1、题目名称出口单据制作基本要求根据销售合同内容填制全套单据题目要求和说明要求把下列单据中打“2”地方填上相应内容,并分别写一份实验报告(每个单据一个报告,共四份)。实验报告填制日期分别为 2013-05-13、2013-05-20、2013-05-27、2013-06-03.对应的实 验名称分别为:出口单据制作之销售合同(一)、出口单据制作之提单(二)、出口单据制作之商业发票(三)、出口单据制作之装箱单(四)。实验报告交打印版,打印版的实验报告模板见附件。请班委按班级学号排序后,在20130603-20130624之间交至zs607我办公桌.相关说明发票号码:JS09225单据制作日期:NOV.
2、25,2011货名毛重(KGS)净重(KGS)体积(CBM )STYLE : 1521ALatex Full Coated Cott onWove n. Knit Wrist Liner1665158310.80STYLE : 2954CPVCDippedGloves,In terlock Liner, Rough Chip Fini sh, Gaun tlet2430182713.40The seller : CHUAWEI (JIANGSU) GLOVES CO., LTD.The buyer : JAMES BROWN&SONS.船名航次:CMA CGM V .26GW起运港:SHANG
3、HAI目的港:MONTREALCHUAWEI (JIANGSU) GLOVES CO., LTD.2810,Sha nghai In ternatio nal Trade Center 2201 Yan An Road(W),SHANGHAI 200336TEL:+86 21 6278 9099FAX:+86 21 6278 9569销售合同SALES CONTRACTContract NoF01LCB05127Date :Sep. 20 , 2011The Buyer :JAMES BROWN&SONS.#304-310 JaJa Street,Toronto, CanadaTEL:(1)7
4、709910,FAX:(1)7701100This contract is made by and between the Buyer and Seller, whereby the buyer agrees to buy and the saileragrees to sell the goods according to the under-mentioned and conditions.Art. No.Descri ptionSizeColorQTYP riceAmountsFOB SHANGHAI1521ALatex Full Coated Cotton10 1/2Natural10
5、00 DOZ .PERUSD4.47USD$4,470Woven, Knit Wrist Liner2954CPVC Dipped Gloves, Interlock10 1/21200 DOZ .PERUSD6.70USD$8,040Liner, Rough Chip Finish,Gauntlet=USD$12,510P ackaging :1 DOZ IN A P OLYBAG, 25 DOZS IN A EXP ORT CARTONTime of Delivery:NOV. 3, 2011Certificate:Insurance:P ayment:T/T IN ADVANCERema
6、rk:THE SELLERTHE BUYERV(讲口商签字和盖章)V(出口商签字和盖章)2. Con sig nee In sert Name, Address and PhoneV中远集装箱运输有限公司COSCO CONTAINER LINES1. Shipp er I nsert Name, Address and PhoneB/L No.VTLX: 33057 COSCO CNFAX: +86(021) 6545 8984ORIGINALP ort-to-Port or Comb ined Transportastheno3. Notify Party In sert Name, Add
7、ress and Phone(It is agreed that no res pon sibility shall attsch to the Carrier or his age nts for failure to no tify)JAMES BROWN&SONS.BILL OF LADINGRECEIVEDin external apparent good order and condition exceptother-Wise no ted. The total n umber of p ackages or un ites stuffed in container, the des
8、cri ption of the goods and the weights show n in this Bill of Lading are furnished by the Merchants, and which the carrier has4. Comb ined Transport *Pre - carriage by5. Combi ned Transport*Place of Receipt6. Ocean Vessel Voy. No.7. Port of Load ing8. Port of Discharge9. Comb ined Transport *Place o
9、f DeliveryMarks & Nos.Co ntain er / Seal No.No. of Contain ers or PackagesN/M1 DOZ INreason able means of check ing and is not a part of this Bill of Lad ing con tract. The carrier has Issued the n umber of Bills of Ladi ng stated below, all of this tenor surre ndered and and where upon Mercha nts a
