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1、九年级英语(上)第一次月考检测题C. he comes; will comeD. does he come; comes)9. -Although you failed three times, I hope you can havetry.ClassNameThank you. I will.A. the fourthB. a fourthC. a fifth -D. a five、单项选择。(15分))1、I think English is.difficultwell. I want to give it up.A. so, to lear nB. too, lear ningC. to

2、o, to lear n)2. He asked me if there wasA. anything in teresti ngC. someth ing in teresti ngD. too, not to lear nin today ' s newspaper.B. in terest ing any thi ngD. in teresti ng someth ing)3、I study math bylots of exercises.A.、 didB、doingC、 doD、 does10. We couldn 'A. all; noB.t eat in the

3、restaura nt becauseof us hadmoney on us.any; noC. none; anyD. no one; any)11.What should we do if we want to deve lop our village?A lot of new roadsA. must buildI thi nk.B. must be builtC. have to buildD. have builtB ) 12.-Mary is ill. She said that shego to the museum if she-1 ' m sorry to hear

4、 that. I hope she will be better soon.better tomorrow.A. would; wasn B.wouldn ' t; wasn C.'wbuldn ' t; won D. twon ' t; is)13. They were all pl eased withthem.)4. Every morni ng, we are askedtake n our temp eratures.A. if we have B. if have we C. if we had D. if had we)5. How longA.

5、did; begi nthe filmB. has; begu nC. has; bee n onD. has; bee nA. what you said B. what did you say C. what you had sp oke n D. what you had told14. I bought a MP3 for my friend's birthday at the mall and itme $ 120.A.spendB. paidC. costD. used)6.L in Tao, could youme this book pl ease)15. With t

6、he money.her mother saved, the girl could go on with her educati on.Sorry, but Iit for only half an hour. I have nA. borrow; have had B. borrow; have boughtC. le nd; have hadD. le nd; have bought)7.'t finished it.A. itB. whatC. thisD. that二、完形填空。(10分)the heavy rain,we didn t go camping yesterday

7、.Do you know Intuits (因纽特人)?Let me tell you someth ing about their 16What a pity !A. Because that B. Because of)8. I don ' t know whA. will he come; with comeC. I nstead ofWhen heD. As for,I ' ll call you.B. he will come; comesThe In tuits live n ear the North P ole(北极).There are only two se

8、as on s 17: win ter and summer.There are no spring 18 autu mn there. The win ter ni ghts are long. You can 19 the suri fdr more tha n two mon ths, even at noon. The summer days are long. For more tha n two mon ths, the sun n ever 20_ and there is no light.2The Intuits have21 clothes. They made their

9、- clothes from the skins (皮)of animals. From skinsthey make coats, caps and 22.容器),tak ing smaller po tio ns(份)at dinner so you don t waste food whe n you have had eno ugh, writi ng on9both sides of paper, and using less water whe n tak ing a shower.Near the North Pole trees can ' t grow, for 2

10、35there. The Intuits have to make their houses fromskins, stones or snow. When they 24 in a storm (风暴) and can ' t get back home, they make houses ofsnow. They 25these snow houses whe n the storm is over.Reuse To reuse is to use things aga in. Think about the bags you get from the store. They ca

11、n be reused to carry your lun ch, to hold your rubbish, or to collect used cans. You can even take them back to the store the next time to carry your things in stead of gett ing a new bag!()16.A. livesB. lifeC. livi ngD. live()17. A. thereB. hereC. warmD. cold()18. A. notB. orC. andD. n either()19.

12、A. seeB. watchC. lookD. look at()20. A. risesB. goes upC. rises upD. goes dow n()21. A. cott onB. solidC. warmD. cold()22. A. foodB. drinksC. medici neD.shoes()23. A. too coldB. too hotC. either cold or hotD.()24. A. go onB. go overC. go outD. go up()25. A. leftB. leaveC. leave forD. left for三、阅读理解。

13、(共20分)Life is hard for the In tuits, but they still like to live there.n either cold or hotRecycle (回收禾U用 ) Recycling is an important part of keeping our planet clean and green. It can alsosave energy. Be sure that you don' t throw things in the rubbish that can be recycled to make something els

14、e.Paper, plastic, cans and bottles can all be recycled, but food, electrical waste and mobile phones can' t. Whenyou are not sure whether someth ing can be recycled, go to your parents and teachers for advice.Follow the three Rs, and every one of us can do somethi ng to save the earth. It is als

15、o the best way to save ourselves.()26. The first paragraph of the passage implies(暗示)thatA. p ackagi ng should be give n up. B. Italy is too dirty for us to visitC. the US p roduces most rubbishD. the earth is beco ming dirtier()27. If you want to reduce, you shouldA. make good use of your paper B.

