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1、期末考试单选第1集1. He gave up two years ago. That ' s to say, he is a non -smoker now.A. smokeB. smokingC. to smokeD. smoked18. Jim has made many friends since he to China.A. cameB. comesC. has comeD. willcome2. She had never been to the Great Wall.A. at3. In Switzerland, peopleA. make plansB. for visi

2、t a friendB. make plans toToday she saw it C. in's house.C. makes plans tothe first time.D. byD.19. was the party at Jim ' s house last night?4. You ' d better not read todayA. something interestingC. important thing5. Nelson wanted to know .A. when would the meeting beginC. when the mee

3、ting would begin's newspaper because there isB. anything newD. nothing interestingmake a plantin it.B. when will the meeting beginD. when the meeting will begin6. Could you please ask George if heA.goes7. He preferredA. stay8. You canB. goto plant trees with us?C. wentD. will goat home rather th

4、an go to the cinema.B. to staymy dictionary, but you mustnA. borrow, lend B. borrow, borrow9. Look our teacher is sittingA. at, with10. Could you pleaseJenny _B. between, andus Mary 'A. to giveB. giveC. staying "t _C. lend, borrow Mike.C. between, in telephone number?C. givingD. to staying

5、it to others.D. lend, lendD .about, onD.to giving11. That is a good placehang out.A. for B. on12. I really don ' t know if sheA. will find, arrivesC. finds, arrivesC. toD. withit when she . B. will find, will arriveD. finds, will arrive13. Would you like some coffee? No, I prefer tea A. thanB. w

6、ithC. to14. Do you know going to stay in London? few days.A. when he isB. how long he is15. Can you please tell me whereC. when is he the post office?coffee. No, I donD. of t. Maybe aD. how long is heA. to find B. can I findC. how to find D. find16. Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?A

7、. Yes, I can.B. I could. C. Sure. D. I could tell you.17. The box is heavy I can ' t lift it.A. too, toB. so, thatC. very, thatD.too, thatA. WhatB. WhenC. HowD. Why20. He gave up two years ago. That ' s to say, he is a non-smoker now.A. smokeB. smokingC. to smokeD.smoked 21. She had never be

8、en to the great Wall before. Today she saw it thefirst time.A. atB. forC. inD. by22. Paul doesn ' t have to be made _. He always works hard.A. learnB. to learnC. learningD.learned 23. Have you seen the film“Titanic ” ,was world famous ?A. itsB. it ' sC. whoseD.which 24. Do you know the boy h

9、is hand towards us?A. wavesB. to waveC. wavingD.wave 25. If you go into trouble you can your teacher help.A. turn, toB. ask, for C. help, withD. look,for 26. Do you need to read on the train?A. special anythingB. any special thingC. anything speciallyD. anything special27. Do you know where some map

10、s?A. can I buy B. can buyC. I can buyD. buy28. Do you know there are any good restaurants this block?A. if, onB. how, onC. if, toD. where, to29. The teacher told us on the road.A. don ' t play B. not playC. not to playD. be not play30. Everyone is supposed a seat belt in-the car.A. wearingB. to

11、wearC. to be worn D. to dress31. She felt surprised when she saw me.A. bi tB. a bit ofC. a bitD. a little of32. I find difficult to remember everything, though I' m still young.A. thatB. thisC. it D. its33. is really hard them to climb Mount Qomolangma.A. It, forB. This, to C. This, forA. I'

12、d likeB. I'd loveC. pleaseD. I;d love toD. It, to34. It ' s too hot Do you mind the window?52. Where would you like to goA. withB. tovacation?C. atD. onA. my closing B. my opening C. openD. close35. Did you go to Li Lei ' s birthday party? No, I A. wasn ' t invite d B. haven ' t

13、invited C. don ' t invite D. am not53. I like placesA. wherethe weather is always warm.B. thatC. whoD. wheninvited36. He used to football after school last term.A. playB. playedC. playingD. plays37. We mustn ' t go into the teachers ' office withouton the door.A. knockB. to knockC. knock

14、ingD. knocked38. My mother made me my homework first yesterday.A. doB. didC. to doD. doing39. I think our teacher was too strict, but now I him. A. used to, used toB. am used to, am used to54. -Where would you like to visit?-A. warm somewhere B. somewhere warmC. a place warm55. What a fine day! How

