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1、实用标准文案精彩文档一、1980年联合国国际货物买卖合同公约英文中文Un itedNatio nsConven ti onon Con tractsfor联合国国际货物销售合同公约the Intern ati onal Sale of GoodsTHE STATES PARTIES TO THIS CONVENTION,1980年4月11日订于维也纳BEARING IN MIND the broad objectives in the本公约各缔约国铭记联合国大resolutions adoptedby the sixth special session会第六届特别会议通过的关于建立of the

2、 General Assembly of the United Nations on新的国际经济秩序的各项决议的广the establishme ntof a NewIntern ati onal泛目标,考虑到在平等互利基础上Econo mic Order,发展国际贸易是促进各国间友好关CONSIDERINGthatthedevelopme ntof系的一个重要因素,认为采用照顾internationaltrade on the basis of equality and到不同的社会、经济和法律制度的mutualben efitis an importa nteleme nt in国际货物销售

3、合同统一规则,将有promoti ng frien dly relati ons among States,助于减少国际贸易的法律障碍,促BEING OF THE OPINION that the adoptionof进国际贸易的发展,兹协议如下:un iform rules whichgover ncon tractsfor theintern ati onal sale of goods and take into acco untthe differe nt social, econo mic and legal systemswould con tribute to the remov

4、al of legal barriersinintern ati onaltradeandpromotethe实用标准文案精彩文档developme nt of intern ati onal trade,第一部分适用范围和总则实用标准文案精彩文档HAVE DECREED as follows:PART I SPHERE OF APPLICATION AND GENERALPROVISIONSChapter I SPHERE OF APPLICATIONArticle 1(1) This Conven ti on applies to con tracts of sale of goodsbe

5、twee n parties whose places of bus in ess are in differe ntStates:(a) whe n the States are Con tract ing States; or(b) when the rules of private international law lead to theapplicati on of the law of a Con tract ingState.(2) The fact that the parties have their places ofbus in ess in differe nt Sta

6、tes is to be disregarded when everthis fact does not appear either from the con tract or from anydeali ngs betwee n,orfrom information disclosed by, the parties at any time beforeor at the con clusi on of the con tract.(3) Neither the n ati on ality of the parties nor the civil orcommercial characte

7、r of the parties or of the con tract is tobe take n in to con siderati on in determ ining the applicati on第一章适用范围第一条(1)本公约适用于 营业地在不同国家的当事人之间所订立的货物销售合同:(a)如果这些国家是缔约国;或(b)如果国际私法规则导致适用某一缔约国的法律。扩大适用,国 际私法规范(2)当事人营业地在不同国家的 事实,如果从合同或从订立合同前 任何时候或订立合同时,当事人之 间的任何交易或当事人透露的情报 均看不出,应不予考虑。(3)在确定本公约的适用时,当事人的国籍和当事

8、人或合同的民事或商业性质,应不予考虑。(不是国籍标准)第二条本公约不适用于以下的销售:排除条件电令私卖船票实用标准文案精彩文档of this Conven ti on.实用标准文案精彩文档Article 2This Conven tio n does not apply to sales:(a) of goods bought for pers on al,family orhousehold use, uni ess the seller, at any time before or atthe con clusi on of the con tract,n either knew nor

9、ought to have known that thegoods were bought for any such use;(b) by auct ion;(c) on execution or otherwise by authority of law;(d) of stocks, shares,in vestme ntsecurities,negotiable instruments or money;(e) of ships, vessels, hovercraft or aircraft;of electricity.Article 3(1) Con tractsfor the su

10、pply of goods to bemanu factured or produced are to be con sideredsales uni ess the party who orders the goodsundertakes to supply a substantialpart of the(a)购供私人、家人或家庭使用 的货物的销售,除非卖方在订立合 同前任何时候或订立合同时不知道 而且没有理由知道这些货物是购供 任何这种使用;消费者权益保护(b)经由拍卖的销售;(特殊规则)(c)根据法律执行令状或其它令 状的销售;(特殊)(d)公债、股票、投资证券、流 通票据或货币的销售

