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1、The Greening Sp ring绿色的春天Louis and Serena were more in love tha n ever.路易斯和塞蕾娜比以往更恩爱了。Whe n spring came, they flew n orth,春天一到,他们便往北飞去了,Louis weari ng his trumpet and his slate and his chalk pen cil and his medal, Serena weari ng nothing at all.路易斯在飞翔时仍然挂着他的小号,他的石板,他的石笔和他的奖章,塞蕾娜则什么都没带。Now that he no

2、 Ion ger had to work and earn, Louis felt a great sense of relief.现在他不再需要找工作挣钱了,这使路易斯有了一种如释重负的感觉。No more would he have to carry a mon eybag around his n eck.他的脖子上再也不用挂什么钱袋了。The two swans flew high and fast, ten thousa nd feet above the earth.这两只天鹅又高又快地飞在离地面一万英尺的高空。吹小号的天鹅They arrived at last at the l

3、ittle pond in thewilder ness where Louis had bee n hatched.他们最后飞到了那个荒野中的小池塘,路易斯就是在那里被孵出来的。This was his dream-to return with his love to the p lace in Can ada where he had first see n the light of day.这一直是他的梦想-和他的爱人一起飞到加拿大的那个他第一次见到光明的地方。He escorted Sere na from one end of the pond to the other and ba

4、ck aga in.他护送着塞蕾娜从池塘的一头游到另一头,然后又游回来。He showed her the tiny isla nd where his mother's n est had bee n.他把他妈妈当初的窝所在的那个小岛指给他看。He showed her the log SamBeaver had bee n sitt ing on whe n Louis had p ulled his shoelace because he could n't say bee p.他指给她看当自己因不能说 哔”而只好去拉萨姆的鞋带时萨姆曾坐过的那根大木头。Serena wa

5、se ncha nted They were in love.塞蕾娜看得都入了迷。他们在相爱。It was spring. The frog was waki ng from his long slee p.现在是春天了。青蛙正在从他的长睡中醒来。The turtle was coming to life aga in after his nap.乌龟在经过他的小睡后也开始渐渐的苏醒。The chipmunk felt the warm air, soft and kind, blow through the trees,花栗鼠感觉那轻柔而又慈爱地拂过林间的已经是温暖的春风了,just as

6、it did in that sp ri ngtime whe n Louis's father and mother had visited the pond to n est and raise their young.和路易斯的父母在这个池塘上造窝和哺育他们的小天鹅的那个春天时心里的感觉一样。The sun shone dow n, strong and steady.浓烈的阳光源源不绝地洒落下来。Ice was melt ing; p atches of open water app eared on the pond.冰正在消融;片片开阔的水面从池塘里显露出来。Louis a

7、nd Sere na felt the cha nging world, and they stirred with new life and rap ture and hope.路易斯和塞蕾娜被这个变化中的世界所触动了, 全都萌生了对新生活的向往,心头泛起了狂喜和渴望。There was a smell in the air, a smell of earth waki ng after its long win ter.空气中有一种特别的气息,大地在漫长的严冬过后醒来的气息。The trees were pu tt ing out tiny gree n buds, the buds we

8、rswelli ng.树木正在抽出绿芽,绿芽正在渐渐的膨胀。A better, easier time was at hand. A p air of Mallard Ducks flew in.一段更美好的,更安闲的时光已经伸手可及了。A sp arrow with a white throat arrived and sang, "Oh, sweet Can ada,Can ada, Can ada!"一对绿头鸭飞了过来。一只灰莺飞过来唱:噢,可爱的加拿大,加拿大,加拿大! ”Serena chose amuskrat lodge on which to build h

9、er n est.塞蕾娜选了一个麝鼠洞,在那上面造她的窝。It was the right height above the water. Thomuskrats had built it of mud and sticks.这里离水的高度正好合适。这个麝鼠当初是用湿泥和树枝把洞铺成的。Louis had hoped his wife might decide to make her n est in the same spot where his mother had built hers,路易斯希望他的妻子能把窝建在他妈妈的窝当初所在的地方,but females are full of

10、no ti ons;可是雌天鹅们却都有自己的主意;They want their own way, p retty much, and Sere na knew what she was doi ng.他们特别愿意按照自己的意愿行事,塞蕾娜当然也知道她正在干什么。Louis was so delighted whe n he saw her beg in to con struct the n est, he did n't really care where it was.看到她开始造窝了,路易斯感到很咼兴,他其实并不在乎窝到底建在哪里。He raised his horn to h

