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1、实验一 ERDAS IMAGINE快速入门一、背景知识ERDAS IMAGINE是美国ERDAS公司开发的遥感图像处理系统,后来被Leica公司合并。它以其先进的图像处理技术,友好、灵活的用户界面和操作方式,面向广阔应用领域的产品模块,服务于不同层次用户的模型开发工具以及高度的RS/GIS(遥感图像处理和地理信息系统)集成功能,为遥感及相关应用领域的用户提供了内容丰富而功能强大的图像处理工具,代表了遥感图像处理系统未来的发展趋势。ERDAS IMAGINE是以模块化的方式提供给用户的,可使用户根据自己的应用要求、资金情况合理地选择不同功能模块及其不同组合,对系统进行剪裁,充分利用软硬件资源,并

2、最大限度地满足用户的专业应用要求,目前的最高版本为9.1。ERDAS IMAGINE面向不同需求的用户,对于系统的扩展功能采用开放的体系结构以IMAGINE Essentials、IMAGINE Advantage、IMAGINE Professional的形式为用户提供了低、中、高三档产品架构,并有丰富的功能扩展模块供用户选择,使产品模块的组合具有极大的灵活性。 IMAGINE Essentials级:是一个花费极少的,包括有制图和可视化核心功能的影像工具软件。该级功能的重点在于遥感图像的输入、输出与显示;图像库的建立与查询管理;专题制图;简单几何纠正与非监督分类等。 IMAGINE Adv

3、antage级:是建立在IMAGINE Essential级基础之上的,增加了更丰富的图像光栅GIS和单片航片正射校正等强大功能的软件。IMAGINE Advantag提供了灵活可靠的用于光栅分析,正射校正,地形编辑及先进的影像镶嵌工具。简而言之,IMAGINE Advantage是一个完整的图像地理信息系统(Imaging GIS)。 IMAGINE Professional级:是面向从事复杂分析,需要最新和最全面处理工具,经验丰富的专业用户。Professional是功能完整丰富的地理图像系统。除了Essentials和Advantage中包含的功能以外,IMAGINE Professio

4、nal还提供轻松易用的空间建模工具(使用简单的图形化界面),高级的参数/非参数分类器,分类优化和精度评定,以及高光谱、雷达分析工具。它是最完整的制图和显示、信息提取、正射矫正、复杂空间建模和尖端的图像处理系统。 可扩展模块:Vector,Radar Mapping Suite(OrthoRadar,StereoSAR,IFSAR),Virtual GIS,NITF,C Toolkit,OrthoBase,Subpixel,ATCOR2,Stereo Analyst。ERDAS IMAGINE软件主要功能功能EssentialsAdvantageProfessional在地理位置相关的窗口上工作

5、XXX使用超过130种不同类型的影像格式XXX快速显示和任意漫游XXX在影像上数字化形成Arc coverage和Shapefiles矢量数据层XXX用超过1000种不同地理参考创建和打印地图XXX投影坐标系统XXX显示和分析ESRI GeodatabasesXXX定义地理参考XXX高效批处理命令XXX图像镶嵌XX从点内插出地形表面(DEM)XX正射纠正XX空间增强,辐射增强,光谱增强XX雷达影像分析X完成高级的影像分类X建模工具X高光谱数据信息提取X二、实验目的(1) 了解ERDAS IMAGINE的基本功能;(2) 能用ERDAS IMAGINE进行简单常见的操作。三、实验内容(2学时)1

6、. ERDAS IMAGINE功能体系(Function System)2. 图像及图形文件的显示(Display an Image & Coverage)3. 重要的实用菜单功能(Important Utility Menu Functions)4. 基本的栅格图像处理(Basic Raster Layer Processing)5. 矢量图形要素及属性编辑(Editing Vector Layer & Attributes)6. 注记文件与注记要素(Annotation Layer & Annotation Element)7. 常用输入输出数据格式(Normal

7、Import/Export Data Format)8. 图像叠加与三维显示操作(Image Overlay & Image Drape)四、实验准备(1) 软件ERDAS IMAGINE Professional 8.5版本以上。(2) 系统样例数据。五、实验步骤、方法1. 认识ERDAS IMAGINE图标面板(ICON Panel)及其功能体系(Function System)(1) Viewer(视图)An IMAGINE viewer is started automatically when ERDAS IMAGINE starts. There are two kinds

8、 of viewer available for IMAGINE 8.5 and later; the traditional single-pane IMAGINE Viewer and the new ERDAS Geospatial Light Table. If the ERDAS Geospatial Light Table is installed, its multi-pane viewer is started by default. To change the default viewer, set the Viewer Interface Type preference i

9、n the Viewer category of the Preference Editor to the desired viewer type. You may start additional Viewers of the default type by clicking the Viewer icon (shown below) on the IMAGINE icon panel.Also, you may use the File | New menu to start a viewer of either type. Any viewer can be resized by dra

