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1、扬 州市 2019 年初中 毕业 、升 学统 一考 试 英 语试题 解析一、 单项选择(共 15 小 题 ;每小 题 1 分, 计 15 分)1. Look at boy over there. He looks excited. Yeah, he has won first prize in the school English Reading & Writing Competition.A. a ; the B. the; a C. the ; theD. a ; a答案: C解析:第一空,在那边 的那 个 男孩,特指,用the ;第二空,序数词 前用 the 。2. Annie,

2、 books are all over the place. Sorry, mum. I ll put them away.A. you B. your C. yours D. yourself答案: B解析:根据句意是“你 的 书 ”,用形容 词 性物主代词 your 。3. The 2021 International Horticultural Expo in Yangzhou.A. holds B. will hold C. is held D. will be held答案: D解析:根据句意“2021 年 国际园艺博 览会 在 扬 州 举办 ”, 2021 年 还 未到,用一般将来

3、时 , 国际园艺博 览 是被 举办 ,用被 动语态 。4. I m not sure what to write about The Secret Garden in the report. You should read some about the book before writing.A. reviews B. reasons C. results D. rewards答案: A解析:根据句意“你应该 在 写 之前 读 一些 评论 ”。5. My feelings for you have not changed. But you have changed. You are not a

4、s you .A. are B. were C. will beD. have been答案: B解析:根据句意“你 不像 你 以前那 样 ”,用一般 过 去 时 。6. Facial recognition (人 脸识别 ) technology is widely used for payment. , we needn t enterthe passwords any more.A. For exampleB. As a resultC. What s worse D. What s more答案: B解析:根据句意“人 脸识别 技 术 广泛使用在支付上,因此,我们 不再需要输 入密 码

5、 。” as a result 结 果7. The police are watching the suspect for more clues which will help solve the case.A. clearly B. highly C. closely D. heavily答案: C解析:根据句意“警察 为 了更多的能帮 助解 决这个 案件的 线 索密切 观 察 这个 嫌疑犯”。8. Daniel, do you know that bees never get lost. Yes, Bees always remember the same way as they went

6、.A. come back B. came back C. coming back D. to come back答案: D解析: remember to do sth 记 得去做某事(未做), remember doing sth 记 得做 过 某事(已做)9. Kate, do you know ? I m not sure. Maybe a Bird-watching Society worker.A. where can I watch birdsB. what is the man with a cameraC. where I can watch birdsD. what the

7、man with a camera is答案: D解析:考察 宾语从句。根据回答“可能是一个观鸟协会 的工作人员”排除A和C,根据陈述句语序排除B。10. I m tired out a fter three-day work day and night. relax yourself? Go out and enjoy the natural beauty.A. Why not B. Why don t C. What about D. Shall we答案: A解析: why not+ 动词 原形 =why don t + you + 动词 原形, what about +doing st

8、h , shall we do sth 。根据回答“出去享受大自然的美”,祈使句,主 语 是 you 。所以 选 A。11. Tan Dun does not use any musical instrument in his musicWater . That s really amazing! He is so .A. energetic B. modest C. serious D. creative答案: D解析: energetic 充 满 活力的;modest 谦虚 的; serious 严肃 的, 认真 的; creative 有 创 造力的。12. Honey, come an

9、d help me the picture of balloons from the magazine. OK, Granny. I m coming.A. carry out B. work out C. cut out D. hand out答案: C解析: carry out 执 行; work out 计 算出,解决 ; cut out 剪出; hand out 分 发13. Do you think David and Lisa can be good accountants? Accountants should be careful enough. David Lisa is s

10、uitable, I m afraid.A. Either ; orB. Neither ; norC. Both ; and D. Not only ; but also答案: B解析:根据“I m afraid ”可知他 们两个 都不适合。14. All of Audrey Hep burn s films are wonderful. . Especially Roman Holiday .A. I can ' agree moreB. That ' s not the caseC. That ' s not the pointD. Don' t ment

