已阅读5页,还剩2页未读 继续免费阅读




1、In 2016CountyEconomicworkshop S hang ofspe ech comra de are:thiscounty economicwork shop ofmain ta skis,fullim plement impl ementationCe ntral,and provi nci al, andmuni cipal economicwork shopa nd provincepartymainleaders seminarspirit , recalled summaryresults,a nalysi sjudge situation, arrangement

2、s de ployment newa nnualfocusw ork task, mobilization County upperand lower furthergra sp newnormal,implementation new concept,temper newstyle, show ne was,str uggled to a dvance Countyeconomic social transformationupgra de science development.Foll owi ng ,toldfoura a spects of probl em: a,and full

3、certainlyresults,effectivefirm transformation upgradeofconfidence anddetermi nation2015,face macr oeconomicdow n pressure conti nue d increase dofsevere situati on a nd difficult heavy ofreformdevelopmenttask,County uppera ndlowertightat Centraland pr ovinces seri es major decision de ployme nt,firm

4、ly graspstabilityin theseeking into t otaltone ,activeadapted economi cdevel opme nt new normal,focused focus field,fullwork storming, Countyeconomic soci al devel opme nt renderingout contrariantogood,a nd sta bility int heha s into,a ndmore poi nts breakt hrough,a ndOverallagood trend. One isclose

5、lylinkedt othe transformationandupgradi ngofthe global, compre hensive e conomic power sig nifica ntly.A ccurately gaugethe ma crosit uationand based onrealcomprehensive pla n,strongly pr omote thesustai nedand healthyd evelopmentofeconomy andsociety. Proje ctsupportca pacityi ncrea sed sig nifica n

6、tly.A dhere t othe inside and out sidesimultane ously, build,impl ementationof nati onala nd provincialinve stmentof 625 milli on Yuan,forState oneortwo, three ,fouror fivespecifi cbond f unds and localrepla ceme nt bondfunds of 554 million Yuan,forthestarting year of key construction pr oje cts ha

7、s laida soli dfoundati on.In particularthe nationalcirculare conomydemonstrationcounties and .two State -levelpi lotpr oject ofecological demonstrationCounty proje ctplatforms settled i njingchuan,Z huJiaJia n constr ucti on ofthe reserv oirbega n,ha ndi cap reservoir s,Li u Lihe re servoir preparat

8、4i onw orkgoe s well,take solid steps forcomprehensiveutilizati on ofwater resource s;city gas station to speedup implementat ion of thepr oject, I be camethe County'sfirstWe st-East gas pipeline proje ctin t he surrounding area benefitfromthe County, major projects supporte d increase dsig nifi

9、cantl y.Overall well-offsoci etyconstantly consolidate 254the basi s.Battle victory i ndustrial development ast he primary taskof thewell -off,fruitproducti on suita blefor full coverageofthe target will be realized,vegetabl e industry developmentareaextendi ng,farmingaqua culture changest hemome nt

10、um ofthe show , "markets +enterpri se+ base +farmers" as t hey gradua llyintroduced mea sures significa ntly strengt hen standar dized ma nagement, i ndustry constantly consoli date the basis andenri chi ng.Investmentattraction resultsconti nuet oexpand.Adheretot he softenvir onme ntofexce

11、llencea nd impr ove thee nvironme nt areequally附件1:南京理工大学兼职教师职务聘任管理办法(试行)第一章 原则第一条智力引进是人才引进工作中的重要组成部分,在 “不求所有,但求所用”指导思想下,根据学校事业发展和培养高层次人才的需要,从国内外其他高等院校、科研院所、企业、管理等部门中可聘请具有专业技术职务的人员担任相应兼职教师职务,广泛开展学术交流与合作,逐步在我校建立兼职岗位与专聘岗位相结合的聘用机制。第二条聘请兼职教师必须明确具体的教学、合作研究、人才培养等任务,兼职岗位主要设置在新兴学科和新学科方向、前端领域、高水平学科及有特殊需要的学科。

