1、Unit 5Text BWords & Expressionstruthn. 1. C a fact or principle accepted as true or for which proof exists 真理;事实例 the truths of science 科学的真理例 God's truths 绝对的真理2. U the true facts 真实(情况);真相;真实性例 the truth of the matter 事情的真相;事情的真实情况例 People had doubts about the truth of what he said. 人们对他的话
2、的真实性表示怀疑。例 Close inquiry brought out the truth of the murder.进一步的调查使谋杀案真相大白。teamworkn. U the ability of a group of people to work together effectively; (work done through) combined effort 集体合作;协力进行的工作例 Mutual trust is important in good teamwork.相互信赖在集体协作中很重要。例 Teamwork is our only choice if we want
3、to finish this job on time. 如果我们想按时完成这项工作,协作是唯一的选择。competitiveadj. 1. liking to compete 好竞争的;好强的例 She has a very competitive nature. 她生性好强。2. of, based on, or decided by competition 竞争(竞赛)的;取决于竞争(竞赛)的例 competitive games 比赛例 Our country employs civil servants through a competitive examination. 我国通过选拔
4、考试招聘公务员。spiritn. 1. C the part of a person's mind that is able to think and will 心灵;精神例 He is troubled in spirit. 他内心苦恼。例 Although she has left the world, her spirit will live on forever.虽然她已离开人世,但是她的精神永驻。2. (singular) an intention or feeling in the mind; attitude 意向;心情;态度例 He didnt enter into t
5、he spirit of the dancing party.他没有真正尽情地享受舞会的乐趣例 They came to the meeting in a spirit of apology. 他们以道歉的心情来参加会议。wonderv. want to know something; ask yourself questions about something 想要知道;(心里)捉摸例 I wonder why some students are always late for school. 1. U a feeling of strangeness, surprise, etc. 惊奇;
6、诧异例 look at something in wonder 惊奇地看着某物例 They were filled with wonder when they saw the spaceship. 例 Its no wonder. 这不足为奇。2. C something that causes this feeling, especially a wonderfully made project 奇迹;奇观例 do/make wonders 创造奇迹例 The Great Wall is one of the Seven Wonders of the World.perfectadj. of
7、 the very best possible kind, degree, or standard 完美的;理想的例 This 4-bedroom apartment is perfect for a big family of three generations.这套四居室的公寓对一个三代同堂的大家庭来说是最理想不过了。例 His English is perfect. 他的朗读好极了。shotn. 1. C a kick, hit, throw, etc. of a ball in an attempt to make a point in a game (球赛中的)射球;投球例 Good
8、 shot! 好球2. C the action of shooting a weapon or the sound that it makes 射击;枪声例 She fired three shots. 她开了3枪。3. C a chance to do something尝试例 Let me have a shot at it.让我试试看。outstandingadj. much better than most others; very good 优秀的;显著的;杰出的例 Mr. Li is an outstanding electrical engineer.李先生是一位优秀的电气工程
9、师。例 an outstanding writer 杰出的作家defensen. (defence BrE) 1. U preventing the other team from getting points 防守例 effective defense 有效防守例 This team is very good at defense. 这支队很擅长防守。2. U the act or process of defending 保卫;防御例 the defense of one's country 保卫自己的国家例 the art of self-defense 自卫术例 the Min
10、istry of Defense 国防部opponentn. 1. C a person who takes the opposite side in a game, competition, etc. (比赛、竞争等的)对手;敌手例 He defeated his opponent in the election.例 His opponent did not stand a chance. 他的对手毫无取胜的机会。2. C a person who opposes something or someone 反对者例 He is a firm opponent of the view. 他是这
11、一观点的坚决反对者。例 Our policy is open to opponents. 我们的政策对反对者公开。footworkn. U the use of the feet, especially skillfully in sports, dancing, etc. (运动、舞蹈等中的)步法;腿脚功夫例 Her footwork was so poor that she often stepped on his partners toes. 例 You must improve your footwork if you want to play basketball well.bala
12、ncen. 1. singular; U a state in which all weights and forces are evenly spread, so as to produce a condition of steadiness 平衡;调和例 The boy lost his balance and fell off the ladder.2. C the amount of money that you have in your bank account 余数;结余例 My bank balance is large enough for the rest of the mo
13、nth.v. (cause to) be steady and keep in balance, especially in a difficult position(尤指处境困难时)(使)保持平衡;(使)平稳例 The two countries balance in power. 两国势均力敌。例 When you learn to ride a bicycle, you must learn to balance yourself. 你学习脚踏车时必须学会保持平衡。talentn. 1. singular; U (a) special natural ability or skill 天
