已阅读5页,还剩17页未读 继续免费阅读




1、最新资料推荐1 / 20人教(新版)英语五年级(下册)教案 4 10 课英语教案人教新版小学五年级(下册)张晓玉富路镇中心学校2019年3月5日中小学教师职业道德规范(2008年修订)一、爱国守法。热爱祖国,热爱人民,拥护中国共产党领导, 拥护社会主义。全面贯彻国家教育方针,自觉遵守教育法律法规, 依法履行教师职责权利。不得有违背党和国家方针政策的言行。二、爱岗敬业。忠诚于人民教育事业, 志存高远,勤恳敬业,甘为人梯,乐于奉献。对工作高度负责, 认真备课上课, 认真批改作业,认真辅导学生。不得敷衍塞责。三、 关爱学生。关心爱护全体学生,尊重学生人格, 平等公正对待学生。对学生严慈相济, 做学生

2、良师益友。保护学生安全, 关心学生健康, 维护学生权益。不讽刺、 挖苦、歧视学生, 不体罚或变相体罚学生。四、 教书育人。遵循教育规律, 实施素质教育。 循循善诱,诲人不倦,因材施教。培养学生良好品行, 激发学生创新精神, 促进学生全面发展。 不以分数作为评价学生的唯一标准。五、 为人师表。坚守高尚情操, 知荣明耻,严于律己,以身作则。衣着得体,语言规范, 举止文明。关心集体,团结协作,尊重同事,尊重家长。作风正派,廉洁奉公。自觉抵制有偿家教, 不利用职务之便谋取私利。六、 终身学习。崇尚科学精神, 树立终身学习理念, 拓宽知识视野, 更新知 识结构。潜心钻研业务, 勇于探索创新, 不断提高专

3、业素养和教育教 学水平。课程目标 基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生 的综合语言运用能力。综合语言运用能力的形成建立在学生语言技能、 语言知识、情 感态度、学习策略和文化意识等素养整体发展的基础上。语言知识和语言技能是综合语言运用能力的基础,文化意识是得体运用语言的保证。情感态度是影响学生学习和发展的重要因素,学习策略是提高学习效率、 发展自主学习能力的保证。最新资料推荐3 / 20这五个方面共同促进综合语言运用能力的形成。综合语言运用能力:情感态度:动机兴趣,自信意志,合作精神,祖国意识,国际视野学习策略:谁知策略,调控策略,交际策略,资源策略。语言技能:听说读写。语言知识:语音,词汇

4、,语法,动能,话题。文化意识:5、6年级应完成二级目标 二级:对英语学习有持续的兴趣和爱好能用简单的英语互致问候、交换有 关个人、 家庭和朋友的简 单信息。能根据所学内容表演小对话或歌谣。能在图片 的帮助下听懂、 读懂并讲述简单的故事。能根据图片或提示写简单的句子。在学 习中乐于参与、 积极合作、 主动请教。乐于了解异国文化、习俗。教学计划 一、学生情况分析 五年级的学生已经有一定的文化知识, 文化理解,跨文化交际, 意识和能力英语基础,对新事物有着强烈的好奇心,探索知识的欲望很强烈,并且有着很强的表现欲。由于我所教的3个班学生英语基础各不相同,有的班上学期就出现了两极分化严重的现象,所以本学

5、期我将采用小组合作形式进 行教学,根据学生学习程度分组进行一帮一活动,保持并提高学生学习英语的兴趣,同时在小组成员间互帮互学的过程中提高学生间的团队协作意识。二、 教材分析本教材难易度合理,过渡平和, 主要采用 的是全身反应(Total Physical Response) 教 学法,让学生在不同的学习活动中感知并运用英语。本教材一共6个单元,每单元包含6课时。教材的设计体现了 以人为本的教育思想,形式多样活泼,很 符合该年龄阶段的学生。三、 教学目标1.能听说读所有单词和每一单元的四会句子。要求能在真实语境中正确运用并能读懂简短语篇。2.能听说认读写127个单词。3.能听懂会唱8首歌曲。4.