11、;金融法(e)船舶、船只、气垫船或飞机 的销售;(需要登记)(f)电力的销售。(无形)第三条(货物)(1)供应尚待制造或生产的货物 的合同应视为销售合同,除非订购 货物的当事人保证供应这种制造或生产所需的大部分重要材料。三来一补例外(2)本公约不适用于供应货物一 方的绝大部分义务在于供应劳力或实用标准文案精彩文档实用标准文案精彩文档materialsn ecessaryfor such manu factureorproducti on.(2) This Conven ti on does not apply to con tracts in whichthe prep on dera nt

12、part of the obligati ons of the party whofurni shes the goods con sists in the supply of labour or otherservices.Article 4This Conven ti ongover nson ly the formati onofthecon tractof saleandtherights andobligati ons ofthe sellerandthebuyeraris ingfrom such a con tract.In particular, except asotherw

13、ise expressly provided in this Conven ti on, it is notconcerned with:(a) the validity of the con tract or of any of its provisi ons orof any usage;(b) the effect which the con tract may have on theproperty in the goods sold.(法国是合同订立时转移,德国另外订立物权合同,美国是特定化后转移所 有权,英国是特定化后在以当事人的意图决定所有权, 我国是动产按照占用交货时转移,不动

14、产按登记。)其它服务的合同。劳务例外第四条 各国不同本公约只适用于销售合同的订立和 卖方和买方因此种合同而产生的权 利和义务。特别是,本公约除非另 有明文规定,与以下事项无关:(a)合同的效力,或其任何条款 的效力,或任何惯例的效力;(b)合同对所售货物所有权可能产生的影响。有贸易术语的用贸易术语,没有的用公约第五条本公约不适用于卖方对于货物对任何人所造成的死亡或伤害的责任。产品责任例外第六条约定免除双方当事人可以不适用本公约,或实用标准文案精彩文档实用标准文案精彩文档Article 5This Conven tio n does not apply to the liability ofth

15、e seller for death or pers onal injury caused bythe goods to any pers on.Article 6The parties may exclude the applicationof thisConventionor, subject to article 12, derogatefrom or vary the effect of any of its provisi ons.Chapter II GENERAL PROVISIONSArticle 7在第十二条的条件下,减损本公约 的任何规定或改变其效力。第二章总则第七条条约的

16、解释(1)在解释本公约时,应考虑到 本公约的国际性质和促进其适用的 统一以及在国际贸易上遵守诚信的 需。(2)凡本公约未明确解决的属于 本公约范围的冋题,应按照本公约 所依据的一般原则来解决,在没有 一般原则的情况下,则应按照国际 私法规定适用的法律来解决。第八条(1)为本公约的目的,一方当事 人所作的声明和其它行为,应依照 他的意旨解释,如果另一方当事人 已知道或者不可能不知道此一意 旨。(1) In the in terpretati onof this Conven ti on,实用标准文案精彩文档regard is to be had to its intern atio nal ch

17、aracterand to the need to promote uniformityin itsapplicati on and the observa nee of good faith in intern ati onaltrade.(2) Questions concerning mattersgovernedbythis Conven ti on which are not expressly settled in it are to besettled in con formity with the gen eral principles on which it isbased

18、or, in the absence of such principles,in conformitywith the lawapplicableby virtue of the rules of private实用标准文案精彩文档intern ati on al law.(2)如果上一款的规定不适用,当事人所作的声明和其它行为,应Article 8按照一个与另一方当事人同等资(1) For the purposesof thisConven tio n格、通情达理的人处于相同情况中,stateme nts made by and other con duct of a party应有的理解来

19、解释。are to be interpretedaccording to his intent(3)在确定一方当事人的意旨或where the other party knew or could not have一个通情达理的人应有的理解时,bee n un aware what that intent was.应适当地考虑到与事实有关的一切(2) If the precedi ng paragraph is not applicable,情况,包括谈判情形、当事人之间stateme nts made by and other con duct of a party确立的任何习惯作法、惯例和当

20、事are to be in terpretedaccord ingto the人其后的任何行为。un dersta ndingthat a reas on ablepers onof thesame kind as the other party would have had in第九条the same circumsta nces.(1)双方当事人业已同意的任何(3) In determiningthe intent of a party or the惯例和他们之间确立的任何习惯做un dersta ndinga reas on ablepers on would have法,对双方当事人均