10、greeand date, One of the original Bills of Lading must be endorsed or signed against the delivery of the shi pm ent any other original Bills of Lading shall be void. The to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Bill ofLad ing as if each had person ally sig ned this Bill of Ladi ng.SEE clause
11、4 on the back of this Bill of Lad ing (Terms con ti nued on the back hereof, p lease read carefully).*Appl icable On ly When Docume nt Used as a Comb in ed Transp ort Bill of Lad in g.Descri ption of Goods (If Dangerous Goods, See Clause 20)STYLE : 1521AGross Weight KgsMeasureme ntLatex Full Coated
12、Cotton Wove n, Kn it Wrist LinerP OLYBAGSTYLE : 2954C25 DOZSIN APVC Dipped Gloves, I nterlock Lin er, Rough Chip Fini sh, Gaun tletEXPORTCARTON88CARTONDescri ption of Contents for Shippers Use Only (Not part of This B/L Con tract)10. Total Number of containers an d/or p ackages (in words)Subject to
13、Clause 7 LimitationSAY EIGHTY EIGHT CARTONS ONLY11. Freight & ChargesRevenue TonsRatePerPrep aidVCollectVDeclared Value ChargeEx. Rate:Pre paid atPayable atTotal Prep aidNo. of Origi nal B( s)/LPlace and date of issueSig ned for the Carrier, COSCO CONTAINER LINESLADEN ON BOARD THE VESSELDATE NOV. 3,
14、 2011B丫1. Goods consigned from (Ex porters business name, address, country)VRefere nee No.GENERA LI ZED SYSTEM OF P REFERENCES2. Goods con sig ned to (Con sig nees n ame, address, country)CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINIssued in(co un try)See Notes overleaf4. For official use3 Means of transport and route (as
15、 far as known)V5. Item6. Marks and7. Number and kind of p ackages; descr ip ti on of goods8. Origin9. Gross10. Numbernum-nu mbers ofcriterio nweightand date ofberpackages(see Notesor otherinvoicesoverleaf)qua ntity1 DOZ IN AP OLYBAG, 25DOZS IN AEXPORTCARTON88CARTONSSTYLE : 1521ALatex Full Coated Cot
16、t on Wove n, Knit Wrist Lin erSTYLE : 2954CPVC Di pp ed Gloves, I nterlock Li ner, Rough Chip Fini sh, Gaun tlet1665KGS1000DOZ .PER2430KGS1200DOZ .PER11. Certificatio nIt is hereby certified, on the basis of control carried out, that the declarati on by the exp orter is correct.SHANGHAI, NOV.25, 201
17、112. Declaratio n by the exp orterThe un dersig ned hereby declares that the above details and stateme nts are correct, that all the goods werep roduced in(country)and that they com ply with the origin requirements specified for those goods in the Gen eralized System of Preferen ces for goods export
18、ed toSHANGHAI, NOV.25 , 2011P lace and date, sig nature and stam p of certify ing authorityPI ace and date, sig nature and stam p of authorized sig natory楚为(江苏)手套有限公司CHUAWEI ( JIANGSU)GLOVES CO., LTD.2810,Sha nghai In ternatio nal Trade Center 2201 Yan An Road(W),SHANGHAI 200336COMMERCIAL INVOICE商业发
19、票致TO :唛头及号数Marks&Nu mbers品名Descri ptions数量,单位Quantities单价Unit Price总价AmountN/MSTYLE :1521A1000 DOZ.USD4.47USD$4,470销售号Sales No.发票号码Invoice No.日期Date合同号Contract No.起运港port of dep arture目的港port of destinationFULL COATEDWOVEN, KNITN/MSTYLE : 2954CPVC DIPPED GLOVES, INTERLOCK LINER, ROUGH CHIP FINISH, G
