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1、杭州电子科技大学毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译毕业设计(论文)题目400M波段近场相控阵天线研究翻译(1)题目相控阵和雷达技术的突破翻译(2)题目发射KU-波段的相控阵天线在FSS通信系统中的应用学 院电子信息学院专 业姓 名胡智慧班 级学 号指导教师英文译文1:相控阵和雷达技术的突破【摘要】 许多人认为雷达是一个成熟的领域,不会发生任何新的变化,这种看法存在很久了,没有比这个看法更错误的了。当我1950年参与到雷达领域的时候,我也有过同样的看法,例如,我认为麻省理工学院的雷达丛书已经是包罗万象了,不需要增加任何新的内容。然而我是多么的错啊,从那时起雷达技术领域中已经发生了许多令人眼花缭乱的发展

2、,雷达一直受益于Moore s定律和许多新的技术上的成果,例如,MMIC GaAs TR组件和相控阵组件。现在雷达技术发展得更快了,在这篇文章里,我将给出某些最近突破的例子。【关键词】 雷达;有源相控阵;MMIC;MEMS;TR组件;相控阵;AESA;电扫;GaAs;GaN;SiC;CMOS;数字波束形成;自适应阵列;旁瓣对消器;超宽带天线;金属材料;电子管;真空电子器件;回旋管;磁控管;速调管;行波管;微波功率组件;MPM;功率放大组件;SBX;GBRP0:SEA-BASED X-波段雷达24层楼高的SEA-BASED X-波段相控阵雷达是一个世界奇迹。1:GaAs MMIC TR模块(单片

3、微波集成电路) 在过去的十年成功和广泛的应用了MMIC和AESA(有源电子扫描阵)2:低成本 ¥19K AESA谁说AESA是非常昂贵的,在DARPA(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency美国国防部先进研究项目局)的低资金¥19K资助下使35GHZ相控阵成为可能。DARPA已经资助发展了¥10 X-band,10smW,单T/R芯片模块。3:低成本的MEMS(微机电系统)相控阵即使我们只有一个低损耗的移相器,那么就能够用在一个模块上安装很多的移相而MEMS提供了这个可能。MEMS开关已经提高了3个数量级的可靠性,在2003年10月报道,开关寿命已经

4、达到6000亿.这还有Db,但是正在取得进展。4:GaN(氮化镓,属第三代半导体材料),SIC(碳化硅)宽禁带的GaN和SIC MMIC 芯片,使,在T/R模块电源上提高1-2个数量级,成为可能。这项技术将有可能在未来通过升级现有的AESA替换GaAs T/R 组件或SIC T/R与GaN模块,提高10倍电源。这个提供了10倍的改善在搜索整个或者78%轨道范围中。5:SiGeSiGe具有使用Si为基质的优势,对集成电路产业的技术,其丰富的资源,可以借鉴。它以较低的成本提供了较高的性能潜能。SiGe 在微波输出功率和噪声系数与GaAs竞争中没有优势。它提供了低成本和在单芯片上整合多种功能的能力。

5、在一个芯片上可以增加微波功率放大器和低噪声的数字接收机也可以是增加A/D和数字电路。6:CMOS(Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor互补金属氧化物半导体)目前CMOS主要用在微波频率,它也使用在Si基材,这个技术还广泛使用在计算机产业。它拥有低成本的保证,低功耗的T/R模块接收组件。像SiGe它有允许许多功能集成在一块芯片上的优势,甚至超过SiGe.一块芯片上可以有射频,中频基带,微处理器,内存。可调谐滤波器和A/D转换系统在SOC(系统集成芯片)上。它可由GaAs或者GaN结合制作出微波功率放大器和低噪声的数字接收机。利用GaN有足够强大到不受限制


7、好的自适应阵列进程。事实上,一个完全的自适应阵列与没有它的计算和瞬间处罚是一样可以实现的。这可以实现自调谐-自调谐阵列处理。这个涉及到干扰器是否干扰了数字定位,然后指向这些干扰器束(这些光束是有效地特征波束),并利用这些作为主瓣。我们拥有10个干扰器,现在必须转换为11*11的矩阵,而不是1000*1000的矩阵和瞬间时间减少100倍。传统的自适应完全阵列,不能确定干扰器的位置,我们可以很容易的确定,不至于使我们被蒙蔽。此方法等效于确定主要成分的方法。8:超带宽阵列 由于有超带宽的阵列,可以使一个天线在不同的地带有各种不同的应用。9:电子管的进展(TUBE ADVANCEMENTS)电子管取得

8、了重大的进展;其中有一些是因为有强大的可用的软件,允许电子管的设计不需要实验和纠错。10:致谢我想谢谢Raymond Hale 和 John DeFalco,还有Raytheon 公司提供的GaN,SiC,SiGe和CMOS。英文原文1:Phased-Array and Radar BreakthroughsDrEli Brookner Raytheon Comp(MS 31162 528 Boston Post Rd,Sudbury,MA 01776Te1:9784404007;ELI_BROOKNERRAYTHEONCOM)【Abstract】 Many think that radar

