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1、高二 Book 5 Module 1 同步练习Module 1 British and American English第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分4 5分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题; 每小题 1分, 满分 15分)1. By the way, James sends his best wishes to you.B. Thank you.D. That ' s nice of him.A. It ' s great.C. I' m glad.the revision of the rules.2. Only one third of the people

2、present at the meeting wereA. in agreement ofB. in favour ofC. in for D. with the side ofthe village.3. With the boy the way, we had no difficultyA. to lead; to findB. leading; to findC. leading; finding D. to lead; finding4. The accent, which is similar to British English, can be heard on the east

3、coast of theUnited States.C. the mostD. moreA. mostlyB. very5. He accepted all the invitation without any referenceA. of B. toC. byD. with6. The girl got herself into a serious situation she was likely to lose control over themotorbike.his wife.A. where B. which C. whileD. why7. If you do this, it w

4、ill his trouble.A. addB. add toC. add up to8. In order to continue to learn by ourselves when we have left school, we must how to study in the school now.A. in all B. after allD. add forlearnC. above all D. at all9. I wrote him a letter and suggested the meeting .B. to put; offD. putting; away_ betw

5、een those two words.B. difficulty D. differentA. to put; awayC. putting; off10. None of them could tell theA. differenceC. part11. And there, on the lab bench, a faint blue lightfrom a glass container.B. cameC.sentA. app eared B. came C. sent D. gave12. I won der if you have a double room for toni g

6、ht.OK, tha nks any way.A. One mome nt, pl ease. I' ll see if there are any flights.B. Sure. Please fill out this form for us.C. Sorry. I' m afraid we have no one at this time.D. How long are you planning to stay here, sir?degree.D. turn to13. The stude nts in this college are all tak ing cou

7、rsesA. stick ing to B. leadi ng toC. lead to14. ITom quite well; we were in troduced at a p arty.A. am knowingB. was knowingC. knowD. had bee n knowing15. They will go to work in the country whe n theyschool n ext year.A. will leaveB. will have leftC. are leavi ngD. leave满分20分)第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,P

8、rofessor Bumble is an old man, thin seriously shortsighted. His mind is always busy and he hardly no tices18 around him.One fine day he went out for a walk in the coun tryside, and, as always, he had19in his hand. As soon as he 20 his walk, he began reading attentively. He 21 far whe n he kno cked 2

9、2 a big cow and fell dow n. He had lost his 23 in the fall, and he 24 he had stumbled over a fat lady. “ 25 , madam,” he said 26 with a low bow before search ing for his glasses. When he 27_, he realized his mistake.Now Professor Bumble went on 28 on the country road. Soon he was concentrating on hi

10、s book again and paying no attention to _29 He had hardly been walk ing for five minu tes30 he fell over aga in, losing 31. This time he became veryangry. He beat the “ cow” angrily 32his umbrella until he could not reach it. Then, after33_ his glasses, he realized that he had made 34 mistake. A lar

11、ge fat 35 was running away from him as fast as she could, crying for help with horror.16. A. notB. not also C. n ot onlyC. haveand short. He is 16absent-minded but17_ thought, plan, new ideas, and so on.17. A. withB. inD. onlyD. doingB. what is going onD. that is happeningB. a p air of glassesD. a b

12、ook18. A. what is happenedC. that is take n p lace19. A. a glassC. a black bag20. A. set offC. set outB. began to set offD. acted off for21. A didn ' t goC. hasn' t gone22. A. intoB. atB. hadn' t goneD. wasn' t goneC. down D. over23. A. bookB. bag24. A. realized25. A. Make an apology

13、 to me C. I show sorry to you26. A. happily B. angrily27. A. had put on themC. had put it on28. A. with his walkC. glassesB. saw C. thoughtB. ThanksD. I beg your pardonC. rudelyB. had put them onD. had worn themB. for a walkD. umbrellaD. noticedD. politelyC. to walk29. A. something elseC. else anyth

14、ing30. A. whenD. walking awayB. other somethingD. anything elseB. thanC. beforeD. after31. A. all his book and his glassesB. either his book or his glassesC. both his book and his glassesD. neither his glasses nor his book32. A. to use B. with33. A. searching forC. finding for34. A. the secondC. byB

15、. looking forD. findingB. a secondD. inC. again35. A. cowD. otherB. manC. womanD. bear第二部分 阅读理解 (共 20小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40分)A Dinner, for the English people, is the richest meal of a day and is, different from Chinese dinner, a very formal meal. Many people even wear special clothes for dinner. So if you

16、 are asked out to dinner, you must find out whether you are expected to wear a formal suit. You would feel upset if, when you got there, you were the only person in ordinary clothes.Dinner is generally served at about half past seven. All the members of the family sitdown together and are on their b

17、est behavior. The guest of honor will sit on the right of the lady of the house. There are two schools of thought as to the seating of the hostess. One is that she sits at the foot of the table but this may mess up the man-woman-man setting order. The other way is for the guest of honor to sit at th

