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1、西昌市2021-2021学年度上期期末检测离二英语试题卷駁试总分鋼I翼选择聂九第II 詐逡择建两梆分试理套A瓦,签憂卡2取。全巻滿分为ISO分. 丰试M網120分仲。算見林考生务必将0己的Ji名、庖位号、沒考IX彳用0.5上决壮曩色签字笔坯骂在答題卡上并对条彤 吗站IAA冬翻卡的揣宣住厦;虫扭刃便用2B铅笔填滄A答刼卡对倉蓟吕柿号的位梵上其他试« 9J 05 t 未簽字血方写柱各期卡科应題柜内不囲趣越建框区域。考试H束后将5题卡收回。第I卷选择題,共100分I第丁局部 听力共两曲満分30分第一节共5小題佝小題】5分总分值T5分听下面5 K <t»c馬段对话后右一个小题

2、从區中所給的A RC三个选项中选出最正确逵项并标夜武巻 的相心位置。圻完毎段对诂宕.你都AT0抄绅的时钊来:倒钱有艾小趙和阅读卜小也二母段対话仅渎一渥。1 How many r?卅g doe rhe woman have nn Fridiy9A. FWB rhrre.2. What does the womfin plan to do?A rake photos of the citvB. I lave a trip on a bicycle3. Ulwl arr the “prMkrrx talking nFimit?A A car nice.B. A car accident4. UPie

3、h sport 2* th<> nvm think i< the mxi popularA. Tennis.B. Table tennia.5. What are the wprak你i going to rlo Inpethpr this pvpmmt?A Do some painting.B. Have tea.貳二伙共15小题海小題I S分储分2ZS分听卜曲5段对话或IfiQo毎段対诂或建口后4儿个小那从割啊加ft的A、B«二个透坎中迭出最正确选 项幷标乍试卷的栢应怕* 昕每段对话戎独白前你梅有时间阅读各*小题,毎小题§秒钟;听完启各小 创给岀5 c

4、m的作養时囘每仪对诂或效口渎沏遍°听第6段材料答复第6.7 jK.6. Whnt do people do least?A.Seefllm<iB. WmchTV7. Hov d:d the woman do the rracarch?A. Ry talking tn 严npb.B. 3y jninuif: sputts clul» with 30 propltC. By rollring information fmm newspapen:衍第7段林料答复第R至】0越°R. Whnt kind of miiic dc ho geman like?A. Exc

5、iting BKJic;B KeLuingC. Rnad book*C. Pour.C. Take a hi tour.C Tl>e colors of car«.C Swimming.C. Go out.离二英冷试趨g第J员其8贡C. Go to a nv>vie.C Ein|Joyrr aiui rmployec.C Myar*C. Ibc rhimagrd cfivironmmt.C The farmeni and minern9. V'h就 <1 <1 Alkr lliink of iIk cnnrrn ht night?A. Boring.B

6、 Disafipointing.10 Whut are (h ApptikrF to do next week?A Go toi fanning party B Gctoa ccMicert 听第8段材料冋答第II至13题c11 Wliat i9 ihr |)rubdl)le jelut ionship brlwmi I he M|>e4krrs?A Doctor and nurse.B. Doctor and patient.12 What drws the man have to do?A. Srtwl bis wi> to hmpiud.B Take time off to

7、look after hi静 daugliter.C. Get baek to work by next Friday 13. What do we know about the woman?A SI* i a rarwiikalr prrsnn*B. SIxr nants to visit the man's wi仏.C She advises the nmn te have a rent.听第9段材N叵答第14至7题'14 Hon was thp land when the numS father bmight it?A Il liacJ very few aninvik

8、on it.B It had many native animals on it.C It had been opened up by others.15 Hon longdxi it lkr ihe !nd to have a greot change?A. 4 years.B. lOmrb.16. WMt broiifchi about such a peat change in (mt?A lhe rats and the forces.B Hie people living Qhnr17 Whflt did pwiplrbmught about the prriblem in th 1

9、9701?A Tlir land.B. Tlir MnintHk.听第10段材料答复第18至20题°18. Whm frpreial nrw wiU the tourists get in Lake Park?A. Birds of diffF>rent coJots.Q. I i< of all kinds.C Sighteccmg buses of mail) styles.19. What do school children like doing best in Izike Bark?Watching b:rri<Q tn Autumn nnd winter