21、有约束力。had, due considerationis to be given to all(2)除非另有协议,双方当事人releva nt circumsta nces of the case in cludi ng the应视为已默示地同意对他们的合同n egotiati ons,any practices which the parties或合同的订立适用双方当事人已知have established betwee n themselves, usages道或理应知道的惯例,而这种惯例,and any subseque nt con duct of the parties.在国际贸易

22、上,已为有关特定贸易实用标准文案精彩文档所涉同类合同的当事人所广泛知道实用标准文案精彩文档实用标准文案精彩文档Article 9(1) The parties are bound by any usage to which they haveagreed and by any practices which they have establishedbetwee n themselves.(2) The parties are con sidered,uni ess otherwiseagreed, to have impliedlymade applicable totheir con tr

23、act or its formatio na usage of whichthe partiesknew or ought to have known andwhich in internationaltrade is widely known to,and regularly observed by, parties to con tracts ofthe type in volvedin the particulartradeconcern ed.Article 10For the purposes of this Conven ti on:(a) if a party has more

24、tha n one place of bus in ess, the placeof bus in ess is that which has the closest relati on ship to thecon tract and its performa nee, having regard to thecircumstances known to orcontemplatedby the parties at anytime beforeor at the con clusi on of the con tract;(b) if a party does not have a pla

25、ce of bus in ess,并为他们所经常遵守。第十条为本公约的目的:(a)如果当事人有一个以上的营 业地,则以与合同及合同的履行关 系最密切的营业地为其营业地,但 要考虑到双方当事人在订立合冋前 任何时候或订立合冋时所知道或所 设想的情况;(b)如果当事人没有营业地,则 以其惯常居住地为准。第十一条合同形式销售合冋无须以书面订立或书面证 明,在形式方面也不受任何其它条 件的限制。销售合同可以用包括人 证在内的任何方法证明。第十二条本公约第十条、第二十九条或第 二部分准许销售合冋或其更改或根 据协议终止,或者任何要约、承诺实用标准文案精彩文档形式做出的任何规定不适用,如果 任何一方当事人

26、的营业地是在已按 照本公约第九十六条做出了声明的 一个缔约国内,各当事人不得减损 本条或改变其效力。referenceis to be madeto his habitual或其它意旨表示得以书面以外任何A con tractof sale need notbe concludedin orevideneedby writingand is not subject to any第十三条other requireme nt as to form. It may be provedby any mea ns, in cludi ng wit nesses.为本公约的目的,“书面”包括电报 和电传。

27、Article 12Any provisi on of article 11, article 29 or Part II of this Conventio n that allows a con tract of sale or its modificati on or termin ati on by agreeme nt or any offer,accepta nee orotherin dicati onofintentionto be made in any form other than inwriting does not apply where any party has

28、his place of bus iness in a Con tract ing State which has made a declarationunder article 96 of thisConven ti on. The parties may not derogate from or vary theeffect or this article.第二部分合同的订立 重点第十四条要约定义(1)向一个或一个以上特定的人 提出的订立合同的建议,如果十分 确定并且表明要约人在得到承诺 时承受约束的意旨,即构成要约。 一个建议如果写明货物并且明示或 暗示地规定数量和价格或规定如何 确定数

29、量和价格,即为十分确定。 不包括交货时间等(2)非向一个或一个以上特定的reside neeArticle 11实用标准文案精彩文档实用标准文案精彩文档人提出的建议,仅应视为要约邀请,除非提出建议的人明确地表示相反For the purposes of this Conventionwriting ineludes telegram and telex.PART II FORMATION OF THE CONTRACTArticle 14(1)A proposal for con eludi nga con tractaddressed to one or more specific pers

30、 ons constitutes anoffer if it is sufficiently definite andindicates the intention of the offer or to be bound in case ofacceptanee. A proposal is sufficiently definite if it indicatesthe goods and expressly or implicitly fixes or makes provisionfor determining the quantity and the price.(2) A propo

