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1、江苏省高三动词和动词短语专练及详解1. Trivial breaches of regulations we can, but more serious ones willhave to be inv estigated.A. go over B. pass over C. look over. D get over2. The small mountain village wasby the snow for more than onemon thA. cut back B.cut outC.cut offD. cut away3. Miss Gree n was$100 for dri v

2、ing after drinking.A. fined B.chargedC.puni shedD.posed4. Modern_4_perhaps causes more problems tha n it solves.A. tech nique B. tech no logyC. tactics D. tendency5. Un der thispressure some of the rocks eve n became liquid.A. i nten siveB.weightyC.i ntenseD.bulky6. Na ncy was surprised that they ha

3、ve. They seemed to be a happy couple.A. split up B.broke n dow nC. falle n through D. kno cked out7. The beach is in an idealto draw tourists.A. con diti onB. situati on C. state D. publicity8.0urability decreases with age. By age 60, most people have lost 40 percent of their ability tosmell and 50

4、perce nt of their taste buds.A. sensible B . senseless C . sensitive D . Sensory9. The eldest child is thoroughly because theyalways give himwhatever he wantsA. wastedB. spoiledC.destroyedD.un educated1O.lfasubsta neeis dissolvedin wateror heated,itmayagas.A.giveintoB. giveoverC.giveoffD. giveaway11

5、.Am I to un dersta nd that his new postnoresp on sibility with it at all?A. keeps B. supports C.carries D.possesses12. The bank manager asked his assistant if it was possible for himtothe inv estme nt pla n within a week.A. work out B. make out C. put out D.set out13. Theydthe registry officewhich t

6、hen left an open space.A turned downB. got downC. fallen down D. pulled down14. For the success of the project, the compa ny shouldthe most ofthe opport un ities at hand.A. obtainB. graspC. catchD. make15. Failure to follow the club rules him from the volleyball teamA. disfavoured B. disadvantaged C

7、. disqualified D. dismissed16. Dont rest on your laurels( 光荣), your successand start looking for new markets now.A. add up B. follow up C. work up D. count up17. The Olympic Games in 776 B.C. in Olympia, a small town inGreece.A. originated B. stemmed C.derived D.descended18. The increase in student

8、numbers many problems for theuniversities.A. forces B.presses C.provides D. poses19. The old couple will never the loss of their son.A. get over B.get away C. get off D. get across20. Mr.Brown s condition looks very serious and it is doubtful if he will .A.pull back B.pull up C.pull through D.pull o

9、ut21. The local authority the companyan interest-free loanto start up the new factory.A. granted B.allocated C.financed D.sponsored22. What is it that the author wants to to his leadersthrough the story?A. convey B.convince C.convert D.conform23. Although the speaker was a well-known personality, hi

10、s speech was poorly .A. raised B.delivered Cectured D.posted24. The pic nicat last after being twice postp on ed.A. came off B.came up C.put on D.put off25. He was faci ng charges on forgery(造假)in a court of lawbut he hired a good lawyer to.A. get through B. get off C.get by D get away26. Part of th

11、e inv estme nt is to be used tothat oldtemple to its original splendor.A.rest B.recover C.replace D.restore27. He was completelyby her tale of hardship.A. taken away B.taken down C.taken in D.taken up28. The computer can be programmed toa whole variety oftasks.A. assignB.tackle C.realizeD solveI am

12、available in case Ito help.A. called for B called atC. called onD.called in29.We were drow ning in data butof in formatio n.A. lacked B.packed C. starved D.convin ced30.Dur ing the fami ne, many people wereto going withoutfood for days.A. sunk B. reduced C. forced D. decli ned答案:BCABC ABDBC CADDC BA

13、DACAABAB DCBCB详解:1. go over :复习,仔细检查;认真讨论;用心思考;pass over:置 之不理,忽视,去世look over:仔细检查(审视)某人或某物; get over:客服;(使) 渡过本题空格处意为“我们对微不足道的违规可以忽略不计”正确答案:B2. cut back:减少;削减;缩减;cut out:停止,裁剪,剪下;cut off:切除,切(隔)断cut away:切,去掉,切成。本句句意:这个小山村因为大雪与外界隔离有月余了。正确答案:C3. fine:罚款;charge:向收钱,要价;punish:惩罚;pose:使 摆姿势,造成,引起本句句意:格

