



1、12 选 101.2012长春A. grassB. nothingC. howD.hopeE. soF. endG. realH. wasteI. hardJ. straightK. tripL. smileOne day, a teacher and a stude nt were lying un der a tree n ear a grass area. The stude nt asked the teacher, "Could you pl ease tell me 61to find out a soul mate( 知 音)? " The teacher t

2、hought for a while and the n an swered," Well, it's a hard and easy questi on. Look that way, there is a lot of 62 there. Just walk 63, and pl ease don't turn back. On your way, try to find a beautiful grass, p ick it up and the n give it to me. But only on e."A few minu tes later

3、the stude nt came back with 64 in his hand. He said to the teacher," On my 65 , I found some beautiful grass, but I thought that I would find a better one, 66 I did n't p ick it up. But I did n't know I was already at the 67 of the grass field, and I had n't p icked upany because yo

4、u told me not to turn back.""That's what happened in 68 life," the teacher said.What is the message of this story?Grass is people around you. Beautiful grass is people that attract you.Grass field is time.When yon are look ing for your soul mate, p lease don't always 69 that t

5、here will be a better one. By doing that, you'll 70 your lifetime, because "Time Never Goes Back. " So take the cha nee that you have now!2.2012吉林A. laterB. no thi ngC. terribleD. n eitherE.hopeF. someth ingG. fastestH. brokeI. withoutJ. meetK. eitherL. winnerSometimes, life isn '

6、t as perfect as we imagine. If so, what will you do? Liu Wei, the famous p ia nist61 arms in Chi na, is a good exa mple. He lost his arms in a 62accide nt whe nhe was only ten years old. However, he wan ted to kee p his dream. He lear ned to swim in a recovery(康复)hos pital whe n he was 12. Two years

7、 63 , he won two gold medals in a Nati onal Swim ming Championship for the disabled. After that, he bega n to lear n how to type with his feet. I n the follow ing years, he 64 the world record and become the person who could type 65 with his feet. I n the follow ing years, he started lear ning to p

8、lay the piano.Last year, he became the 66of Chi na ' s Got Tale nt Sho中 国达人秀).He” Wealways says, “ There are two ways in my life. I will67_ live a wonderful life or die.can lear n68 from Liu Wei, No matter how hard the life is., kee p smili ng to ourselves.Martin Luther King has ever said,“ We n

9、W受accisappointment in our life, butwe must never lose our69. ” What he said is quite true. When we 70 difficulties,pl ease face them bravely. Where there is a will, there is a way.3. 2011长春A. butB. givesC. nobodyD. historyE. p atie ntF. every oneG. tiredH. looksI. cheersJ. teacherK. alwaysL. milli o

10、ns ofIn my life, I have a lot of frien ds, 36 there is a sp ecial one who rm the most tha nkful to. Ifirst knew him whe n I bega n to go to school. He has bee n with me ever since.Though he 37 serious, he is really fun as you get close to him. He is very quiet, smartand kno wledgeable. He knows ever

11、y Ian guage of the world, all the eve nts of 38, all thethoughts of great scientists and so on. He is admired(钦佩)by39 who meets him.To me, he has been a great 40 as well. He first taught me the secrets of my own Ianguage and the n those of others. With these keys, he showed us how to uni ock all the

12、 arts and scie nces of man.My friend is quite 41. Although I am slow in un dersta ndin g. I can retur n to him aga in andaga in, and he is 42 ready to teach me. When I am 43, he makes me relaxed. When I amIon ely, he stays with me sile ntly. When I am sad, he 44 me up. He is a friend not only to“ Re

13、ading ”me, but also to 45 people around the world. Shall I tell you his n ame? His n ame is4. 2011吉林A. atB. howC. slee pD. storyE.happyF. someth ingG. soH. fromI . betterJ . firstK. clea nedL. healthyThis story is about a beautiful, well-dressed lady. She complained to her doctor she felt her whole

14、life was empty and meanin gless. So the doctor called over an old lady Mary who 61 the office floors, and then said to the rich lady,“ Itotee yoked Maryshafoundhappin ess. All I want you to do is to liste n.”Mary sat on a chair and told her 63,“ Well, my husba nd died of can cer and threemon ths lat

15、er my only son was killed by a car. I had n obody. I had nothing left. I could n ' t4 . I couldn eat. I never smiled at anyone. I even thought of taking my own life. Then one evening a cat followed me home 65 work. Somehow(不知何故 )I felt sorry for that cat. It was cold outside,66 I decided to let

16、it in. I got it some milk, and it licked( 添) the plate clean. Then itrubbed(住曾)aga inst my leg, and for the 67 time in mon ths, I smiled. Then I stopped to thin k, if helping a cat could make me smile , maybe doing something for people could make me 68 Every day I tried to do 69 nice for some on e.

17、11 made me so happy to see them happy. Today, I don know of anybody who sleeps and eats 70 than I do. I ' ve found happiness, by giving it to others. ”After the rich lady heard the story, she cried. She had everyth ing that money could buy, but she had lost the things which money couldn 'uy.

