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1、高一每周一练(四)第一节:单项填空21. I did very poorly on last week' s test. Look at your paper. You got a good mark.A. Oh, come off it!B. Absolutely.C. You 're dead right. D. You 've got a point there.22. With help of his teachers, he made great progress in his study.A. a; aB. the; 不填 C. the; theD. a;

2、不填23. We live longer and better quality lives than anybody has done in thewhole history of the human race.A. neverB. everC. evenD. always24. The first time they to China, they visited the Great Wall.A. wentB. goC. have gone D. had gone25. I have been looking for my lost cat for three days, but I sti

3、ll it.A. didn ' t findB. don ' t findC. hadn' t found D. haven 't found26. She attended some courses, including typing and book-keeping, becauseshe was to get a good job.A. confidentB. skilful C. fortunate D. keen27. For the millions who take part in such as the London Marathon, the

4、realjoy is that this world is open to all.A. eventsB. affairsC. incidentsD. accidents28. More serious athletes will compete other great prizes.A. withB. in C. forD. against29. The doctors think that Jack will his serious illness.A. pull offB. pull outC. pull through D. pull in30. If you need further

5、 help or guidance on smoking, you can contact thehealth center.A. giving inB. giving outC. giving away D. giving up31. she was unhurt and the smile never left her face.A. Unfortunately B. Fortunately C. Usually D. Quietly32. What did he say to you? He asked me how I was my classmates.A. getting alon

6、g to B. getting on withC. getting along well with D. getting on to33. Where have you been I last saw you?A. sinceB. before C. after D. when34. The situation seems to be better, and I suppose it is because of the war 8to an end.A. reachi ng35. She canA. on her ownB. putti ngC. comingD. goingt deal wi

7、th the problem. She n eeds your help.B. of her own C. for herself D. to herself第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)A beautiful girl was shopping with her mother in Blue-sky Market. It was36 hard outside. Many people all stood there un der the awning (遮雨蓬).They waited, some patie ntly, others impatie ntly b

8、ecause of the bad weather.The girl '37 was so sweet. “ Mom,let ' rsn through the rain, ”he said sudde nly.“What?' Mom asked. “Let ' s run through the rain!Mom replied.Mom, let ' s run through the“ No, Honey. We 38 until it slows down a bit, The child waited about another 39 and r

9、epeated, »rain.“We ll get 40 if we do, ” Mom said.“No, we won' t, Mom. That' s not what you said this_41” the young girl said as she tugged 拽)at her mom' s arm.“ This morning?2 did I say we could run through the rain and not get wet?“Don'you 43? When you were talking to Daddy 44

10、 his cancer, you said,'IfGod can get us through this, he can get us through_45 ”The people became _46. Nothi ng could be 47 but the rain. Mom thought for a mome nt about what she would say.“ Honey, you ai48. Let ' s run through the rain. ”49 they ran off. People all stood watch ing, smili ng

11、 and laughi ng as they 50 past the cars and through the puddles水坑).They 51 their shopp ing bags over their heads. They got wet through, but they were _52 by a few who laughed like childre n all the 53 to their cars.People can 54 your money and health, but no one can ever take away your memories. So,

12、 don 55 to make time to make memories every day.36.A.blowi ngB.snowingC. rai ningD. shi ning37.A.soundB.voiceC. no iseD. la nguage38.A.leaveB.goC. runD. wait39.A.hourB.min uteC. mon thD. day40.A.wetB.hurtC. lostD. bad41. A.morni ngB.after noonC. eve ningD. night42.A.WhenB.WhatC. WhyD. How43.A.sayB.s

13、topC. askD. remember44. A. withB. forC. aboutD.of45. A. someth ingB. anythingC. otherD.ano ther46. A. surprisedB. sadC. sile ntD.n ervous47. A. see nB. smelledC. heardD.known48. A. rightB. cleverC. greatD.brave49. A. BecauseB. WhileC. ThenD.But50. A. walkedB. rushedC. jumpedD. stepped51. A. heldB. b

14、roughtC. threwD.pushed52. A. watchedB. helpedC.savedD.followed53. A. timeB. wayC. directi onD.money54. A. take awayB. take upC. take offD.take back55. A. tryB. hopeC. forgetD.decide第三部分: 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AThere was once a rabbit who thought the more frie nds she had, the better. So she made ma