11、ion it答案:A解析:A我非常赞同;B情况不是这样的;C那不是重点;D别客气。15. Amy, your pronunciation is so beautiful now. How do you make it?Thanks. Just as the saying goes, " .”A. Each dog has its dayB. Many hands make light workC. Practice makes perfectD. The grass is always greener on the other side答案:C解析:A人人皆有得意日;B人多力量大;C

12、熟能生巧;D这山望着那山高。二、完型填空(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)I always think my daughter Kendall is the bestthat ' s just what parents do. When she wasonly three, she 16 for the people, like a little angel.When Kendall was five, we noticed that she _17 had a tic(面部抽 搐).When the problem gotworse, we took her from doctor

13、 to doctor.18 the treatment, Kendall continued to sing.Surprisingly, her tics disappeared when she sang.When Kendall was sixteen, we thought she would be cured soon. However,a(n)19 thing happened.At a party, Kendall jumped on a friend for a piggyback ride. He bent lower than she expected, and she ju

14、mped 20 than he expected. Kendall flew over his back and 21 on the floor-on her neck. She was rushed to hospital, paralyzed(瘫痪)from the neck down. She couldn ' t22. But her biggest _23 wasn ' t whether she would walk again, but was whether shecould try out for a show called American Idol .As

15、 the days went on, feeling on her left side _24, but she was still paralyzed on the right.We weren' t sure how much of her 25 would come back. A friend brought a microphone andput it on her bed. Every day, Kendall tried hard to pick it up . It was more _26 for her to pickup that microphone than

16、a spoon or fork.Sometimes she had to bite a toothbrush to take her mind off the pain. We all cried because of the 27_ we witnessed. But on the day only three months after her 28 we cried fullof joy when she sang,29 she didn ' t enter the Top 24 of American Idol .When she was a little girl, she a

17、sked me 30 it was she that had tics. My heart hurt, butI told her, “Kendall, you have a pure heart, a fantastic voice, a strong mind. And you are a beautiful presence. ”16. A. dancedB. sangC.jumpedD.painted17. A. neverB.sometimesC.seldomD.always18. A. DuringB.BeforeC.AfterD.Until19. A. usefulB.excit

18、ingC.meaninglessD.terrible20. A. fartherB. nearerC.higherD.lower21. A. layB.satC. stoodD.landed |22. A. moveB. singC. eatD.think23. A .problemB. worryC.dreamD.plan24. A.stoppedB.remainedC.returnedD.disappeared25. A. movementB.treatmentC.achievementD.entertainment26. A. interestingB.importantC. helpl

19、essD. dangerous27. A.microphoneB.toothbrushC. joyD.pain28. A. failureB.showC. ticD.accident29. A. thoughB. becauseC.ifD. so30. A. whoB. whenC. whyD. what答案:BBADC DABCA BDDAC解析:16. B细节推断题,女主人翁喜 欢唱歌。17. B从下文的get worse ,推断出一开始她的面部抽搐并不严重。18. A在治疗期间,她也继续唱歌。后一句也可以 证实,当她唱歌时,她的面部抽搐消失了 明出并不是治疗后。19. D However

20、 ,转折,说明发生不幸的事情。20. C 从前一句的“he bent lower ”,可以看出她跳的比预期的更高21. D land on 着陆22. A因为瘫痪,自然推断出她不能动。23. B但她最大的担 忧不是她是否能够再次行走,而是 她是否可以参加美国偶像的选拔。24. C 她左半身恢 复知觉,但是右半身依然 瘫痪。25. A 我们不确定她的行动能力能恢复多少。这里用movement合适26. B比起能 够拿起汤勺和叉子,对她而言,能拿起 麦克风更加重要。27. D因为我们见证了她所承受的疼痛。28. D 从事故之后的三 个月,我们第一次因为喜悦而流泪。29. A 尽管她没有进入24强。