15、aboutI ' d like to visitC. used to, am used to40. When did Cathy China?A. arrived in, arrivedC. reach to, got41. When I got to school, I realized that IA. has leftB. leftD. am used to, used to -She here on June, 26th.B. arrived at, got toD. get to, arrived my dictionary at home.C. would leftD. h

16、ad leftA. go56. I ' m veryA. exciting, excitingC. excited, excited57. I ,d like to trekB. to go about theD. warm place out for a walk?C.gone news.D. going42. people left their homes because of this earthquake.A. Thousands of B. Thousand of C. Ten thousandsD. Many thousands43. The match already w

17、hen we there.A. has, begun, getB. will, start, getC. had, started, gotD. have, get, reach44. When was Mary married John?A. byB. withC. /D. of45. I was late today because my alarm clock didn ' t 1A. run offB. go offC. give outD. give up46. I ' m very tired and I want to stopa rest.A. having B

18、. to haveC. has D. to having47. Last Tuesday was my birthday. All of my best friends.A. showed up B. handed upC. came upD. stayedup 48. I walked into class, the teacher had started teaching already.A. By the time B. While C. After D. Because49. This is a thrilling story hardly any people believe it.

19、A. such, thatB. so, thatC. such, soD. so, such50. On the way home our bus and we can ' t go any farther.A. brokeB. broke upC. broke down D. broke into51. - Would you like to play football with us? -Yes,.B. exciting, excitedD. excited, exciting the jungle this summer vacation.A. onB. throughC. in

20、58. He living in the country to the city.A. likesB. prefersC. enjoys59. Mr. West showed me around the library he was working,A. whichB. whereC. that60. Traveling around the world usually a lot.C. costA. spend61. Paris is A. quite aB.spendsexpensive place, so weB. quite an62. -How long has your fathe

21、rA. be leftB. left63.These letters should provide usA. in64. I'm consideringA. to visitB. forD. amongD. lovesD. whoD. costs'll take more money with us.C. soD.such a? -Since last year.C. been leavingall the information we need.D. been awayC. withD. tomy grandfather next Monday.B. visit65. The

22、 artist said that he hoped A. his son to finishC. visitingdrawing the picture soon.B. to finishD. visitsC. finishingD. his son will finish66. Whenpeople want to relax themselves, they preferrather than newspapers.A. watching, readC. to watch, read67. Mr. Green is a kind man. HeA. gives in 68.B. give

23、n upTV orlisten to musicB. watching, to readD. to watch, reading most of his money to charity.C. gives off D. gives away,Mandy. Everything will get better soon.D. workingD. to playingD. thatD. mistakesA. Cheer upB. Mix upC. Clean up D. Turn up69. I like these photos and they can me the life living i

24、n thecountry.A. think, ofB. remind, of C. let, downD. wake, up70. He his father. They both like to help others.A. look likeB. takes afterC. looks after D. looks the same71. Don' put off a travel plan. It' s time for us to start.A. to makeB. makesC. madeD. making72. Not only the students but

25、also their teacher it.A. likeB. likesC. likingD. to like73. Liu Ming ' s bag is always books.A. filled overB. full ofC. filled ofD. full by74. The girl is reading under the tree is my sister.A. whoB. whoseC. whichD. whom75. We do hope people in Sichuan will soon their troubles.A. go overB. turn

26、overC. get overD. look over76. He all the money, so he has to go back home.A. run out ofB. has run out ofC. has run outD.runs out of77.Here are some signs ,let ' sA. put them upB. put it upC. put up themD. put up it78.I finished the work successfullyyour help.A. becauseB. because ofC. soD.so tha

27、t79.The problem is so difficult that nobody can.A. work it onB. work on itC. work it outD. work out it80.Now I spend timewhat I love to do.A. to doB. doingC. doD.did81.of them likes to play basketball.A. EachB. EveryoneC. EveryD.Both82.Amythe windows already, so the room looks much bright.A. cleansB