11、is mouth and p layed the begi nning of an old song他把他的小号举到嘴边,吹起了一首老歌的开头,called "It's delightful to be married, to be-be-be-be, be-be-be-be married ."这首歌的名字叫 结婚是快乐的,结一结一结一结,结一结一结一结结婚”Then he helped by bringing a few pi eces of coarse grass.然后他又帮着衔来了几截粗草。Rain or shi ne, cold or warm, eve

12、ry day was a happy day for the two swa ns.不管雨天还是晴天,也不管天冷还是天热,对这两只天鹅来说每一天都是幸福的。In time, the eggs were laid and the cygn ets were hatched-four of them.到时候,蛋终于被下了出来,小天鹅们也孵出了壳共有四只。The first sound the baby swa ns heard was the pure, strong sound of their father's trump et.这些小宝宝们听到的第一个声音是他们爸爸的小号里发出的清纯

13、,高亢的声音。Life was gay and busy and sweet in the little Ion ely pond in the n orth woods.在北方森林的这个静寂的小池塘里,生活是愉快忙碌而又甜蜜的。Once in a while SamBeaver would show up for a visit, and they would have great times together.有时,萨姆 比弗会到这里访问,他们在一起时彼此总会感到特别的快乐。Louis n ever forgot his old jobs, his old frie nds,路易斯永远也不

14、会忘记他的老工作,他的老朋友,or his pro mise to the Head Man in Charge of Birds in P hiladel phia.还有他对费城鸟类管理处负责人的许诺。As the years went by, he and Serena retu rned each spring to the pond, n ested, and had their young.时间一年年的过去了,他和塞蕾娜每年春天都回到这个池塘,造窝,养育儿女。And each year, at the end of summer,每年的夏末,Whe n the moult was o

15、ver and the flight feathers grew back in and the cygn ets were ready to try their wings,当换羽过程结束,飞羽重又长成,小天鹅们也准备试试他们的翅膀时,Louis took his family for a long pl easure tri p across America.路易斯就会带着他的全家作一次横跨美国的愉快的长途旅行。He led them first to Camp Kookooskoos, where he had saved the life ofAppI egate Skinner an

16、d won his medal.他先领他们去看库库斯库斯夏令营,他曾因救了阿普尔盖特斯金纳而获得他的奖章的那个地方。The camp would be closed for the seas on, but Louis liked to revisit it and wan der around,夏令营由于季节的原因已经关闭了,可路易斯还是愿意旧地重游,Rememberi ng the boys and how he had earned his first hun dred dollars as camp bugler.回忆着那些男孩们和他是怎样以营号手的身份第一次挣来他的一百美元的。The

17、 n the swans would fly to Bost on, where the Swa n Boat man always gave them a big welcome.接下去这家天鹅会飞到波士顿去,这里的天鹅游艇老板总会给予他们最热烈的欢迎。Louis would p olish up his horn, blow the sp it out of it,路易斯会擦亮他的喇叭,将里面的口水吹净,and swim in front of the boats aga in, p layi ng "Row, row, row your boat,"再次游到天鹅游艇的

18、前面,吹奏划呀,划呀,划你的船”,and the people of Bost on would hear the familiar sound of the trumpet of the swa n and wouldflock to the P ublic Garde n.波士顿人会再次听到熟悉的天鹅的小号声,再次麋集到大众公园来。The n the Boatma n would treat Louis and Sere na to a ni ght at the RitzHotel,然后那个游艇老板会请路易斯和塞蕾娜到里兹饭店住一夜,while the cygn ets spent th

19、e ni ght by themselves on the lake, watched over by the Boatma n.小天鹅们则在湖上过夜,由那个游艇老板照看。Serena dearly loved the Ritz.塞蕾娜特别喜欢里兹。She ate doze ns of watercress san dwiches agdzedat herself i n the mirror and swam in the bathtub.她成打地吃着水田芹三明治,在镜子前顾盼着她的倩影,还在那个浴缸里游泳。And while Louis stood and looked out of th

20、e win dow at the PublicGarde n dow n below,当路易斯站在窗前望着窗下的大众公园的时候,Sere na would walk round and around, turni ng lights on and off for the fun of it.塞蕾娜就在屋子里逛来逛去,不停地将灯开了又关,因为她觉得这很好玩。Then they would both get into the bathtub and go to slee p.最后他们会一起在浴缸里双双入眠。From Bost on, Louis would lead his family to t