10、.B IjMriiitig to the hislory of the lake.C. Hiding around the lake.20. Whet Fho ild vwitors knnw?' Thy ara pmhihiPd from taking photos in the park,B Tliry sihaulfl rrlum to the hut in lwo hotinkC. rlliry can rnjoy dir lx*aut> in IxMth foaling mi the lakr 第二局部 阅渎理侨(共两节満分40分) 第一节(共15小题:毎小題2分总分值

11、30分)高二英语试麗&第2fl)使读以下XI文从毎題所诺的讽个选顶AbC利D中达岀悅仕迭见JOB OFFEREDEL hoiKe m wcllknm*T)En|:li4i lenming center for primary nnri hih msIwh>I 9tiM)riiK Wr arr l<N<Ktfyc G»r m natirr Etigjid loit bcr m!m> mn leach the (<)llowing mihjrct (创 tn our uder)K who arr pl*fining to stiiciy ahmid.

12、 llie inri mhr-fW ghoukl fulfiU the following requirements:Ex|irrirnced in rxam |>rr|Mrali<>ns (TOEFL. 1ELTS. SAT) Degree holderLxpmcncd in trachin either mathematea, physics orExcellent cuniniantl of English in both end and wrinenExperienced in te«ckirtg holier Academic lcd English N&

13、#171;ti*c Enfji&h teachers or BiUn(Mal teachers natjie ronmnuMl of EnlhhJGHTR©gmai).CAm SHAREI'm Margairt. kxJLirig fir i prnuxi with ji pcsitw oiirlnnk rwt life to 4mr» the hedmom in a wonderfully lor«ted luxcry ipartmem. Thm's near everything and has everything: hardwood

14、 Qooro, international TV. w»hrr/cirycr Other two rooms alnuxiy occupied by a Fmich and a Kiwi womrn. IxHh |MM4rM(mab<.Hraur mntacf me. MLCTCiivui.rnmFORKEMTCNY 1XOOO/ lovely apartmrnT nr&r West Nanjing RoadLayout: 3 b*drooim, 2 baihroomASixe: I2<>wymMonthly rental RMB 12,000Ompoond

15、: first BlockFai ilium. gym triini court ind*inimirig pM»). children s pluygmiindLY G256O0hmbu zrom21. MAigarr:t it now looLin (or4. brr l<»M ratB. m npannvntC. a jbD. a roommate22. iVhxh of the followm is NOT the requirement of EL buuc?A Exj>rrinii« in exam prejiaraiinriHR Expr

16、rirnrrd in tFArhing ChinreC. Exrdl«1 rnoimand of EnglithD. Dcpw holder23. If you rent the apartucnl ner West Nan川.Rd.A戸刚 Iwvr rhanrrn to work out to kp fit3. you can go bopping in the neiborhAolC. yw tlMnild |my RMD 12«00 each nxiikhD. ynu can nwim in an outdoor swimming pool24. Nlui flora

17、 llw: urulrrlinrd mml inrumbnM" niean?A. RinirirwmjinBC EmployeeD. EnploverBChi【u»e like riding Ukes Al bwu it ww bark in 1992 when I fraveled thrnnnlry Evrrvonr wmrd tn 2 riding a hieyrU. Million* nf them, all blnck Can verr rarr. Yr< fine* my .rriml in Brijin/: Ul yrar, lc fn«in&

18、lt;i I hr oppiitr 鬲二英诰试离思第3頁(*8 5)is true. Ihrre are milhcw of gq片.However, people Mill u茯 ihrir hicydrs In get arr und Fcr nwi), ltd the rmesl and chrif>cbl way m Iratrl kidey Bicyrles also erne in dilTermi rolort*Ml w. peril, ml. hliie9 yellow. whairvrr yiMi wan*.Il's fun natrhing |>ef p

19、lr Nkin They rush quickly through rrvisMiwk. nwnr 5k illliilly thnMigi IrnlTii nd ri<lr NmrmBicyclr allow people the frredani lo move about that(?cin't pmvirjp.Eogrr to lx |>ait </ d)in Qpecl M Chinese culture I derided Io buy d biryrlr Great wrathrr acnwi>Miiirl Biy grra: hiiy. Ijum

20、ped upon my bi eye Jr «eal arvl starthcunr My firM ride li< ri>e was ontrly. T<> br jyifr. I Mayed with|zick'M bikrn4 while car* mi the Mrrris ednir ninning swiftly* nnt M msh十 ai didn't wmit tn gel hit So I t(w4c lhe n<le crnMiIlyCrrHsinf the at reef» was the b:gest

