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1、参考2021年八年级英语上学期第3周周练试题牛津版Class Name Mark一.单项选择(15分).()1 If you don t believe, go and see yourself.A. by B. in C. on D. for( )2. I think we will lose this game his supportA . withB. underC. withoutD. for()3. They all lookedat the teacher andlooked very .A. sad; sad B. sadly; sadly C. sad; sadly D. sa

2、dly; sad ( )4. Linda will the USA soon. We are planning aday out for her.A go back B return C return back D go back to( )5. The filmJu Qi Shou Lai is very funny. It oftenmakes people.A. laughB. laughingC. to laughD. laughed( )6.-1 am going to Sanya for my holiday tomorrow.- -A. Have a good time B. Y

3、ou re right C. It s good D. Goodbye( )7.Simon is trying to pull up the rocks.A.herself B.him C.himself D.his( )8. The desks and chairs are wood.A. make of B. make fromC. made of D.made from( )9.The boy is my sister, so he sits in front ofher.A. as tall asB. taller thanC. not astall as D. the tallest

4、()10. The second-hand car is much than that newone.A. cheapB. cheaperC. dearD. dearestA. short and short B. shorter and shorterC. long and long D. longer and longer()12. I feel because my job is too.A. bored, boring B. bored, bored C. boring, boringD. boring, bored()13- Help to some juice, boys and

5、girls.一Thanks.A. himself B. yourselves C. yourselfD.themselves()14. When did his cousin the World Park?A getB arriveC arrive inD reach( )15. There are many places of in the park. I amin these places.A. interests, interestingB.interest,interestedC. interest, interestingD.interests, interested二.完型填空(1

6、5分)When you ask a person about their 1 during thisNational Day holiday, he or she may tell you that he or she had a trip. Going on a trip to _2 places can help peopleknow more about the history ,culture and lifestyle.During the holiday we had a great trip, too. My father, my mother and I 3_ to a cam

7、ping club. We went to the mountains. First we 4 the foot of the mountain early in the morning 5 the bus. We climbed the mountain with theguide. The air in the mountain was very fresh. In the middleof the mountain there was a river. The water was clean and clear. I washed my face 6 the water. It was

8、warm. There 7 some fishes in the river. In the mountain there were flowers here and there. They were8 . At noon , manypeople got together ,and they were very 9 . Everyone wantedto have a rest. But we had to10our meal in the mountain. The food was very 11 ,and we liked it very much.After meal, 12 int

9、erestingMy family out otherThen wesome people rested for a short time. out the map and tried to find places nearby. But we didn t get any.went on the trip. Some of us felt13when we came downfrom the mountain because it was so high. Wecareful and walked slowly. Finally, we returned home late in the a

10、fternoon. We felt 14 . It was really 15 . My family all hope to go there again when we have time.()1.A. familyD. houseworkB. studyC.()2.A.D.others( )3. A. go to go()4.D. arrived( )5. A. by took( )6. A. on into( )7. A. is areanotherB. goesA. reachedB. onB. withB. wasB.C. wentB.C. inC. inC. werethe ot

11、herD.arrived inD.D.D.should beactivitiesC. otherC. got to( )8. A. handsome B. beautiful C. good-looking D. delicious( )9. A. thirsty B. free C. busy D. tired()10.A. doB.doesC.makeD.cooks()11. A. niceB. worseC. badD.nicer()12.A.broughtD.put()13.A.surprisedD.interestedB.tookB.excitedC.passedC.afraid()

12、14. A. happy B. unhappy C. friendly D. interesting()15. A. cold B. hot C. fun D. funny三.阅读理解(20分每题1分)(A)Joe Brown had a shop. He sold meat in his shop. One Thursday a woman came into his shop at five to one. I m sorry I m late, she said. I need some more meat for my dinner tonight. Joe had only one

13、piece of meat in his shop. He took it out ofthe fridge and said, “ This is $6.50. That piece istoo small, the woman said, “ haven t you got anything bigger? Joe went into the room behind his shop, put the piece of meat into the fridge, took it out again and closed the door with lots of noise. Then h

14、e brought the piece of meat to the woman and said, “ This piece of meat is bigger and more expensive.It s $8.75. “ Good,“ the woman said with a smile,“ give me both ofthem, please. ( )1.Joe Brown was.A. a waiter(侍者) B. a runner C. an singer D. a shopkeepers shop?A. Early in the morning.B. Early in t

15、heafternoon.C. Late in the evening. D. At about one oclock at night.( )3.Why didn t the woman want that piece of meat?A. Because she had no money. B. Because it was bad.C. Because itwasn t big enough. D. Because itwas too big.( )4 How many pieces of meat were kept in the fridge?A. Only one pieceof m

