1、文档1A: Oh, Im really sorry, are you OK?B: Im fine, but Im not very good at this. A: Neither am I.Say, are you from South America?B: Yes Im originally. I was born in Argentina.A: Did you grow up there?B: Yes, I did. But my family moved here 8 years ago when I was in high school.A: And where did you le
2、ar n the roller blade?B: Here in the park. This is only my sec ond time.A: Well itmy first time. Can you give me some less ons?B: Sure, just follow me.A: By the way, my n ame is Ted.B: And IAnna, nice to meet you.A: Heh hey, that was fun. Thanks for the less on.B: No problem, so, tell me a little ab
3、out yourself. What doyou do?A: I work in a travel age ncy.B: Really? What do you do there?A: Im in charge of their computers.B: Oh, so youre a computer specialist!A: Well, sort of. , I guess so.B: Thatgreat Then maybe you can give me some helpwith the computer course Im taking.A: Oh, sure, but only
4、if you promise to give me somemorerollerblad ing less ons.B: Its a deal.2A: Where are you from origi nally, YuHong?B:Im from China, from near Shanghai.A: And whe n did you move here?B:I came here after I graduated from college. That was in1992.A: And what do you do now?B: Im a transportation enginee
5、r.A: I see, so youre animmigrant to the United State B:Yes, thats right.A: What are some of the difficulties of being an immigra ntin the US?B: Oh, thats not an easy question to answer. Taere somany things really. I guess one of the biggest difficulties isthat, I donhave any relatives here. I mean,
6、I have a lot offriends, but that not the same thing. In China, on holidaysor the weeke nd, they visit relatives. It isn t the samehere.A: And what do you miss the most from home?B: Oh, that easy, my mom ssoup! She makes great soup.I really miss my mothers cooking.3A: Hey, are these pictures of you w
7、he n you were a kid?B: , thats me in front of my uncles beach h I was a kid,we used to spe nd two weeks there every summer.A: Wow, I bet that was fun.B: , we always had a great time. Every day we used to getup early and walk along the beach. I had a great shellcollect ion. In fact, I think it still
8、up in the attic.A: Hey, I used to collect shells, too, whe n I was a kid. Butmy pare nts threw them out.A: You know what I remember most about grow ing up? B:What?A: Visiting my Grandparents house You know, onholidays and stuff, they lived way out in the country andmy Gran dad had a horse n amed Bla
9、ckie. He taught mehow to ride. I just love that horse, and she loves me, too. Iused to really enjoy spending time at my Grandparentshouse. And every time i came back, Blackie rememberedme.B: Err, memories.4A: Why is there n ever a bus whe n you want one?B: Good question, there aren ehough buses on t
10、hisroute.A: Sometimes I feel like writ ing a letter to the paper.B: Good idea, you should say that we need more subwaylin es, too.A: , there should be more public transportation in gen eral.B: And fewer cars, theres too much traffic.A: Say, is that our bus coming?B: Yes, it is. But look, its full.A:
11、 Oh, no. Lets go and get a cup of coffee. We can talkabout this letter rm going to write.B: So, are you really going to write a letter to the paper?A: Sure, Im going to say someth ing about the buses.Theyre too old. We n eed more moder n buses, ni ce, aircon diti on on es.B: And, they n eed to put m
12、ore buses on the road.A: Right, there are too many cars dow ntow n, and thereisnt eno ugh park ing.B: Thats for sure. Its impossible to find a parking spacedow ntow n these days.A: I think they should ban private cars downtown between 9 and 5.文档B: Oh, you mean they should nt allow any cars excepttax
13、is and buses during regular work days?Em, thatsounds like a really good idea.5Quite a nu mber of things have bee n done to helpsolve traffic problems in Sin gapore.For example, motorists must buy a special pass ifthey want to drive into the dow ntow n bus in ess district.They can go into the dow nto
14、w n bus in ess district only ifthey have the pass displayed on their win dshield.Ano ther thing Sin gapore has done is to make it moredifficult to buy cars. People have to apply for a certificate ifthey want to buy a car. And the nu mber of certificate islimited. Not every one can get one. Theres al
15、so a high taxon cars. So it costs about 3 or 4 times as much to buy acar in Singapore as it does in, say, the Un ited States orCan ada.The other thing Sin gapore has done is to build anexcellent public transportation system. Their subwaysystem is one of the best in the world. And theres also avery g
16、ood taxi and bus system.6A: Excuse me, could you tell me where the bank is? B:Theres oopstairs, across from the duty free shop. A: Oh,tha nks. Do you know what time it ope ns?B: It should be ope n no w, it ope ns at eight a.m. A: Good,and can you tell me how often the buses leave for thecity?B: You