15、ny friends. She even thought she was the most popular animal in the world.One day the rabbit heard hounds 猎犬)bay ing (吠)not far from her. Usually, she hurried away at the first sound of a bay ing dog. But this time she dicfnt want to run for her life as before. “I have so many frie nds, and they cou

16、ld help me, she thought. She decided to ask one of them to carry her to safety.The rabbit asked the horse, “ Please, dear friend, will you carry me away from the hounds? ”The horse answered,“I wisbuld help you, but I have work to do for myowner. ” Then the rabbit asked the cow for help. The cow answ

17、ered,“I wish Ihelp you, but it ' s almost milking time. ”The goat had someth ing importa nt to do, too. So were the sheep and the pig. Every an imal the rabbit asked for help seemed to be occupied. Eve n the calf 牛犊) had no time for her. Each of her friends said, “I wish I could help you. ” But

18、all of them had some excuse that preve nted them from helpi ng her.Sadly, the rabbit said to herself,“I have so many frie nds in the world, but whydon' t they help me whe n I ' m indan ger? ”By this time, the hounds were getting closer. The rabbit didne any time to ' t havthink. She was

19、forced to run for her life. She quickly took off an d, luckily, escaped just in time.56. The reason why the rabbit didn' t get help from the animals is that.A. the animals were the hounds ' fBe nds animals didn' t believe the rabbitC. there were no hounds coming at all D. the rabbit didn

20、't have a true friend57. The underlined word “occupied in”the fifth paragraph could be replaced bya”A. unhappyB. busy C. worried D. excited58. What is the best title for the passage?A. The rabbit with many friends B. Friends who were glad to helpC. Bad excuses are worse than none D. Never say no

21、 to your friends59. What does this passage want to tell readers?A. Hold a true friend with both your hands. B. A friend without weaknesses will never be found.C. Those who have many friends have no friends.D. A friend is a present you give yourself.BShe is only 12 years old but lives only with her y

22、ounger sister. Her parents are far away from home, and she has to take care of her younger sister. She is He Can, a student at Anqing Jiangzhen Middle School in Anhui, one of the “ stay-at-home children” in her town. To make money, these kids' parents go to big cities to findjobs. Their children

23、 have to stay at home because they have to go to school.He Can's parents left home when she was only four. They only come back for the Spring Festival every year. Because she had to live with different relatives at different times, He Can went to eight different primary schools.“I used to compla

24、in,” she said. “But later I understood my parents. They have to go away to make a better life for us”. He Can said her frequently (频繁地) changing life also has a good side.“When I went to a new school, I had to try to make friends, said He Can. ”“I became outgoing. Now I 'm not afraid of talking

25、to people.”He Can said her relatives were kind to her. They taught her how to cook and wash clothes.When He Can was going to start junior high school, her parents agreed to let her live out with her younger sister. She rents a house near the school. Sometimes their grandmother comes over and helps t

26、hem.Every day, He Can gets up at 6:00 am and cooks breakfast. Then the two girls go to school. They have supper at 6:00 pm. Then He Can does chores and helps her sister take a shower. She usually goes to bed at 9:30 pm.Though busy, He Can is still a top student in her class. She said the secret is n

27、ever to put things off until tomorrow.“I think my life is OK, ”she said.“But if possible, I would like my parents tosettle down (安顿下来 ) and live with us.”60. Why does He Can live only with her younger sister?A. Because their parents don' t likeBt.hBeemc.ause their parents have to workina big cit

28、y.C. Because they enjoy living by themselves.D. Because their schools are too far away from their home.61. Where did He Can live before she started junior high school?A. In her relatives' houses. B. In her own house.C. In a house she rented.D. In her school.62. What does He Can think of changing

29、 schools so often?A. She hates it and complains a lot about it. B. She thinks it good for her growth. C. She enjoys it because she can make more friends. D. She thinks it bad for her studies.63. What is He Can ' s secret of being top at studies though busy?A. She often asks her relatives for hel

30、p.B. She exercises a lot to make herself stronger.C. She gives her sister some work to do.D. She tries to finish everything before going to bed.用所给词的适当形式填空1. The (injure) to her head were so serious that she had spent threeweeks in hospital.2. There is too much (violent) shown on television.3. Jack

31、is very (skill) in repairing cars.4. He is (con fide nee) that he will pass the exam.5. As is known to all of us, there 'istense(compete) inemployme nt for the graduates at prese nt.6. My neighbor treated the children with (generous) andthoughtf uln ess.7. Eve n employed wome n did not achieve full (equ


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