21、30. C她问我为什么是她有面部抽 搐这个疾病。三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,计30分)AHere are some questions and answers on Yangzhou from a website.Questions & AnswersQAsked by Robert from USA | Feb. 25, 2019 11:21We'd like to visit the city of Yangzhou from Shanghai. Is there speed train?Reply any highAAnswered by Black from

22、UK | Feb.26, 2019 20:29Sorry but no high speed train. You can take an intercity bus from ShanghaiGeneral Bus Station to the city. It takes about 4h and CNY 93/ 96.ReplyQAsked by Mr. Cheverton from Australia | Jul.17, 2018 20:27I have holidays in late December and will be in Hong Kong, and want to vi

23、sitYangzhou. Are river cruises still operating?ReplyAAnswered by Ms. Chen from China | Jul.18, 2018 04:24ReplyI don't think it is a good idea to visit the city in winter, which is famous forj (U 勺 aQlnatural scenery. The best time should be spring and summer.weather may be somewhat cold during D

24、ec which isn't good for cruise.And, theQAsked by Eric Yeo from Singapore | May.15, 2018 02:53Can I know where I can eat the nicest Yangzhou Fried Rice along DongguanStreet area?ReplyAAnswered by Jennie from China | May.16, 2018 04:48ReplyThere are many restaurants along the street serving the fr

25、ied rice and they0 Oare all OK. If having to name one, I ' dsay Shiweitian. Actually, choose one with more guests and it won't be wrong.you justQAsked by Roy from USA | Mar.12, 2018 12:27ReplyIs it possible to live in Yangzhou and commute daily by bus to work in Yizheng?AAnswered by Tina fro

26、m China I Mar.12,2018 21:56Yeah, it's possible. The distance between is only around 30km. At the WestBus Station, many buses are scheduled for Yizheng every day from 06:20 to 18:55. Besides, intercity bus No.77 runs between the West Bus Station andReplyYizheng Bus Station from 05:50 to 18:30. Yo

27、u can choose convenient way.the most31.Who might work in Yizheng but live in Yangzhou? A.Robert. B. Cheverton. C. Eric Yeo. D.Roy.32. answer was given the most thumbs up.A. Black's B. Ms. Chen's C. Jennie's D.Tina ' s33. Which of the following is TRUE according to the webpage?A. The

28、questions on the webpage are all about Yangzhou Travel.B. It's not a good idea to eat Yangzhou Fried Rice in Shiweitian.C. Robert can take the high speed train from Shanghai to Yangzhou.D. Mr.Cheverton is advised to visit Yangzhou in spring and summer.答案:DBD解析:31 .从表格第七格内容中可知提 问的内容与在仪征工作有 关,选Do3

29、2 .根据表格中点 赞数可知,选Bo33 .综合表格的内容可知问题涵盖的不止 扬州旅游,故A错误,根据倒 数第三个表格“If having to name one, I ' d say Shiweitian."可知ennie是很推荐在Shiweitian 吃扬州炒饭的,故B错误,根据第二 个表 格的回答“Sorry but no high speed train. "可矢Robert不能够坐高铁从上海到扬州,故C错误,根据表 格第四 个的回答“The best time should be spring and summer. ”故本 题选 D。BThat morn

30、ing, we noticed a cab following Sir Henry and Dr.Mortimer in London. But who?We went to Sir Henry's hotel. Holmes asked Dr. Mortimer if anyone with a black beard lived in or near Baskerville Hall."Yes," said Dr.Mortimer, “Barrymore."“We must send a telegram to check whether Barrym

31、ore is in London or at Baskerville Hall," said Holmes.Sir Henry said he wanted to go to Baskerville Hall.“OK , said Holmes."But you mustn't go alone. Watson can go with y ou."Sir Henry and I agreed to take the 10:30 train on Saturday.Holmes thought deeply on the way home: the stor

