 153 Whereis the mangoing?A To asupermarketB To the woman sC Toapark4 What presenht asthe manbought?A A book B Someflower
3、sC A pair ofgloves5 Who watchedthe Oscasr?AThemanB AngelinaC Miranda第二节(共15小 题;每小题1.5分 ,满分 22.5分 )听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5 秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第6、7题 。6 What arethe two speakertsalking about?A Children s noiseB Snack
4、s anRdubbish C Cinemassituation7 Why didn t the speakers enjothye film?A The film was very boringB Children made themboredC Children s parents weredisgusting听第 7 段材料,回答第8、9题 。8 When should the manarrive at latest?A At 10:00B At 9:30C At 9:00第 3页 /共 18页9 What isunsuitable to wearfor the race?C T-shi
5、rtsC I n an off iceB Her paper ismissi ngC Next M ondayA JeansB Shorts听第8段 材料,回答第10至 12题 。10 Where doesthe conversation probabl y takepl ace?A In ashopB I n a cafe11 What bothersthewoman?A Her computeri s downC Her handi saching12 When i sthe woman sreport due?A WednesdayB Friday9段 材料,回答第13至 16题13 W
6、ho took the woman to horseraceswhen shewasyoung?A Her grandfatherB Her fatherC Her dadsfriends14 What doesthe woman sayabout riding ahorse?A She snever doneit before8 I tsa great way to havefunC I tstotall y diff erent from racing ahorse15 How many raceswill there bet oday?A Morethan tenB Lessthan f
7、iveC Not known for sure16 What willthespeakersprobably do next?C Go down ontoA Watch ahorseraceB Place moneyon ahorsethe track听第10段 材料,回答第17至 20题 。17 W hat doesthe speaker s house have?A A gardenB Tall treesC M any seabi rds18 W hat didthe speaker l ikemost as achi ld?A Playing ball gameswith friend
8、s8 Worki ng in the gardenC Goi ng to the lake19 Where did thefami ly goon atri p?A To New York CityB To abig lakeC To thecountryside20 W hat didthe speaker probably dolater?A He movedto abi gcityB He l ived in the former houseC He movedto aplace near theocean第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分 40分 ) 第一节(共15小 题;每小题2分 ,满
9、分 30分 )阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AThe Scholastic Art & Writing Awards are amongthe most f amous awards for student achievement i n the l iterary andvisual art s Past wi nnersi ncludesuch short story mastersasDonald Barthel me, JoyceCarol Oates, and StepheKni ngThe contest off e
10、rs several categories connectedwith short story wri ters: short story, fl ash fi ction, sciencefiction, humor, andwriting portfol io (档案袋 ) (graduati ngseniorsonly)Who can enter?The contest is open to students in grades 7-12 (including homeschoolers) in the U.S, Canadaor American schodsabroad.What d
11、o wi nners receve?The contest offers a variety of scholarships (some as hi gh as$10,000) andcash awar ds (some ash i gh as$1,O00) at both the regiona level opportunities for publi cation.and the national leve . Wi nners may also receve certificates of recogniti on andHow are entries judged?The award
12、s cite three judging criteria Original ity, technica 水ill , and the emergence(呈现)of a persona vision or voice” Be sure to read past wi nners to get an i dea of whats beei succ娶sul. The judges change every year, but they always i nclude people who are hi ghl y accompl ished i n thei r field.When is t
13、he deadl i ne?Competition guideli nes are updated in Setember, and submissons are usuall y accepted from Setember through early January. Regional Gold Key wi nnerswill automatical y advanceo the nation competition.How do I enter?All students begin by entering a regional competition based on their ZI
14、 P code. Seehe guidd inesfor addition i nformation. M ore?21. Donad Barthel m? Joyce Carol Oatesi and StepheKing are mentioned to slow thatA . many famouswr i tersandartistsenter the competition B. awardswill begiven to many different ki ndsof writing C. the award wi nnerswoul d becomeuiccssul in th
15、efutureD. the competition hasnot been very ppular amongstudents22. . can enter the competition.A . Sudentsall over theworldB. A student in anAmerican school inChi naC. An American coll egestudentD. A student in aCanadian school inAf rica23. The uncferl i ned word cite in Paragraph 4 most probably “
16、” means .A. follow B. i mprove C. necjectD. decide24. Accordi ng to the passagwhich of the foll cwi ngistrue?A . All the wi nners writing will surel y be publi sned. B. Sudentscandi rectl y enter the nationa competition. C. The competition is openfor entri esall the year round. D. Readi ng past wi n