6、能听懂会吟唱12首歌谣。5.能了解6项简单的中西方文化知识。四、 教学方法建议1.词汇教学(Let s learn)Let s最新资料推荐5 / 20learn部分的词汇是围绕话题归类出现的,要求学生做到听说读写四会掌握。还可以在与学生的交流中自然引入新单词,让学生在理解词义的基础上朗读、拼读新词。在交际中教学单词。教师应力求在语言交流中教单词,用旧词联系新的语言,融会语言和词汇的教学。不要为了 教单词而教单词,也不要让学生死记,要把它放到具体的对话(句子)中学习。2.对话教学(Let s talk Pair work Group work)本册教材浓缩了 原有的情景会话,更突出了目标句型。为

7、给学生提供灵活运用语言的机会,这部分还提供可替换的内容。为此,教师应做相应的调整。3.阅读理解教学(Read and write)这部分的教学目标是:读懂对话或短文;完成检测学生理解程度的填充句子练习;听说读写四会掌握一组句子;完成一项综合运用语言的任务型语言活动。4.语音训练(Pronunciation)Pronunciation很重要,不能省略。教师在教学过程中不要直接告诉学生这些字母组合的发音,而是要启发他们通过仔细听录音和观察单词的结构来发现读音规则在学生掌握后,鼓励他们尝试认读一些未曾学过但符合发音规律的新词,从而增加学生学习语音的成就感,培养他们自主学习的能力。富路镇中心小学(20

8、10-2019学年度第二学期)教学进度表五年科 目:英 语教者张晓玉周次时 间教 学 内容1 3月5日-9日Unitl Less on 1, lesso n2, lesso n3 212日-16日Lesson4, lesson5, lesson6 3 19日-23日Un it2 Lesso n7, lesso n8, less on9 4 26日-30日Lesso n10, lesso n11,lesso n12 54月2日-4月6日Unit3Lesso n13, lesso n14, less on 15 6 90-13日Lesson16, lesson17, lesson18 7 16日-

9、20日Fun Time1 Part1, Part2,Part3 8 23日-27日 复习, 复习, 复习9 30日-5月4日机动10 5月7日-11日Unit4 Lesson19, lesson20,lesson21 11 14日-18日Lesso n22,lesso n23,less on2412 21日-25日Unit5Lesson25,lesson26,lesson2713 28日-6月1日Lesson28, lesson29, lesson30 14 6月4日-6月8日Unit6 Lesso n31,lesso n32,less on 33 15 11日-15日最新资料推荐7 / 20

10、Lesson34, lesson35, lesson36 16 18日-22日Fun Time2Part1, Part2, Part3 17 25日-29日 复习, 复习, 复习187月2日-7月6日复习, 复习, 复习19 7月9日-13日 复 习 考 核2016日-20日期 末总 结 课时计 划 人教新版五年级英语下册教案Unit 1Do you like you nganimals?总编1课时1课题Lesson 1课型 新授课 备课时间201934授课时间201935学习目标Learn the newwords: baby, call, foal and calf. Askand ans

11、wer using newdrill.Act outthe new dialogue学习重、难点Ask and an swer the senten ces Whats thisin En glish? Its a foal. ( a calf ) What do you call it in En glish? We call it afoal.与本课有联系的新旧知识点They have learnt: Whats this in English? Do you like?教材 分析 知识点的延展Using the new drills to ask unknown animals.策略安排

12、突出重点突破难点的方法(所述方法应与重、难点一一对应)Liste n read and write the senten ces. Draw the an imalspictures to distinguish big and small I教具准备A taperecorder, some pictures, the CAI课前 准备 学生准备 知识的 准备:要体现预习内容。学具的准备。)Draw somepictures Listen to the tape recorder and read thedialogue.Revisi onPrese ntati onPractice Home

13、workSi ng a song Old MacD on aldHad A Farm 1.Lear n the new words: foal calf best baby why young 2. An swerthe questio ns: Whosthe boy? Whosthe girl? Whereare they? What arethey doing? Look at the picture and let the stude ntsobserve Sing follow the tape. 1. Look and pair work 2. Askand answer in pa

14、irs 3. Look at the pictures and read the words 4. Liste nand read after the dialogue 5. Ask and an swer the dialogue Act out thenew dialogues in groups Answer the questions: What do you call it inEnglish? Whats this in English? Is that a cow over there?Write the senten ces本课亮点 知识扎实板书设计Less on 1 What

