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1、第1讲汉英词汇比较与翻译练习1一、译出下列词语,注意词语的不同搭配。1. a swarm of bees a brood of chickens a litter of pups2. a bevy of beautiful ladies a pack of houndsa team of ducks a herd of antelopes3. unfailing support proactive fiscal policymake effective use of overseas resources4. make a phone call take a taxi knit a woolen

2、 sweaterfetch water play basketball spray insecticide5. basic wage capital construction essential commodityprimary industry fundamental interest二、翻译下列句子,注意划线词语的理解。1. The two leaders exchanged views on bilateral relations and issues of common concern.2. Party members should listen carefully to the op

3、inions of the general public.3. They offered some suggestions for the revision of the plan.4. Everyone complained against such a practice.5. They had a dispute at the meeting.6. You should follow the doctors advice.7. They reached a consensus on this issue.练习2一、翻译下列各句,注意词的选择和搭配。1. That depends upon

4、circumstances.2. This state of affairs must be changed.3. How do matters stand with them?4. He presents all his books to the library.5. A teacher should devote himself to the casue of education.6. The committee consists of 15 members.7. Air is made up of a mixture of gases.8. Go in for rigorous trai

5、ning and set strict demand.二、翻译下列词组,注意词汇的搭配方式。1. set sail2. open quotation3. the beginning of spring4. go into operation5. be taken in6. make progress7. distinguished guests 8. be on duty三、翻译下列各句,注意汉语中词汇的词义范围。1. It rained cats and dogs (hard / heavily three days on end (in succession / running.2. He

6、 likes talking big (talking large / talking horse/ talking tall.He likes saying big words / large words.3. They are giving the classroom a good (general / spring / through clean(ing.4. A person like him is by no means (in no way/ on no account/ never/ not absolutely rare.5. We should go in for indus

7、try in a big way in accordance with your suggestion.6. If you do it like that, youll be completely (gravely/seriously mistaken (be absolutely wrong / make a big mistake / make a major blunder / commit a very gross error.练习3一、翻译下列句子,注意划线词语的多样性译法。1. 尤二姐听说,笑道:“依你说,你两个已是情投意合。竟把你许了他,岂不好?”“It sounds as if

8、 the two of you are always of one mind,” Second Sister chuckled, “How would it be if we were to betroth you to him?”2. 一面说,一面咬牙切齿的,又说道Through clenched teeth he added, 3. 凤姐笑道:“他倒不怨我,他临死咬牙切齿,倒恨宝玉呢。”“She bore me no grudege,” replied Xifeng. “It was Baoyu who made her grind her teeth with rage just bef

9、ore she died.”4. 凤姐收了怯色,反喝道:“死了罢了,有什么大惊小怪的!”But after her initial firght Xifeng put on a bold face. “If shes dead,” she retorted, “Whats all the fuss about?”二、翻译下列句子,注意划线部分的成语。1. The more you get, the more you want.2. Its only natural for man to hanker for more.3. Goodness knows what theyre being so

10、 secretive about.4. Shes been creeping in here the last couple of days in a very sneaky way. Goodness knows what shes up to.5. Who told you to make such a fuss over nothing?6. Anything will do; dont fuss.7. Our grandma is ill, dont kick up such a shindy.8. When others herad this they commented, “We

11、thought it was someone who mattered, but this isnt worth making such a fuss about.”短文翻译练习1A Water BridgeAcross Panama runs a world-famous “water bridge”, and that is the Panama Canal. Last summer vacation I went with my parents on a sightseeing tour along it, which is still fresh in my memory.Having

12、 got to Panama City by air, we boarded a pleasure boat in the port of Balboa and sailed into the canal. The boat traveled 13 km and reached the first group of water locks. The Panama Canal is thus a “water bridge” that allows ships to cross land by the open ing and closing of water locks.W e began “

13、getting onto the bridge”. When the boat had sailed into the lock chamber, the steel gate, 2 meters thick, 20 meters high and wide and hundreds of tons in weight, slowly closed, and water began running into the chamber, which continued for a few minutes. The boat rose with the water and advanced slow

