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1、安装步骤:安装环境:ffin7/Win8/WinlO1、鼠标右击软件压缩包,选择"解压到0rigin &0"。Origin S.Ozar打开(0)用件gas取得所就用WinRAR打开 屛ES:件(A) 解压!当前文件夹(X) 辑压Sil Origin &0(E) 打开方式(H)2、双击打开"Origin&0”文件夹。 名稼"惨K日期1Origin 8.02O1A111 SM9 1.瞬文件2017Ul BMO.文?嫖倉 Origin &0er2O1A111砂§WinRAR ,54252,452 KB201A1027

2、 网1KB、找到"setup”应用程丿芋,双击鼠标左键打开。名称"修改日期趣大小 _Setup,dll2006517 SM9161 KB倉 Crack-rar2O0Ai021 飙,.WinRAR画文件3750 KB貝 dataLcab20071015 曲,.WinRAR压编丈件3,161 KB% datal.hdr20071015 斬,.HDR文件380 KB律 data 2.cab2O0A10i5 星期,. WinRAR压SI文件46.088 KB§ data 3.cab200A10i5 星烁,.WinRAR画文件51,200 KB总 data4.cab2007

3、i0i5 砂§, WinRAR压SI文件22.298 KB肉 ISSetup.dll200745星期四.481 KBQ layoutbin20071015.BIN文件1KBtjjBi setup-bmp2007216矍期BMP图像119 KB大小崔setupJniQ setupjnx: setup.zip446 KB200710i2曼期应用程序20071015 SM配胃2O0A10i5長崩 INX文件2O0A1021 敢 ZIP文件setu p.exe4、点击"Next" oIKB349 KB123.535 KB2Origin Setup5License Agie

4、ementPlease r&ad the following license agreement carefully.Press lhe PAGE DOWN key (o see lhe resl of lhe agreemenl.OhginLab End-User License Agreement for Origin 8 and/or OhginPro 8This End-u$er Licence Agreement (EULA) i$ a bin ding legal ageem« nt between you (either an individual or an

5、entity) and OriginLab This EULA rebtes to Origin 8 and/or Origi nPo 8 (the'SoHware"). in eluding any up date or re placement version.By inkling, copying, or using the Licensed Produce you agree to b$ bound by lhe term$ of thk EULA, If you do not agree to the terms of thio EULA do rot instal

6、l thi$ Sohware; rather vou should return the softviiare media and accompanning items (including printed materials or any packaging) to the place you obtain$d them for a full refund within $bttyPrinlNoDo you accept ell the terms of the preceding License Agreement? If select Mo. the setup 刚I close, To

7、 install Origin 8. you muct accept agreeme nLinstalls Held< Back 6、点击 “Next”。7、任怠输入用户名、公司名称,注册码输入GF3S4-9489-7335432,然后点 击"Next" ORegistration ConfirmationYou have provided the following registration information:Name:Company:ChinaSerial Number;GF3S4-9489-7335432User1$ this registration i

8、nformation correct?Ye$No、9、点击"Browse"更改软件安装路径,建议安装到除C盘以外的磁盘,可 在D盘或其它盘里面新建一个“Origins”文件夹,然后点击“Next”。Origin 弘tupDestination DiiecloiySpecify a destination directory for 0iiginPfo?8.d:Progfam File$0figinLab0iigin8I Browse|Installs Held10、点击 “Next” oOrigin SetupSelect FeatuiesSelect the featur

9、es setup will install.Select lhe features you want to inwtll ©nd deselect lhe features you do not want to install.MMMMnMRSni lggjgQgQ 可 NAG PDF Files可 Precompiled Files20700 KDescriptionEnglish help fils for Origin irbcluding P rogemmihg 加 d T utoiial files.Space Required on D:Space Available o

10、n D:Installs hi eld278712K 178206732KI Change|11、点击 “Next” oOrigin SetupData Impoit<: Back Next > JCscel Select the data import options you wan I (o install可 Data T ran slat ion (DCF. HPF) 可 ETAS INCA MDF (DAT. MDF) EhmIIXLS)可 EarlhProbe (EPA)可 Famo$ (DAT, RAW)洌 JCAMP-DX (DK DX1 JDK J CM) 可 Kd