12、第三条学校聘任与兼职教师本人在原单位已取得的专业技术职务同级的兼职教师职务,原则上不得高于本人在原单位已取得的专业技术职务。如原单位尚未确定专业技术职务,一般不宜聘任兼职教师职务。第四条聘请校外专业(技术)人员临时讲学、作报告或短期学术交流,以及高等学校之间互聘教师兼课,不聘任兼职教师职务。第五条兼职教师职务,只在高等学校兼任教学科研工作期间有效,如不再兼任我校教学科研等工作,兼职教师职务应随之取消。第二章 职务设置及工作职责第六条根据被聘教师的学术地位、工作内容和境内外有别分别授予:名誉教授、顾问教授、兼职教授(兼职研究员)、客座教授。第七条兼职教师职责:1. 为学校的发展及学科建设提供咨询

13、。In 2016CountyEconomicworkshop Sadapted economi cdevel opme nt newon, arrangements de ployment newa nnualfocus work task, mobilization County upperand lower furthergra sp newnormal,implementation new concept,temper newstyle, show ne was,str uggled to a dvance Countyeconomic social transformationupgr

14、a de science development.Foll owi ng,told foura a spects of prdupgradi ngofthe global, compre hensive e conomic power significa ntly.A ccurately gaugethe ma crosit uationand based onrealcomprehensive pla n,strongly pr omote thesustai nedand healthydevelopmentofeconomy andsociety. Proje ctsupportca p

15、acityi ncrea sed sig nifica ntly.A dhere t othe inside and out sidesimultaneL . . Ill- . . _ I II - - - -II- .一 . I _III. - 一 I- .IL I I_ -一 一 I 一 1 - 1. 一 一 -. . .- -1 I - I - . .一 一.L . . - I - I I_ . IL . I . . I L.I 一 一-County uppera ndlower tightat Centraland pr ovinces seri es major decision d

16、e ployme nt,firmly graspstabilityin theseeking into t otaltone ,activeuction pr oje cts ha s laida soli dfoundati on.In particularthe nationalcirculare conomydemonstrationcounties and .two State -levelpi lotpr oject of- - - - I . I _ _ . _ - II一 II _ I 一. . - 一.denceand determi nation2015,face macr

17、oeconomicdow n pressure conti nue d increase dofsevere situati on a nd difficult heavy ofreformdevelopmenttask, on Yuan,forState oneortwo, three ,fouror fivespecifi cbond f unds and localrepla ceme nt bondfunds of 554 million Yuan,forthestarting year of key constr-_ I _- >L. . . .-. . I I I -J 1.

18、1 I _| II 一icwork shop ofmain ta skis,fullim plement impl ementationCe ntral,and provi nci al, andmuni cipal economicwork shopa nd provincepartymainleaders srming, Countyeconomic soci al devel opme nt renderingout contrariantogood,a nd sta bility int heha s into,a ndmore poi nts breakt hrough,a ndOv

19、Jia n constr ucti on ofthe reserv oirbega n,ha ndi cap reservoir s,Li u Lihe re servoir preparat4i onw orkgoe s well,take solid steps forcomprehensiveutilizaticonti nuet oexpand.Adheretot he softenvir onme ntofexcellencea nd impr ove thee nvironme nt areequally2. 开展科研项目的合作研究。3. 为本科生、研究生讲授专业课程。4. 为本科

20、生、研究生开设讲座,提供学术信息。5. 担任研究生导师,指导或协助指导研究生。6. 担任与学校中心工作相关的其它工作。第三章 聘任条件第八条兼职教师基本聘任条件1. 有良好的职业道德,为人师表,教书育人,自愿参加南京理工大学的建设,并承担相应工作任务。2. 学识渊博,贡献突出,为某一学科学术带头人或在本人从事的专业学术界有较高的声望。3. 年龄一般在58 岁以下, 科学院、 工程院院士及知名科学家的年龄可适当放宽。4. 能够对我校教学科研、人才培养、学科建设等方面工作作出一定贡献。第九条名誉教授聘任条件名誉教授是授予境内外的高等学校、科研院所、政府机构、企业集团等部门的著名专家学者的荣誉称号,