14、ly, pulled along by power cars along both banks. Two lifts like that raised the boat 16 meters. It sailed out of the lock across a small lake and came to the second group of locks, which raised the boat another 9.5 meters. In this way, the boat, now 26 meters above sea level, had got onto the “top o

15、f the bridge”. It sailed along the main channel, which stretched 13 km between beautiful hills as steep as if cut apart with a sword and covered with green trees and colorful flowers.The boat sailed out of the gorge and into the wide Gatún Lake, with white clouds and distant hills reflected in

16、it and pretty isles passing into and out of sight. After a leisurely journey of 38 km on the lake, the boat came to th e Gatún Locks, and there began its “descent down the bridge”. The Gatún Locks, three in number, looked like so many gigantic steps. After getting through the locks, the bo

17、at had descended to the same level as the surface of the Atlantic Ocean. The beautiful Caribbean Sea came into view as it sailed into the Limón Bay.We had come from the Pacific to the Atlantic, two great oceans separated by land but linked by the Panama Canal. The canal is 81.8 km in length and

18、 150 to 304 m in width. Ships of 50,000 tons can pass it unimpeded all around the clock. It is truly worthy of the name of “the Bridge of the World”. Full of hearty praises am I for mans wisdom and courage in transforming nature! I admire you, the people of Panama!The guide told us that the Panamani

19、an people had high aspirations. On the one hand, they were working to improve the existent canal, and on the other hand, they were planning for an even longer one, which, it was estimated, would take 10 years to complete, and which would be the greatest project in mans history. We look forward to it

20、s early completion.第2讲词法翻译的一般技巧练习1一、翻译下面的句子,注意搭配产生的假朋友。1. a faithful Christian2. a loving parents3. an obedient child4. a virtuous wife5. a dutiful husband6. a hardworking student7. strong wind 8. thick fog9. heavy rain二、翻译下列句子,注意不顾语境而产生的假朋友。1. Only when they find much in common and hope to keep in

21、touch later on, will they offer their cards.2. Another exampl. The reading of Chinese classics is a must for all Chinese. Nevertheless, it was not until I was over thirty that I came to realize the importance of self-study in the matter of classics.3. Dear young friends, my advice to you is: Do phys

22、ical exercises perseveringly. That has nothing to do with merry-making or time-wasting. Good health is the wherewithal for a successful life and career.三、用对等译法,翻译下列成语。1. fish in troubled waters2. be after ones own heart3. kin and bones4. touch and go5. hit the nail on the head6. be head and shoulder

23、s above others7. turn a deaf ear to8. burn ones boat9. turn a blind eye to10. look for a needle in a bundle of hay四、用对等译法,翻译下列谚语。1. Practice makes perfect.2. More haste, less speed.3. East or west, home is best.4. All is fish that comes to the net.5. Everything comes to him who waits.6. The moon is

24、not seen when the sun shines.7. Look before you leap.8. There is no smoke without fire.练习2一、翻译下列句子,注意增补冠词。1. Even a child can answer this question.2. This is the head of our delegation.3. He put the paper aside and turned on the radio.4. The Chinese people are industrious and brave5. We must have fa

25、ith in the masses.二、翻译下列句子,注意增补代词。1. Hand in your exercise-books, please.2. I cant express myself in English.3. Liberalism manifests itself in various ways.4. This article is easy to read and understand.5. I wish to avail myself of this opportunity to express our gratitude to you.三、翻译下列句子,注意增补动词。1.

26、They are in high spirits.2. They beamed with joy.3. He is quick of eye and deft of hand.4. This article is easy to read and understand.5. I stood aloof from him.四、翻译下列句子,注意增补介词。1. The book is very popular among young people.2. She inquired about your illness.3. The mountain is 1,000 feet above the s

27、ea level4. Shut the door after / when you go out.5. Dinner was at one oclock.五、翻译下列句子,注意增补连词。1. Promote physical culture and build up the peoples health.2. Men and women, old and young, all joined in the battle.3. We worked neither for fame nor for personal gain.4. We should strike while the iron is

28、 hot.5. I shall stay here until Ive completed my studies.六、翻译下列句子或短语,从文化角度增补词语。1. You might have the genius of Li Bai or Du Fu, who was a great poet in the Tang Dynasty and the moral worth of Yan Hui or Zeng Shen both of them were disciples of Confucius, no one would ask your advice.2. to show off o