11、leiddGraph (QDA)Matlab (MAT)Space Required on D:Space Available on D:installs Held186 K.205 k =195 k 1176 K -151 K176 K33 K171 k 292608K178206668KD escHptionImport Comm Ddimited Fik$I Change|< Back I Next >Cancel 12、点击 “Next” oAll Useis oi Curvent Usei?Would you like the Origin program folder

12、to appear in the Start | Programs list for the currenlly logged on ucer only, or for all ucers.© Current u删 onlyln$(allShi&ld813、点击 “Next” oOrigin SetupSelect Program FoldeiPlease $ elect a program folder.Setup 忧 ill add program icons to the Pro gram Folder listed below You may type a new f

13、older name, or select one from the existing folders list. Click Next to continue.Program Folder:lOriQinLab'Origin 创E»isting Folders:InstdIiShieldInstdIiShield< Back "j N exl >I < Back 1(Nexl> Cancel 14、点击 “Next" oStart Copying FilesReview sellings before copying files.

14、Setup has enough informalion to $3 copying the program files. If you want to review or change anv sellings click Back, If you are madefied with the setting, “ click Ne«t to begin copying files.Currenl Sellings:Origin Directory:d:Prografn File$0riginLab0rigin8Program Folder:CAPfogiamD ataMicroso

15、flWindow$Sl-arl MenuPfogf-amsOriginLab0 rigin 8Installing:InstdIISheld15、点击 “Finish”。16、返回软件安装包,将破解文件中的“ok80.dll”复制到软件安装U录 (参照第九步路径)下替换原文件,选择复制和替换。蹄文件10IIII此位置已经包含同名文件。 踽曾的文件4复制和替换僅席正在复潮的文件香操目标文徉奂审的文件: okSXl.dllokSO (G!&rigin#5!4?KS:itt)大小:3.48 MB修改日期;20071019星期五1S:53 (樹和书不要复制捋不会更改文件将UK件融在目舷件E o

16、kSO.dllolc&O (D:Progrann FilesOriginLabAOriginS) 大小! 10.6 MB (Mt)侈改日期:200A1015 厳A 10:51亨复制但保留这两个文件正在复制的文件捋雲命名为P8c8Od17.将破解文件中的%rglab. lic*复制到软件安装U录(参照第九步路 径)下的FLEXlm文件夹里面。S称:修改日期.AddOn SetupButtons.CustomTableJ ePrintFilters“ FitFurxIFLEXlm.Group2017111 网2017111 星期2017ilt 霰2017111 敷 2O1A11120171

17、11 星期2017111 M2017111 星期文朕 文停 文彳牧 文怯 文朕 文祕 文朕 文件夹18、在桌面打开Origin软件,弹出以下对话框,点击“0K”。User Files Folderi12Please select the default feller for storing files used, during Origin" s op«raction. These files include INT and CHF files, import fillers graph tempiates, etc, Locations for individual fi

18、le types may also be customized by I Select Us er Folder士/ , , , ,A' pl i cat 1 on Data fol:C:WsersAdm ini s trat orVD oeum entsVOrigin User FilesO CustQm fQlder : You may use the SxQvrse button to select a differentS: KProgr am F lies 0ri ginLalOri gi iSWdniini stratorKI EroYfse. ICancel 0K fl

19、If t K去JSooklId!回 IS'OriginUb RegistrationI>AShcctl/7A/<.5 I bc6R«Mi3O*iM your Origin ioftvtr«yoo2 QriCinLtV e hi th* quality ttippon and stmcts Ia ftdditi<n, r«<sst«"d atrs tr« provided «st <cceii to < vtalth of onlii»I. Fre< Cui ton

20、ToolsZ 6u< Pix«c, F4tch«t Updtt*£) GaIine OocwnlHioo «nd Ti(-Entry into tbt Ortpn A Orijc二 ,T 匕9 ILong NamU(fl>Comments12345S789101112J,ri19、点击"continue”。MEmL.Hie Edk 爭ew Rm f-Mvmn Worfcthect Anatys Stitittics Image Tooli format Afindow HepDBSs題血確囲阳磴总届日*3塔: Zs爲4J罔刼3 貝G :| 'H i U ' * *; oi A * Sf * W * A * IjJSt 幺陳仝国 J B §§ m i . f j !、上:= ;1 O-|Jdf-lnd;f lCategory gc-|i* 裡* “B 削旨20、输入注册号码:KRK-RYR-JR3,然后点击“OK”,即可完成破解,然后 关闭软件。RegistrationFlease t去住 a ihoment to regi ste


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