17、nerscanhel p know what isappreciated.BWhen John Muir was 11 years ol d, hi s fami ly moved from Scotl and to the United States and sett l ed i n Wi sconsin John was good with tools and soon became an i nventor He fi rst i nvented a model of a sawmi ll Later, he i nvented an alarm clock that woul d c
18、ausethe sl eeping person to be tipped out of bed when thetimer soundedMuir l eft homeat an early age He took a1,000-mil ewal k south to the Gulf of M exico in 1867and1868 Then he sai led for SanFrancisco The city was too noi sy and crowdedfor Muir, so he headei ndl and for the Sierr a NevadasWhen Mu
19、ir di scovered the Yosemi teVall ey in the Sierr a Nevadas, it was asif he had come home He l oved the mountai ns, the wi l dl ife, and the trees He cli mbed the mountai nsand evenclimbed treesduri ng thunderstormsin order to get closer to the wi nd He put forth the theory in the late 1860sthat the
20、Yosemi te Vall ey had beenformed through the acti on of gl aciers (冰川 ) People ridi culed hi m Not until 1930 was Mui rs theory proven corr ect 第7页/共18页Muir beganto wri tearticlesabout the Yosemite Vall ey to tell readers about its beauty. Hiswriting also warned people that Yosemite wasin danger fro
21、m timber mining and +ee)ranching interests. I n 1901, Theodore Roosevelt became pres dent of the United States. Hewasinterested in conservation. Muir took the pres dent through Yosemite, and Roosevelt he ped get l aws passedo create Yosemite Nationa Park in 1906.Although Muir won many conservation b
22、attles he 10st a major one. He fought to savethe Hetch Hetchy Vall ey, which people wanted to damin order to provide water for SanFrancisco. I n late 1913, a bi ll was sgned to dam the vall ey . Muir died in 1914 Some pople say l os ng the fight to protect the vall ey ki ll ed Muir.25. When didMuir
23、inventa uniqueform of alarm clock?A. Wh i l ethe family sti ll l ived in Scoland. B. After hesail ed to San Francisco.C. After hetravel ed in Yosemite. D. Whi lethe Muir fami l y lived in Wi sconsn.26. What did John Muir do soon after hearri ved in SanFrancisco?A . He wrote10rtstoriesfor the loca ne
24、ws)aper.B. He put forth atheory about how Yosemi tewasformed.C. He headednland for the Serra Nevadas.D. He begarto writearticlesaboutthe Sierra Nevadas.27. When didJohn Muir meetTheodoreRooea/elt?A. Between1901and 1906.B. Between1906and 1914.C. Between1868and 1901.D. Between 1906and 1907.28. John Mu
25、ir ismost probably rememberecas.A . afamouspoli tician in the United StatesB. a nauraist to helppreservelargenatureareasC. aloser in the fi ght to protect the Hetch HetchyVall eyD. an inventor of amodel of sawmi ll and ana arm clockRansom waresthe newest threat to computerusrs. It isa software vi ru
26、sthatblocks your computer s/stem until you pay money The vi ruses havescsry namesi like Crypto locker or Crypto wall . The fi rstransom warevi rusesapfpeared in 2019 but they have become modangerousrecentl y.The vi rusescansweep acrosthe i nternet in a snort peri od of ti me andi nfect mill ions of
27、computers overnight . Ransom ware viruses spread vialink unauthorized downl oads as well asemail attachments. They hit your computer without you knowing it. In many caseshe virus stops your h ard drive from working or encryptsdocumentsandphotos which then becomeuse essHackers demand money, ranging f
28、rom a few to a thousand doll ars, for letti ng you control your computeragain Not only PCsarereportedto beaffected by ransom ware, tabl etsandmobi lephonesh avealsocaught the vi rusVirusdevelopersarealwaysl ooki ng for new waysto makemoney Last year ransom wareattackswentup by 100% Currently, therea
29、reabout 30,000infecti onsaroundthe world every dayAlthough anti-vi rus firmsare working hard to produce patches to protect such att acks, they are not al waysf ast enoughto providesecurity from everyvi rusHowever, there are some thi ngs you can do to protect yoursel f Do not download suspiciousfi le
30、sfrom the internet and becareful when you openemai l attachments Fi nall y, all ow your operating system toupdateregularly and makesure your anti-vi rusdatabasesareal soup-to-date29 . What is Ransom warel i ke?A. Spyeadingfast, it i svery destructive.B. Hidden very well it isvery hard to find out.C.
