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1、名言大全 希望对您有帮助,谢谢科比英文名言导读: 本文是关于科比英文名言的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享!1、如果努力了,梦想就会实现。If you work hard, your dream will come true.2、比赛场上总有一个要赢,那个人为什么不能是我呢?There is always a winner on the field. Why cant thatperson be me?3、在你想要放弃的时候, 想想是什么让你当初坚持走到了这里。When you want to give up, think about what made you insist on com

2、ing here.4、击败我的是岁月,而不是你们。Its time, but not you, that beat me.5、我们不后退,我们不退缩,我们不逃跑,我们坚持,然后征 服对手。We do not retreat, we do not shrink back, we do not run away, we insist on, and then conquer opponents.6、爱我或者恨我,由你选择,这就是生活。有许多人恨我,恨 我的偏执,恨我对比赛的专注,恨我的后仰跳投。但也有许多人爱我, 理由却和恨我的人一样。Love me or hate me, its your ch

3、oice. This is life. Manypeople hate me, hate my bigotry, hate my focus on the game, hate my backward jump shot. But there are many people who love me the same reason as those who hate me.7、我想成为世界上最好的篮球运动员,所以如果我要学习,我 就一定要向世界上最好的球员学习。 孩子们到学校读书, 未来希望成 为医生或者律师,他们应该在大学里学习,那里才能真的帮到他们。I want to be the best

4、 basketball player in the world, so if I want to learn, I must learn from the best players in the world.Children go to school and hope to become doctors or lawyers in the future. They should study in universities where they can really help them.8、失败比死亡更痛苦。Failure is more painful than death.9、你永远无法超越

5、我,因为你永远无法像我一样全身心的投入。如果你说你也想象我一样, 我只能告诉你不可能。 因为有很多责任和 事情会让你无法像我一样专注。所以,我已经赢了。You can never surpass me, because you can never be as devoted as I am. If you say you think of me, I can only tell you that it is impossible. Because there are a lot of responsibilities and things that make you unable to con

6、centrate as I do. So, I have won.10 、发挥最好的实力和状态去对待他, 那是对强者最好的尊重。Play the best strength and state to treat him, that is the best respect for the strong.11、我现在所做的,是为了追求更加完美!What Im doing now is to pursue perfection.12、每件负面的事,比如压力、挑战,都是让我提升的机会。Every negative thing, such as pressure and challenge, is an

7、 opportunity for me to improve.13、要抓住一切机会,向他人证明你自己!Seize every opportunity to prove yourself to others.14、也许时光老人已经击败了我,也许他没有。Maybe the old man has beaten me, maybe he has not.15 、你,不是我的对手。You are not my opponent.16、朋友总是来来往往,但冠军之旗永不落。Friends always come and go, but the champions flag never goes down.

8、17 、你不能和我说话,在和我说话之前,你需要取得更多的荣 誉和成就。You cant talk to me. You need more honor and success before you talk to me.18、不会想念打球的日子,因为篮球从未离我而去。I will not miss playing basketball, because basketball hasnever left me.19 、如果你不能接受最差的我,你就不配拥有最好的我!如果 你在我最低谷的时候离开,你就不要在我最辉煌的时候回来!If you can not accept the worst of me

9、, you are not worthy of having the best of me! If you leave at my lowest point, dont come back at my most brilliant time!20、我最大的敌人是自己。My biggest enemy is myself.21、如果现在湖人是泰坦尼克,我会和他一起沉下去。If the Lakers are Titanic now, I will sink with him.22 、低头不是认输,是要看清自己的路;仰头不是骄傲,是要 看见自己的天空。To bow down is not to ad

10、mit defeat, but to see clearly its own way; to look up is not pride but to see ones own sky.23 、我战胜伤病的方法就是尽可能不去想它,当比赛比伤病更 加重要时,你就不会去考虑伤病的问题了。在这种情况下,伤病不会 成为你赢得胜利的障碍,因为伤病对你根本不重要。My way to overcome injuries is to try not to think about them. When games are more important than injuries, you dont think a

11、bout injuries. In this case, injury will not be an obstacle to your success, because injury is not important to you at all.24、我不想做第二个乔丹,我只想做第一个科比。I dont want to be the second Jordan. I just want to be the first Kobe.25、朋友来来往往,只有冠军旗帜永挂穹顶。Friends come and go, only the champions flag hangs on the dome.

12、26 、我知道我自己打得像坨屎一样,但你们不知道我为了让自 己打得不那么像坨屎,付出了多少努力。I know I play like shit myself, but you dont know how much effort I have made to make myself not so like shit.27 、如果创造历史轻而易举,人们何苦对此费心尽力。If it is easy to create history, why bother to bother about it.28、反正都有人成功,为什么不能是你呢?Anyway, some people succeed. Why

13、cant it be you?29、如果你害怕失败,你就会失败。If you are afraid of failure, you will fail.30 、科比不惧怕也不接受任何形式的失败,但常在河边走,哪 有不湿鞋?失败总是会不期而至,而我们所要做的,就是不惧怕,勇 敢面对。只要你足够努力,失败终归会变成成功的!Kobe is not afraid or accepting any form of failure. But he often walks by the river. Failure always comes unexpectedly, and what we need to

14、 do is not to be afraid to face it bravely. Aslong as you work hard enough, failure will eventually become a success.31、我所做的,只是不停的重复。What I do is just keep repeating.32 、我仍会坚持凌晨 4 点起床,不过不再是打球了,现在是工 作,还有练习写作,我非常努力地在做。当你怀着热情全力去做某件 事时,那就会成功。I will still stick to getting up at 4 a.m., but its no longer

15、playing basketball. Now Im working and practicing writing.withI haveIm working very hard. When you do something enthusiasm, you will succeed.33 、当我退役的时候,我希望回头看我走过的路,每一天, 都付出了我的全部!When I retire, I hope to look back at the way traveled. Every day, I have paid all of my money!34 、我一定要赢了自己,赢了伤痛,能够重新返回赛场

16、。这样才能让那些怀疑我的人重新思考,什么叫将不可能变成可能。I must win myself, win the pain, and be able to return to the arena. Only in this way can those who doubt me reconsider what is impossible to become.35 、作为一个在意大利长大的孩子,我总是梦想着自己的球衣高挂在湖人主场上空, 但我肯定没有想象过能退役两件球衣, 湖人授予了我极大的荣誉, 对于球迷们对这场比赛所表达的热情, 我感到十 分感激。As a child growing up in Italy, I always dreamed ofhanging my Jersey high above the Lakershome court, but I certainly did not imagine that I could retire two jerseys. TheLakers awarded me great honor. I am very


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