



1、It was the first day of April,这是四月的第一天but Mother Nature hadn't gotten the message.可是大自然母亲却似乎忘了送来春天的消息Like some bad April Fool's Day joke就像愚人节的一些糟糕的玩笑一样the ground was hard and frozen when I walked outside.我走到户外,发现大地干涸,霜冻未消The grass and few daffodils that had bloomed were covered in frost.只有几株

2、刚萌芽的小草和水仙,被覆盖在寒霜之下The single dandelion that had popped its head through the ground一株孤零零的蒲公英好不容易从泥土里钻由头来had closed up again in the below freezing cold.却遇到零度以下的严寒,只得又萎缩起来I watched the sun peeking over the trees我看着太阳从树林背后窥视着大地and wondered if Spring was ever going to arrive.心里疑心着,春天真的会来临吗As the day wore

3、 on, however,可是,随着白昼渐暖the sun began to warm the cold air.太阳开始给严寒的空气加温The frost slowly receded on my car windows车窗上的白霜慢慢消融and the grass turned wet小草变得湿润起来as the temperatures crept above freezing.气温升到了零度以上By the afternoon I was even able to slip my jacket off到了下午,我甚至可以把夹克衫脱下来了and for the first time in

4、 many weeks walk around outside in just my shirt sleeves.数月以来第一次,我可以穿着薄衬衣四处走动I decided then to take my dogs out for a nice long walk in the sunshine.我决定牵着几条狗去晒晒太阳,来场愉快的,长长的散步It felt so good just being outside.无需其他,仅仅是呆在户外,已经让我开怀不已It didn't matter that there was still a chill in the air.空气中仍有一丝寒意

5、,但是没有关系I had hope that warmer days would soon arrive.我有了希望,相信天气不久就会转暖It was at that moment that I saw a tiny, single, white butterfly fluttering around.就在这个时候,我看到一只蝴蝶扑闪着翅膀飞来飞去,这是 一只小小的白色蝴蝶,孤孤单单的I remembered how much my Mom had loved butterflies when she was here on earth我突然想起,母亲在世的时候曾经多么喜爱蝴蝶and how

6、many times she had sent them to me to help me carry on after she was not there.她离世之后,多少次当我跌入低谷,她托蝴蝶来豉励我坚持 下去I knelt down and smiled at the little guy.我屈膝对那只小家伙报以微笑I spoke to him gently while he flew in circles around my head它围着我的脑袋盘旋,我对它轻声低语and waved goodbye when he flew off back towards the sky.最后它

7、展翅飞回空中,我挥手向它辞别It was a magical moment这真是神奇的一刻and even though it was still quite cold for April,尽管相较往年的四月天气温仍然很低it was Springtime in my soul.我心中已经感受到了春天的暖意I know that this was only a moment in my life.我知道这只是我生命中一个小小的瞬间But life happens in the moment.但我们不就是活在这样一个个小小的瞬间里吗Our lives are nothing more than a million moments, one after another.我们的生活就是数百万个这样的小瞬间相互连接组成的Each moment we use to love, to laugh, to uplift ourselves,我们用每个瞬间去爱,去欢笑,去豉舞自己and to help others makes life better for everyone.让每个人的生活更加美好Embrace


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