20、AULTLEYT1200 DOZUSD6.70USD$8,040Total:2200DOZ=USD$12,510LATEX COTTON WRIST LINERSAY TOTAL : U.S DOLARS TWELVE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND TEN ONLY楚为(江苏)手套有限公司CHUAWEI ( JIANGSU)GLOVES CO., LTD.2810,Sha nghai In ternatio nal Trade Center 2201 Yan An Road(W),SHANGHAI 200336P ACKINGLIST装箱致To:发票号码Invoice N
21、o.日期Date合同号Contract No.唛头及编码品名数量毛重净重体积MarksDescri ption(CTN)(KGS)(KGS)(CBM)N/MN/MSTYLE : 1521ALATEX FULL COATED COTTON WOVEN, KNIT WRIST LINERSTYLE : 2954CPVC DIPPED GLOVES, INTERLOCK LINER, ROUGH CHIP FINISH, GAULTLEYTTOTAL :实验报告课程名称:国际贸易理论与实务专业:_指导教师:班级:实验名称:出口单据制作之销售合同 姓名:实验时间:2013-05-13学号:实验目的:通
22、过对国际货物运输的学习,了解运输方式,国际买卖合同中的相关条款及商品包装对于质量、数量和包 装的相关规定,掌握销售合同的制作。实验过程:CHUAWEI (JIANGSU) GLOVES CO., LTD.2810,Sha nghai In ternatio nal Trade Center 2201 Yan An Road(W),SHANGHAI 200336TEL:+86 21 6278 9099FAX:+86 21 6278 9569销售合同SALES CONTRACTContract No :F01LCB05127Date :Sep. 20,2011The Buyer :JAMES BR
23、OWN&SONS.#304-310 JaJa Street,Toronto, CanadaTEL:(1)7709910,FAX:(1)7701100This contract is made by and between the Buyer and Seller, whereby the buyer agrees to buy and the saileragrees to sell the goods according to the under-mentioned and conditions.Art. No.Descri ptionSizeColorQTYP riceAmountsFOB
24、 SHANGHAI1521ALatex Full Coated Cotton10 1/2Natural1000 DOZ .PERUSD4.47USD$4,470Woven, Knit Wrist Liner2954CPVC Dipped Gloves, InterlockLiner, Rough Chip Finish,10 1/21200 DOZ .PERUSD6.70USD$8,040Gauntlet=USD$12,510P ackaging :1 DOZ IN A P OLYBAG, 25 DOZS IN A EXP ORT CARTONTime of Delivery:NOV. 3,
25、2011Certificate:Insurance:P ayment:T/T IN ADVANCERemark:THE SELLERTHE BUYERCHUAWEI (JIANGSU) GLOVES CO., LTD.JAMES BROWN&SONS实验结果:通过对国际货物运输的学习,了解了运输方式,国际买卖合同中的相关条款及商品包装对于质量、数量和包装的相关 规定,掌握并完成了销售合同的制作。实验报告课程名称:国际贸易理论与实务专业:_指导教师:班级:实验名称:出口单据制作之提单 姓名:实验时间:2013-05-20学号:实验目的:通过对海运单据的的学习,了解海运单据的性质和作用、格式和内容
26、以及种类,掌握提单的制作。实验过程:1. Shipp er I nsert Name, Address and PhoneCHUAWEI (JIANGSU) GLOVES CO., LTD.2810,Shanghai International Trade Center 2201 Yan AnRoad(W),SHANGHAI 200336TEL:+86 21 6278 90992. Con sig nee In sert Name, Address and PhoneJAMES BROWN &SONS#304-310 JaJa Street Toronto, CanadaTEL:(1)7709
27、910,B/L No.中远集装箱运输有限公司COSCO CONTAINER LINESTLX: 33057 COSCO CNFAX: +86(021) 6545 8984ORIGINALP ort-to-Port or Comb ined Transportastheno3. Notify Party In sert Name, Address and Phone(It is agreed that no res pon sibility shall attsch to the Carrier or his age nts for failure to no tify)JAMES BROWN&
28、SONS.BILL OF LADINGRECEIVED in external apparent good order and condition except other-Wise no ted. The total n umber of p ackages or un ites stuffed in container, the descri ption of the goods and the weights show n in this Bill of Lading are furnished by the Merchants, and which the carrier hasrea