15、s this in En glish? Its a . Do youlike?教 学后记 美中不足积累加强人教新版五年级英语下册教案Un it 1 Do you like you ng ani mals?总编2课时2课题Lesson 2课型新授课备课时间2019.3.4授课时 间2019.3.7执教学习目标Learn to write the new words: horse ,cow, monkey Learn thenew sentences: Whats this in English?学习重、难点The four skillswords and sentences与本课有联系的新旧知识

16、点New words: horse, mo nkey and cow教材 分析 知识点的延展We call it策略 安排 突出重点突破难点的方 法Use the picturesand read the sentences. Make up the sentences教具准备A tape recorderand some pictures课前 准 备学生准备(知识的准备:要体现预习内容。最新资料推荐9 / 20学具的准备。)Make a card and preview Lesson2RevisionPrese ntati on Practice Play a game Pair work

17、New words: horse,foal ,cow, calf ,monkey Listen to the tape and repeat Whats this in English?Its a horse. What do you call it in En glish? We call it a foal. Write the newwords and new senten ces Dictate the new words and new senten ces.Check the words and senten ces Have a match Guess what this is?

18、 Listen and chant Listenand draw someanimals Make up the sentencesAsk and answer the questions Look at the pictures and listen to the tapeAnswer the questions Ask and answer in pairs Listen and read them oneby one Learn to write the words and sentences Ask and answer thequestions Lets read and chant

19、 Act out the dialogue of Less on 1 Makeup the dialogue本课亮点 知识扎实 板书设计Lesson 2 What do you call it? We call it a foal. Whatsthis in En glish? Its a horse. horse -foalcow -calf教学后记美中不足积累加强人教新版五年级英语下册教案Unit 1 Do you like young animals?总编3课时1课题Lesson 3课型新授课 备课时间201934授课时间201939学习目标Learn the new words: sh

20、eep, lamb ,goat and kid Lear n the new dialogue:学习重、难点Grasp the new words and thedialogue与本课有联系 的新旧知识点Whats this in English? Its a goat.教材 分析 知 识点 的 延展Make up new sentences according to the dialogue.策略 安排 突出 重点 突破难点 的 方法(所述方法应与重、难点一一对应)Show someteaching aids to read and practice教具准备A tape-recorder,s

21、ome cards andpictures课前 准备 学生准备(知识的准备:要体现预习内容。学具的准备。)Liste n to the tape recorder before class. Draw somean imals cards教学环节 学习内容 师生活动 我的修改Revisi onPrese ntatio nPractice Actout the dialogues in groups 1. Look and an swer: Where is it?Whois the boy? What are they doing? 2. Learn the new words: lamb k

22、id nearby 3. Lear n the new dialogue:What do you call it? We call it a kid. A baby sheep isa lamb. A baby goat is a kid. Read and act out the dialoguein groups Ask somepupils to come to the front and act out the dialogue.Work in groups Look at the picture and talk about it in Chinese Answer thequest

23、ions: Whats this in English? Is that a sheep over there? Whats that inEn glish the n? What do you call it? Read the sentences in groups Listento the tape-recorder and repeat Ask and answer in pairs Read the text最新资料推荐11 / 20correctly. Make up the new dialogues.情境教学使学生联系实际,力口深记忆Look at the pictures a

24、nd read the phraseone by one Lear n the new words: the n n early little本课亮点 板书设计Lesson 3 Whats this in English? Its a goat. sheeplambgoat-kid教学后记美中不足大小动物混淆人教新版五年级英语下册教案Un it 1 Do you like you nganimals?总编4课时1课题Lesson 4课型 新授课 备课时间201934授课时间2019312学 习目标Learn the words: goat ,sheep, rabbit, bird Drills

25、:What do you call it? We callit a kid.学习重、难点Read and write the new words patter ns材分析与本课有联系的新旧知识点Animals word: goat sheeprabbit bird教知识点的延展What are these? They are sheep.What do you call them? They call them goats.策略 安排 突出 重 点 突破难点的方法Make up the newsentences and play a game教 具准备Atape-recorder, somec

26、ards and pictures课前准备 学 生准备 (知识的准备:要体现预习内容。学具的准备。)Preview Less on4 Warmin g-up Prese ntati onPractice A chant 1. Pairs workWhats that in English? Itsa goat. What do you call it? Wecall it a kid. 2. Learn the newwords and sentences: goat sheep bird rabbit kid lamb foal calfI.Play a game: look and gue