17、need to check at the transportation counter. It sright dow n the hall.A: OK, and just one more thing. Do you know where the nearest restroom is?B: Right behi nd you, Ma-am. See that sig n? A: Oh, thanks a lot.A: Excuse me, itnse again. I morry. I need some moreinformation if you don t mind.B: Not at
18、 all.A: Than ks. Do you know how much a taxi costs to thecity?B: It depends on the traffic of course. But it usually costsabout 40 dollars.A: 40 Dollars ? I guess Ill take the bus. That means havealmost an hour till the next one. Where could I find an inexpe nsive restaura nt in the airport, maybe a
19、 fast foodplace?B: Go upstairs and tur n right. You on your left.A: Thanks very much. Have a nice day!B: You too.7A: What do you think?B: Well, it has just as many bedrooms as the last apartment, and the liv ing room is huge.C: But the bedrooms are too small, and there isn t enough closet space for
20、my cloths.A: An d, it nofeas cheap as the last apartme nt we saw. B:But that apartme nt was dark and din gy, and it was in adan gerous n eighborhood.A: Lets see if the real estate age nt has somethi ng elseto show us.A: Well, how do you like this place, the n?C: Oh, its much better than that other o
21、ne thing I likebest is the bedrooms. Theyare huge.B: Yes, they are n ice and big.C: And there two bathrooms, I could have my ownbathroom.B: Yes, I guess you could.C: The on ly problem is the color of the livi ng room. Ireally don t like those dark green walls.A: Im sure we can change the color if we
22、 want to.A: Creative Ren tals, good morni ng.B: Hello, Im calling about the apartment you have f(rent.A: Yes, what can I tell you about it?B: Where is it, exactly?A: Its on Ki ng Street, just off tfreeway.B: Oh, n ear the freeway - Can you hear the traffic?A: Yes, Im afraid you do hear some. But the
23、 apartmehas lots of space. It has three bedrooms and a very largelivi ng room.B: I see. And is it in a new build ing?A: Well, the build ing is about 50 years old.B: Uh-huh.Well, Ill think about it.A: OK, tha nks for calli ng.B: Thank you, bye!8A: Hello.B: Hello, is the apartment youreadvertising sti
24、llavailable?A: Yes, it is.B: Can you tell me a little about it?文档A: Well, its a perfect apartme nt for one pers on .Itll see the sn ack bao m with a kitche n at one end.B: And is it far away from subway?A: Therea subway station just down the street.文档Actually, the apartme nt is located right dow nto
25、w n, soyou step out of the building and there are stores andrestaurantseverywhere. But iton the high floor, so youdon t hear any street or traffic noise.B: It sounds like just the kind of place IId like to come see it please.more excit ing.B: I know what you mean. It sure can get boringaround here a
26、t times.m look ing for.10A: Ugh! I feel awful. I really have to stop smok ing.A: Sure, let me give you the address.A: Tow n and City Ren tals, how can I help you?B: Hi, um, is that apartment youreidvertising still A:Well, if I quit, I might gain weight!B:A lot of people do, but.A: And if I gain weig
27、ht, I wont be able to fit into anyof clothes!B: Well, you can always go on a diet.B: Oh, good. Um, listen, I, I cantpay too muchlow price youre ask in cjsiareallygood for me.A: Great.B: And how big is it?A: Its two rooms plus the kitchen and bathroom.B: Well is it the safe place to live?A: Well, I c
28、an tell you Ive livedive yBOris andI n ever heard about an ybody hav ing a problem.B: Oh, thatgood. Let see, oh yeah. Does the apartment have a lot of win dows?A: Windows? , there are a plenty of windows. Butunfortunately, there isn t much light really. Seeano ther buildi ng right n ext to ours.B: O
29、h, thats, Onfever around in the day any way. Doyou think its alright if I come and look at it?A: Any time. When do you wanna see it?9A: So where are you work ing now, Terry?B: Oh, Im still at the ban k. I dont like it, though.A: Thats too bad. Why n ot?B: Well, its bori ng, and it does nt pay very w
30、ell.A: I know what you mea n. I dont like my job either. I wishI could find a better job.B: Actually, I dont want to work at all anym ore. I wishI had a lot of money so I could retire now.A: Hmm, how old are you, Terry?B: Uh, twen ty-six.Sta Oe, no. Im terrible at los ing weight on diets. So ifmy cl
31、othes dont fit, Ill have to buy new ones.门I haveto get a part-time job, an d.B: Listen, it is hard to quit, but its not that hard. Do youwant to know how I did it?A: Well, giving up smok ing isnt really as hard as youthink. I man aged to do it, so it cant be that difficult.You should try nicotine gu
