



1、中考英语形容词、副词专项题例及练习(含答案) 一、中考题例()1. - If you don ' t like the red coat, how about the green one?-OK, but do you have size in green? This one is a bit small for me.A. a bigB. a bigger C. the big D. the bigger()2. -Mum, I think I ' m to get back to school.一Not really, my dear. You ' d better

2、 stay at home for another day or two.A. so well B. so good C. well enough D. good enough()3. What delicious cakes! -They would taste with butter.A. goodB. betterC. badD. worse()4. -Mr. Zhou , of all the students in our group, who lives?-I think Li Lei does.A. farB. fartherC. farthestD. the farther()

3、5. With a history of more than 1,400 years, ZhaoZhou Bridge is the stone archbridge in the world . A. oldB. olderC. oldestD. elder()6. Bob never does him homework Mary. He makes lots of mistakes.A. so careful as B. as carefully as C. carefully as D. as careful as ()7. A: How can I speak English you?

4、B: You d better speak more, I think.A. as good as B. more than )8. Your English is good. I C. as well asD. as much asll try my best taoss_p_e_a_k_i_t _you do.A. clearly as B. clear as C. clearer than ()9. Ts your mother badly ill?-No, only a little cold.D. more clearlyA. serious anythingC. nothing s

5、erious()10. I m not sure if IB. serious nothingD. anything seriousm going to Tim s party; I may go to the concertA. onlyB. insteadC. earlyD. late()11. Although they are brothers, they are the opposite of one another.A. veryB. justC. fewD. little()12. The new Bright Restaurant is than the old one. Mo

6、ore and more peoplelike to eat there.A. good B. betterC. badD. worse()13. Wang Ping does in physics that I missed the first class.A. badly B. Most badly C. worse D. worst()14. I got up so this morning that I missed the first class.A. earlyB. lateC. quietly D. neatly()15. -Do you enjoy traveling by p

7、lane?-No. It ' s expensive.A. much more B. more much C. too much D. much too()16. I m afraid the headmaster is busy to meet the visitors.A. too much B. much too )17. How beautifully she sings! IA. the better voiceC. the best voice)18. You do well in your lessons. IA. sureB. afraid)19. Who is in

8、your class?-Fred.A. tallB. tallerC. so much D. much toove never heard .B. a good voiceD. a better voice m you will pass the exam.C. sadD. sorryC. tallestD. the tallest)20. What do you think of the football match?Wonderful! The Chinese football team has never playedA. betterB. bestC. worse D. worst()

9、21. The population of China is than of any other country in the world.A. larger , the one B. more , thatC. larger , that D. more , the one()22. There is much wine here, but people want to drink it.A. many B. a littleC. fewD. a few()23. People speak of the filmNot One Less. It is really necessary for

10、 everychild to go to school.A. loudB. loudlyC. highD. highly()24. She always finishes her homework on time. She leaves it for tomorrow.A. always B. never C. usuallyD. sometimes()25. The football match wasA. excited , excitingC. excited , excited()26. Playing table tennis isnA. easy B. easily, so the

11、 boys were about it.B. exciting, excitedD. exciting , excitingt difficult. You can learn it C. quickD. hardly()27. We Chinese always put our family name .A. lastB. nearly C. firstD. in the middle()28. This kind of T-shirt look and sells in the market.A. nice, good B. well , well C. nice , well D. go

12、od , nice()29. The light in the room wasn t for me to read.A. brightly enoughB. enough brightlyC. enough brightD. bright enough()30. Look, this digital camera is really cheap! It' s only five hundred yuan.The, the better. I ' m shoroney, yo know.A. cheaper , ofB. cheap, forC. expensive , ofD

13、. more expensive , for()31. Which subject do you like , math, Chinese or English?A. betterB. best C. wellD. very much()32. little water is not enough for many people.A. Such , so B. So , so C. Such , such D. So , such()33. English is spoken by people.A. a lot B. much many C. a large number of D. a g

14、reat deal of ()34. - Isn t that Mary?-Yes, she always has a(an)smile on her face.A. alone B. kindlyC. ownD. friendly()35. -Do you prefer music to drawing?-No. I like drawing.A. well B. mostC. better D. best()36. Since China has been a member of the WTO, English is useful than before.A. more B. mostC

15、. much D. very()37. Can you speak a little louder? I can hear you.A. hard B. reallyC. hardly D. clearly()38. China has a population and long history.A. many B. largeC. muchD. big()39. Do you have to say?A. important anythingB. anything importantC. important somethingD. something important()40. Which

16、 is , English or Chinese?A. interestingB. interestingerC. more interestingD. most interesting()41. -The TV programme is boring. Shall we play chess intead?tAII right. That is than watching a boring programme.A. very good B. much good C. very better D. much better()42. -Mum, could you buy me a dress

17、like this?-Certainly, we can buy one than this, but this.A. a better, better thanB. a worse , as good asC. a cheaper , as good asD. a more important , not as good as()43. Let s enjoy the sYoensgterday Once More. It sounds .A. wellB. sadlyC. nice D. bad()44. -Is the physics problem?-Yes. I can work i

18、t out.A. easy , easily B. easy, easy C. easily , easy D. easily , easily()45. Hainan is a very large island. It s the second island in China.A. largeB. largerC. larger D. most large()1. What a cough! You seem ill.A. terrible, terriblyB. terribly , terribleC. terrible , terribleD. terribly , terribly

19、()2. I m not sure whether Mary can sin_gMabel.A. as well as B. as good as C. so good as D. as better as()3. Chinese is more difficult than English.A. mostB. veryC. manyD. much()4. The old man tld his son to be a good boy.A. diedB. deadC. dyingD. death()5. Today my sister is feeling to go to the fact

20、ory.A. enough goodB. good enoughC. well enoughD. enough well()6. He lives in the house where he was born.A. already B. stillC. yetD. ever()7. all the students in his class, Xiao Ming writes .A. Of , most carefullyB.In, the most carefulC. Of , very carefullyD.In, much more carefully()8. Sam is than i

21、n the basketball team.A. taller , any boyB.tallest , other boysC. taller , other boysD.taller , any other boy()9. I have no time because I have work to do books to read.A. many , manyB. many , muchC. much , manyD. much , much()10. The population of China is larger than .A. AmericaB. the one of Ameri

22、caC. AmericansD. that of America()11. You didn t pass the maths exam, and I didn t , .A. alsoB. too C. either D. neither()12. Mr. Smith is teacher all the students like him very much.A. so kind a , thatB. a very kind , thatC. such kind a , thatD. so kind a , and()13. Lin Tao has bought a Chinese-English dictionary .A. yet B. for a month C. before D. never()14. We study English and .A. very like it . B. much like it C. like it quite D. like it very much()15. I have fewer apples than .A. heB. hisC. hersD. mine()16. John Smith is of the two you


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