1、Tran slati on Exercises1. ApplyingDICTION in translatingthefollow ing senten ces:The bell is not working.铃不响了。Your idea won 'work in practice行不通。你的想法实际My mother worked a sweater for me.我的妈妈为我织了件毛衣。Professor White is at work on a new book.怀特教授正在 写一本新书。He worked his way through college.错译:他通过自己的努力
2、考上了大学。 他正在努力学习以考上大学。直好好学习。业/他走完了他的大学时代他大学里他完成了大学学他顺顺利利地考上了大学。他在大学里依然我行我素。 他在大学里特立独行。他整个大学的经历很与众不同。 他在大学里混日子。他在大学里任职。他在大学里学习。正译:他靠打工挣钱读完了大学。2. AppI yingCon vers ionin tran slati ngthe follow ing senten ces:withI recognized the absurdity of dealing them through in termediaries.愚蠢我意识到,通过中间人跟他们打交道是 的。an
3、dWith China ' Entry to the WTOBeijing ' successful bid for the 2008 Olympic Games, learning English is more importa nt tha n ever before.随着中国加入世贸组织和北京 成功地获得 2008年奥运会的 举办权,学习英语显得比以 往任何时候都要重要。The more carb on the steel conta ins, the harder and stronger it is.钢含有的碳越多,其 强度和硬度就越大。 钢含有的碳越多,就越刚硬/就
4、越坚固。 错译:钢含有的碳越多,韧性就越好。The electronic compu ter is chiefly characterized by its accurate and rapid compu tation.电子计算机的 主要特点是计算迅速、准确。iveThe factory is highly p reductive.这家工厂具有很高的生产效率。/这家工厂 的生产效率很高。in3. App lyi ngAMP LIFICATIONtran slat ing the followi ng senten ces: The development of Chinese agricul
5、turerema ins one of the priorities.中国农业的发展依然是我国的一项强势。项财富和优势。错译:中国农业的发展仍然是其中 中国的农业发展仍处国际前列。中国农业的发展继续维持第中国农业的发展保持某种特权。 正译:发展农业仍然是中国的 首要问题之I knew that company quite well as I know it now.(增加表示时间对比的词) 对于那家公司,我在当时就知道地同 现在一 样清楚。/我以前就很了解那家公司,现在也了解的一清二楚。错译:如同现在,我过去就知道这个公司非常好。 比起现在,我曾经同样很了解这家公司 我现在觉得电脑很好,就像我
6、以前的感觉一样。 我像过去一样了解这个公司。据我所知,我了解这家公司还是很好的。 当我了解这家公司时,就知道它非常好。 公司的情况比我预想的要好的多。The report summed up the changes in payment, deliver date and loan rate.(增加概括词)这个报告总结了支付手段、 交接日期及贷款 利率三方面的变化。4. Applyi ng Omissi on in tran slat ing the follow ing senten ces:Liquids have no definite shape, yet they have a de
7、finite volume.液体没有一定的形状,但有一定的体积。 错译:液体没有固定的形状和体积。Itwas with some di fficulty that he found the way to his own house.他费了不少劲儿才找到了回家的路。 错译:他无法准确找到回家的路。Scie ntific explorati on, the search for knowledge, has given man the practical result of being able to shield himself from the calamities of nature and
8、 the calamities imposed by others.人类对科学的探索,对知识的寻求,其实际 结果是使自己具有抵御 天灾人祸的能力。4. AppI ying Repetiti on in tran slati ng the follow ing senten ces:You should help her since you have promised to do so.你既然答应了要帮助她就应当帮助她。They began to study and analyze the situati on of the en emy.他们开始分析 敌情,研究敌情。They had prep
9、ared for this campaign as carefully as they had larger on es.他们为这次战役所作的准备,其周密细致的 程度,同他们为较大的战役所做的准备一 样。5. Tran slat ing the follow ing passage:Anxiety焦虑症The workers and employees are anxious because they live and die without ever hav ing confron ted the fun dame ntal realities of huma n existe nee. T
10、hose higher 工人和雇员感到焦虑,因为他们一辈子也 没能够独立、真正地经历现实人生。重重,究其原因:他们生生死死从工人、雇员都焦虑来没有与人类生存的基本现实问题正面交锋过。those of他们的respects.up on the social ladder are no less an xious. Their lives are no less empty than their subord in ates. They 那些社会地位高的人同样感到焦虑, 生活如同他们手下人的生活一样空虚。 are eve n more in secure in some They are in a
11、 在有些方面,他们会更没有安全感。highly comp etitive race. To be p romoted or他们处于极其激烈的竞争中to fall beh ind is not only a matter of salary but eve n more a matter of self-esteem.是晋升提拔还是落后他人不仅关系到他们 薪水的高低,而且关系到他们个人自尊。 他们紧跟竞争步伐,职场沉浮已不仅是单纯的薪水问 题,而更重要的是自尊问题。(而是关系到自尊问题)Whe n they apply for their first job, they are tested f
12、or in tellige nee as well as for the right mixture ofsubmissive nessandin depe nden ce. From that mome nt on自求职伊始,他们就要被测试智力,还要被测试是否同时具有服从性和独立性的这两 个性格特征。they are tested again and again by the psychologists, for whom testing is a big business, and by their superiors, 并且从那时起, 他们就要不断受到以搞各种 心理测试见长的心理学家们的考验。who judge their behavior, sociability, capacity to get along, etc., their own and that of their wives. This 同时受到他们上司的考查,考查他们、甚至 他们太太的行为举止、 社交能力及能否与人 相处的能力constant need to prove that one is as good as or better
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