21、 problem h waa a lol like crossing a jrajor hichvray bock in the United Stair TKr «»rrrK here wrn» wide, s rmftting uw>k time, ftkill and a little hit ef lurkI finally made it home. The feeling on the bicycle iw Amuzinic The tiir hilling my Im比 «nd 唱 ihroufth my Iwur was wonde

22、rful. I Mas silting(xi lop nf the world m I passrd by place* and ppnpk Riking marie mr frel aliv?25. Aocofdinp to the author, why arc bicyclre Ftill popular in China today?A. Because they me (rdtiiti<Nial afid Mr.B. Beciise they are convenient and inexpensive.C. Because they are cokvfui and arail

23、abieD Bwiuw thev «re fast and erMronment friendlv. 26. The author decided to buy a bicycle because he intrndedA. tn ride it for funB. tn nse it Fnr rranspojtC. loexpencncc local cultureD. to improve his riding Mcilb27. iinw did the author feel uhoirt hi« <lrrei crm<»ing?A. It ua

24、s borm升B. It was difficult.C It was lively.D It wonderful.28. Th ch of the fijlnwing Irnl de<rib ih-Rizhnr bik ing rxjwricncr-?A. The author enjoyed nbowing off hi» biking skilhB. T!ir Hirthor vas am和rd dir air v% ilr riding.C He author was prwsed by other bikersD Tltc immIiibt bmk prd pkaHi

25、rc >11 biking.CPmpk alna)-9 find a job in different way» h can be as cwy <s walking into a nri0iborhond store l look al ito AnncainrTwnt bnard (nral atnre* often hflve wherv people ran put umali ujpw telling what kind of tenice they nerd or can provide Such services include carmg for chil

26、dren or cleaning houses. Job searchers can look in the nwspapnr. Inna! mwpwprR have mplr>yrwnt annminrpnv»ntK phred hy rnmpmie seeking woricen.Another popular “ml for finding *be is the Internet. For example, pcnplr in four hundred and fifty cities anwtnd ll« wrld (:antlw CrwgnliM Wrl&g

27、t; site tn buy objects meet pmpS nr find fi job CraigsliM thnt it rrc*rivrt twnm:ll)fn new job Lutings each monthAmdher liwful nay 10 find a jtili is ihnxigh » rolkpr nr nnirrsiry. Fnr numpk. slurlenK al the Univemify of Tex in AiiRlm wn g<» to the Career Kxpionition Cenk*r to got help

28、in find ng a jctl>. Of CAun*e, looking for a job rrquirc knowing nl)al kiml <f mrk yrni want to <i(i. Fnr example. ihrrr ts a ImiJc called *Wh4l (>4or is Y<»iir PiTarhiitpr* by Rii'hiird KUhfi Thiw book has hoon helping people rhorMe a cnrwr juhcf it wau fiM publiohM in niiiH

29、ren wmly高二英悟试趙春第4及央X頁Some experts also help pcopfe imd jobs Susan W Miller a con4<»> railed (lalifomia Career Srrif« in Lo, Andries. Sir? says hrr <*t<ii|Mrvy hdj ipk find pits by fiiS hel<«ng (lietii iindrlajiil thrir suengllis and inerpw Thon *2 prnvidft ih,m with nif

30、thnk and reur,?i in lw-lp lh<*m find thR right job29 By le畑M no thr OnigdiH Web dkun 0. find i miilAhU jiib31. It can be kom" fmni thethat_A. ninipanics often pul job infc nnalion if) I<m h1 jJmpoR the Tntemrt i« dw> n)r*l popular tnnl for job hnntrv in 心 C$AC. Su)?an W. Miller

31、9;s company is helping people chcosc carccreD. Califiimia Carrrr Services mainly *rv0 university HudenuW ere you always stann oat c£ th© window, feeling readcce and bored?Brief nMiwnlb of boretloni are universal awi are fre<|uenily wliai drives > io snip hai we urt- doing arid menu t

32、o nothingthrt wr wrill br more excitingBut ahhou力 boredom is coaimon i( ncilher uninipwlmil ncir fawirallcv «x>«ding to Di Ji【i Emlwuud a F'kJaigEsl nl YirL Urii%rryM!>k Tutonia EaslvtiNMl i jt>im Hijtlkir < f TlirMind. a m<<i<ir nr*w pajirr onIlu* theory cf boredo

