



1、 Shanghai Saint Ling Hotel Apartment上海圣榕兰酒店公寓Corporate Contract商务订房协议Agreement No.协议编号:Thank you very much for your support extended to Shanghai Saint Laurent Hotel Apartment. We highly value the opportunity to work closely with your company. Based on the principle of mutual benefits and friendly co

2、operation and your company can provide rooms/night by estimate during the agreement, we are delighted to offer the following preferred corporate rates as follows:非常感谢贵公司对上海圣榕兰酒店公寓的支持,为便利贵公司客人在经贸活动中的日常行宿,本着互惠互利,友好合作的原则,以及贵公司估计在协议期间能提供 间/夜,上海圣伦兰酒店公寓向贵公司提供以下特惠房价:Validity有效期:从 2007年1月1日至2007年 月 日止。Room

3、Rate:Room Category客房类型Published Rate门市价Corporate Rate协议价Long staying Rate长住价Remarks备注Single Room单人房RMB 430RMB RMB送早餐Double Room双人房RMB 430RMB RMB送早餐Deluxe Room豪华房RMB 560RMB RMB送早餐Suite Room(Tow bed rooms)二房一厅RMB900RMBRMB送早餐Suite Room(Three bed rooms)三房一厅RMB1380RMBRMB送早餐Above corporate rates provide f

4、ree breakfast according to the number of guests (two breakfasts at most), additional one will be charged at RMB 15 net.以上协议房价根据客人数量送早餐(最多两份),如需加早餐按每份RMB 15.00 净价收费。Extra Bed is charged at RMB80 net per day.加床按每天RMB80净价收费Term and Policy条款规定1. The company should make a reservation by phone or fax to t

5、he hotel Sales&Marketing Dept. and the hotel will phone or fax back the confirmation in due time.乙方订房须以电话或传真形式将订房事宜告知销售部。甲方应以电话或传真形式尽快确认安排乙方住宿情况。2. Hotel check-in time is 12:00 noon and check-out time is 12:00 noon, if the guest need holdover, please explain in advance, the hotel will see the ac

6、tual for-rent circumstance to give satisfaction as much as possible.客人入住时间为12:00,退房时间为中午12:00,若客人需要延期,请提前说明,甲方将视实际出租情况尽量给予满足。3. Reservations are held until 18:00 on the day of arrival, unless the reservation has been guaranteed by Cash, credit card or authorized letter in advance.客人可以通过现金、公司保证函、有效信用

7、卡等方式来确保客房。对于未以任何形式担保的预订将只保留至当日18:00。4. No-show or cancellation within 24 hours will be charged at the rate of the first nights accommodation.对已确认担保的预订,如甲方事先24小时内未接到乙方书面取消通知,甲方有权收取当天一晚房费。5. All charges shall be settled upon check-out in cash or by credit card unless separate written credit arrangemen

8、ts have been agreed by hotel and the company.除非甲方事先批准或由乙方出示有效授权书,所有费用将由客人在离店时前台自付。6. During the period of agreement, the hotel reserves to carry on the regulatory right to the rate, but must tell the company in advance or consultation sign the new agreement, this contract automatic expired immediate

9、ly.在协议期间,甲方保留对房价进行调整的权利,但必须提前告之乙方或协商签定新的协议,此协议随即自动失效。7 Others. 其他。1、 乙方保证在合同期内的入住间夜数,如有特殊原因而减少间夜数,应得到甲方的认可,否则甲方可从乙方入住日起,按销售协议价执行2、 乙方在入住时把一个月的房费预付给甲方,甲方每月最后一日把本月的费用清单交乙方审核。每月的第一天,乙方支付上月的所有费用;3、 乙方不得在客房内拉接耗电超过100W以上的电器;4、 除甲方配合乙方对安装在甲方的设备进行维护外,乙方在甲方处的所有活动与甲方无关,即甲方不承担任何法律责任;5、 乙方客人和访客均要爱护甲方的物品,如有损坏,乙方

10、则须负责赔偿;6、 甲方可以在任何适当时候进入客房,对甲方的物业进行清洁、维修和检查,使其处于良好的状态; Please make your room reservation direct with our Sales&Marketing Dept:请通过以下方式联系酒店销售部直接预定:Telephone电话888 ext分机:888 Fax传真hould you need further information, please contact our salesman/saleswoman directly.如若您需要酒店进一步的协助,请随时与销售员 联系。We are sincerely looking forward to establishing a mutually beneficial relationship with your company and welcome many of your valuable guests to Shanghai Saint Laurent Hotel Aparment!再次感谢贵公司对我酒店的关爱,我们期盼着您和您的客人的到来。甲方: 乙方:Shanghai Saint Laurent Hotel Apartment 上海圣榕兰酒店公寓 Co


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