16、take a bath in stead of a showerC. eat a small dinner every day D. p ack your lunch with n ews papers()28. The writer seems to ask people to reuse the bagsA. only as rubbish bagsB. only for carry ing other things(A)C. mainly to have a clea ner worldD. mainly to save some moneyDid you know that each

17、day one person in the US throws away 4.4 pounds of rubbish? Almost every mon th, we throw away our own rubbish in p ackagi ng alone. Packagi ng ( in cludi ng boxes, bags, etc) comes to our homes with the things we have bought. Several weeks ago, the TV n ews said that in a city in Italy tons of rubb

18、ish were p iled up in the streets, and the smell was rather terrible. What can we do to help? We should get to know the followi ng Rs.)29. Which of the followi ng can be recycled?A. Food and bottlesC. Paper and mobile phones.B. Books and n ews papersD. Plastic and electrical waste)30. The p assage m

19、ainly tell us thatA. all useless thi ngs can be recycledB. the environmen t is greatly improvingReduce To reduce means to make less rubbish. That is one of the first things we all should do for the environment. Reduce your rubbish by doing thi ngs like p ack ing your lunch in reusable containers( 可在

20、利用的C. the three Rs can help us clea n the earthD. we should n ever throw any rubbish away(B)“ desert ” will be certainly before“ pull ”may look at the second letter. Th en the third, the fourth'clock in the morning and set at 6 o ,“ ' clock in 卄亠,,宀9before“just ID)傑明白如何查字典吗?(C)First,all the

21、English words arearranged(安排)in the letter order. In the dietionary you can first seethe words beg inningwith letter A,the nB,C,D.That means if there are two words“desert” 、.The n if there are two words both begi nning with the sameletter, you For example,“ pardon ” is before“plough” ,The word “ day

22、 ” has two meanin gs. When we talk about the nu mber of days in a year, we are using “ day ” to mean 24 hours. But whe n we talk about day and ni ght, we are using“ day ”sun rise and sun set. Since the earth looks like a ball, the sun can shine on on Ly half of it at a time. Always one half of the e

23、arth is havi ng day and the other half ni ght. A p lace is moved from day into the ni ght and from ni ght into day over and over by spinning( 旋转)of the earth. At the equator(赤道)day and night are sometimes the same len gth. They are each twelve hours long. The sun rises at 6 oamong thousa nds of En g

24、lish words? How can you know? How to find it in the dict ionary both quickly and to nceme(thetime betwee nthe evening. For six mon ths the North Pole is tilted( 倾斜)toward the sun. In those mon ths the Norther nThe diet ionary will be your good frien d. I hope you'posebteOnofer Esiglish study.Hem

25、is phere(半球)gets more hours of sun light tha n the Souther n Hemis phere. Days are Ion ger tha n ni ghts. South of the equator ni ghts are Ion ger tha n days. For the other six mon ths the North Pole is tilted away from the sun. Then the Souther n Hemis phere gets more sun light. Days are Ion ger th

26、a n ni ghts. North of the equator ni ghts are Ion ger tha n days. Win ter is the seas onof long ni ghts. Summer is the seas on of long days.)36. This p assage is aboutA. new words in writ ingB. differe nt dicti on ariesC. the best way of read ing D. using an En glish-Ch in ese dicti onary)37将A处译成汉语:

27、)31. When the Western Hemis phere is havi ng day, the Eastern Hemis phere is havi ngA. both day and ni ght B. day C. n either day or nightD. ni ght)38将B处句子改写成含有宾语从句的复合句。)32. A P lace is moved from day into ni ght and from day over and over byof the earth.A. the p ush ing B. the p ull ingC. the spinn

28、ingD. the P ass ing()39将C处句子翻译成汉语。)33. At the equator day is as long as nightA. sometimesB. neverC. usuallyD. always()40将D处句子翻译成英语。sun light.)34. Whe n the North Pole is tilted toward the sun, the Norther n Hemis phere getsA. lessB. moreC. allD. no五、完成句子。(共10分)35. When it is wi nter in China,A. the

29、USA is tilted toward the sunB. the South P ole is tilted away from the sun嘲笑处于困境中的人事不礼貌的。C. the North P ole is tilted toward the sunD. the North P ole is tilted away from the sunIt's impolitepeople in trouble四、任务型阅读。(共10 分)42、如果你有不懂的问题,你可以向你的老师求助。If you have questi ons that you donan swer,yotj c

30、anWhen you are reading something in English, you may often (A) come across a new word. What way to know it?s the best43、妈妈告诉我不要和陌生人说话。You may look it up in the En glish-Ch in ese diet ion ary. It will tell you a lot about the word: the pronun ciati on, the Chin ese meaning and how to use the word. (

31、B)But how can you know where the word isMy mom told me not to talk to44、从西安开车到汉中需要多长时间?How long does itto dirveXi n _ a Hanzhong?45、服这种药一日三次。A: Would you like to go with me?C: Whe n and where shall we meet?B: Sounds good.D: ril see a movie.F: Yes. What's up?E: Could you p lease get there earlier

32、?A:B :A:C:Take this medici ne(二) Vffl .短文填空(每个单词限用一次。每空只填一个单词。)(计10分)ask, thank, happy , remember, kindness, good, drive, he , six, poorI took the bus to school every day whe n I was in p rimary school. Alvi n, our bus 46_,p icked us up every morni ng. We were all from 47._families. My parents could

33、 hardly support the family with 48_childre n.BExcuse me. Where is the n earest post office, pl ease?Sorry , I don t know. You ' d better ask the policeman over there. He may know._61_。Excuse me =62_ ?Go down this street and take the first turning on the right. Go across the bridge and you' l

34、lfind the post office on the left. It ' s between the city library and the hospital. You can t miss it63Once a mon th, Alvin stopped at the local bus-st op. The n some one came out a4_ each of us if we wan ted an ice cream or a drink. Aliv in p aid for it. At the end of the school year, he took

35、us to 50 home for dancing, Then_51 at he showed was amaz ing. We did ntreats like that too ofte n, so what he did for us was52 remembered.'t getTwenty years later, I called him and 53his for all he did for us. I told him thathe p robably could n't remember me but I sure 54him! And could hear smile in his voiceC: A : C: A : C:八、It s about 30 minu teswalk. You d better catch a bus._64?I think you n eed a nu mber 16 bus. The b


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