32、y of the Hound, Sir Charles's death, the strange letter, the missing boot and the black-bearded man. He sat in his room all afternoon, smoking and thinking.Just before dinner, a telegram arrived. It said,“Barrymore is at Baskerville Hall."“That becomes adead end , Watson. We will have to lo

33、ok for another way to go forward.Just then the door bell rang. It was the cab driver who drove the man with the black beard. "Igot a message that you are asking for me", he said."I've never had a complaint. I came here toask you what you had against me! ”“No, no, " said Holme

34、s. a Instead, I'll give you money if you tell me about the man in your cabthis morning. He watched this house at 10:00 and then told you to follow the two gentlemen."The driver looked surprised and then answered,“The man said he was a detective and that Ishouldn't tell anyone about him.

35、""It's serious, my friend, and you may be in trouble if you refuse to answer.”“His name, “ said the driver,“was Sherlock Holmes."I'd never seen Holmes more surprised. Then he laughed." He scored against me that time,Watson."The driver told us everything he knew. Holm

36、es gave him the money and sent him away."Thisis a dangerous enemy, Watson. ” Taken from The Hound of the Baskervilles34. According to the passage, the underlined phrase“ dead end" in Paragraph 10 means.A. Holmes wanted to give up solving the caseB. the road in front of Baskerville Hall was

37、 closedC. the cab driver didn't find his way and turned roundD. they didn't know who the man with a black beard was35. According to the passage, we can know that the cab driver.A. was as dangerous as the black-bearded manB. received a complaint from the black-bearded manC. didn't know wh

38、y Holmes asked for him at the beginningD. didn't tell Holmes anything about the black-bearded man36. By the sentence“He scored against me that time”, Holmes means“The man gained anadvantage over me by.”A. watching this house at ten o ' clockB. following Sir Henry and Dr. MortimerC. telling t

39、he driver his name was HolmesD. asking the driver to keep his secret37. Which of the following is the correct order according to the passage?a. Holmes received the telegram.b. The cab driver came to see Holmes.c. Watson was asked to go with Sir Henry.d. Holmes was surprised and then laughed.e. Watso

40、n and Sir Henry took the 10:30 train.A.cabde B.ceabd c. abcde D. acebd 答案:DCCA解析:34 .根据文章内容可知ABC三项均不符合故事 内容,因而本 题选D.35 .根据文章 11-15 段 “I got a message that you are asking for me",he said."I've never had acomplaint. I came here to ask you what you had against me!" 可知 马车驾驶员并 不知道福尔摩斯开

41、始找他的原因,故本 题选Co36 .分析问题The man gained an advantage over me ,很明显是从福尔摩斯 这里得到的 优势,因此本 题 选才C Co37 .本题容易混选A与B,需要搞清楚亨利与华生是在周六的10点半的火车离开,因此应当把e作为文 章的最后发生项,故本题选A。CMy father was a cemetery (公墓) keeper.When I was a child , he often took me there.Before we left each time , he would lay some stones on some grave

42、s(坟墓).I never asked why.I justthought that was his work.Yesterday, I visited my sick father. He asked me to go to the cemetery and lay some stones.For some reason , it had to be done that day. I agreed. I hadn't been there for a long time.When I got there, I found a woman in front of one of the

43、graves I would lay a stone on.As I bent to lay it, I heard her whisper“ Thank you ” . It was then that I noticed the date of death on thegrave was that same day. The grave was that of a child, only five when he died fifteen years ago."He's my son, "she said. " But, where ' s y

44、our father? He was always the one to leave the stone.”I told her that my father was ill but he asked me to do this. It seemed important to him."Yourfather ' s kindness means more to me than anything else. When my child died, I came often to seehim. It is our custom to leave a stone. It tell

45、s the one who is here that he is thought of. But, then we moved away from here. so many painful memories. I was so afraid that he would be alone.But your father marked the grave every time he came. Each time I returned here, I saw that stoneand it always comforted me. Your father is the kind of man