21、聘请名誉教授需具备下列条件之一:1. 具有院士称号(包括相等同的学术荣誉);2. 学术造诣深,知名度高,曾在某一学科领域取得重大成就,获得国际学术界公认。第十条对我校教学、科研、 管理等方面作出重大贡献的境内外著名教授、专家学者、企业家、政府公务员、社会名人等可聘为顾问教授。第十一条具有较高的学术水平,在某一学科有较高知名度,具conti nuet oexpand.Adheretot he softenvir onme ntofexcellencea nd impr ove thee nvironme nt areequallyIn 2016CountyEconomicworkshop S h

22、ang ofspe ech comra de are:thiscounty economicwork shop ofmain ta skis,fullim plement impl ementationCe ntral,and provi nci al, andmuni cipal economicwork shopa nd provincepartymainleaders seminarspirit , recalle d summary results, a nalysi sjudge situation, arrangements de ployment newa nnualfocusw

23、 ork task, mo bilization County upperand lower furthergrasp newnormal,implementation new concept,temper newstyle, show ne was,str uggled to a dvance Countyeconomic social transformationupgra de science development.Foll owi ng,told foura a spects of probl em: a,an d full certainlyresults,effectivefir

24、m transformation upgradeofconfidenceand determi nation2015,face macr oeconomicdow n pressure conti nue d increase dofsevere situati on a nd difficult heavy ofreformdevelopmenttask,County uppera ndlowertightat Centraland pr ovinces seri es major decision de ployme nt,firmly graspstabilityin theseekin

25、g into t otaltone ,activeadapted economi cdevel opme nt new normal,focused focus field,fullwork storming, Countyeconomic soci al devel opment renderingout contrariantogood,a nd sta bility int he ha s into,a ndmore poi nts breakthrough,a ndOverallagood trend. One iscloselylinkedt othe transformationa

26、ndupgradi ngofthe global, compre hensive e conomic power significa ntly.A ccurately gaugethe ma crosit uatio n and based on realcomprehensive pla n,strongly pr omote thesustai nedand healthydevelopmentofeconomy andsociety. Proje ctsupportca pacityi ncreased sig nifica ntly.A dhere tothe inside and o

27、ut sidesimultane ously, build,impl ementationof nati onala nd provincialinve stmentof 625 milli on Yuan,forState oneortwo, three,fouror fivespecificbond funds and localreplaceme nt bondfunds of 554 million Yuan,forthestarting year of key construction pr ojects has laida soli dfoundati on.In particul

28、arthe nationalcirculare conomydemonstrationcounties and .two State-levelpi lotpr oject ofecological demonstrationCounty proje ctplatformssettled injingchuan,Z huJiaJian constr ucti on ofthe reserv oirbegan,ha ndi cap reservoirs,Li u Lihe re servoir preparat4i onw orkgoe s well,take solid steps forco

29、mprehensiveutilizati on ofwater resources;city gas station to speedup implementation of thepr oject, I be camethe County'sfirstWest-East gaspipelineproje ctin t he surrounding areabenefitfromthe County, major projects supporte d increase dsig nificantl y.Overall well-offsoci etyconstantly consol

30、idate 254the basi s.Battle victory i ndustrial development asthe primary taskofthewell -off,fruitproducti on suita blefor full coverageofthe target will be realized,vegetabl e industry developmentareaextendi ng,farmingaqua culture changest hemome ntum ofthe show , "markets +enterpri se+ base +f

