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1、 第1讲名词 考点目录一名词辨析二名词出现形式三名词所有格四名词的语法作用:名词作定语一名词辨析C1We have worked out the plan and now we must put it into _(1992 全国)Afact Breality Cpractice Ddeed行为,行动A2Heres my cardLets keep in _(1994 全国) Atouch BrelationCconnectionDfriendshipC3Ill look into the matter as soon as possibleJust have a little_(1996 全

2、国) Await BtimeCpatienceDrestA4If by any chance someone comes to see me, ask them to leave me a _(1997 全国)Amessage Bletter Csentence DnoticeC5Youll find this map of great _in helping you to get round London(1998 全国)Aprice Bcost Cvalue DusefulnessC6This is not a matchWere playing chess just for _(2001

3、 上海)Ahabit Bhobby Cfun DgameB7No matter what you do, you should put your _into it(2001 上海)Amind Bheart Cbrain DthoughtD8There are usually at least two _of looking at every question(2001 上海春季)Ameans Bdirections Cviews DwaysD9In the botanic garden we can find a(n) _of plants that range from tall trees

4、 to small trees(2001 上海)Aspecies Bgroup Camount Dvariety A10Can you shoot that bird at the top of the tree ? No, its out of _(2001 上海)Arange Breach Ccontrol Ddistance A11The life of London is made up of many different _(2001 上海)Aelements Bsections章节部分 Cmaterials Drealities D12For the sake of her dau

5、ghters health, she decided to move to a warm_ _(2001 上海)Aweather Btemperature Cseason Dclimate指气候种类C13I saw Bob play the piano at Johns party and on that _he was simply brilliant(2001 上海) Ascene BcircumstanceCoccasion Dsituation A14It cant be a(n) _ _that four jewelry stores were robbed in one night

6、(2001 上海)Acoincidence Baccident Cincident Dchance D15After much _ _,the shop owner agreed to cut down the price by 20%(2001 上海)Adebating Btalking Cdiscussing DbargainingC16“I dont think its my _that the TV blew upI just turned it on , thats all ,” said the boy(2003 上海)Aerror Bmistake Cfault Dduty D1

7、7One of the consequences of our planets being warming up is a(n) _in the number of natural disasters(2003 上海)Aresult Baccount Creason Dincrease D18Life is tough in the cityIn order to lose their _,some people drink alcohol(2003 上海)Atemper Bmood CconsciousnessDpressures B19The manager has got a good

8、business _so the company is doing well(2003 北京春季)AideaBsense Cthought DthinkingB20The faces of four famous American president on Mount Rushmore can be seen from a _of 60 miles(2004 全国4)     Alength Bdistance   Cway    DspaceB21Dont leave matches or c

9、igarettes on the table within _of little children(2004 湖北)Ahand   Breach   Cspace Ddistance A22I keep medicines on the top shelf, out of the childrens_(2004 天津)Areach Bhand Chold DplaceD23The environmentalists said wild goats _on the vast grasslands was a good indication of the better

10、 environment (2004 上海)Aescape Babsence Cattendance DappearanceD24In dealing with public relations, we should make every effort to prevent the_in personality(2004 上海)Acontact Bcontrast Cconnection DconflictB25Chinese arts have won the _of a lot of people outside China(2004 上海)Aenjoyment Bappreciation

11、 Centertainment DreputationD26I am sure David will be able to find the libraryhe has a pretty good _of direction(2005 浙江)Aidea BfeelingCexperienceDsenseB27 The head office of the bank is in Beijing, but it has _all over the country(2005 辽宁)AcompaniesBbranchesCorganizationsDbusinessesB28Cheese, powde

12、red milk, and yogurt are common milk _(2005 台湾)Aproduces不可数Bproducts Cproductions生产,产量 Dproductivities 生产力,生产率A29The fire in the fireworks factory in Changhua set off a series of powerful _and killed four people(2005 台湾)AexplosionsBextensionsCinspectionsDimpressions D30The medicine you take for a co