9、is a mature field,nothing new to happen,it having been around a long time. Nothing can be further from the truthWhen I entered the field in the 50s I thought the same thingThe MIT Radiation LabSeries was the definitive volume and there was to be nothing moreHow wrong 1 wasSince then many amazing new

10、 developments have taken place,radar having benefiting from Moores law and the incorporation of new technology developments such as MMIC GaAs TR modules and electronically steered phased arrayThings are moving even faster now. In this paper I shall give examples of some of the recent breakthroughsTh

11、e topics to be covered are indicated in Fig1 【Key words】 Radar,activephased arrays;MMIC;MEMS;TR module;phased array;AESA;electronic scanning;GaAs;GaN;SiC;SiGe;CMOS;digital beam forming;adaptive arrays;sidelobe canceler;UltraWideband Antenna;metal materials;tube;Vacuum Electron Device;gyroklystron;gy

12、rotwystron;magnetron;klystron;traveling wave tube; T;microwave power modules;MPM;power amplifier module(PAM);SBX;GBRP0 SEABASED XBAND RADARThe Sea Based XBand(SBX)24 story high phased array radar shown is a new wonder of the world1 GaAs MMIC TR MODULESThe last decade has seen the successful and exte

13、nsive application of Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits (MMICS) to active electronically steered arrays (AESAs).2 LOW COST,$19K,AESAWho said AESAs have to be expensiveOn DARPA funding the feasibility of a low cost,$19 K35 GHz array was demonstrated ;see Figs6 and 7DARPA has also funded the dev

14、elopment of a $10 X-band10smW ,single chip TR module.3 LOW COST MEMS PHASED ARRAYS If only we had a low loss phase shifterThen we could go back to the passive architecture electronic scanned phased array with one module feeding many phase shifters,like 10This could potentially reduce the cost of an

15、electronically scanned phased array by a factor of nearly 10 Micro-ElctroMechanical systems (MEMS)offer this promiseMEMS switches have improved their reliability by 3 orders of magnitude over what was reported Oct2003 in to a life of 600 billion switchesThere is still need for improvement in the los

16、s The loss through a 4 bit phase shifter used in a 1-D scanned RADANT space-fed lens antenna is 125 dB. Two lenses are needed for 2D scan so that the 2-way loss for a 2D scanned RADANT array would be 5dBbut progress is being made4 GaN,SICWide bandgap GaN and SiC MMIC chips offer the potential of one

17、 to two orders increase in TR module power;see Fig8This technology would make it possible in the future to upgrade an existing AESA by replacing the GaAs TR modules with GaN or SiC TR modules having 10 times the et3his provides either a 10 times improvement in search volume or a 78 increase in track

18、 range5 SiGe SiGe has the advantage of using Si as a substrate,the technology of the integrated circuit industry and whose extensive resources can draw uponIt offers the potential of higher performance at low with GaAs with respect to costSiGe does not compete microwave output power or noise figureI

19、t offers low cost and the ability to integrate many functions on a single chipOn one chip in addition to microwave power amplifiers and low noise figure receiv- er it can have ADs and digital circuitryFig9 shows a moekup of an AESA radar using SiGe TR modules having a 1 W peak output power6 CMOSCMOS

20、 now operates at microwave frequenciesIt too uses a Si subtrate and is the technology widely used in the computer industryIt holds the promise of low cost and low power for the receiver parts of TR modulesLike SiGe it has the advantage of allowing the integration of many functions on a single chip,e

21、ven more so than SiGeOne chip can have RF,IF,baseband,microprocessor,memory,tuneable filters and ADsa system on a chip(SOC)It can be combined with GaAs or GaN for the microwave power amplifier and low noise figure receiverUsing GaN has the advantage of being robust enough so that a limiter may not b

22、e needed7 DIGITAL BEAM FORMING(DBF)DBF is here for microwave AESAs radarsWe see it being used more and more; It provides many significant advantages over analog beam forming For large arrays it is presently being implemented at the subarray level but eventually it will be done at the element leve1Do

23、ing so eliminates the analog combining hard ware,analog down-converting and all the errors associated with themThis in turn will lead to ultralow side lobesIt will allow the implementation of multiple beams pointing in different directionsIt will enable the adaptive use of different parts of the ant

24、enna for different applications at the same timeIt permits search with about a 3 dB reduction in transmit power Now with the continual advance of Moores lawthe increased cost due to the increased signal processing needed will be far less than the gain from the 3 dB reduction of transmitter power DBF

25、 can also reduce the search occupancy(by about a factor of two)and the search angle accuracy by about 40 DBF will also permit better adaptive array processingIn fact the equivalence of a fully adaptive array without its computation and transient penalties can be achievedThis can be accomplished with