46、who wouldease the pain of a mother ' sheart though we are strangers. Just tell him you saw me today, won' t you?” She said.It took me a minute to find my voice. That small stone marked the grave of a child and the heart of his mother.38. The underlined phrase “ some reason " in Paragrap

47、h2 refers to( 指代).A. the writer had been away from the cemetery for a long timeB. the wom an' s child died on that day fifteen years agoC. the writer's father was always the one to leave the stoneD. the writer ' s father w ould meet the woman that day39. What does the underlined word &qu

48、ot;ease"inParagraph 5 mean?A. Increase B. Cause C. Reduce D. Express.40. According to the passage , we can infer( 推断).A. the writer understood his father in the endB. laying stones was part of a cemetery keepers workC. the woman knew the writers father well fifteen years agoD. the stone marked

49、the grave of a child and the heart of his mother41. What's the best title of the passage?A. A Strange CustomB. One Small Stone, UnforgottenC. A Cemetery KeeperD. Painful Memories, Unforgotten答案:BCAB1 8.B.文章第二段,出于某些原因,这件事情今天不得不做, 联系下文第三段,“It was then that I noticed the date of death on the grave

50、was that same day." 这句, 说明今天 这个 日子是那位女士孩子死亡的日期。39 .C.猜测词义题,根据第五段 这句话,"I saw that stone and it always comforted me ".刃映石头总是 能安慰我,所以后半句可以推 断出父亲是一个减少了一个母亲内心的痛苦的人,A.增加,B.引起,D.表达。40 .A.推断题,B.放石头是父亲工作的一部分,不符合文章意思,C.这位母亲和作者父不 认识,在文章第五段提至U“ Your father is the kind of man who would ease the pa

51、in of a mother ' s heart though we are strangers ”.他门是陌生人;D.原文中句子,不符合推 断。1.8. .主旨大意题,文章围绕石头这个线 索展开,这个小石头宽慰了一个失去孩子的母 亲的心,是 难以遗 忘的。DTrees in cities "live fast but die young" compared to forests in the countryside, warns a new study.Researchers found that trees in cities die younger than

52、ones in the countryside because ofthe higher levels of CO 2. City-living trees suffer( 遭受)a loss of carbon storage( 碳储 量).That means trees produce less energy from the air.Now researchers say more must be done to deal with the situation. Ian Smith, a PhD studentof Boston University in the United Sta

53、tes, said,“Cities are in the important position in fightingagainst rising temperatures and increasing CO2." ."We find that tree planting alone may not beenough to keep and increase city canopy cover(树冠覆盖率 ).Because of the age and size of thepresent canopy, efforts to improve and protect tr

54、ee health are badly needed for increasing city tree cover and canopy cover. ”The research team used a model to watch changes among street trees for several plantingand management methods. Researchers also used the model to watch tree growth, death andplanting rates(率 20thamong trees in Boston city a

55、nd forests in the countryside inMassachusetts.It was discovered that rates of carbon cycling and growth rates among city trees were nearly four times faster than those in the countryside. However, loss of carbon storage and death rates are also higher, especially death rates are more than double hig

56、her thanthose in countrysideforests.The study, published in PLOS ONE , has reminded scientists to encourage communities to do more to plant and protect trees. It is important to increase city canopy cover and carbon storage.Researchers say planting and protecting will be needed to make sure cities c

57、an develop healthily, but more needs to be done to have a better understanding of city trees -which may be different from countryside forests.42. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?A. The more carbon storage loses, the more energy the trees produce from the air.B. The higher th

58、e levels of CO 2 are, the harder it will be for the plants to survive.C. If we plant enough trees, we are sure to increase city canopy cover.D. Cities do better in fighting against rising temperatures and increasing CO2.43. Paragraph 4 mainly tells us.A. the results of the studyB. the discoveries from the researchersC. the methods of the


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