31、 Af fecti ng PCs anphonesi it demandsmuch money each me.D. At tacked more andmore oftenwe can dcnothi ngabout it.30. The underl ined word encrypt“ in Paragraph 2 mostprobODl y meansA . makesth compl etel y di sappearB. hidesthin another secret pl aceC. change odi nary languageinto code D. decreaseth
32、e numberof第13页/共18页31. The man purpose for the virusesmaybeA. to steal i nformati on fromcomputersystemsB. to threaten computersusers to offer money C. to destroy computers/stems for fun D. to warn computerusers to buy newanti -vi russoftware DDuring the seventeeith and eighteeith centuries a most n
33、othi ng was written about the contri buti on of women duri ng the cdonial peri od and the early h i story of the newly formed United Sates. Lacking the right to vote and absent from the seats of power, women were not cons dered an i mportant force i n hi story. Duri ng these centuri 与 women rema ned
34、i nvi s bl e in history books.Throughout the nineteenth century, thi s lack of vis bi l ity conti nued, despite the efforts of female authors writing about women. These writers like most of their maecounterpdt与 were amateur (业余的)historians. Their writings were ceebratory in nature and they were uncr
35、itical in their selection anduseof sources. Duri ng the nineteenth century, however, certain feminists showed akeen senseof hi story by keeping records of activiti es in which women were of their doings. Pesona corresDondence, newspaper clippin弟 and souvenirs were saved andt ored. These sourcesform
36、the core of the two greyest cdl ecti ons of womens history in the United Sates one at the El izabeth and Arthur ScHiesinger Library at RadeliffeColl ege and the other theSophia Smith Coll ection at Smith College. Such sources have provided vauaDle materials for lder generati onsof hi stori ans.engag
37、Nationa, regiona, and loca women,sorganizations compiledaccountsDeDite the gstheri ng of more i nformation about ordi nary women during the nineteenth century, most of the writing about women adj usted to the greatwomen” theory of history, just asmuch of mainstreamAmerican history concentrated on gr
38、eat med. To demonstrate that women were mOd ng Sgnificantccntributionsto American life, female authors Sngled out women leadas and wrote biographies or else i mportant women produced their autobi ographies. M ost of these leaders were involved in publi c l if easref ormers, activists working for wom
39、ens right to vot? or authors, and were not reoreseitstivest all of thegret massof ordinary womem. The lives of ordinary people conti nued, generall y, to be untold in theAmerican histories being publ ished.32. . What does the passagemainly discuss?A . The role of litaaturein early Americanhistories
40、B. Theplaceof American womenin wr itten histories C. The keeisensefhistory shown by American women.D. The great women approach to hi story used by Ameri can hi stori ans.33. The word they in P&agraph 2 refers to.A. eff orts B. sourcesC. writings D. authors34. In the second paagraDh, what weaknessin
41、nineteenth-centuryhistoriesdoeSthe author poi nt out?A . They put too muchemphasis on daily activities.B. Theyl eft out discusion of the i nfluence on moneyor pd iti csC. Thesources of the informati on they werebasedon werenot necessril y accurate.D. They wereprinted on poorquaity papa.35. What usew
42、asmadeof the nineteenth-centurywomens history mataialsin the Schesinga Li brary and theSophiaSmith Coll ecti on?A . They werecombinedandpubl ished in amul tivol umeencyclopedi a (多卷百 科全书)about women.B. They formed theoasis of cdl egecoursesin the nineteenth-century.C. They provi ded va uaolei nforma
43、tion for twentieth-century histori caesearchers.D. They were由ded amongwomenscoll eges throughout theUnited Sties.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的 选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Hae,ssomeinformati on to he p you avoi d suffering too much I ndian culture 由ock when you arr i ve.Cowsin IndiaSmild to how
44、somepeopl e wonder ifkangaroos can be found in cities inAustraia, they also wonder if cows really roam (漫 步)the strees inI ndia. Actuall y, its true about the ccws. Youll find these fearlesscredures walki ng along all over the place evenon the beach 36 Depending on where you travel in I ndiaitslikel