14、资;天赋;才能例 She has a talent for music. 我妹妹有音乐才能。2. U people who have (a) talent 有才能的人;天才例 This country is facing a loss of talent.例 This foreign company is looking for local talent. 这家外资公司正在寻找本地人才。signn. 1. C something that shows or points to the presence or likely future existence of a particular con
15、dition, fact or quality 迹象;征兆;痕迹例 The patient was showing some signs of improvement. 病人有好转的征侯。例 Scientists say they can see no signs of life on that planet.2. C a standard mark; something that is seen and represents a generally-known meaning; symbol 标志;标记;告示例 a traffic sign 交通标志例 In mathematics, a c
16、ross is a plus sign. 数学中,十字形是表示相加的符号。v. 1.write (one's name) on (a written paper), especially for official purposes, to show one's agreement, show that one is the writer, etc. 签(名);签(字);署(名)例 Those who are coming to attend the meeting should sign in.例 The two countries have just signed a new
17、 trade agreement.2. start to employ or be employed, especially in football, by signing a contract(尤指足球运动中通过签约)(受)雇用qualityn. 1. C something typical of a person or thing;characteristic 特性;品性例 He has many good qualitieskindness, hard working and modesty.2. U the degree to which something is excellent;
18、 standard of goodness 质;质量例 quality control 质检例 Ive bought a pair of shoes of good quality.performancen. 1. U the action or manner of carrying out an activity, piece of work, etc. 执行;表现例 His performance in the final match was rather poor。例 His performance in the exam is rather disappointing. 他考试的成绩令
19、人相当失望。2. C the action or an act of performing a (character in a) play, a piece of music, tricks, etc. especially in the presence of the public 演奏;演出;表演例 The young actors performance of an old man was quite successful. 例 The theater gives two performances a day. 这个剧场一天演出两场。definitelyadv. without doub
20、t; clearly 无疑地;确实地;明确地例 This is definitely the most exciting news.例 Ive told you my opinion very definitely. typen. 1. C a particular kind, class, or group类;型例 I dislike that type of person.例 Cotton is a type of material. 棉花是一种材料。2. C; U (any of the) small blocks of metal or wood with raised letters
21、 on them, used in printing (印刷用的)活字例 The printers are short of types. 印刷厂缺乏铅字。v. write with a typewriter or using a word processor (用打字机或文字处理机)打字例 type a letter 用打字机打一封信例 He asked me if I could type.actn. 1. C sth. that someone has done; an action of a particular kind 行为;动作例 People thanked him for h
22、is acts of kindness.例 He was caught in the act of stealing.2. C a law made by a parliament or similar body(议会等的)法案;法令例 Voting Rights Act 选举权法案例 The country has passed a new act.v. 1. do something; take action 行动例 Think before you act! 三思而后行!2. produce an effect; work 起作用;发生作用例 That medicine acts fas
23、t to ease pain. 那种药能迅速起效止痛。3. represent; perform, especially on the stage 表演;演出(某一角色)例 She insisted on acting the leading part in this film. availableadj. able to be obtained, used, seen, etc. 可获得的;可用的;(指人)可会见的例 The book is available in the library. 例 The lawyer is not available now. 律师现在没空。diseasen
24、. C; U (an) illness or unhealthy condition caused by infection, a disorder, etc. but not by an accident 疾病;病例 a family disease 遗传病例 Government can't cope with all the diseases of society. 政府无法解决所有的社会弊端。easen. 1. U the state of being comfortable and without worries or problems 舒适;安逸例 a life of ea
25、se 舒适的生活2. U the ability to do something without difficulty 容易;不费劲例 An expert can settle the problem with ease.v. make or become less severe 减轻;舒缓;宽慰例 Time will finally ease her pain.例 His words eased my mind.retirev. 1. (cause to) stop working at one's job, profession, etc. usually because of a
26、ge (使)退休例 The company retired her because of her poor health.2. go away to a quiet or a less central place 退下;引退例 He has decided to retire from politics.influencev. have an effect on (a person or their behavior), especially in causing or persuading someone to act in a particular way, but without the