32、m. You chew it just likeregular chew ing gum, and you dont feel like smok ing.B: Well, I guess its worth a try.theres,I really n eed a cha nge. Ive bee n doing the samethings for over five years now, and rm just not lear ninganything n ew. Its the same routi ne every day, and Iam really sick of sitt
33、i ng in front of a computer. I thi nk In eed to try somethi ng totally differe nt. I want to be in aprofessi on that invo Ives meeti ng people.I really n eed to join a club or sports team to giveme somethi ng to do on weeke nds. I get really boredon the weeke nds, and if I jo ined a club. Id probabl
34、yget to meet people and make new frie nds.Gosh, I really have to go on a diet. Ive gained tenpounds since last year, and every one tells me I look fat.And if I dont lose weight no w, I wont be able to get intoany of my summer clothes.A: So how are things going with you and Susie, Terry? B:Oh, you di
35、d nt know. She and I broke up a couple of months ago. We decided we n eeded a break from each otherfor a while. But I miss her a lot. I wish we could get backtogether aga in.A: rm sure you will.B: I really hope so. So what kind of job would you like tolook for?A: rm not sure, but rd really like to m
36、ove to another city.rm sick of this place. I n eed to live somewhere11A: Hey, this sounds good, sn ails with garlic. Have youever eate n sn ails?B: No, I haven t.A: Oh, they are delicious. I had them last time, like to trysome?B: No, tha nks. They sound stra nge.C: Have you decided on an appetizer y
37、et?B: So why dont you quit?available?A: Yes, it is.文档A: Yes. Ill have the snails, please.C: And you, sir?B: I think III have the Fried Brains.A: Fried Brains? Now that really sounds stra nge.A: Oh, good. Here comes the waitress, now.C: Here are your sn ails, madam. And for you, sir,theFried Brains.B
38、: Tha nks.A: HmmThe snails are delicious. How are the Brain s?B: Well, I think theyreYuck! Oh, sorry. I guess Brains arepretty strange after all. Um, I think Im going to ordersomethingelse if you don t mind. A: Oh, sure. Go ahead.B: Miss? Excuse me, miss!C: Yes?B:Um, I really don t care faistappetiz
39、er.Could you bringme somethi ng else?C: Yes, of course. What would you like in stead?A: Try the sn ails.Florida. Im going to take long walks along the beachevery day and do lots of swim ming.B: Sounds great!A: Say, why dont you come with us? We have plenty ofroom.B: Do you mea n it? Id love to!A: So
40、, what are you pla nning to do for your vacati on,Judy?B: Oh, Im doing someth ing really exotic this year. Youkno w, I went to Hawaii last year, and just stayed on thebeach for two weeks. This year, Im going white-waterrafti ng!A: Ooh, that sounds great. But what is it, exactly?B: Oh, well, you kno
41、w, its in Colorado. They have allthese trips dow n the rapids. The water gets really rough,but I think itll be really excit ing. Oh, Im doing some rockclimbi ng, too.A: And you call that a vacati on?B: No, I dont think so. I ll tellyou what. Just forget anappetizer for me, and, bring me a ni ce, jui
42、cy hamburger,medium rare with French fries and a large soda.A: Have you fini shed with this?B: No, Im still drinking it. Tha nks.A: Did you order this?B: Yes, thats mine. Hmm, it looks great and smellsdelicious!A: Dont you like it?B: I have nt tasted it yet. Im wait ing for the waitress tobring me a
43、 fork.A: Did you enjoy it?B: Well, it was a little tough. I think it was cooked for toolong.A: How is it?B: Great. Just the way I like it: black and strong.A: Your tur n or mine?B: Its my treat this time. You paid last time. Remember.12A: rm so excited! We have two weeks off! What are yougoing to do
44、?B: Im not sure. I guess ril just stay home. Maybe ril catchup on my read ing. What about you? Any pla ns?A: Well, my parents have rented a condominium inA: Have you planned anything for the summer, Bren da?B: . rm going to work the first month and save somemoney. Then rm going to go down to Mexico
45、for six weeksto stay with my sister. Shes working in Guadalajara. Shesays its really in teresti ng there, so I want to go and seewhat to go and see what its like. It will also give me a chanee to practice my Spanish. Im really look ing forward toit.13A: What should people do to make their visit to N
46、ew YorkCity safe and pleasa nt?B: I think the biggest mistake many people make is tryi ngto do too much in a short time. There are so much to seeand do that you need to have a plan. Its best to start planning before you get here. So you have information abouthotels, restaurants, sightseeing and so o
47、n. Visitors canuse our website to get the information they need to startplanning before they come here, or they can phone or faxus.A: How safe is New York City for tourists?B: New York is a much safer place tha n many peoplethink. In fact, its the safest its been in thirty A: Oh, thats good to here.