31、sal other tha n one addressed to oneor more specific personsis to be consideredmerely as an in vitati on to make offers, uni ess the con traryis clearlyin dicatedby thepers onmak ing the proposal.的意向。第十五条要约生效(1)要约于送达被要约人时生效。(2)一项要约, 即使是不可撤销 的,得予撤回,如果撤回通知于要 约送达被要约人之前或同时,送达 被要约人。Article 13第十六条要约撤销(1)在

32、未订立合同之前,要约得 予撤销, 如果撤销通知于被要约人 发出承诺 通知之前送达被要约人。(2)但在下列情况下,要约不得撤销:(a)要约写明承诺期限或以其它方式表示要约是不可撤销的;或(b)被要约人有理由信赖该项要 约是不可撤销的,而且被要约人已本着对该项要约的信赖行事。公平实用标准文案精彩文档Article 15(1) An offer becomes effective when it reaches the offeree.(2) An offer, even if it is irrevocable, may be withdrawn if thewithdrawal reaches

33、the offeree before or at the same time asthe offer.Article 16(1) Un til a con tract is con eluded an offer may berevoked if the revocatio n reaches the offeree before hehas dispatched an accepta nee.(2) However, an offer cannot be revoked:(a) if it indicates, whether by stating a fixed timefor accep

34、ta nee or otherwise, that it is irrevocable;or(b) if it was reas on able for the offeree to rely on the offer asbeing irrevocable and the offeree has acted in relia nee onthe offer.Article 17实用标准文案精彩文档An offer, even if it is irrevocable, is term in ated原则第十七条要约终止要约,即使是不可撤销的,于拒绝通知送达要约人时终止。第十八条承诺定义(1)

35、被要约人声明或做出其它行 为表示同意一项要约,即是承诺缄默或不行动本身不等于承诺。(2)承诺于表示同意的通知送达 要约人时生效。如果表示同意的通 知在要约人所规定的时间内,如未 规定时间,在一段合理的时间内, 未曾送达要约人,承诺就成为无效, 但须适当地考虑到交易的情况,包 括要约人所使用的通讯方法的迅速 程序。对口头要约必须立即承诺 但情况有别者不在此限。(3)但是, 如果根据该项要约或 依照当事人之间确立的习惯作法和惯例,被要约人可以做出某种行为,实用标准文案精彩文档when a reject ion reaches the offeror.例如与发运货物或支付价款有关的Article 1

36、8(1) A stateme nt made by or other con duct of theoffereein dicati ngasse ntto an offer is anaccepta nee. Sile nee or in activity does not in itself amountto accepta nee.(2) An accepta nee of an offer becomes effectiveat the momentthe indicationof assent reachesthe offeror. An accepta nee is not eff

37、ective if the indicationof assent does not reach the offerorwithin the time he has fixed or, if no time is fixed, withi n areas on able time, due acco unt being taken of thecircumstances of the transaction, in cludi ngthe rapidityof the means ofcom munication employed by the offeror. An oral offer m

38、ustbe accepted immediately uni ess the circumsta nces indicate otherwise.(3) However, if, by virtue of the offer or as a resultof practices which the parties have established betwee nthemselves or of usage, the offeree may行为,来表示同意,而无须向要约 人发出通知,则承诺于该项行为做 出时生效,但该项行为必须在上一 款所规定的期间内做出。 传统做法第十九条镜子反射(1)对要约

39、表示承诺但载有添加、限制或其它更改的答复,即为 拒绝该项要约,并构成反要约。(2)但是,对要约表示承诺 但载 有添加或不同条件的答复,如所载 的添加或不同条件在实质上并不变 更该项要约的条件,除要约人在不 过分迟延的期间内以口头或书面通 知反对其间的差异外,仍构成承诺。如果要约人不做出这种反对, 合同的条件就以该项要约的条件以及承诺 通知内所载的更改为准。(3)有关货物价格、付款、货物质量和数量、交货地点和时间、方当事人对另一方当事人的赔偿责实用标准文案精彩文档实用标准文案精彩文档in dicate asse nt by perform ing an act, such as one rela

