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1、Unit 1 Advertising 同步练习(七)总分100分时间45分钟成绩评定3. B为学校图书馆购买10本书4. C留神等着听(某声音).5. A销售员6. A快摄难忘的时刻7. A对感到厌倦8. A改善公司的形象9. A陈旧的思想10. B就作些评论II.根据首字母或中文提示补全单词:(每题2分,共20分)I.翻译下面短语:(每题1.5分,共15分)1. A诱使某人做某事2. A向某人推荐一本书to this country.1. B None of these social p roblems is u2. A No one moved in the bushes; it was

2、only your i3. A Hele n groups all people into two c :those she likes and those she dislikes.4. A It is no Ion ger f to wear min i-skirts.for differe nt exp erime nts.5. B Twelve scie nee laboratories are a6. B We must up date our(包装)to attract more young customers.7. A A bicycle is ofte n far more(

3、方便)than a car in busy cities.8. A The(连续的)white line in the middle of the road means no overtaking.9. B The story of his adve ntures was f(极有吸引力的)to listen to.10. A The(功能)of the heart is to pump blood through the body.III .完形填空:(每题1.5分,共15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后选择方框内所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。方框内有多余的词或短语,每个词或短语限用一次。

4、stop, Protect, which , kill , but, pick,spend, do,while , wash, buy,friendly ,add,in fact, of courseA young boy , about eight years old , walks into the local grocery store ( 杂货店)and (1)out a huge box of clothes deterge nt ( 清洗剂).The shop assista nt walks over , trying to be (2), asks the boy if he

5、has a lot of clothes to do. “ Oh no clothes, ” the boy says“ I gmng to wash my dog ! ” “ (3)you shouldn use this to wash your dog. It ' verypowerful and if you wash your dog in this , he' ll get sick. (4_,it might even kill him.But the boy is not to be and carries the deterge nt to the coun

6、ter and p ays for it,.the shop assista nt still tries to talk him out of wash ing his dog. About a week later theboy is back in the store (7)some candy. The assistant asks him how his dog is (8)“Qhhe died, ” the boy says sadly. The assistant trying not to say ,“I told you so ”says in stead that he&#

7、39;s sorry the dog, habidfiefabes (9)“I tried to tell you not to1. B2. A3. A4. B5. B6. B7. A8. A9. B10. Buse that deterge nt on your dog! ”“ Well the boy rep lies “I don t think it was the deterge nt that(10).him. ” ? “What was it then ? ”“I think it was the washing machine”IV.单项选择(短语动词):(每题1.5分,共30

8、分)1. A We are going towith some friends for a p icnic. Would you like to join us ?A. get inB. get overC. get alongD. get togetherfrom the outside world.A. cut outB. cut offC. cut upD. cut through2. B He was in hos pital for six mon ths. He felt as if he waswith no agreeme nt reached.3. B News report

9、s say p eace talks betwee n the two coun triesA. have broken down B. have broken outC. have broke n in D. have broke n up4. C Don t mention that at the beginning of the story or it maythe shocking ending.A. give awayB. give outC. give upD. give off5. BWhat a large and bright room !Is it a classroom

10、?No. Itthe stude nts'readi ng room.A. is mea nt forB. refers toC. sta nds forD. is supp osed to be6. B We thought of selling this old furniture , but we ' ve decided toit. It might be valuable.A. hold on toB. kee p up withC. turn toD. look after7. B Hosp ital doctors don't go out very of

11、ten as their work tomeheA. takes awayB. takes inC. takes overD. takes up8. A The mother often tells her son to be a good boy , warning him totrouble.A. hold back fromB. kee p out ofC. break away from D. get rid of9. B His mother had thought it would be good for his character tofrom home and earnsome

12、 money on his own.A. run awayB. take awayC. kee p awayD. get away10. C Can you make a sentence tothe meaning of the p hrase?A. show offB. turn outC. bring outD. take in11. AI hear Joh n refused to tell the truth and was take n away by the p olice.Where did youA. p ick that upB. put that upC. make th

13、at up D. take that up12.A After Billy proved that he could ride a bicycle safelyhis father had toto him andbought him one.A. gave upB. gave inC. agreed onD. made apro mise13.B The job is not easy as you imagined , and itmuch time and p atie nee.A. calls inB. calls offC. calls upD. calls for14.AHow d

14、id you find him out ?his n ame by cha nee on the list.A. came dow nB. came aboutC. came across D. came up15.A As is known to us all , failure usuallylazin ess while dilige nee cansuccess.A. results from , lie inB. results in , result fromC. leads to , lie inD. results from , result in16. B The scie

15、ntists are now trying to discover what use could besuch material.A. made outB. made upC. made ofD. made from17. B There ' s no beer left and the pubs are shut so youll have toA. go outB. go offC. go withoutD. go through18. A The driver bega n to sp eed up tofor the hour he'd lost in the traf

16、fic jam.A.keep upB. take upC. catch upD. make up19. B Childre n should not leave their toys on the floor. They should,A. put out themB. put off themC. put them awayD. put them dow n20. B None of us exp ected the chairma n toat the p arty. We thought he was still in hos pital.A. turn inB. turn upC. t

17、urn overD. tur n dow n 2000 年 2005 年1.拥有私车V.书面表达:(20分)B假如你是某校高一学生,今年寒假当上了某英文报特约小记者。你就下面几项内容对一百个城市家庭进行了生活现状的问卷调查。请你给该报写一篇题为“ Peo pie are enjoyi ng a richerlife的英语稿,报道调查结果,并适当分析其中一个数据所反映的情况。词数:80100。参考词汇: 图表 chart ;扩展视野broaden one ' s horizons2. 购买私房3. 出国留学4. 假日出游People are enjoying a richer life答

18、案I. 1. trick sb. into doing sth. 2. recomme nd a book to sb. 3. pu rchase 10 cop ybooks forthe school library4. liste n (out) for sth.5. a market ing assista nt6. snap the un forgettable mome nts7. be tired/ bored with8. i mprove the image of the company9. old-fashi oned ideas10. make some comme nts

19、 on或-comme nt on II. 1. unique 2. imagi nati on 3. categories 4. fashi on able 5. available6. p ackagi ng 7. convenient8. continuous 9. fascinating 10. functionIII. 1. p icks 2. frien dly3. But4. In fact 5. stopped6. while 7. to buy8. doing9. add10. killedIV. DBAAA ADBDCABDCDCCDCBV. One po ssible version:People are enjoying a richer lifeAs we can see from the chart , people ' s life has changed greatly in these five years. Five years ago, only 13 percent of the families had private ears , but


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