48、B: Yes, but that doesn mean people donhave be careful.Tourist in New York ought to be careful just like in any bigcity in the world. For stude nts, I would say travel in groups.If you get lost, iteasier as a group to find your way. Youreally shouldn go off by tyour own if you can find some文档one to g
49、o with you.Another thing to remember is, don ttdbarfOddirections, even if your English isn pterfect. People ofte nstop me on the street to ask for direct ions. And thatsrartly foreign visitors. American visitors also have troublefinding their way around. And youll fir New Yorkers arereally very frie
50、 ndly.A: Yes, I agree. We are.B: Uh-huh14A: Jas on? Jas on! Turn dow n the TV a little, please.B: Oh, but this is my favorite program!A: I know. But its too loud.B: OK. Ill turn it dow n.A: Thats better. Tha nks.C: Lisa, please pick up your thi ngs. Theyre all over the living room floor.D: In a mi n
51、ute, Mom. Im on the phone.C: OK. But do it as soon as you hang up.D: Sure. No problem.C: Good ness! Were we like this whe n we were kids?A: Defin itely!A: Have you no ticed how forgetful Dad is gett ing? Hesalways forgetting where his car keys are. It drives mecrazy.B: And he can n ever find his gla
52、sses either.A: I know.B: You know what drives me crazy about Mom?A: What?B: Those awful talk shows she watches on TV She justloves them.A: , I thi nk she watches them for hours every day.B: Oh, well. I guess theyre just gett ing old. I hope I n everget like that.A: Me, too. Hey, lets go and play a v
53、ideo game.B: Great idea. By the way, have you see nmy glasses anywhere?A: James, please tur n that dow n? James!B: Yes, Mom?A: Turn that dow n. Its much too loud.B: Sorry, Mom. I had it turned up because I wan ted tohear the game.A: Molly, put the groceries away, please. Theres icecream in one of th
54、e bags.B: I cant right now, Dad. Im doing my homework.A: Whats this, James!B: , Mom?A: Why are there all these wet towels on the bathroomfloor? Please pick them up and hang them up to dry.B: Gosh, Im really sorry, Mom. I forgot all about them.d A: Justi n, come help me. We n eed to wash thesedishes
55、before your mother gets home.B: Oh, Dad. Id like to help, but I have to call Laurie.Its really importa nt.15A:Hi, rm your new neighbor. George Riveralive n extdoor.B:Oh,hi, Im Stephanie Lee.A:So you just moved in? Do you need anything?B:Not right now. But thanks.A:Well let me know if you do. Um, by
56、the way,wouldyou mind turni ng your stereo dow n? The wallsare really thin, so the sound goes right through to myapartme nt.B:Oh, Im sorry. I did nt realize that. Ill make sure tokeep the volume dow n. Oh, by the way, is there a goodItalia n restaura nt in the n eighborhood?A:, theres a great one a
57、couple of blocks from here. Trytheir lasag na. Its delicious.A:Hello, Im sorry to bother you. But I think your car isparked in my space dow nstairs.B:Really?A:Yes. Do you drive a blue Hon da?B:Yes,I do.A:Well, theres a blue Honda parked in space 13, andthat myspace.B:Oh, Im so sorry. My son mustve p
58、ut it in a wrongspace. Ours is the one right n ext yours, nu mber 12. Letme get my keys and ril go right down and move the car.A: Tha nks.B:And ril make sure my son does nt do it aga in.A:Ill appreciate it.B:Gee! Bob, you are really late! You said youll be hereat six and look at the time. Its almost
59、 six thirty.A:rm really sorry. Tell you what! Ill pay for dinner.B:Ah, its alright. You dont have to do that.A:No, I wanna pay. You had to wait for me almost halfan hour.文档B:Well, hey, ok, if you in sist.A:Tha nks.16A: Did you know next week is Halloween? Its onOctober 31.B: So what do you do on Hal
60、lowee n? We dont have thatholiday in Russia.A: Well, its a day whe n kids dress up in masks andcostumes. They knock on peoples doors and ask forcandy by say ing words“Trick or treat!”B: Hmm. sounds in teresti ng.A: But its not just for kids. Lots of people have costumeparties. Hey, my frie nd Pete i
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