27、ss: Whats that? Its a foal. 2. Lets read and chant Liste n and write the words Lets read and cha nt follow the tape.Freetalk in groups Ask and an swer the questions Listen tothe tape andrepeat Write the words on theblackboard Read them correctly Copy and dictate the words, senten ces.Guess: Whats in

28、 it? Talk about the pictures and then act out them in pairs.Listen read and chant本课亮点 学 生掌握知识快 板书设计Lesson 4 Whatsthat in English? Its a goat. goat sheep bird rabbit教学后记美中不足纪律要加强人教新版五年级英语下册教案Un it 1 Do you like you nganimals?总编5课时1课题Lesson 5课型 新授课 备课时间201934授课时间2019314学习目标Learn the new words:lion, cu

29、b, kangaroo, joey The sentences: Is this a tiger? Yes, it is.学习重、难点New words and sentences与本 课有联 系 的新旧 知识点Is this a ?Yes, it is. No, it isnt.教材分析 知 识 点 的 延展The little lion is a cub. What do you call it? We callit a joey.策略安排突出重点突破难点的 方法Make up the dialogues. Play a game教具准备Atape-recorder, somecards

30、and pictures课前 准备 学生准备 ( 知识的准备:13 / 20要体现预习内容最新资料推荐学具的准备。)Listen to the tape recorder and draw someanimals cards:lion cub kangaroo joey教学方案的构建 教学环节 学习内容 师生活动 我的修改Warming- up Presentation Practice Act out the dialoguesin groups Lets chant The little kangaroo is joey, joey, joey. The baby lion iscub c

31、ub cub Learn the new words: cub joey lion kangaroo Answer thequestions: Is this a.? What can we call it? Pl ay a game Lets read and chant Makeup the newdialogues. Free talk Listen and chant Listen to thetape-recorder and repeat. Ask and answer in pairs Dictate the words andsentences Read and write t

32、he words and sentences Guess: Whats in thebox? Listen and chant in pairs Group work Look at the pictures andmakeup the sentences本课亮点 单词,课文掌握的扎实板书设计Lesson 5 Is this atiger? Yes, it is. Is that a lion? No, it isnt. Lion-cubkangaroo-joey教学后记美中不足 小组活动的不充分 人教新版五年级英语下册教案Un it 1 Do you like you ng an imals

33、?总编6课时1课题Lesson 6课 型 新授课 备课时间201934授课时间2019.3.16学习目标Review the last Unit1 words andsentences学习重、 难点The four skills words and sentences与 本课有 联系 的 新 旧 知识点Is this a ? Yes, it is. No,15 / 20it isnt.教材分析知识点的延展Past Sentence策略安 排突出重点突破难点的方法Make up the dialogues. Play a game教具准备A tape-recorder,somecards and

34、 pictures课前 准备 学生准备(知识的准备:要体现预习内容。学具的准备。)Listen to the tape recorder and draw someanimals cards:lion cub kangaroo joey教学方案的构建 教学环节 学习内容 师生活动 我的修改Warming- up Presentation Practice Act out the dialoguesin groups Lets cha nt The little kan garoo is joey, joey, joey. The baby lionis cub cub cub Learn th

35、e new words: cub joey lion kangaroo Answer thequestions: Is this a.? What can we call it? Pl ay a game Lets read and chant Makeup the newdialogues. Free talk Listen and chant Listen to thetape-recorder and repeat. Ask and answer in pairs Dictate the words andsentences Read and write the words and se

36、ntences Guess: Whats in thebox? Listen and chant in pairs Group work Look at the pictures and makeup the senten ces本课亮点 单词记忆扎实 板书设计Lesson 6 Is this a tiger? Yes, it is. Is that alion? No, it isnt. Lion-cub kangaroo-joey教学后记美中不足过去时态理解不够透彻人教新版五年级英语下册教案Un it 2 They are hens and chicks.总编7课时1最新资料推荐课题Les

37、son7课型 新授课 备课时间201934授课时间2019319学习目标Learn the sentences: What are these? Theyare Can duckli ngs swim? Y es, of course. Lear n the new dialogue学习重、难点Grasp the new words and dialogue与 本课有联系的新旧知识点Whatare these? They are There are some geese in the pond.教材 分析 知识点的延展Make new dialogues策略 安排 突出重点突破难点的方法Sho