14、林夫人因为醉驾被罚款 100美元。正确答案:A4. technique具体的方法,技艺,技巧;technology科技(总称);tactics战术,策略,手段;ten de ncy:(令人不快的)倾向,趋势;(性 格中不良的)倾向,偏好本句句意:当代科学技术相对于其解决的问题,可能会造成更多的问题。正确答案:B5. intensive:加强的,集中的;weighty重的,重要的,重大的;intense:热情的,强烈的,紧张的;bulk y庞大的,笨重的本句句意:在强大的压力下,有些岩石甚至会变成液体。正确答案:C6. split up:(使)分手;(使)离婚;turn up:开大,翻起,出现;

15、fallthrough:失败,破产;knock out:淘汰,出局,(使)不省人事本句句意:南希很惊讶他们已经分手了,他们看起来就是一对幸福的 夫妻。正确答案:A7. condition 意为“状况;形势”;situation 意为“位置,地点,环境”;state意为“状态,情形”;publicity 意为“公众的注意, 名声”。本句句意:这片海滩所处位置理想,吸引了很多游客。正确答案:B8. sensible意为“明智的,合情理的”;senseless意为“失去知 觉的,不省人事的” ;sensitive 意为“敏感的”;sensory意为“感 觉的,传递感觉的”。本句句意:我们的感官能力随

16、着年龄的增长而下降。比如说,至U 60 岁的时候,多数人失去了他们 40%勺嗅觉能力和50%勺味觉能力。正 确答案:D9. waste:浪费; spoil:宠溺;destroy:毁坏;uneducated:未受过教育的本句句意:因为长子要什么他们就给什么,所以这个孩子完全被宠坏了。正确答案:B10. give in to:通向;give over(doi ng): 停止;别再做;住手;give off:释放,放出,发出(气体、热量、气味等)=give out; give away: 泄露,失去,赠送本句句意:如果物质溶于水或被加热,它就会释放出气体。正确答案:11从句意上可先排除A,B. ca

17、rry指“带有,持有(权力或凭证)”; possess “占有,拥有”,主语一般为人。此处从句主语为post所以答案为C.12. work out:制订;make out:辨认出,懂得;put out :生产,出 版,熄灭;set out:阐述 答案为A13. turn down:拒绝(某人或其请求、提议等);get down:写下;记下, 费力地)吞下;勉强咽下;fall down:跌倒,失败;pull down:拆毁; 摧毁;拆掉本句句意:他们拆掉户籍登记处后,那里留下了一片空地。正确答案:D14. 本题考的是动词搭配,只有 make the most of最大限度地利用。 正确答案:D1

18、5. 违反俱乐部规定使他失去了参赛资格。选项A “不喜欢,厌烦”(dislike);选项 B “驱走” (to make something go away ,especially a belief,idea,or feeling),例如:1 . We want to dispel the myth that you cannot eat well in Britain . /2 . Light poured into the hall , dispelli ng the shadows ;选项 D “解雇” (to remove some one from their job);选项C “使

19、失去资格参加” (to stop sb from taking part in an activity because they have broken a rule)合句义,为正确答案16. follow up用继续行动来加强 的效果;add up加起来,合计;workup综合加工,整理;count up 共计 正确答案: B17. 本句句意为:奥林匹克运动起源于公元前 776年,希腊的一个小城, 奥林匹亚。originate产生,源自,后接in,from; stem来源,起源,不 与in搭配;只有stem from; derive作不及物动词,也只与from连用; desce ndT降,突

20、然造访,与本句句意不符。正确答案: A18. pose “提出,陈述;造成,形成”,可与 problem,argumen和 question 等搭配,poseproblem表示“提出(或造成)问题”。因此,D为正 确答案。19. get over表示“熬过,恢复” ;get away:逃脱,离开;get off:下来, 脱下,出发,被容忍,动身,开始等; get across:被理解,使人了解 正确答案: A20. pull back把向后拉,反悔,(使)撤退,紧缩开支;pull up拔起,停下,阻止; pull through: 渡过难关,脱离危险期, 恢复健康 (=pull round); pull out “ (火车)离站,撤离,离开”。根据前半句的“ con ditio n(病,疾病)”,可知本题


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