45、y that cowswont be theonly animasyoull seeon the roads.Soundsin I ndiaI ndia is not a quiet country . Indians love to use thei r horns when driving. Theyll honk when turning corners when overtaki ng, and when thereare vehiclesi n theway. 37Reopl ein I ndiaI ndian society is very close-knit, and pers
46、ona space and privacy are foreign concerts to most people. 38 The down sde of this thought isthat they tendto stae andaskl ots of questi ons many of them persona in na:ure. 11 can be confronti ng if you dont expect it, but dont be afraid to askthe same questions i n return. You wont causeoff ense. 3
47、9 Pricing in I ndiaAs aforegnerin India, do beawarethat the priceyou areofferedfor itemswill usually be much higher (commonly up to threetimesmore) than the pricelndians would pay. 40 Never accept the fi rst price gven.A. In fact,peoplewill be happyhat youve t水en an interest in them. B. Soit ispolit
48、e to keep a cean spacfrom I ndi answhen ta ki ng. C. However,I ndiansae warm hearted andcuriouspeopl eD. The constant noi seisoneof the most tiring thingsabout bei ng in I ndi aE. Actual y they arewell worth what they askf or.F. Hence,i t si mportant to negoti de.G. They e hugebut quite harmlessH. 部
49、分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选 出可以填入空白处的最佳选 项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Ali andAbr由am were brothas. Their parentsdied very early. They left for thei r sons cow.Ali was cunning (狡猾的).He was 41 , too. Abraham was kind and 42 . He trusted his elder brother. They wanted
50、 to 43 their fathers property. Ali ssid, “Iwill be very 44 with you, Abraham. You teethe front part of the cow asyour snare. I will tOcethe hind side of the cow. Eachone gets his 45 only from hisshare”Abraham 46 the cow very well fresh grassand water. The cow became 47 . It gavel ots of milk . Ali g
51、ot the milk. He sold the milk andgot a lot of money. But he dd not snare the 48 wi th Abr小am. Abraham aded hi sbrother about his 49 of money. Al i replied, “Igot the milk50 my part of ourcow . Hind pdt ismi neaccardi ng to the 51 . Eachof us gets the beneftsonly from hi s52 . Abraham said nothi ng.A
52、 53 man advisad Abraham . He sad something in the 54 of Abraham. The next day Ali wasmi l ki ng the cow. Then Abraham beat the cow in the front part. The cow started kicking. Al i 55 Abraham. You 56 ! Why doyou beet the cow? Do not see mm ilking the cow?“he front part of the cow ismine. I cando 57 .
53、 Thd is our agreement,sad Abraham.Ali could not saymything. 58 heagreei to snarethemone/. Abraham sad, Not 59 money.You must alsosiarethe work of feelingandtaki ngcare of the cow too. Ali60 .41. A. greedyB. smartC.42. A. luckyB. selfishC.43. A. sellB. keepC.44. A. strictB. fairC.45. A. profitB. rewa
54、rdC.46. A. knewB. understooddiligent honest donate seriousD.D.D.D.D.careless sensitive divide patient awardD. remembered48.A. cowB. food C. milkD. money49.A. shareB. amount C. useD. secret50.A. forB. from C. of D.to51.A. planB. decision C. lawD. agreement52.A. laborB. knowledge C.part D. effort53.A.
55、 kindB. wiseC. cruelD. funny54.A. earB. noseC. faceD. head55.A. escaped from B. came fromC. laughed at D.56.A. liarB. thief C. foolD. monster57.A. nothingB. anythingC. something D. everything58.A. FinallyB. SuddenlyC.Happily D. Gradually59.A. reallyB. entirely C. justD. alwaysfedA.energeticactive D.
56、 aggressive47.shouted atprizeC.B. healthy C.60 A quarreledB replied C criedD agreed第n卷注意:将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分 ) 第二节(共10小 题;每小题1.5分 ,满分15分 )阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个 单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。第 #页 /共 18页Swedenpne of the worl ds most advanceotountries hasstarted to i ntroduce a Sx-hour work day for itsemployees. Around the country, companiesare making this changein order to makeworkers more productiveand 61 (happy). At the sameimebresksandmeetings 62 (keep)to a minimum at work, sothat workers can cocentrete
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