18、e foot and the hostess to sit on his right. The wife of the guest of honor will sit on the right of the host. This is subject to change according to the wishes of your employer.During the meal when conversation is carried on, you should try to get into conversation with the person on your right or l

19、eft, but you should not try to talk to someone who is a long way from you.Don' t forget to drop your hosts a thank-you note or make a brief phone call.36. If you and your parents go out to dinner, .A. you will sit on the right of the housewifeB. your father will sit on the right of the housewife

20、C. your mother will sit on the left of the housewifeD. all of you will sit on the left of the housewife37. Your wearing a special clothes for dinner shows that .A. you are a special personB. you are a rich personC. you are a person with good mannersD. you are the most important guest38. English dinn

21、er is different from Chinese, for .A. English dinner is a very formal mealB. English dinner is the richest meal of the dayC. English dinner is served at homeD. English dinner is served in the evening39. The passage mainly tells us .A. that dinner is most important in the English people ' s lives

22、B. that the English people is very richC. that the people with good manners are respected by the English peopleD. about the dinner of English peopleB What makes a good hotel?1. Frequent airport transportIf you have to wait an hour for the hotel bus at the airport or you miss your flight the next mor

23、ning because the bus is late, it is not a service. It ' s a disaster.2. Fast reception and check-outNobody wants to stand in a line to register when they are tired or to pay the bill when they are in the hurry.3. Good restaurantsIn a city hotel you can go out to that nice little restaurant aroun

24、d the corner. In an airport hotel, you eat their food or go hungry.4. Up-to-date flight departure informationNobody wants to rush to the airport check-in desk and wait for two hours when you could stay in your hotel room. You will get the newest flight information in an airport hotel.5. Reliable mes

25、sage serviceIf an important message for you gets lost when you are at an airport hotel, you can be in the wrong continent by the time you find out.6. Being alone in a strange hotel isn ' t much fun at all. Live entertainment is great. If not, a choice of videos or a movie channel can make the ev

26、ening enjoyable, too.40. This passage is mainly about .B. city hotelsA. airport hotelsC. services in an airplaneD. services at an airport41. The sentence “you can be in the wrong continent ” meansA. the message is not easy to get lostB. there is no message for you at allC. the message will be sent t

27、o you much laterD. the message will not be sent to you42. The underlined word “ disaster” probably means .A. an unskilled bus driverB. a great traffic accidentC. an event that causes great harm or damageD. an unfortunate event43. Give a right heading for No.6.A. You are not aloneB. Videos or a movie

28、 channelC. Go hungryD. Something to do in the eveningLetter One21 July, 2006Dear Sirs,Our foreman, Mr. Li Ming, had an accident on July 6, 2006. He crushed his forefinger (食指 ) when operating a machine. At that time, we didn' t think the accident was serious enough to report, but Mr. Li has retu

29、rned to his work after an absence of two weeks and is still unable to carry on his normal duties. We therefore wish to make a claim ( 索赔 ) under the above policy ( 保险单 ) and shall appreciate your sending us the necessary claim form.Yours faithfully,(Signature)Letter Two 27 July, 2006Dear Sirs,We hav

30、e received your letter of July 21 and noted that you made a claim for the accident of Mr. Li Ming. We would, however, remind you of the terms of the policy that this claim should have been submitted within three days after the accident. More than two weeks have now passed. Consequently, your claim t

31、o compensation (赔偿) under the policy has been forfeited ( 放弃、没收 ).Nevertheless, as an exceptional measure, we have decided to overlook its late submission, though we are bound to say that it should have been clear from Mr. Li ' s absence from work that this accident was more serious than you had

32、 supposed and that there seems to be no good reason why this claim should not have been made earlier.We are enclosing (附上 ) a claim form as requested, but must emphasize that future claims cannot be entertained if you cannot comply with the terms of the policy.Yours faithfully,(Signature)44. What is

33、 the main idea of these two letters?A. Mr. Li crushed his forefinger when operating a machine.B. Mr. Li can ' t work after an absence of two weeks.C. Asking for a claim for injury.D. The insurer compensates Mr. Li.45. What happened to Li Ming on July 6?A. He crushed his forefinger while working.