26、 AdaptiveAdaptive Array processing This involves no more than locating digitally where the jammers are,then pointing beam at these jammers(these beams are effectively eigenbeams)and using these beams as sidelobe cancelers for the main beam; With 10 jammers we now have to invert an 1111 matrix instea

27、d of a 10001000 matrix and the transient time is reduced by a factor of 100;In a classical fully adaptive array one does not make use of the location of the jammers which we can easily determine rather than putting on our blindfolders; This method is equivalent to the method of Principal Components

28、.8 ULTRA WIDEBAND ARRAYS Ultra wideband arrays are hereThese will allow the use of one antenna for many different applications at different bands.9 TUBE ADVANCEMENTSTubes are making major advances. Some of these are because of the powerful software that permits the design of availability of tubes wi

29、thout the need for trial and error.10 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT1 would like to thank Raymond Hale and John DeFalco,both of the Raytheon Company for their inputs on GaN,SiC,SiGe and CMOS.英文译文2发射KU-波段的相控阵天线在FSS通信系统中的应用【摘要】 波音公司已经开发了一个主动发射的相控阵,应用在14-14.5GHZ频谱的FSS(卫星固定业务)。该阵列包括254个主动控制的线性极化的变量辐射元素。瞄准测量EIRP(等效全向辐射

30、功率)在波束宽度角度为6时是41dBW。从固定的或者移动的平台,天线能够跟踪卫星,利用角跟踪率优于30度/秒和栅瓣扫描角从60度到90度。在与波音公司的商业化使用1515元素的KU频段接收阵列天线,提供给移动用户通信链路,利用地球静止的固定通信卫星。【介绍】 为了满足移动用户通信日益增长的需求,和利用大量的可利用的频段宽度为(下限11.7-12.2GHZ,上限14.0-14.5GHZ)卫星商业资源,波音公司已经推出了商用的接收相控阵天线及相控阵天线发射的原型。两个发射天线已经建成,其中之一被交付给NASA(美国宇航局)John H. Glenn研究所,正在用来研究探索下一代空中交通管制系统。其



33、,以适应用户巨大的需求。当用于补充波音飞机接收相控阵天线时,这种发送/接收天线系统为用户提供具有高度功能的移动通信解决方案。致谢:作者在此感谢D. N. Rasmussen在天线传输范围和近场扫描仪设备上的工作。英文原文1:Ku-Band Transmit Phased Array Antenna for use in FSS Communication Systems(S . A. Raby, R. Y. Shimoda, P. T. Heisen, D. E. Riemer, B. L. Blaser, G. R. Onorati Boeing Phantom WorksP.O. Box

34、3999, Seattle, WA 98124)【Abstract】Boeing has developed an active transmit phased array for use in the 14-14.5 GHz Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) spectrum. The array consists of 254 actively controlled elements that radiate variable linear polarization. Measured boresight EIRP is 41 dBW with a beamwid

35、th of 6”. Cross- polarization isolation is better than 25 dB at boresight. The antenna can track a satellite from a fixed or moving platform with angular tracking rates better than 30 degrees/sec and at grating lobe-free scan angles greater than 60” from zenith. The antenna, when used with Boeings c

36、ommercially available 1515 element ku-band receive array, provides mobile users a highly capable communications link utilizing Geostationary FSS satellites.【Introduction】To meet the growing demands of mobile communications users, and to utilize the large number of resources available in the commerci

37、al satellite FSS band (1 1.7-12.2 GHz downlink, 14.0-14.5 GHz uplink), Boeing has introduced a commercially available receive phased array antenna and a prototype transmit phased array antenna. Two transmit antennas have been built; one of which was delivered to NASA John H. Glenn Research Center fo

38、r use in their ongoing research exploring next- generation air traffic control systems. The other transmit antenna was built for internal Boeing use. These systems allow a high-data-rate satellite uplink (typically greater than 20 Mbps) to a mobile platform (e.g., aircraft) and a lower rate satellit

39、e backhaul (typically 0.4-0.6 Mbps) from the mobile platform to a fixed ground station.【Antenna Design】The transmit antenna architecture combines features of many of the communication phased arrays that Boeing has developed 11-4 and is shown in Figure 1. RF energy is distributed by a corporate feed

40、network integrated into a multilayer wiring board (MLWB). The MLWB also distributes dc and logic signals to the 254 element locations. Vertical connectors (termed fuzzbuttons) electrically and thermally join the MLWB to each module. The modules are connected to circular waveguide radiators that are

41、tightly spaced in a triangular lattice and form a 16x16 element rectangular array.Each module contains a multilayer hermetic ceramic package which houses a silicon ASIC phase shifter buffer and two GaAs devices that provide gain and define appropriate phase to the RF signal. The phase shifter buffer interfaces the beam steering controller to the module phase shifters. The incoming RF signal is split in-phase in


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