13、ld may cause _; try not to drive after you take it(2005 台湾)Aincident BviolenceCbacteria Ddrowsiness drowsy参考答案:1 C 2 A 3 C 4 A 5 C 6 C 7 B8 D 9 D 10 A 11 A 12 D 13 C 14 A15 D 16 C 17 D 18 D 19 B 20 B 21 B22 A 23 D 24 D 25 B 26 D 27 B 28 B29 A 30 D 31 A 32 B 33 C 34 D 35 A36 A 37 B 38 B 39 A 40 C 二名词

14、出现形式考点法则:1. 名词的出现形式是指名词出现在句子中的形式。2. 名词分为: (1)可数名词; (2)不可数名词。(一)可数名词出现形式考点法则:1. 可数名词分为: (1)单数; (2)复数。2. 可数名词的出现形式: (1)名词单数的出现形式:限定词+ C 单英语的限定词包括: 定冠词:an/ a;不定冠词:the; 形容词性物主代词: my, your, his, her, our, your, their, its; 名词所有格: Franks, my friends , ones; 指示代词: this / that, such. 不定代词: no, some, any, ea

15、ch, every, either, another. other 基数词: one (2)名词复数的出现形式: C s(3)特别注意:可数名词单数不能单独使用。D1_turn green in spring(1986 全国)ALeaf BLeafs CLeaveDLeavesD2He gained his _by printing _of famous writers(1995 全国) Awealth; work Bwealths; works Cwealths; work Dwealth; works C3Would you like _, sir?No, thanksI have had

16、 much(2005 福建)Asome more oranges Bany more orangesCsome more orange Dany more orange参考答案:1 D 2 D 3 C(二)不可数名词出现形式考点法则:1. 不可数名词的出现形式: (1)其前一般不能加冠词; (2)其后也不能加s; (3) U 只能单独使用。A1Tables are made of _(1984 全国)Awood Bwoods CwoodenDsome woodsB2Father went to his doctor for _about his heart trouble(1987 全国) A

17、an adviceBadvice CadvicesDthe advices参考答案:1 A 2 B 三名词所有格考点法则:(三种情况)1. 在名词尾加s主要表示有生命的事物自然界独一无二的某些空间和时间名词的所有格。the worlds, the suns, the earths, todays, yesterdays(1)单数名词词尾加s,复数名词词尾没有s,也要加s 如womens room(女厕所)(2)若名词已有复数词尾又是s,只加。 the workers struggle工人的斗争(3)在表示店铺或教堂的名字或某人的家时,名词所有格的后面常常不出现它所修饰的名词。Eg. the b

18、arbers 理发店(4)如果两个名词并列,并且分别有s,则表示“分别有”;只有一个s,则表示“共有”。Eg. Mariahs and Jessicas room(两间) Mariah and Jessicas room(一间)(5)在复合名词或短语中,s 加在最后一个词的词尾。例 a month or twos absence an hour and a halfs walk (6)不定代词后接 else , 所有格放在 else 上。Eg. somebody elses bag2. of +名词of 所有格多用于无生命的东西,凡不能加“s”的名词,都可以用“名词+of +名词”的结构来表示

19、所有关系, 但也有许多例外。例:the suns heat the cost of living3. 双重所有格双重所有格即 “ of + 名词s 所有格”,表示整体中的一个或部分。用于修饰of前面的名词,但此时of前面的名词一定要有一个a(an),two,any,some,several,no,few,another或this,that,these,those之类的修饰语(这个修饰语一般不能是one和the)。试比较: a picture of Xiao Zhang 小张(本人)的照片 a picture of Xiao Zhang's 小张(具有的照片中)的一张照片 双重所有格也可

20、由“of+名词性物主代词”构成, eg. a friend of mine 我的一位朋友。A1Miss Smith is a friend of _(1983 全国)AMarys mothers BMarys motherCMothers of MaryDMary mothersA2“I wonder whose bicycle it is”“It might be my _”(1985 全国)Aneighbors Bdear neighbor CneighborDneighborsD3The village is far away from here indeedIts _walk(2005 上海春季)Aa four hour                 Ba four hoursCa four-hours                Da four hoursC4It took us quite a long time to get hereIt


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