34、B. He was hurt by a car accident.C. He was ill.D. He didn ' t go to work.46. The reason why they didn 't report the accident to the insurer in time is thatA. they didn ' t think of the claimB. they didn ' t think it was serious enough to reportC. they didn ' t insure in the compa

35、nyD. they want more compensation47. What 's the attitude (态度) of the insurer to this injury?A. He doesn ' t want to compensate.B. He compensated in time when they received the letter for claim.C. He thinks it doesn ' t matter to tell him a little late.D. He thinks that the accident shoul

36、d be informed in time. D More than 6,000 children were expelled ( 开除 ) from US school last year for bringing guns and bombs to school, the US Department of Education said on May 8.The department gave a report to the expulsions ( 开除 ) as saying handguns accounted for 58 percent of the 6,093 expulsion

37、s in 1996 1997, against 7 percent for rifles (步枪 ) or shotguns and 35 percent for other types of firearms.“The report is a clear sign that our nation 's public schools are cracking down ( 严惩) on students who bring guns to school, ” Education Secretary Richard Riley said in a statement. “ We need

38、 to be tough-minded about keeping guns out of our schools and do everything to keep our children safe. ”In March 1997, an 11-year-old boy and a 13-year-old boy using handguns and rifles shot dead four children and a teacher at a school in Jonesboro, Arkansas. In October, two students were killed and

39、 seven wounded in a shooting at a Mississippi school. Two months later, a 14-year-old boy killed three high school students and wounded five in Dasucah, Kentucky.Most of the expulsions, 56 percent, were from high schools, which have students from about age 13. 34 percent were from junior high school

40、s and 9 percent were from elementary schools, the report said.48. From the passage we can infer that in the US schools .A. most of students like shootingB. the students are not expected to be soldiersC. safety is actually a serious problemD. students can freely take guns into their classrooms49. It

41、can be known from the report of the US Department of Education that .A. guns are out of control in US schoolsB. American children don ' t have the right to go to schoolC. the number of the expulsions in the USA is smaller than that in other countriesD. expelling students is the best way to contr

42、ol guns50. The main idea of paragraph 4 shows us .A. children should stay at home instead of going to schoolB. some examples of shoot in US schoolsC. the Americans ' strong feelings about gunsD. some famous schools in the US51. How many students mentioned in paragraph 4 were shot dead in 1997 in

43、 US schools?B. Ten.A. Nine.C. Twelve.D. Twenty-two.52. From this passage we know that .A. it breaks the laws for Americans to have gunsB. only soldiers and the police can have gunsC. every American citizen can own gunsD. the US sets a good example in controlling gunsE Four FreedomsBy Franklin Roosev

44、eltIn the future days, which we seek to make secure, we look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms.The first is freedom of speech and expression everywhere in the world.The second is freedom of every person to worship (崇拜 ) God in his own way everywhere in the world.The third

45、 is freedom from want, which, translated into world terms, means economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants everywhere in the world.The fourth is freedom from fear, which, translated into world terms, means a worldwide reduction of armament

46、s ( 武器 ) to such a point and in such a thorough fashion that no nation will be in a position to commit an act of physical aggression against any neighbor anywhere in the world.This nation has placed its fate in the hands , heads and hearts of its millions of free men and women and its faith in freed

47、om under the guidance of God. Freedom means the supremacy ( 至高无上 ) of human rights everywhere. Our support goes to those who struggle to gain those rights or keep them. Our strength is our unity of purpose.by Franklin53. We can infer that this passage is taken from a (an) Roosevelt.B. textbookA. nov

48、elC. reportD. speech54. The purpose of the author writing this passage is to A. encourage people to build a new world based on four human freedomsB. make himself president of the USAC. make himself well-known for four human freedomsD. want the world understand the USA and help them build a strong co

49、untry55. In Franklin Roosevelt ' s view, freedom means .A. a world founded upon four essential human rightsB. every nation being a peaceful home for its peopleC. no nation committing physical aggression against other neighborsD. human rights being the most important everywhere第三部分 写作(共两节,满分 45 分

50、)第一节 阅读表达(阅读短文,回答以下五个问题,每小题 3 分,满分 15 分)We should not blindly describe the real estate ( 房地产 ) sector as being “ overheated”. Certainly, an over-optimistic (过分乐观的 ) anticipation of property price has led to blind investment in some places. But that ' s an isolated phenomenon. It does not tell th

51、e whole story.Some would argue the current supply of houses outweighs the demand, as the country ' s idle housing space has reached 100 million square meters. But can we infer from this figure that the real estate sector is overheated?Let's pause and consider. Suppose 20 percent of urban hou

52、seholds want to improve their living conditions and each of them expect to enlarge their houses by 20 square meters. With both figures underestimated, there would be 2.7 million urban households wanting to buy larger houses and 540 million square meters of properties should be available in total.The

53、 calculation is by no means unrealistic. You can feel that the huge demand is real from your daily contacts with friends. Now my question is: Do we have idle space of 540 million square meters?Suppose further that commodity ( 日用品 ) prices would rise as a result of overheated investment. But have we

54、witnessed a rise in the prices of bricks, tiles or stones? No. China ' s overall price level has just inched up by 0.3 percent. It does not indicate inflation ( 通货膨胀 ).Suppose again that an overheated real estate sector has siphoned (吸取 ) too much capital from other sectors of the economy. But have we witnessed a shortage of funds in other sectors? No. Have we witnessed a


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