



1、2013中考英语听力模拟训练16一、听小对话,请从 A、B、C三个选项中选出最符合对话内容的图片。1. What does the boy usually do on weekends?2. Where would the woman probably like to go?3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the conversation?4. H ow will the girl go to the museum?5. What animal does the boy want to see?二、听小对话,请从 A、B、C三个选项中

2、选出正确的选项。6. How long is the man staying in Hong Kong?A. A week. B. Five days.C. Two days.7. What time is it now?A. 6:45. B. 7:15 C. 7:45.8. What does the girl look like?A. She is short. B. She has long curly hair. C. She has short hair.9. Why do they like Dan Dervish?A. He can sing songs well.B. He p

3、lays di氓rent kinds of music.C. He writes his own songs.10. Where are the boys playing?A. In the woman ' s garden. B. Inthe park. C. On the playground.三、听长对话,回答问题。听 第一段对话,回答11-13小题。11. Where are the children now?A. On the way to school. B. On the way home. C. In class.12. What ' s in the purs

4、e?A. There is a phone number and some money.B. There is a phone number, some money and an ID card.C. There is some money and an ID card.13. Whose purse do they think it is?A. Linda ' s B. Judy ' s C. Dick ' s听第二段对话,回答 14-15小题。14. What did the boy get on his sixteenth birthday?A. A mobile

5、 phone. B. An MP3. C. A CD player.15. Why did the maths teacher take it away?A. The teacher wanted to use it.B. The boy used it in class.C. The boy ' s parents asked her to do so.四、听独白,根据短文内容,判断下列陈述是否正确(T) / (F) o16. Alice was 11 years old and she thought she was never wrong.17. One day Alice we

6、nt to see a movie with her parents.18. The movie was very interesting.19. After the movie they came back home by taxi.20. Fred turned on the light in the room when they got home.W: What a lucky guy! May I have a look?M: Oh, sorry, my maths teacher has taken it away because I used it in class.W: What

7、 a pity! You should say sorry to her, then she will forgive you.M: I will.IV.Alice was an eleven-year-old girl. She a Iwa y s thought herself right and never agreed with others.One afternoon her fether came back and said,“Here are two tickets for a movie. Yourmother and I will be very bu sy tonight.

8、 Take Fred to the cinema. ”The girl liked to see movies and her friends told her it was an interesting one, she was happy and after supper she went out with Fred. The two children enjoyed themselves at the cinema. After the movie it was late. They took a bus and soon got home. There was no light in the rooms. Alice was afraid to stay in the dark room and said,“Go turn the lightone, Fred. ”Fred went into the room. Afew minutes later,he came out. But it was still dark there.“What' s the matter? ” asked Alice, “lean ' t see the switch in the dark. ”


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