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1、Module 6第I卷选择题(40分)I .单项选择(15分)()1. This is Asian tiger and that isEuropea n wolf.A. a;aB. an; anC. an ;aD. a;a n()2.We will go on a trip the trip. A. toB. fromC. atD. in()3. Do you like giraffes?A. Yes, I amB. Yes, I doC. Yes, I don tD. No, I do()4. Elephants likebut lions like A grass; meat B meat

2、; grassC bamboo; fish D flowers; worms()5. Where is your aunt?一Look! ThereA. is a woma nB. she isC. is sheD. the woma n is()6 The elepha nt can eat grass a dayA 35 kilo of B 34 kilos ofC 36 kilo D 37 kilos()7. There only about 1,800 pan das in ChinaA am B isthe pan da.B. seeD.sees,and the elepha nt

3、is fromB. Australia;Asia nC areD be()8. Let s go andA. to seeC. see ing ()9.The kan garoo is fromA. Australia n;Asia nC. Australia n;AsiaD. Australia;Asia()10. Does the tiger come from Europe?A. Yes, it does n tB. Yes, it isC. No, it isn tD. No, it does n t()11. Which an imal only lives in Chi na?一I

4、t sA. a panda B.a wolfC. a tiger D.a mon key()12. Kevin likes ani mals, mon keys and pan das.2-1-c- n-j-yA. soB. so asC. such asD. such()13.Peter, Can you speak Chi nese?Yes, But only . A.a littleB.littleC.a fewD.few()14.The camel comes Africa and it lives Africa.A. of; atB. from ; inC. in ; for D.i

5、n; from()15. There is a girl Betty in my class.A. n ameB. calledC. callD.n amesn.完形填空(10分)There is a zoo in our city. My parents often take methere on the16 . I like ani mals. I have a lot of 17 animals in my room. In the 18 ,I can see tigers, elepha nts, bears, mon keys, pan das, sn akes, and many

6、other 19 . Some animals are frien dly, but some are not. Tigers, bears and some sn akes are 20 . That is whythey have to stay in 21 . But I do not think it is good for animals to stay incages. They sh ould be free. The animals in cages can t be 22 .I thi nk the most in terest ing ani mals in the zoo

7、 are the dolph in s. I like 23 them swim and jump. They swim so fast and jump so high. They can play with a ball.They can stand up and walk 24 water! They are very 25 to people. If you fall intothe water and can t swim, they may come to help you.13()16.()17.()18.()19.()20.()21.()22.()23.()24.()25.A.

8、 summerA. realA. zooA. tigersA. dan gerousA. housesA. angryA. looki ngA. inA. frie ndlyB. mon thB. funnyB. parkB. peopleB. safeB. build ingsB.happyB. see ingB. atB. rudeC. autu mnD. weekendC. toyC. bankC. friendsC. in terest ingC.cagesC. sadC. watch ingC. withC. warmD.yourD. libraryD. an imalsD. ugl

9、y 网D. ponds (池塘)D. strongD. no tic ingD. onD. coldJII?阅读理解(15分)Welcome to the zoo !Come and see the cute pan das from China . the clever mon keys from Thaila nd(泰 国) ,thebig lions from Africa , the elephants from India are friendly to you ,you can play with them ,many birds are singing for you ,the

10、giraffesare eating leaves ,the dolphins are swimming in the pool , some fishes are swimming in the other pool . Where are koalas ? They are sleeping, they are shy , Are there any penguins in theyou must like them .Tickets :Adults : $ 7Group : S 5 Students and Children : FreeKeep the zoo clean !zoo ?

11、 Yes , they are dancing in the cold room . They are pretty cute , I m sureTime :9 : 30 am 5:00 amMon da v to Friday ) 8: 30 am 8100Pm (Saturday to Sundav ) d JDont ah e food to the animals ! 26. You can see kinds of ani mals in the zoo .A 7 B 8 C 9 D 1027 Mr Brown goes to with his 20 friends ,they m

12、ust pay _ dollars . A 140 B 100 C 105 D 14528 . When can you go to the zoo on Sun day ? A at 8 am B at 7 pm C at 10 pm D at an ytime 29 How many kinds of ani mals are livi ng in the water ? A one B two C three D four30 what can the visitors not do in the zoo ?A keep the zoo clea n B play with the el

13、epha nts C liste n to the birds D give the food to the ani malsBDo you like dogs ? Some people like dogs . But they don t know there are manykinds of dogs . For example : Africa wild dog , bush dog and dingo (澳洲野狗).Let s talk about the din goesCome to Australia ! You can see din goes there . Din goe

14、s have lived in Australiafor many years. Din goes are dogs but they can t bark . They have bigpaws . theycan help din goes get food . Their ears are always upright . People have a din go-proof fence( 野狗防护墙 )about 5,000 km long because din goes ofte n eat their ani malsDin goes are dan gerous for peo

15、ple . People ofte n hill them . So there are not lots of din goes in the world . Many people say we can t see them in 50years()31. There are kinds of dogs in the passageA. five B. threeB. who is higherD. who is stro ngerB. The mon keyC. The big ani mals()38. cont reach the apples.D. The short ani ma

16、lsA. The elepha ntC. The big ani mals ()39. At last the mo nkey gA. the elepha ntC. an ani malB.The mon keyD.The short ani malsoes across the river with the help ofB. the mon keyD. a boat()40. From the story we know we should A. lear n from the elepha ntB. lear n from the mon keyC. A and B第 II 卷非D.