29、nes proficiency with the ax before Lu Ban the master carpenter3. Jigong, Robin Hood in China, robbed the rich and helpd the poor.4. let a hundred flowers bloom, permit the airing of conflicting views5. black children, who are born in violation of Chinas one-child policy练习3一、翻译下列句子,注意省略范畴词。1. Reform

30、and opening-up reversed the stagnation of national economy.2. His rudeness shocked me.3. He has undertaken / taken up the translation of Lu Xuns works.4. The export is not permitted to exceed its limit.5. The discusssion covers Sino-US relations.6. In the Summer of 1969, the Administration publicly

31、urged an easing of tensions with China.7. His arrogance made everyone dislike him.8. Now, birth control became a possibility.9. China is carrying out nationwide pollution control and environmental protection.10. During the talk, their discussion centered around the protection of intellectual propert

32、ies rights.二、翻译下列句子,注意省略原文的重复成分。1. The two sides held that Sino-US relations should be viewed in a global context and from a perspective of the future and the 21st century in particular.2. When problems emerge, they can be easily put right.3. distance / length / size / height4. Increase the awarenes

33、s about self-reliance, competition, efficiency, and democracy and the rule of law, as well as the pioneering and innovation spirit.5. Silence! Silence! Unless we burst out, we shall perish in this selence.三、翻译下列句子,注意省略多余的或空洞的词。1. I went there to have a look. All I remember now is that the guards at

34、the entrance were Swiss soldiers in yellow uniforms.2. We need to import advanced industrial equipment.3. Past experience teach us 4. That is a facade.5. We must adhere to the principle of plain living and hard struggle.练习4一、运用合并译法,翻译下列四字成语或词组。1. fine words2. glib tongue3. exhausted4. stumbling5. mo

35、ve forces6. burn ones boat二、结合合并译法,翻译下列句子。1. We must have this ambition.2. I got into my old rags and my sugar-hogshead again, and was free and satisfied.3. Each of the five performances enjoyed a full house, with many spectators having to stand.4. He is determined to turn over a new leaf.5. He work

36、ed hard at his studies even in early childhood.6. The Chinese on both sides of the Tainwan Straits are of the same flesh and blood.7. All the staff unite in absolute sincerity.8. Before you came, I did nothing but idle and drift into anything that offered itself.9. He sought the distraction of dista

37、nce.练习5一、翻译下列句子,注意汉语形容词和副词的转译。1. There is no difference in their views.2. We found difficulty in solving this complicated problem.3. The delegate unanimously expressed their determination to oppose the nuclear weapons.4. His new book is a great success.5. He looked at me in amazement.6. The sun shin

38、es over the earth.7. The news quickly spread throughout the world.8. Her voice rings through the house.9. This area is densely populated.10. Our government shows great concern for the Chinese students.二、翻译下列句子,注意其中名词的转译。1. Oxygen is one of the important elements in the physical world; it is very act

39、ive chemically.2. This kind of behavior characterizes the criminal mind.3. The earth is shaped like a big ball.4. He aims to be a successful writer.5. This coffee tastes of chocolate.6. All the students should develop morally, intellectually and physically.7. The magnificent Great Hall of the People

40、 impressed us tremendously.练习6一、翻译下列句子,注意名词性替代。1. A; Can I have a cup of blck coffee with sugar, please?B: Give me the same, please.2. When the colck struck three, Elizabeth felt that she must go; and very unwillingly she did so.3. A: Would you like this teapot?B: No, I want a square one.4. This rep

41、resented a great shift from the cunturies-long history of reclaiming farmland from lakes to restoring it to them on a large scale.5. This is the key workshop in our factory. Here we have comparatively complete equipment. Cooling-fan installations, heating devices and communications facilities are al

42、so equipped over those machineries.二、翻译下列句子,注意应用动词性替代。1. I do not know any more than you do.2. He did not often grumble, and when he did, no one paid much attention to him.3. He rose early, as he had always done.4. Although most of the people bowed to him, they spat into the dirt as they did so.5. P

43、eter is joining our group. I am not sure whether David will do so or not.6. I promised to get a ticket for him and I will do so.7. They say that the Prime Minister will soon dissolve Parliament and call for new elections. I doubt very much if he will do so.8. Are you busy this afternoon? If not, I h