40、ti ng tothe dispatch of the goods or payme nt of the price, withoutnotice to the offeror, theaccepta nee is effective at the mome nt the act is performed,provided that the act is performed within the period of time laiddown in the precedi ng paragraph.Article 19(1) A reply to an offer which purports

41、 to be an accepta nee butcontains additi on s, limitati ons orother modifications is a rejection of the offer and con stitutes acoun ter-offer.(2) However, a reply to an offer which purports tobe an accepta nee but containsadditi onalordifferent terms which do not materially alter the terms of theof

42、fer constitutes an acceptanee, uni ess the offeror, without undue delay, objectsorally to the discrepa ncy or dispatches a no tice to that effect. Ifhe does not so object, the terms of the con tract are the termsof the offer with the modificati ons contained in the accepta nee.任范围或解决争端等等的添加或不同条件,均视为

43、在实质上变更要约的条件。第二十条承诺期间(1)要约人在电报或信件内规定 的承诺期间, 从电报交发时刻或信 上载明的发信日期起算,如信上未 载明发信日期,则从信封上所载日 期起算。要约人以电话、电传或其 它快速通讯方法规定的承诺 期间, 从要约送达被要约人时起算。(2)在计算承诺期间时,承诺期 间内的正式假日或非营业日应计算 在内。但是,如果承诺 通知在承诺 期间的最后1天未能送到要约人地 址, 因为那天在要约人营业地是正 式假日或非营业日, 则承诺期间应 顺延至下一个营业日。实用标准文案精彩文档(2) Additional or different terms relating, amongo

44、ther things, to the price, payment,quality andquantity of the goods, place and time of delivery, exte nt of onepartys liability to the other or the settleme nt of disputes arecon sidered to alter the terms of the offer materially.Article 20(1) A period of time for accepta nee fixed by theofferor in

45、a telegram or a letter begins to run from the momentthe telegram is handed in for dispatch or from the date shownon the letter or, if no such date is show n, from the date show non the envelope. A period of time for acceptaneefixed by the offeror by teleph one, telex or other means ofinstantaneousco

46、mmunication,beginsto run from the momentthat the offer reachesthe offeree.(2)Official holidays ornon-bus in essdays第二十一条(1)逾期承诺 仍有承诺的效力, 如果要约人毫不迟延地用口头或书 面将此种意见通知被要约人。一般 无效,除非通知(2)如果载有逾期承诺的信件或 其它书面文件表明,它是在传递正 常、能及时送达要约人的情况下寄 发的,则该项逾期承诺具有承诺的 效力,除非要约人毫不迟延地用口头或书面通知被要约人:他认为他的要约已经失效。正常能到,通知无效第二十二条承诺得予撤回,如

47、果撤回通知于承诺原应生效之前或同时,送达要约人。第二十三条合同于按照本公约规定对要约的承实用标准文案精彩文档occurring during the period for acceptanee are included incalculating the period. However, if a no tice of accepta neecannot be delivered at the address of the offeror on the last dayof the period becausethat day falls on an officialholiday or a

48、non-bus in essday at the place ofbus in ess of the offeror, the period is exte ndedun til the first bus in ess day which follows.Article 21(1) A late accepta nee is n evertheless effective as an acceptanee if without delay the offeror orally so in forms the offeree ordispatches a no tice to that eff

49、ect.(2) If a letter or other writing containing a late acceptaneeshows that it has been sent in such circumstances that if itstransmission had been no rmal it would have reached theofferor in duetime, the late acceptanee is effective as an accepta nee uni ess,without delay, the offeror orally in for

50、ms the offeree that he considers his offer as havi ng lapsed or dispatches a no tice to诺生效时订立。第二十四条为公约本部分的目的,要约、承诺声明或任何其它意旨表示“送达”对方,系指用口头通知对方或通过 任何其它方法送交对方本人,或其 营业地或通讯地址,如无营业地或 通讯地址,则送交对方惯常居住地。第三部分货物销售第一节总则第二十五条一方当事人违反合同的结果,如使 另一方当事人蒙受损害,以致于实 际上剥夺了他根据合同规定有权期 待得到的东西,即为根本违反合同,除非违反合同一方并不预知而 且一个同等资格、通情达