21、he P hiladel phia Zoo and show them Bird Lake.离开波士顿后,路易斯会领着全家飞到费城动物园,让他们看看鸟湖。Here, he would be greeted warmly by the Head Man in Charge of Birds.在这里,他会受到鸟类管理处的那个负责人的热情欢迎。If the Zoo n eeded a young Trum peter Swa n to add to its collectio n of waterfowl,如果动物园需要一只小号手天鹅来增加它的水鸟收藏的话,Louis would don ate o

22、ne of his cygn ets, just as he had pro mised.路易斯就会捐出他的一只小天鹅来,就像他曾经答应过的那样。In later years, Philade Ip hia was also the p lace where they would seeSam Beaver.近年来,费城也是可以常常见到萨姆 比弗的地方。Sam took a job with the Zoo just as soon as he was old eno ugh to go to work.萨姆一到大得可以出来工作时就在这动物园找了一个活儿。He and Louis always

23、 had a great time whe n they got together.他和路易斯在一起时总是感到格外的开心。Louis would get out his slate, and they would have a long talk about old times.路易斯会拿出他的石板,他们会久久地谈起过去的时光。吹小号的天鹅After visit ing Philade Ip hia, Louis would fly south with his wife and childre n访问完费城后,路易斯会和他的妻小们往南飞,so they could see the great

24、 avannaswhere alligators dozed in the swa mp water and Turkey Buzzardssoaredi n the sky.这样他们就可以看到稀树大草原了,那里有在沼泽中打盹的美洲鳄,还有在天空里翱翔的美洲鹫。And the n they would retu rn home to spend the win ter in the Red RockLakes of Montana,接着他们会回到蒙大拿的红石湖的家,in the lovely, sere neCe ntennial Valley, where all Trum peter Sw

25、a ns feel safe and un afraid.在那个可爱的,宁静的百年峡谷,那个所有号手天鹅都感到无忧无虑的地方过冬。The life of a swan must be a very pl easa nt and in terest ing life.天鹅的生活肯定是很快乐很有意思的。And of course Louis's life was p articularly p leasa nt because he was a musicia n.当然啦,路易斯的生活会更快乐,因为他可是一个音乐家呀。Louis took good care of histru mp et

26、.路易斯对他的小号保养得非常好。He kept it clea n and spent hours p olishi ng it with the tips of his wing feathers.他为了保持它的清洁,常常一连花好几个钟头的工夫用他的翅膀尖来擦它。As long as he lived, he felt grateful to his father,只要他还活着,就会对他的父亲,the brave cob who had risked his life in order to give him the trumpet he n eeded so badly.对那只为了给他弄到

27、他急需的小号而甘冒生命危险的勇敢雄天鹅充满感激之情。Every time Louis looked at Sere na,每当路易斯看到塞雷娜时,he remembered that the sound of the tru mpet was what had made herWilli ng to become his mate.他都会记起正是靠着这小号声他才使她愿意做他的终身伴侣的。Swa ns ofte n live to be very old.天鹅的寿命一般都很长。Y ear after year, Louis and Sere na returned in sp ri ng to

28、the same small pond in Can ada to raise their family.年复一年地,路易斯和塞蕾娜每年春天都到那个加拿大的小池塘生儿育女。The days were p eaceful.日子在平静中过去。Always, just at the edge of dark, whe n the young cygn ets were gett ing slee py,每逢天快黑下来,小天鹅们想要睡觉之际,Louis would raise his horn and p lay taps, just as he used to do at camp long ago

29、.路易斯总会举起他的小号吹熄灯号,就像他很久以前在夏令营里所做的那样。The no tes were sad and beautiful as they floated across the still water and up into the ni ght sky.这旋律是忧伤的,甜美的,它从寂寂的水面荡过,一直漾进夜空里。One summer, whe n SamBeaver was about twen ty, he and his father were sitt ing in their camp in Can ada.一个夏天的某日,快长到二十岁的萨姆正和它的父亲坐在他们在加拿大

30、的营帐里。It was after supper. Mr. Beaver was rocki ng in a chair, resti ng after a day of fishi ng.晚饭已经吃完了。比弗先生在钓了一天鱼后,已经感到很累了,此时正在摇椅上摇来晃去地歇着呢。Sam was readi ng a book.萨姆在读一本书。"Pop," said Sam, "what does crepuscula" mean?"爸,”萨姆说,“ Crepuscul是什么意思? ”"How should I kno w?"