18、5. 2010长春A. butB. closedC. andD. meaningE. quietF. brokeG. awfulH. heartI. inJ. won derfulK. find outL. wellOnce a famous violi nist gave a con cert in New York. Many people went to enjoy the music.When he was p lay ing with all his1, someth ing went wrong. One of the stri ngs on hisviolin2. People

19、thought that, he would stop playing,3he didn .Instead, he waited ' ta mome nt,4his eyes and the n con ti nued playing. He pl ayed as5as before. Hecha nged the music a bit. It soun ded6eve n though he made it with only three stri ngs.When he fini shed, there was sile nee7the room. The people stoo

20、d up and cheered. He“ You kno w, it is the artistsmiled, and the n he said in a8voice,much music you can still make with what you have left.What po werful words! They have stayed in my mind ever since I heard the words. Perha ps that is the10of life not just for artists but for all of us. So our tas

21、k in this fast-cha ngingworld is to “ make music ” with what we have.A. beforeB. carryC. paperD. overE. shouti ngF. thatG. afraidH. wayI. sendJ. likeK. fillL. n ecessarya bottle of milk6. 2010吉林Billy was three years old. One day, whe n he was trying to 61from the table, he dropped it. There was a se

22、a of milk all 62 the kitchen floor at once.His mother came in. In stead of 63 at him, she said," Billy, what a great andwon derful mess you have made! Would you like to p lay in the milk for a few minu tes 64we clea n it up?"He did. After a while, his mother said," You know, Billy, wh

23、e never you make a mess 65this, fin ally you have to clea n it up. So, how would you like to do 66? We could usepaper, a towel or a mop(拖布).Which do you want to use?"Billy used the 67 and together they cleaned up the milk. His mother then said,"Let's go out and 68 the bottle with water

24、 in the yard. Let's see if you can find a right69 to carry it without dropping it."It was at that mome nt that Billy knew he did n't n eed to be 70 of makingmistakes.In stead, he knew that mistakes were just opportun ities for lear ning7. 2009长春A. ourselves B. leftC. richD. wheneverE. e

25、noughF. rememberedG. surp rise H. carI. nothingJ. poorK. tookL. babyOn a snowy evening, a rich lady was sta nding by the road. She was very worried. Her61had broke n dow n. Just the n a poor man n amed Robert came. He was on his way back home from work as usual.The lady won dered, “Is the man going

26、to help me? He looks very cold and hun gry. her62, he stopped and said with a smile,“ What' s wrong, madam? ”what was happening.After forty minu tes, the car was at last fixed by Robert. The lady wan ted to pay him.“ No, that _ 63, madam. ” he said, “I wapijngstsome one in n eed. If you reallywa

27、nt to pay me back, I hope64you see some one in trouble, pl ease give him a hand.few minutes later, the lady saw a shabby(破旧的)house by the road. She65Robertwords, so she stopped. The hostess(女主人)warmly asked her in. The lady could see that was a 66family and they n eeded help. When the hostess was ma

28、king tea in the kitche n, the lady 67500 dollars on the table and went away quietly. Robert came home later tha n before, thinking how h ard their life was. Their68was to be born the next month but there wasn69mon ey. His wife went up to him, gave him a kiss and said softly, Everything ' s going

29、 to beriglht. A stranger has helped us out.”Let ' s alway© ready to help others because helping others is helping70.s task to9h” ButThe lady told him"Don' t worry, dec8. 2009吉林A. returnedB. onlyC. awayD. personE. oneF. afterG. decidesH. howI. exce ptJ. ano therK. lifeL. healthyA lo

30、ng time ago there lived a poor farmer. He got a beautiful horse. His friends said, " What a lucky 61 you are! "The farmer answered," You never know what will happen.”One day, the horse ran 62 The farmer's friends came and said, "How uni ucky you are! "The farmer did n

31、9;t get sad. He63 said, " You n ever know what will happen."One week later, the horse 64 And it brought 65 three horses. His friends said, "Oh, you are so lucky. Now you have four horses to help you. " The farmer looked at them and once aga in said," You n ever know what wil

32、l happen.”66of the horsesThe n ext morning while the farmer's son was work ing in the fieldran into him and the boy fell to the ground. His legs were broke n. Many people came to the fanner and expressed their sadness 悲伤)for his son. But again the fanner said, " You never know what will hap

33、pen."A mon th 67 the son's accide nt, soldiers rode into the village. They shouted, " We are taking every 68 young man to fight. " The soldiers took every young man 69 the farmer' s son. Every young man fought in the war and died. But the farmer's son lived a long and happ

34、y 70As his father said,you n ever know what will happen.9.A. arrivedB. childre nC. onD. soE. borrowedF. hon estG. in front ofH. moneyI. yourselfJ. olderK. foodL. maybeMy friend, Bobby Lewis, lives in a small tow n in America. He has two little sons. He tookthem out to p lay 36 _a sunny Saturday after noon. A new min iature(小型的)gol


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