51、理的人处于相同情况中也没有理由预知会发实用标准文案精彩文档Article 22An accepta nee may bewithdraw nif thewithdrawal reaches the offeror before or at the same time asthe accepta nee would have become effective.Article 23A con tract is con cluded at the mome nt whe n anacceptanee of an offer accorda neewith theConven ti on.Articl

52、e 24For the purposes of this Part of the Conven ti on.indicationof intentionreaches the addressee whe nit is made orally to him or delivered by anyother mea ns to him pers on ally,to his place of求具体履行此一义务,除非法院依that effect.生这种结果。becomes effective inprovisi ons of this第二十六条宣告合同无效的声明,必须向另-方当事人发出通知,方始有效

53、。第二十七条除非公约本部分另有明文规定,当 事人按照本部分的规定,以适合情 况的方法发出任何通知、要求或其 它通知后,这种通知如在传递上发 生耽搁或错误,或者未能到达,并 不使该当事人丧失依靠该项通知的 权利。第二十八条an offer, declarationof acceptanee orany other如果按照本公约的规定,一方当事人有权要求另一方当事人履行某一义务,法院没有义务做出判决,要实用标准文案精彩文档bus in ess or maili ng address or, if he does not have a placeof bus in ess or mail ing a

54、ddress, to his habitual reside nee.PART III SALE OF GOODSChapter I GENERAL PROVISIONSArticle 25A breach of con tract committedby one of theparties is fun dame ntalif it results in suchdetrimentto the other party as substantiallytodeprive him of what he is entitled to expect un der the contract, uni

55、ess the party in breach did not foresee and a reas onable pers on of the same kind in the same circumstanceswould not haveforesee n such a result.Article 26A declarati on of avoida nee of the con tract is effective only ifmade by notice to the other party.照其本身的法律对不属本公约范围 的类似销售合同愿意这样做。第二十九条(1)合同只需双方当

56、事人协议, 就可更改或终止。(2)规定任何更改或根据协议终 止必须以书面做出的书面合同,不 得以任何其它方式更改或根据协议 终止。但是,一方当事人的行为, 如经另一方当事人寄以信赖,就不 得坚持此项规定。第二章卖方的义务第三十条卖方必须按照合同和本公约的规 定,交付货物,移交一切与货物有 关的单据并转移货物所有权。实用标准文案精彩文档第三十一条Article 27如果卖方没有义务要在任何其它特Un less otherwise expresslyprovided in this Part定地点交付货物,他的交货义务如of the Conven ti on, if any no tice, re

57、quest or other下:com muni cati onis give n or made by a party in(a)如果销售合同涉及到货物的accorda neewith this Part and by means运输,卖方应把货物移交给第一承appropriate in the circumsta nces, a delay or error运人,以运交给买方;in the tran smissi onof thecom muni cati onor its(b)在不属于上款规定的情况下,failure to arrive does not deprive that par

58、ty of the如果合冋指的是特定货物或从特定right to rely on the com muni cati on.存货中提取的或尚待制造或生产的未经特定化的货物,而双方当事人在订立合同时已知道这些货物是在Article 28某一特定地点,或将在某一特定地If, in accordanee with theprovisionsof this点制造或生产,卖方应在该地点把Conven ti on,one party is en titledto require货物交给买方处置;performa nee of any obligati on by the other party,(c)在其

59、它情况下,卖方应在他a court is not bound to enter a judgementfor于订立合冋时的宫业地把货物交给specific performa nee uni ess the court would do买方处置。so underits own law in respect of similarcon tractsof sale notgover nedby this第三十二条Conven ti on.(1)如果卖方按照合冋或本公约实用标准文案精彩文档的规定将货物交付给承运人,但货实用标准文案精彩文档Article 29(1) A con tract may be

60、 modified or term in ated bythe mere agreeme nt of the parties.(2) A con tractin writ ingwhich contains物没有以货物上加标记、或以装运单据或其它方式清楚地注明有关合同,卖方必须向买方发出列明货物的发货通知。provisi onrequiri nganymodificationor(2)如果卖方有义务安排货物的term in ati onby agreeme nt tobe in writingmay运输,他必须订立必要的合同,以not be otherwise modifiedor term


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