38、wsome teachi ng aids to read and practice教具准备A tape and pictures课前 准备 学生准备(知识的准备:要体现预习内容。学具的准备。)Prepare pictures教学方案的构建 教学环节 学习内容师生活动Warm up Presentation Practice 1 Ask andan swer 2 Sing a song: two ani mals Words:goose-geese-gosli ngduckducks-duckli nghenhen schick2.Learn the dialogue: There is a p

39、ound in it There are some geese in thepound What are these? They are Can they swim? Yes , of course they canAct out the dialogue look at the picturesSing and act Look at the pictures and talk about it An swerthe questi ons: Read the senten ces in groups Liste n to the tape-recorderand repeat Ask and

40、 an swer in pairs Fill in thebla nks In the pond there these with can are Read the text correctly. Pairwork Liste n and draw the pictures Play agame: :Where is its mother:本课亮点能理解单复数变化规则17 / 20板书设计Less on Seve n What are these? goose-geese-gosli ngThey are duckli ngs.duckducksduckling Can they swim?

41、henhens-chick Of course they can教学后记美中不足课堂不够活跃人教新版五年级英语下册教案Unit 2 They are hens and chicks.总编8课时1课题Lesson8课型新授课 备课时间201934授课时间2019321学习目标Four skills: hen ,rooster, geese Lear n the new senten cesLets read and chant学习重、难点Grasp the new words anddialogue与本课有联系的新旧知识点What are these? They areCan theyswim?

42、 Yes , of course they can教材 分析 知 识 点 的延展Can hensandchicks swim? Certainly not.策略 安 排突出重点突破难点的方法Make up thenewsentences. Play a game教具准备A tape and pictures.课前 准备 学生准备(知识的准备:要体现预习内容。学具的准备。)Liste n to the tape recorder Read and write the words:hen, rooster, geese教学方案的构建 教学环节 学习内容 师生活动我的修改Warm up Presen

43、tation Practice 1 listen仃/ 20最新资料推荐and write the words2 Review the dialogue Learn the sentences:1 What are these? Theyre 2 Can duck ducks swim? Yes, theycan/certainly Theyre big animals They have yellow caps They are white.They have orange feet. T hey can swim. Lets read and cha nt 1 Dictate theword

44、s 2 Free talk 1 A guess ing game: whose babies are these? 2 Ask andan swer in groups 3 Pair work Write the words and senten ces 1 Play aguess ing game: what are they? 2 Just write 3 Group work Liste n and chant本课亮点 朗读课文非常流利 板书设计Lesson 8 What are these?Can ducks swim? They are hens. Y es, they can/ce

45、rta inly.教学后记美中不足 用所学句子造句较困难人教新版五年级英语下册教案Unit 2 They are hens and chicks.总编9课时1课题Lesson 9课型新授课 备课时间201934授课时间2019323学习 目标Lear nthe new dialogue Act out the dialogue学习重、 难点What are those? They are与本课有联系的新旧知识点What are these?They are教材 分析 知识点的延展Are they dogs? Yes, they are.策略 安排突出重点突破难点的方法Show some tea

46、chi ng aids to read and practiceLook at the VCD教具准备A tape and pictures课前 准备 学生准备(知识的准备:最新资料推荐19 / 20要体现预习内容。学具的准备。)Prepare Lesson9教学方案的构建 教学环节 学习内容 师生活动我的修改Warm up PresentationPractice Playagame Free talkLearn the new words and sentencescatkitte n-kitte nsdogpuppy-puppiespig-piglet-piglets What a lo

47、vely dog! Can they run? Y es, they can.Learn the new dialogue Act out the dialogue Make new dialogues. Findtheir mothers Act out the dialogue 1.Learn the words and sentences 2.Show the pictures and talkabout it. Listen to the tape Read follow the tape. Pair work. Group workShow in pairs.本课亮点学生通过看听说能

48、问 答主要句型 板书设计Lesson 9 What are those?catkitte nkitte ns They are cats. dogpuppypuppies pigpiglet-piglets教学后记美中不足名词复数有丢落现象人教新版五年级英语下册教案Un it 2 They are hens and chicks.总编10课时1课题Lesson 10课型 新授课 备课时间201934授课时间2019.3.26学习目标puppies piglets kittens what are those? They are cats.They can run.学习重、 难点those the baby pig what are those? puppiespigle


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