31、rep lied Mr. Beaver. "I n ever heard the wordbefore."我怎么知道? ”比弗先生回答,我以前从没听过这个词儿。”"It has somethi ng to do with rabbits," said Sam. "It says here that a rabbit is a cre puscular an imal."这个词是和兔子有关的,”萨姆说, 这上面说兔子是一种Crepuscuia的动物。”"P robably mea ns timid," said Mr

32、. Beaver.可能这是胆小的意思吧,”比弗先生说,"Or maybe it means that it can run like the dicke ns. Or maybe it mea ns stupid.也可能是跑得像魔鬼一样快的意思。要不就是说它很愚蠢。A rabbit will sit right in the middle of the road at ni ght and stare into your headlights and n ever get out of the way兔 子在晚上会坐至 U路中间,就那么一动不动地盯着你的车头灯,从来都不知道让路,an

33、d that's how a lot of rabbits get run over. They're stupi d.而这就是许多兔子的死亡原因。他们太蠢了。 ”"Well," said Sam, "I guess the only way to find out what "crep uscular" means is to look it up in the dicti on ary."好了,”萨姆说,我猜唯一能查明Crepuscular这个词的方法就是去翻字典了。”"We have n't g

34、ot a dictio nary here," said Mr. Beaver. " Yo u'll have to wait till we get back to the ranch"我们这儿没字典,”比弗先生说。你只好等我们回到农场后再说了。 ”Just then, over at the pond where the swans we这时候,在天鹅们所在的池塘那边,Louis raised his horn and p layed taps, to let his childre n know that the day had come to an

35、 end.路易斯举起他的小号吹起了熄灯号,让他的孩子们知道这一天就要结束了。The wi nd was right, and the sound carried across the swamp.当时正好是顺风,所以这声音一直传出了沼泽地。Mr. Beaver stopped rock in g. "That's funn y!" he said. "I thought Iheard the sound of drump et just the n.'比弗先生停止了摇晃。真有意思!”他说,我觉得我刚才听到了小号声。”"I don'

36、t see how you could," rep lied Sam. "We're alone in thesewoods."我不明白你怎么听到的,”萨姆回答,这森林里只有我们两个呀。”"I know we are," said Mr. Beaver. "Just the same, I thought I heard atrumpet. Or a bugle."我知道只有我们俩,”比弗先生说,尽管如此,我还是觉得刚才听到小号声了。也许是号角声吧。”Samchuckled. He had n ever told h

37、is father about the swans in the pond n earby.萨姆心里暗笑起来。他从来没有对他父亲说起过住在这个池塘附近的天鹅们。He kept their secret to himself. When he went to the pond, he always went alone.他仍然只把他们的秘密藏在心底。当他去池塘时,总是单独行动的。That's the way he liked it. And that's the way the swa ns liked it.他喜欢这样。天鹅们也喜欢这样。"What ever happ

38、ened to your frie nd Louis?" asked Mr.Beaver.你的朋友路易斯怎么样了? ”匕弗先生问,"Louis was a trum peter. You don't supp ose he's somewhere aroundhere, do you?"路易斯就是一只号手天鹅。你不认为他有可能就在这周围的某个地方吗? ”"He might be," said Sam.可能吧。”萨姆说。"Have you heard from him rece ntly?" asked Mr.

39、 Beaver.你最近有他的消息吗? ”比弗先生问。"No," rep lied Sam. "He does n't write anymore.没有,”萨姆回答,他不再给我写信了。He ran out of p ostage sta mps, and he has no money to buy sta mpswith."他的邮票用光了,又没钱去买。”"Oh," said Mr. Beaver. "Well, the whole busi ness about that birdwas very queer噢,“”

40、比弗先生说,真的,有关那只鸟的所有事情都很奇怪 I never did fully understand it."我从未完全搞懂过。”吹小号的天鹅Sam looked across at his father and saw that his eyes had closed.萨姆瞥了他父亲一眼,发现他的眼睛已经闭上了。Mr. Beaver was falli ng aslee p. There was hardly a sound to disturb the still ness of the woods.比弗先生睡着了。几乎没有一丝声音来扰乱这森林中的寂静。Sam was tired and slee py too.萨姆也累得想睡了。He got out his no tebook and sat dow n at the table by the light of the kerose nela mp.他拿出他的日记本,在桌旁的煤油


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