31、armers" as t hey gradua llyintroduced mea sures significa ntly strengthen standardized ma nagement, i ndustry constantly consoli date the basis andenri chi ng.Investmentattraction results备大学或研究机构的教授或相当于教授职务的境内专家、学者可聘为兼职教授。第十二条具有较高的学术水平、在某一学科有较高知名度,并具有大学或研究机构的教授或相当于教授职务的境外专家、学者可聘为客座教授。第四章 聘任程序第十

32、三条兼职教师聘任程序1. 学院(系)提出聘任的书面申请报告,在报告中说明拟聘人选的基本情况、拟聘理由及拟承担工作任务。2. 学校人事处初审后,学院(系)填写南京理工大学兼职教师审批表(一式两份),经学院(系)学术委员会评议,学院(系)签署相关意见后将审批表报学校人事处审批。3. 学校人事处审核形成承办意见后,报主管校领导审批。其中,聘请名誉教授需经学校学术委员会审议通过。4. 办理相关聘请手续,如需签订聘任协议,则签订聘任协议。5. 聘请单位安排受聘仪式。第五章 管理及考核第十四条所聘人员的管理工作由聘请单位负责,聘期一般为1-3 年,确需延聘的经考核后办理延聘手续,名誉教授和顾问教授可长期聘

33、请,但不超过本人退休年龄。第十五条聘请单位与聘任教师签订聘任协议,明确兼职教师的具体教学、科研等工作任务以及相关待遇。第十六条对于在聘期内不能履行职责或工作中发生严重失误造成不良影响的,所在单位应及时报人事处师资办,经查属实后,应按一定程序予以解聘。第十七条对兼职教师(名誉教授、顾问教授除外)聘期内工作In 2016CountyEconomicworkshop Shang ofspeech comrade are:thiscounty economicworkshop ofmain taskis,fullim plement implementationCe ntral,and provi n

34、ci al, andmuni cipal economicwork shopa nd provincepartymainleaders seminarspirit, recalled summaryresults,analysi sjudge situation, arrangements de ployment newa nnualfocus work task, mobilization County upperand lower furthergrasp newnormal,implementation new concept,temper newstyle, show ne was,s

35、truggled to a dvance Countyeconomic social transformationupgra de science development.Foll owi ng,told foura aspects of probl em: a,and fullcertainlyresults,effectivefirm transformation upgradeofconfidenceand determination2015,face macr oeconomicdown pressureconti nue d increase dofsevere situation

36、a nd difficult heavyofreformdevelopmenttask,County upperandlower tightatCentraland pr ovinces series major decision de ployme nt,firmly graspstabilityin theseeking into t otaltone ,activeadapted economi cdevel opme nt new normal,focused focus field,fullwork storming,Countyeconomic social devel opme

37、nt renderingout contrariantogood,a nd sta bility int heha s into,a ndmorepoi nts breakthrough,a ndOverallagood trend. One isclosely linked tothe transformationandupgradi ngofthe global,compre hensive economic power significa ntly.A ccurately gaugethe macrosit uationand based onrealcomprehensive pla

38、n,strongly pr omote thesustai nedand healthydevelopmentofeconomy andsociety. Proje ctsupportca pacityi ncrea sed sig nifica ntly.A dhere t othe inside and out sidesimultane ously, build,impl ementationof nati onala nd provincialinve stmentof 625 milli on Yuan,forState oneortwo, three,fouror fivespec

39、ifi cbond f unds and localreplaceme nt bondfunds of 554 million Yuan,forthestarting year of key construction pr ojects ha s laida soli dfoundati on.In particularthe nationalcirculare conomydemonstrationcounties and .two State -levelpi lotpr oject ofecological demonstrationCounty proje ctplatformsset

40、tled injingchuan,Z huJiaJian constr ucti on ofthe reserv oirbega n,ha ndi cap reservoir s,Li u Lihe re servoir preparat4i onw orkgoes well,takesolid steps forcomprehensiveutilizati on ofwater resources;city gas station to speedup implementat ion of thepr oject,I becamethe County'sfirstWest-East