17、他 ea60 otherC. four D. two()32.What do the din goes eat ?A .Fruits B. VegetablesC. Bread D. Meat()33 Where do the din goes live ?A. Australia B. AmericaC. CanadaD.Africa()34. What does the un derl ined word paws meanA.嘴巴B.尾巴C.爪子D.毛发()35. Which of the followi ng is NOT TRUE ?A There are some kinds of

18、 dogs in the worldB The din goes are frien dly to peopleC We may not see din goes after 50 yearsD The din goes don t like the dingo -proof fenC.There is an elepha nt and a mon key. They re frien ds. But one day they want toknow who is stron ger (更强壮).One of them says ,“ Who can get apples from thetr

19、ee across the river , who is stron ger. The mon key says , I can t swim. Theelephant says ,“ I can swim. Please sit on my back. Thus they go across the river.The apple tree is very high. The elephant can t reach the apples on the tree. The mon key climbs (爬)up the tree and gets many apples. Nowthey

20、know they should help each other.()36. The elepha nt and the mon key want to knowA. who is smarterC. who can swim ()37. can t swim.A. The elepha nt使对话的意思连贯、IV .情景交际(5分)根据对话内容,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子, 完整。A: Good afternoon, Henry!B: Good after noon, Bruce!A:(41) ?B: I want to go to the zoo this Sun day.A: I w

21、ant to go there too. (42)?B: I like elepha nts.A: (43) ?B: Because they re clever (聪明的).What about you?A: I like kang aroos. I think they re cute.C: (44) ?A: Kan garoos are from Australia.B: Oh. Let s go to the zoo at 8:00 am this Sun day.A: That s great. (45)?B: At the bus stop.A: OK.V.任务型阅读(10分)Mi

22、ke lives in Zhengzhou of China. But he is from Canada. He is 12 years old this year. He speaks English. And he speaks Chinese a little. Mingming is his good friend. He is a Chinese boy. He often goes to the English Corner. He likes to speak English there. It helps himwith English. Of course, he ofte

23、n helps Mike withChinese. Mike has a pet at home. It is a dog. He likes it very much. The name ofit is Wangwang . Mingming likes it, too. So he often plays with Wangwang in Mike shome.根据短文内容,按要求完成下列各题。46 .对句画线部分提问。Mike live?47 .将句变成一般疑问句。he En glish?48 . 翻译句:49 .把句的同义句补出来:Its Wan gwa ng.()50.下列说法符合短

24、文内容的一项是:A. Mike can speak Chin ese well.B. Mingming likes to speak En glish at the En glish Corner.C. Mingming has a pet dog.D. Mike and Wan gwa ng are classmates.词汇应用(10分)A.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。(5分)51. There are many a in the zoo.52. L are the king of the ani mals53. 一 What s your sister s job? She s

25、a (导游).And she ofte n takes visitors to some in teresti ngplaces.54. There are some ( 叶子)on the gro und whe n autu mn comes .55. Let s go to v the Great Wall.B.用所给词的适当形式填空(5分)56. Uncle Lin is an(Africa )57. There are some(mon key ) in the forest58. Let s go and ( play) basketball after school.59. Th

26、e lion (not eat) grass. It likes (eat) meat60. Our school (have ) more tha n five hun dred stude nts . All of us (work) hard at En glishvn.句型转换(10分)61. The zebra eats grass,too(同意句)The zebra grass.62. The elephant lives in Africa.(改为一般疑问句) the elepha nt in Africa?63. The zoo has four hundred animals

27、. ( 改为同义句 ) four hun dred ani mals in the zoo.64. The panda is black and white. (对划线部分提问) is the pan da?65. The tiger comes from Asia. ( 对划线部分提问) the tiger come from?vrn .从方框中选词弁用其适当形式填空。(5分)as well as ,a little ,be good at ,live in, many kinds of66. The panda only China.67. You can see ani mais in

28、the zoo.68. My little brother En glish, and he speak En glish well.69. There is time. Let s go out for dinner.70. The old man gave me clothes food.IX. 完成句子 ( 10 分 )71 .老虎在森林里抓小动物做食物The tiger small ani mals72 .我们去看爷爷奶奶好吗?food in the forest. go and see our gran dpare nts?73 .它是一种很庞大的动物,通常独自生活。It s a v

29、eryanimal and lives74 .这种黑白相间的动物是世人的最爱This black and white ani mal is the favourite of people75.他们来自许多不同的国家。They come from manyX .书面表达(10分)请根据下面的提示,写一篇英语短文介绍图片中的两只动物,内容可以适当发挥,不少Pingping, Beiji ngbamboo, fruit, cute于60词。Zoo, pla nts, leaves,Jack, Asia, eat other ani mals, swim,stro ngModule 6I. 1.C考查

30、不定冠词的用法。Asian的读音以元音音素开头,故其前用 an; European 的读音以辅音音素开头,故其前用a。2. A a trip to.去的旅行”。3. B 对 Do you.?的回答常用 Yes,l do./No,l don t .。4. A 5.D6.B7.C8. B let s后面跟动词原形;and连接的两个动词形式要一致。9. D两个空都要用表示地点的名词。10. D用排除法。用does提问,Yes后面跟肯定形式,N。后面跟否定形式。II. A 12.C 13.A 14.B15.Bn. 16.D on the weeke nd 表示 在周末”。17. C 由 in my r

31、oom 可知在房间里有许多玩具动物。18. A 由下文看的动物知是在动物园里看到的。19. D many other ani mals 表示 许多其他的动物”。20. A 由上一句Some animals are friendly.可知下文要表达一些动物是危险的。21. C 从下句可知是stay in cages 。22. B 动物在笼子里不可能高兴。23. C watch.do sth.观看 . 做某事” , 指看到事情的整个过程。24. D 文中表达的意思是 它们能站起来并在水面上走”。25. A be frie ndly to sb. 表示 对某人友好”。川 .26-30. DBBAB31-35.BDACB36. D 由第一段的第三句话可知,大象和猴子想知道谁更强壮。37.


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