33、mBoredoni, be points out in the |>a|itr, hbb been connected vritli uvcirtinf;. depreMiuru aimiely, aii(I an i(icrea»ed rid iif nuking niiMikrs fHl wiiric n light not lir 肖 nuiltrr of life and death for most of im. hi it if you arR in Airtrafic contmlkr, pilot or nuNear power plant operfnr, t

34、hey mwt certainly can be.Conunrrcial polo Sami Frank料 confinm that lxwcLm can m/ikc(Hk<$ kee altmiio. when you fly a krigihy <lH)nnrrt ihrrr irr two piloK, one nf whom ii monitnnng all th «crw»na while the nth*r ckx ihwork, talk* toair traffic conlnJ and so on You need to be alert (g

35、 兌的)for landing and takcoti, het once you arc 500 ft above the nmwajr, tbr plane's on autopilot R 动鹦驶仗)and it mn lie very quiet and boring. In a study 1 saw of pilots who woke up aftpr a <bort deep, nf thrr. rrporlpd Bering I hr 血wlrep tw/* csid FranksHwrcvcr. l>r Esther IVjyodhamhint, a s

36、enior lecturer in education at the university of I'sL Ai诃也 hz Hudicd Nimltvii and says it(111 !« bi a |x>%iLe ligU "QZ prexenl Ixirrilont-i? an iinax»Miable human EMMion. US hw tn arcpt tl ami fin4 wave to conlrol it. Wr all need dowTitrmr. Therr'i no neM to be fully busy w

37、ith work at all time,." she mvs.QiililiHf) wIm> chi屮bin tliar ihrv have- wxhh唱 i<» (h on miriy IxJirhy may Iry lo f:n<l <nh<T (hinp 10 fnru* ar. The art st Graysoji Peny has reportedly spoken of how Imp pen<xk of hnndem in rhikihood nmy have mipmved hi缶 creativily.HW>

38、al) ni-d(imr in nm)l(深恩熟瑕)thing% over/* sajn Ph)»dhand)im.32. We nan learn from 卜ihotA. hmlini nui lw potentially 潜亦地)dangrrmR mr rrjiffir cnntmlkni itanalh I howlrC. bnef moments of bnrrdoni arc rw< cnmnionD ni;«kin misi冰小 is a nwjor ra» isr <»fMudyby Fmnk. »hown that

39、A pixels nre<l to l>r 4rt for landing and takmffB pilot* miz: work well lorth<r when flying(L hcntim ran nvikr |)3iMb kwe ailenliinD flying a plane is gramlly quit* fun34 Whick of the Wl»win« be PorryB opinirwi c bnn»d(xw?A. It cfien leads to failureB. 1( ha» a hmHknalC

40、It is more liknly to Iwppen to childfmD ll nMkRSfhiklim kz interr?.t in Irwriing3$ Whal i« rhe he«t Irfle fnr th#*A. Why om 100 bered?B. h boredom bad for you?C Can I have ymir utteiiUvn?D I lor can 1 gd rid </ Ixjrrtlonj?第二韦(井5小駆:W 2分港分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选顼中选出能够咬人空白处的锻住送项琵项中钉用项为多余选项。Evcry

41、lviily Rein streamed from time to time、 _36 _ Some ways cf dealing v)th strcM like errermng nr hitting 31¥wpdnn" she much. Bui r>ther ways, hkr ukin tn wmronr you tniM. can lra<l j«i to wihirig ?<»Lt jKiibleiu <»r at kni4 feeling better.Tryinglli«c i<jur

42、»le|» tl>r next lime you are Mrc心d;(1) Crt Mip|M»r1 Wlw-!i y<Hi iim(l hrl|it rwwb out (o I hr petiplr whomrr mIniuI you. Twlk tun (ruZrd aiiulL such ga parent nr other rrlabves37 'ey might hn%e hud similar pmlJeim, turh as dealing with a teat, or thr death of aMo>rd pct(2

43、) I>)n'l luLe il chi yoiir>rlC Sirnrhnir hrn kick «rr Mrrrwvl Mild fMrt they Uikc it out on ihcmxrlrw.OiMt tFww arr 口山介严 ppla In help y(ui. Ocn't tak it out on yourvlf. 38(3) lry to s<4vc the prrWemr After jtxj*re calm and you have support from &dults and fnends. lt*B tiiro