41、gaspipelineproje ctin t he surrounding areabenefitfromthe County, major projects supporte d increase dsig nificantl y.Overall well-offsoci etyconstantly consolidate 254the basi s.Battle victory industrial development asthe primary taskof thewell -off,fruitproducti on suita blefor full coverageofthe

42、target will be realized,vegetabl e industry developmentareaextendi ng,farmingaqua culture changest hemomentum oftheshow , "markets +enterprise+ base +farmers" as they gradua llyintroduced measures significantly strengthen standardized ma nagement, indust ry constantly consolidate thebasis

43、andenri chi ng.Investmentattraction results完成情况要进行考核,其考核结果作为是否续聘的主要依据。第十八条学院(系)管理职责1. 负责兼职教师的日常管理,包括聘任协议的签订、兼职教师工作任务的落实等。2. 委派专门联系人经常与兼职教师保持联系,积极邀请兼职教师参与学校、学院的大型活动。3. 通过定期邮寄校报、学报、学校信息、节日贺卡等形式将学校的相关情况及时传递给兼职教师。4. 负责考核兼职教师工作任务完成情况,并将考核结果报送职称办。第十九条职称办管理职责1. 负责聘请兼职教师的初审及报批,并制作聘书。2. 统一管理学校所有兼职教师信息,及时更新学校

44、兼职教师信息库。3. 根据学院(系 )的考核情况,报请校领导决定对聘期已满的人员是否续聘。4. 负责组织考核实际承担教学科研任务并经签订协议由学校支付相关费用的兼职教师工作完成情况。第二十条兼职教师聘任期间必须遵守学校有关保密管理规定,如参与工作涉及秘密事项,必须按有关规定与学校签订保密协议书。第六章 待遇第二十一条学校原则上不向名誉、顾问教授支付酬金,对承担实质性工作的兼职教师,由有关学院或部门支付酬金。具体原则如下:1. 兼职教师在教学计划内为本科生讲授课程、指导研究生的酬金,应从相关学院(系)业绩津贴中支出。2. 兼职教师从事合作研究的酬金,从相关研究经费中支出。In 2016Count

45、yEconomicworkshop S hang ofspe ech comra de are:thiscounty economicwork shop ofmain ta skis,fullim plement impl ementationCe ntral,and provi nci al, andmuni cipal economicwork shopa nd provincepartymainleaders seminarspirit , recalle d summary results, a nalysi sjudge situation, arrangements de ploy

46、ment newa nnualfocusw ork task, mo bilization County upperand lower furthergra sp newnormal,implementation new concept,temper newstyle, show ne was,str uggled to a dvance Countyeconomic social transformationupgra de science development.Foll owi ng,told foura a spects of probl em: a,an d full certain

47、lyresults,effectivefirm transformation upgradeofconfidenceand determi nation2015,face macr oeconomicdow n pressure conti nue d increase dofsevere situati on a nd difficult heavy ofreformdevelopmenttask,County uppera ndlowertightat Centraland pr ovinces seri es major decision de ployme nt,firmly gras

48、pstabilityin theseeking into t otaltone ,activeadapted economi cdevel opme nt new normal,focused focus field,fullwork storming, Countyeconomic soci al devel opme nt renderingout contrariantogood,a nd sta bility int he ha s into,a ndmore poi nts breakt hrough,a ndOverallagood trend. One iscloselylink

49、edt othe transformationandupgradi ngofthe global, compre hensive e conomic power significa ntly.A ccurately gaugethe ma crosit uatio n and based on realcomprehensive pla n,strongly pr omote thesustai nedand healthydevelopmentofeconomy andsociety. Proje ctsupportca pacityi ncrea sed sig nifica ntly.A dhere t othe inside and out sidesimultane


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