28、. has cleaned C. is cleaningD.will clean83.- I'm sorry to keep you waiting.-Oh, not at all. Ihere for only a few minutes.A. wasB. isC. have beenD.had been84.My motherdinner when I got home.A. was cookingB. cookedC. has cookedD.cooks85. A knife is used for things.A. cuttingB. cutC. cutsD. to cut8

29、6. All the books will to the children who live in the small village.A. be sentB. sentC. be sendD. send87. When the car?A. did, inventB. was, inventedC. does, inventD. is, invented88. Sally knew nothing about it her sistr er told her.A. untilB. sinceC. becauseD. if89. The house needs but we plan to w

30、ait until next summer to do it.A. to paint B. being paintedC. paintedD. to be painted90. A talk on Chinese history in the school hall next Tuesday.A. be givenB. has givenC. will be givenD. will give91. The number of teachers in our school 60 and a number of themmen teachers.A. is; areB. are; isC. am

31、; areD. be; are92. They are made for 14 hours a day.A. workB. to workC. worked93. The boy was often seen on the sports ground.A. to playB. playC. played94. She worked so quietly no one knew she was there.A. whichB. afterC. as95. Sam, you hair is too long and it looks dirty. You' d better itA. ha

32、ve, to cutB. get, cuttingC. have, cut D. get, cutted96. Look around while the street.A. crossB. crossingC. crossedD. to cross97. -Sorry, Jane. I took your school bag by . - It doesn't matter.A. a mistakeB. mistakeC. the mistake98. Do you know the potato chips were invented?A. by mistakeB. by mis

33、takesC. by a mistake D. to mistake99. This kind of pot is keeping tea hot.A. used inB. used forC. used asD. used by100. The new bridge over the Yuan Shui River last year.A. builtB. was builtC. has builtD. is built101. When she was thirty years old, she really wanted to get.A. marriedB. marryingC. to

34、 marryD.marry 102. When you your homework?-I had finished it before he back.A. have, finished, cameB. have, finished, was comingC. did, finish, cameD. did, finish, was coming103. By the end of last year they thousands of orange trees on the mountains. A. had planted B. have planted C. were plantingD

35、. would plant104. He in Shanghai for 5 days.A. remainsB. is remaining C. has remained D. remain105. They were made by the lovely girl.A. to laughB. laughC. laughing106. Which language is the most widely in the world?A. speakingB. speak107. He is very kind, and he ' d liC. spokeke to help people.

36、D.spoken .A. richB. homelessC.happyD. clever108. KeysA. is, openingused forthe doors.B. is, openedC. are, openingD. are opened109. The police found the lost carB. by accidentA. with mistake110. When the carC. by mistake? A. did, inventD. in accidentB. was, inventedC. does, inv entD. in, invented期末考试

37、单选第2集1. - Do you often watch movies on TV?-Sometimes. It ' s comfortable at home. But ID. laughedthe cinema.B. preferC. missD. wants still in the classroom?A. enjoy2. - Who 'Itbe Mike. HeA. mustB. could3. - Do you know the woman's always the last to leave.C. mightD. couldis walking on th

38、e other side of the street?-Oh, thatA. What's my history teacher.B. whichC. whoD. whom4. - We have missed the last bus. What shall we do?- I'm afraid we have no but to take a taxi.A. reasonB. choiceC. adviceD. decision5. - Could you help me, Jimmy? Something is wrong with my computer.-. I ca

39、n put it right.A. That ' s OK. B. Never mind. C. Don ' t worry. D. What a pity!6. - I used to be afraid of going out at night. - So I.A. didB. wasC. doD. am7. - Does Peter always finish his homework on time ?-Yes, of course. He leaves today ' s work for tomorrow.A. alsoB. usuallyC. onlyD

40、. hardly8. -.When will your new novel?- In about two weeks.A. come out B. come along C. come true D. come over9. - Look! Jack is running fastest of all.-It ' s hard to that both his legs were once broken.A. know B. realize C. imagine D. find10. - protect the environment, people in Japan have to

41、pay for their trash.-Really? We can follow them.A. Instead of B. According to C. Because of D. In order to 11. Many people watched the boys the mountain at that time.A. climbB. climbingC. to climb D. climbed12. India had the second population in the world.A. largestB. largerC. most D. smallest13. I