44、 to get down 39_ Even if you can't M>hc it all. you can m>Ivc a |ii<xcit(4) Be pcMitive Rixnmlirr d<w*« & uwwy. fr whn ymi figiii* mil the pmhlm and Marti ng working on Miking iLThct steps rircn*! nia( hul they <k)wvrk Ami if you can stay positive is you make your way lhm

45、ui a tniigh riz, you will Mp ynuruelf feel hener rxrn fartrr.40A ITien find > vay toclni down.D. Ami dvn*l forget about your frirnil.C. Ym rrrd tn Ggiirrmit whai the pniilrm is.1). Ak il fh “ good uhen the is genr E DiffcfriU people frxl in difTrictil wavsF. Nmire ycur friends' fpeling <nd

46、 fird a wiy tn help themG. As< fora helping hand to rt yc»ii lhr<*)$h the tmih Filiistinn第三茹外 英谄知识运用(共石忆总分值45分).第一节尧形山空(共20小題佝小越1.5分陆分30分)闫读下闾血文展辺文片各題听给四个送喷AR«和Q)中送出M以垃入空白处的最他逵项屏庄答 越卡上将浜顼涂撫eI xa admitted by a famou univniity. I had grov%ri up in a small tcviide town in the Muth of En

47、):iard« and sudlntily I wm 41 (ugedici dlh people uf my age front all ovrr llir ccwwitry. Priplf wrnp speaking in 化_ that 1 had only ever heard cn T*V. and MirxttimcF unmg words that I had 43 hear>3 before.I had ocily been al university for dwnii a gtrk I 44 David Pitman .from Blackburn in t

48、he north of En=nd We 45 that we both >laved tenms. and arranged to meet up on: afternoon for e 46I went to thr sports hall al the time wpM 47. an«i wmt into thn char pi ng merm Daid was Rlready xhr, andI <wld acr that hr waac*! very 48 He waa searching nruidioly tor sonxthing inside hi, N

49、ig. lie looked up ct air u I 49 °l vp 50 rfikrks/* hr said. *Ym Jmvonl got any, have jnu?* 51 I had no idea what he wa«diking about. Tennis balls? Shnrtft? TminerH? Whol? I iviid: ,*Scnrv?M TXwid irpratcd: Ilavr you got <ny 52 kek» with your(X course, I could have uked h:m what the

50、 wrd meant. 53 I w» loo endwnis»al and didn't wait tn offend (冒 屯)him. David saw rha 54 rwi my fare, and «aid: "Ymi knew - kekc Shnru. Tennit shcrU."Now 155 9 and luckily, 1 did have some 56 in my Im. I lent dmi to him, we $7 . mid lie wvn. Tlienw ver*to gel a 58. The wo

51、man at the rantzn uftked me whsl I wanted. "Pd like a Black Beauty, please,v 1 uud.(Where 159, that*® coin And ice cream.) %1诚 on earth is that?" s*id the wonmn. 60 knew how she Ml.41. A. rrsjirctrflR. ArreptedC. thrownD remembered42. A smilesB occcntsC silenceD. puUk43. A. alwaysR mz

52、zC everD somHime*44 A nmtedB. helpedC. nrtD. phonal45. A. guewdB. hopedC. diflmveredD. admitted46 A. puneB. report(:.nrrtingD dhoignn47. A. givenB. wi4iwl forC. recordedD A/owd on48. A nervousB. happyC friendlyD angr)49 A cinnd upB. set outQ turned bockD walked in50. A. washedB coUecledC. furpRIriiD

53、 told51 A. GraduallyB. FinallvC. SuddenlyP. fortuneteiv52. A. newB 5|MirrC. frrrD. < <<100153. A. andB. toC, butD. or54. A. joyB. painC. liM>kD. << nerrn55. A. under*loodB. promisedC. decidedD believed56 4圖B sIjutmC. QimuD T-shim57. 4. showedB. playedC. ftixiindD shared58. A. drink

54、B pimirrC TFviewD. nx*旷59. 4 go toB dream ofC. come lr()cnD travel around60. rsprriall>R. nrHyC. hanllyD. Irameduiteiy第I【卷共三节,共50分第三局部英语知识运用第二节共0小題;甸小題15分,涣分15分第连下面材料在亭白处埴入适当的内容不多于3个单冈或括号内单.词的适肖形式°岛二英诂试足卷第7IA yea; ngp. Alice, my yinmgrM dunhter. a>kr<l nir how to make friends. Shr 穴a 7 yc<n» old mid a litlle *hy I fold her the beM way 虫 JmAkeJlnends was to intn»duce herself when


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