27、 use of direct force or command; affect 影响(某人或其行为);对起作用例 His father influenced him a lot in many ways.例 The weather influences crops. 天气影响农作物的生长。n. C; U (the power to have) an effect on someone or something without the use of direct force or command 影响(力);作用例 He relaxed under the influence of the mu
28、sic. 他在音乐的作用下放松下来。例 He used his influence in the public to raise money for the poor.championshipn. 1. C the position, title, rank, or period of being a champion 冠军的地位(称号、等级、保持称号的时期)例 A new runner took the championship from him. 2. C (also championships) a competition held to find the champion 锦标赛;冠军
29、赛例 the basketball championship 篮球锦标赛例 The 43rd World Ping-pong Championship was held in China. 第43届世界乒乓球锦标赛在中国举行。joy1. C a person or thing that causes joy 使人高兴的人(事);乐趣例 Reading is a great joy to me. 例 Kids are great joy to their parents.2. U great happiness 欢欣;愉快;喜悦例 The parents felt joy at seeing t
30、heir childs progress in his studies.例 To her parents' joy, she won the first prize. 令她父母高兴的是,她得了一等奖。wonder atbe surprised and want to know (why) 对感到惊奇;想知道例 I wonder at the fact that nobody likes her. 我很奇怪为什么没人喜欢她。例 I wonder at his rudeness.take a day/two days offhave a holiday from work on (the
31、stated day) or for (the stated period) 休假一/两天例 Tom has been working very hard for one month, without taking a single day off.例 I'm taking Thursday off. 我周四休假。take.for grantedconsider as true or already settled; accept as a matter of course 想当然;认为当然例 We sometimes take our parents love for granted
32、.例 He took (it) for granted that the invitation included his wife. practice doing somethingperform repeatedly in order to acquire a skill 练习做某事例 The famous singer still practices singing every morning. in the endfinally 最终;后来例 In the end, we found the lost child. 最终,我们找到了丢失的小孩。例 They got married in
33、the end. 他们最终结婚了。try hard to do somethingmake great efforts to do something 努力做某事例 We should try hard to realize our dreams. 我们应该努力去实现我们的梦想。give a handgive help 帮忙;援助例 Could you give me a hand with this heavy case?build up1. praise so as to influence the opinion of others 吹捧例 The local newspaper bui
34、lt him up this time.例 He wrote several articles to build up the movie star that he liked best.2. become greater in amount or number; increase or develop 增加例 The traffic starts to build up at this time of day. 例 You need to build up your strength again slowly after the operation.tear downsay somethin
35、g untrue and bad about someone 诋毁;推倒;贬低例 He keeps tearing down others.例 This old building will be torn down this year. 这座老建筑今年将被拆除。(be/feel) at (ones) easebe/feel comfortable, relaxed, etc. 放松;感到舒适、自在等例 The doctor soon made the worried patient feel at ease.例 He didnt feel completely at ease before h
36、is bossDetailed Study of Text BMichael Jordan and MePara. 1Most people love Michael Jordan.大多数人都喜欢迈克尔·乔丹。He's the NBA's No. 1 player who can run fast, jump high and shoot well.Michael Jordan is the best player in the NBA.他是全美篮球协会的第一号球员:跑得快、跳得高、投得准。All these things are true, but there ar
37、e other truths about Michael that are not so easily seen: his understanding of teamwork, his competitive spirit and his love for the game.所有这些都是事实,但还有一些有关迈克尔的事实却不是那么显而易见:他对团队精神的理解,他的竞争意识以及他对这项运动的热爱。It is these truths that form the deepest connection between Michael and me.My close connection with Mi
38、chael is based on these facts about him.正是这些真实的东西使我和迈克尔建立了最为密切的关系。Para. 2After coaching him for eight seasons, I still wonder at Michael's love for the game that moves us, even in practice games.I have been his coach for eight NBA seasons and I am still surprised at Michael's love for the ga
39、me that moves us, even in practice games.当了他8个赛季的教练之后,我仍然惊异于迈克尔对这项运动的热爱,这种热爱深深地感动了我们,即使是在平时的练习赛中。even: adv. 甚至;即使(used just before the surprising part of a statement, to add to its strength用于表示意外的词语前以加强语气) which is more than might be expected 例She makes things even worse than they were. 她使情况变得甚至比以前还