44、ope you would stay with me for a while.练习7一、给出下列词语的褒义词、贬义词和中性词形式。1. gathering / assembly crowd mob2. portly overweight tubby3. slim/slender/slim underweight / thin / fleshy skinny / gaunt / lanky4. comrade friend crony5. man of letter writer wordmonger6. persevere continue persist二、翻译下列句子,注意划线词语的褒贬。

45、1. He is always hankering after personal fame and gains.2. She is fond of figure skating.3. He is in the fur trade.4. You are peddling national nihilism.5. He collaborated with the invaders and betrayed his motherland.6. We should enhance our mutual cooperation.7. He is deeply engrossed in medical r

46、esearch.8. That chap is infatuated with fame and fortune.9. It shall be strictly prohibited that more forests and pastures be turned onto farmland.10. Chinas economy is a major question.11. The stubborn boy refused to listen to his parens advice.12. He accomplished the work with stubborn effort.短文翻译

47、练习21.PANAMA (Citycapital and largest city of the country, located at the Pacific entrance of the Panama Canal. It has an area of 106.5 sq km, and a population of 386,000. Greater Panamas population is 695,000 (1980 census, accounting for more than one third the countrys total. Situated on a litholog

48、ic peninsula at an average altitude of 36 m, the city faces the sea with hills for a background. It has a humid and hot climate, with an average annual rainfall of 1903 mm and an annual average temperature of 26.9, which does not vary much through the year. The city was established on the basis of a

49、n Indian fishing village in 1519, but was burned down by British buccaneers in 1671. It was rebuilt 8 km west of the original site and was made the national capital in 1903. With a population of only 38,000 in 1911, the city later grew with the opening of the Panama Canal to navigation. It is the ec

50、onomic center of the country, whose industry and commerce mostly cater to the needs of the development of the Canal Zone. Products include refined oil, rolled steel, footwear, clothing, processed food, tobacco, cement, and wood items. It practices an open financial policy,and over 80 foreign banks h

51、ave registered and operate here. Balboa, the outer port, is 3 km west of the city, where the canal is spanned by the 1653-m-long American Bridge. With a waterway of 13.71 m in depth and a total wharf length of 954.9 m, the port has complete facilities to accommodate large ocean liners. The Panama Ra

52、ilroad and the trans-Isthmus Highway extend to Colon at the north entrance of the canal, and the Pan-American Highway connects North and South Americas. The airport at Tocumen, 32 km away from the city, is an important international airport in Central America. The city consists of three parts: the A

53、ncient City, the Old City and the New City. Burned down in the 1671 fire, the Ancient City has been developed into a tourist resort and luxury residential district; west of that, the Old City, with its typical Spanish architecture, is an administrative and cultural district; and located between the

54、other two parts, the New City, with its many modern skyscrapers, is a bustling shopping center.2.Mei Lanfang-Great Master of Beijing OperaMei Lanfang was a great performing artist of Beijing opera. But when a child, he was judged to be “of mediocre speech and plain appearance,” without the makings o

55、f an actor.In his childhood, Mei Lanfang was a neglected child. He began to learn acting at 8, but with mediocre endowment, he remained unable to act at all after having learnt for a long time. Usually taciturn, he wasnt good at talking to people, always listless with lackluster eyes. His aunt said

56、that he was no good, and, having taught him for some time, even his master lost confidence and refused to go on teaching him.Child as he was, he was rather sensible, and stubborn, too. “You say Im no good, but I will go on learning,” he said to himself, making up his mind.From then on, he would, whe

57、never he was free, stand in the clear space in the yard looking up at the sky. From time to time there were pigeons flying across the blue sky, and he would look up and strain his eyes to follow them into the distance, never winking. At first, it was painful, and his eyes were sore and tired, with t

58、ears running and eyelids overstrained. But he persisted in training in spite of pain and tiredness. In this way, his eyes became brighter and brighter, which helped to lay a good foundation for his acting in days to come.*Thus Mei Lanfang developed from a person who hadnt got the makings of an actor into a performing artist of Beijing opera with a unique style.When he became successful as an actor, it w


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