10、gging a corner or side. Both viewers have a Main Toolbar that is always visible. The Geospatial Light Table has a Geospatial Tools palette that can be displayed and hidden as needed.(2) Import/Export(数据输入/输出)This dialog enables you to import or export virtually any type of data to or from ERDAS IMAG

11、INE. To open this dialog, click on the Import/Export icon on the ERDAS IMAGINE icon panel:The available options in this dialog change according to whether you choose Import or Export, and also according to what type of Media you choose. Some data types may not be applicable, depending upon your plat

12、form and the modules you have installed. In most cases, the file type specific importer or exporter is opened only after you click the OK button.(3) Data Preparation(数据预处理)This menu gives you access to a set of tools that are useful in general data preparation. This dialog opens when you click the D

13、ata Prep icon on the ERDAS IMAGINE icon panel.(4) Map Composer(遥感制图)This dialog enables you to view, edit, create, and print map compositions. The dialog is opened when you click the Map Composer icon on the ERDAS IMAGINE icon panel.(5) Image Interpreter(图像解译)(6) Image Catalog(图像库管理)(7) Classificati

14、on(图像分类)Classification is the process of sorting pixels into a finite number of individual classes, or categories of data, based on their data file values. If a pixel satisfies a certain set of criteria, then the pixel is assigned to the class that corresponds to that criteria.For the first part of

15、the classification process, the computer system must be trained to recognize patterns in the data. Training is the process of defining the criteria by which these patterns are recognized. The result of training is a set of signatures, which are criteria for a set of proposed classes.There are two wa

16、ys to classify pixels into different categories:· supervised· unsupervised(8) Spatial Modeler(空间建模)Spatial Modeler enables you to create and run models for image processing and GIS analysis. It is a highly flexible tool which uses Model Maker and the Spatial Modeler Language.The Spatial Mo

17、deler Language is a modeling language that is used internally by Model Maker to execute the operations specified in the graphical models that you create. You can also use the Spatial Modeler Language directly to write your own script models.(9) Vector Utilities(矢量工具集)This dialog gives you access to

18、the vector utilities. To access this dialog, click on the Vector icon on the ERDAS IMAGINE icon panel(10) Radar Mapping Suite(雷达图像处理)(11) VirtualGIS(虚拟地理信息系统)(12) Stereo Analyst(正射影像分析)2. 图像及图形文件的显示(Display an Image & Coverage)(1) 打开一幅遥感图像设置好显示的参数:(2) 打开图形文件视窗菜单条:File一Open一Vector Layer一Select La

19、yer To Add对话框。(3) 实用菜单操作(Utility Menu Operation )(4) 基本的栅格图像处理(Basic Raster Layer Processing)· 局部线性拉伸(Piecewise Linear Stretch该命令用于对图像局部区域通过分割LUT表进行增强,通常将LUT表分为低、中、高三段,然后分段调整其亮度和对比度,可增强阴影区等。视窗菜单条:Raster一Contrast一Piecewise Contrast一Contrast Tool对话框。在Contrast Tool对话框中Range Specification栏目下的Low,Mi

20、ddle,High分别对应于低、中、高三段不同的亮度值范围,而Select Color栏目下的Red、Green、Blue则分别对应于图像的红、绿、蓝三个波段.通过波段与亮度范围的选择组合,达到调整图像亮度与对比度的目的。需要说明的是:(1)分段亮度值,代表该段亮度值的中点;(2)分段对比度,代表该段可能输出范围的比例。该命令常常与查询光标(Inquire Cursor)一同使用,首先查询特定区域各波段的灰度值,然后设置Range Specifications分段值。· 直方图断点操作(Histogram Breakpoints)视窗菜单条:RasterContrastBreakpo

21、ints,打开Breakpoint Editor对话框。在Breakpoint Editor对话框中,首先可以设置图像直方图的显示效果。· 直方图均衡化(Histogram Equalization)(5) 图像剖面工具(Profile Tools )图像剖面工具提供了自动生成光谱剖面曲线、空间剖面曲线和三维空间剖面三种功能。· 光谱剖面曲线(Spectral Profile )光谱剖面曲线是分析高光谱数据的基础,随着RS光谱数据的增加和光谱分辨率的提高,传感器发展到可见光/近红外光谱仪。每个波段在一个像元内的反射值(DN)都可以绘制出一条相应的剖面曲线,有助于估计像元内地

22、物的化学组成,操作过程如下:首先在视窗中打开一幅多光谱图像(/examples/hyperspectral.img),然后绘制剖面。视窗菜单条:Raster一Profile Tools一Select Profile Tool对话框。在Select Profile Tool对话框中选择第一项“Spectral(光谱剖面曲线)”一OK,打开Spectral Profile视窗。对于生成的光谱剖面曲线,可以通过Spectral Profile视窗菜单条中的编辑菜单(Edit)做进一步的编辑操作与设置。(6) 矢量文件生成与编辑(Create & Edit Vector Layer)以遥感图像(exampleslxs_truecolor_sub.img)的交互解译为例,简单介绍矢量文件的建立与编辑过程。· 打开图像文件xs_truecolor_sub.


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