16、eat.B. Two pieces ofmeat.C. Several pieces of meat. D. Many pieces of meat.( )5. Could Joe give the woman both pieces of meat?A. Of course not. B. Certainly.C. He would try his best. D. Yes, he could.(B)“ What is the mostimportant in your life , maybe you will sayThey often go“ People can Many stude

17、nts like the Internet very muchinto the Internet as soon as theyare free. They make friendson the Internetand maybe theyhave never seen thesefriends . Theydon t know their real names, ages, and even sex(性别).They are so interestedin making the “ unrealfriends “ that they can t put their hearts into s

18、tudy. Manythem can t catch up with others on many subjects because of that .()6. The Internet can not be used forA . studying B . shopping C . thinking D playingA . large and worked quickly B. small andworked slowlyC . large but worked slowlyD. smallbut worked quickly( )8. The Internet was born in a

19、boutA . 1960B. 1970C. 1980D. 1985()9. Which of the following is true?AFewInternet B . friends meet each otherstudents like going into the Students use the Internet m “ unreal C . These “unreal friends “ oftenD Students know the friends on the Internet very well 10. What does the writer think of the

20、Internet?A . It is wonderfulB . It can make studentsstudy harderC . It is not good for students . D.It is helpful . but we can t do everything on itC.任务型阅读理解共10小题,每空一词,每题1分,总分值10分American school life is different from Chinese. American students usually get to school at around 8:30 in the morning.The

21、y put their school bags in their lockers 柜子and onlytake one book, one notebook and one pen to each class. In class, American students can sit in theirseats when theyanswer their teachers questions. At around 12:00 students have lunch. American students don t go home for lunch. They have it at school

22、. Most students like pizza比萨,hot dogsor hamburgers. At 1:00 in the afternoon, they startto haveclasses. Their classes are usually over at three o clock. Then they joinin the activities of clubs or sports. In theevening , they don t have much homework to do. They can watch TV, listen to music and do

23、other things.Students in many Chinese schools usually get to school at about half past seven. They carry many books on different subjects to school. Their schoolbags are usually too heavy. Students shouldstand up to show their respect to theirteachers. When they have questions , they usually put up

24、their hands and then stand up to ask their teachers for help.In big cities in China, students stay at school for lunch. But in small towns, most students often return home for lunch.They usually have a short rest and the lessons start at about two o clock in the afternoon. School is over at about ha

25、lf past five.Usually they have a lot homework to do. Onweekdays they don t have time to watch TV or do after-school activities. At the weekends, some of them have to learn music, dancing, writing and so on. They are very busy. Are they happy?Different school1in the USA and China_2_AmericaChinaStarti

26、ng timeThe students in the USA get to school3than thestudents in China.Finishing timeClasses end at 3p.m.Classes are 4_ at about5:30p.m.Behavior举止Studentsneedn tStudents should stand up to show5classstand up.6to their teachers.LunchThey have lunch at school.7_ everyone has lunch at school in small t

27、owns.HomeworkStudents in America has _ in China.8homework than studentsActivitiesThey can join inThey don t have 9 forafter schoolclubs and even watch TV,etc.their hobbies.ConclusionMaybe students in students in the USA.China live a _10_life than12345678910四、词汇20分1 .That boy often listens to the tea

28、chercare, so the teacher is very angry.2 .Lost in Thailand is an 极好的film directed by Xu Zheng.3 .The model Golden Gate Bridge looks just like the 真的one in the USA.4 .The book 本身is very good, but the pictures in it are not good.1.1 n American history, Roosevelt 罗 斯福 was one of the greatest 总统.6 .Do y

29、ou know the 主要idea of the article?7 .幸运的,he found the wallet at last.8 .Thank you for 邀请me to your birthday party.9 .When they saw the pop star, they waved and 欢呼.10 .Two 登山者saved the boy at the foot of the mountain.11 .Mr. didn t到达at the village last night.12 . We learnt a lot about different文化in t

30、heWorld Park.13 .Simon and Linda looked at each other and they kept their secret to( 他们).14 . He was 川 yesterday, but today he gets .(更糟糕)15 . The 旅途)is too boring .16 . They couldn t wait (get) off the bus when wearrived. 17 .(luck), he wasn t badly hurt .18 . It s (use)to talk with him . He doesn

31、t believe anyone .19 . He often writes as(careful) as his father.20 . Who is the(busy) in your family?My mother. She is always as as a bee. (busy)五、缺词填空根据短文内容及首字母提示补全单词(共 10小题;每题1分,共10分)Jimmy s grandmother loves him very much. She takes good c 1 of him. She always helps him with his homework, too. Jimmy s 2 in a middle school. His homework is very difficult. When he can t solve problems, he asks his grandmother for h 3 . She often tells him he should try his best to solve the problems


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