40、糟。The man didn't even call his mother on her birthday.这个人甚至在他母亲生日那天也没有给她打电话。I mean, he never takes a day off. Im shocked that he never asks for a single day to have a rest.我的意思是说,他从未请过一天假。One thing about Michael is that he takes nothing about his game for granted.One of the most amazing things a
41、bout Michael is that he is always attentive to how hes playing the game. 迈克尔的品质之一就是他对这项运动的一丝不苟。When he first came to the NBA back in 1984, his outside shooting was not perfect, and he began to practice shooting hundreds of shots each day.When Michael was chosen to play for the NBA in 1984, his outsi
42、de shooting was not good enough. He therefore began to practice shooting very hard each day. 早在1984年,他进入NBA打球时,他的外围投篮并不完美,为此他每天要练几百次投篮。back: adv. towards or in an earlier time 以前;过去;追溯至例I still remember clearly the first time I met him, back in 1978. 我还清楚地记得第一次见到他是早在1978年。In the end, he became a rea
43、l three-point shooter. Finally, he was really good at three-point shooting. 最终,他成了一位优秀的三分球投手。Playing outstanding defense didnt come straight to him, either. Nor was he born to play defense very well(It was after much practice that he was excellent at playing defense). 出色的防守对他来说也来之不易。He had to study
44、his opponents, learn their usual moves, and then try hard to learn the skills necessary to stop them.He had to study the players on the other teams, learn their favorite ways of playing, and then try hard to learn how to stop them. 他不得不去研究他的对手,了解他们的习惯动作,然后努力掌握必要的技能来防守。the skills necessary to stop th
45、em = the skills that are necessary to stop his opponentsHe worked extremely hard to perfect his footwork and his balance. He worked very hard on his ability to move quickly and to keep balance. 他极其努力地完善自己的步法和平衡能力。Para. 3Today, so many young people come to the game with the thought that talent is all
46、 they need for success. 今天,许多年轻的孩子加入这项运动时都认为天赋就是获得成功所需要的一切。Michael thinks the other way. Michael doesn't think talent is all he needs for success, which is different from what many young people think.然而迈克尔却不以为然。He knows his weaknessesand for me, one of the signs of Michaels greatness is that he
47、has turned his weakness into strengths.and in my opinion, there is one thing that shows how great Michael is, that is, he has changed his weak points into strong points. 而且在我看来,迈克尔了不起的一点就是,他能把自己的弱点变为自己的强项。Para. 4Another of the qualities I respect most about Michael is his performance on the court. S
48、omething else I like about Michael is how he handles himself on the court.另一个品质也让我非常尊重迈克尔,那就是他在场上的表现。Whilst he is very competitive, he always respects the other players, whether they are on his team or on the other side. Although he likes to compete with others and win, he always respects all the ot
49、her players, whether they are his teammates or his opponents.虽然他极具竞争力,但他仍然尊重其他球员,无论是队友还是对手。Often, he gives a hand to an opponent who falls down. He often helps his opponents get back up when they fall down.他经常向摔倒的球员伸出援手。He is definitely not the type of player who would try to build himself up by tea
50、ring some else down. He certainly doesnt try to make himself greater by belittling others.他绝不是那种靠诋毁他人来抬高自己的球员。This is an act of leadership.What he does on the court shows he has the true qualities of a leader.这是一种领袖风范。The word "this" refers to what has been said in the previous sentences (
51、Whilst he is very competitive, he always respects by tearing someone else down).Through his outstanding performance on the court, he has won love and respect from both his teammates and opponents.As a result of his excellent job on the court, he has received love and respect, not only from the players on his own team, but also from his opponents.凭借场上的出色表现,他赢得了队友及对手的热爱和尊
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