42、put my coat here? Sorry, you.A. Must; mustn ' tB. Do; don ' tC. can; needn ' t D. May; can ' t14. Could you tell me if it tomorrow?A. rainB. will rainC. raining D. rains15. Would you please help me with my drawing skills?. You can come to my studio every Saturday.A. That' s all r

43、ight B. No problem C. No, thanks D. Quite well ()16. What nice gift it is!.A. a B. an C. the D. / ()17. - My cousin could dress when he was five.一 Really? I can ' t believe it.A. myself B. herself C. himself D. yourself ()18. Which city is your favorite?Hangzhou, of course. It ' s the place

44、that I want to visit.A. worse B. worst C. better D. best()19. Did you see Mr. Black just now? Yes, He his car when I met him.A. parked B. was parking C.parks D. will park()20. -Hurry up, because time is.-Yes, let ' s start.A. coming out B. giving out C. givingout D. running out21. It ' s not

45、 as as yesterday, so there are children playingwith their parents i rn the People ' s Square.A. warm; fewer B. warm; less C. warmer; fewer D. warmer; less22. Could you please such a thing again?A. not to do B. don' t do C. not doing D. not do23. He failed in the English speech contest, he di

46、d his best to prepare for it.A. though B. but C. because D.so24. The article is more difficult than that one, so I think I canunderstand it with the help of a dictionary.A. much B. quite C. very D. a little25. Let' s ask Michael. I think he can a good idea about how to dealwith this problem.A. b

47、egin withB. agree with C. come up withD. get along with26. - Where' s Lucy? - I'm not sure. She in the school library.A. maybe B. must be C. may be D. will be27. This kind of bananas nice. I want to taste one.A. sound B. smell C. looks D. tastes28. -Is that Jack speaking?-Sorry, he in. He ba

48、ck in half an hour.A. isn ' t; will be B.wasn' t; will C. isn ' t; is D. wasn' t; was29. bright sunshine! Let ' s have a picnic.A. What B. How C. What a D. How a30. -Excuse me. Where is Lily? -Oh, she the volleyball match on theplayground when I saw him just now.A. watches B. wil

49、l watch C. is watching D. was watching31. Many students didn ' t realize the importance of study _they leftschool.A. when B. until C. after D. unless32. My father to Shanghai. He for over 2 months.A. has been, has left B. has gone, has goneC. has gone, has been away D. has been, has gone33. Do y

50、ou know the girl is reading under the tree?A. which B. who C. what D. whom34. The injured man to hospital by a driver yesterday.A. takes B. took C. is taken D. was taken35. -Could you tell me? -Of course, last night.A. when you reached China B. when did you reach ChinaC. how you came to China D. how

51、 did you come to China36.old man in front of Tom is artist.A. An, anB. A, the C. The, anD. The, a37. Her room i s beautiful. But I don ' t think her room is bigger than.A. mine B. me C. I D. my38. There a number of volunteers in the club and the number of themgrowing larger and larger.A. is; are

52、 B. are; is C. have; is D. have; are39. -Vegetables are good our health. -Yes. I agree you.A. for; with B. at; with C. for; to D. at; to40. -Could you please move over a little and make some for me?-Sure, please.A. place B. seat C. room D. ground41. Shopping online is useful and convenient way for u

53、s to buy things.A aB anC theD /42. Smoking too much realy does great harm both himself and peoplearound.A withB toC forD buy43. I don' t like the whether in rainy days.February this yearbecause there wereA muchB fewC manyD little44. Somegave money to the peoplein the earthquakeareas and offeredc

54、lothes and food.A the othersB anotherC otherD others45. peoplelined at thegate to meet Jeremy Lin,the popular basketballplayer in NBA.A thousandsB thousandC thousands ofD Thousand of46. Jessie got the top prize in the writing competition.She felt veryA excitedB excitingC frightenedD frightening47. N

55、owadays the oil price in the world is getting muchthan before.A highB higherC highestD the highest48. Please walk as as possible because her baby is sleeping in theroom.A gentleB gentlerC gentlyD more gently49. Itbe fantastic ifmore students join inthe charity show tomorrowA mustB needC canD may50. amazing story he told us the day before yesterday!A What aB What anC How aD How an51. Online games are very interesting, on it.


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