29、s on able means of check ing and is not a part of this Bill of Lad ing con tract. The carrier has Issued the n umber of Bills of Ladi ng stated below,4. Comb ined Transport *5. Comb ined Transport*surrendered and endorsed or signed against the delivery of the shipmentPre - carriage byPlace of Receip
30、tand where upon any other origi nal Bills of Lad ing shall be void. The6. Ocean Vessel Voy. No.7. Port of Load ingMerchants agree to be boundby the terms and conditions ot this Bill otLad ing as if each had person ally sig ned this Bill of Ladi ng.CMA CGM V .26GWSHANGHAISEE clause 4 on the back of t
31、his Bill of Lad ing (Terms con ti nued on the backhereof, p lease read carefully).*Appl icable On ly When Docume nt Used as a Comb in ed Transp ort Bill of8. Port of Discharge9. Comb ined Transport *Ladi ng.MONTREALPlace of DeliveryMarks & Nos.No. ofDescri pti on of Goods (If Dan gerous Goods, See C
32、lause 20)Gross Weight KgsMeasureme ntCo ntain er / Seal No.Contain ers or PackagesN/M1 DOZ INSTYLE : 1521A166510.80Latex Full Coated Cotton Wove n, Kn it Wrist LinerPOLYBAGSTYLE : 2954C25 DOZSPVC Dipped Gloves, I nterlock Lin er, Rough Chip Fini sh, Gaun tlet243013.40EXPORTCARTON88CARTONDescription
33、of Contents for Shippers Use Only (Not part of This B/L Con tract)10. Total Number of containers an d/or p ackages (in words)Subject to Clause 7 LimitationSAY EIGHTY EIGHT CARTONS ONLY11. Freight & ChargesRevenue TonsRatePerPrep aidCollect12,510USD$12,510Declared Value ChargeEx. Rate:Place and date
34、of issuePre paid atPayable atTotal Prep aidNo. of Origi nal B( s)/LSigned for the Carrier, COSCO CONTAINER LINESNOV. 3, 2011 SHANGHAILADEN ON BOARD THE VESSELDATE NOV. 3, 2011BY1. Goods con sig ned from (Ex po rters bus in ess n ame, address, coun try)CHUAWEI (JIANGSU) GLOVES CO., LTD.2810,Sha nghai
35、 In ternatio nal Trade Center 2201 Yan AnRoad(W),SHANGHAICHINA2. Goods con sig ned to (Con sig nees n ame, address, country)JAMES BROWN&SONS#304-310 JaJa Street,Toronto,CanadaReference No.GENERA LI ZED SYSTEM OF P REFERENCESCERTIFICATE OF ORIGINIssued in(co un try)See Notes overleaf3 Means of transp
36、ort and route (as far as known)4. For official useSHANGHAI Port TO MONTREAL Portby Ocea n Vessel10. Number and date of invo ices5. Item6. Marks and7. Number and kind of p ackages; descr ip ti on of goods8. Origin9. Grossnum-nu mbers ofcriterio nweightberpackages(see Notesor otheroverleaf)quantity21
37、DOZ IN ASTYLE : 1521AP1665KGSP OLYBAG, 25Latex Full Coated Cott on Wove n, Knit Wrist1000DOZS IN ALin erDOZ .PEREXPORTCARTONSTYLE : 2954C88CARTONSPVC Dipp ed Gloves, I nterlock Liner, Rough Chip2430KGSFini sh, Gaun tlet1200DOZ .PER11. Certificatio nIt is hereby certified, on the basis of control carried out, that the declarati on by the exp orter is correct.JS09225NOV .25,201112. Declaratio n by the exp orterThe un dersig ned hereby declares that the above deta
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